If we refer to illustrate how strong the market recover after the crash. The key message is "Do Not Time The Market, Be A Long Term Investor".
To be an evergreen investor, we must have right strategy (Ringgit Cost Averaging) and a right attitude.
Be along term investor (more than 5 years).
Market volatility provides opportunities for gain in the long term abd it reduces risk.
From the graf shown that market increase more when compared to market decrease which is "Buy Low Sell Higher"
Pulangan purata daripada dana unit amanah ekuiti Malaysia berdasarkan laporan prestasi dana Standard & Poor's. Melabur dalam unit amanah, bermakna melabur bagi jangka masa panjang.

Analysis on EPF Dividen from 1952 - 2007. There is analysis on average return for the periods of 2 years - 8 years.
To get the better return, please invest in unit trust. Please call me at 012-6120874 for details. Thank You.
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