KOS untuk memulihkan ekonomi Malaysia ketika berdepan krisis kewangan Asia pada 1997/98 adalah kurang daripada tiga peratus nilai Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK), iaitu yang paling rendah berbanding yang ditanggung negara lain yang turut terjejas oleh krisis itu.
Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz, berkata faktor utama yang menyumbang kepada kos lebih rendah berbanding negara lain yang ada antaranya yang terpaksa meminjam daripada pembiaya luar itu adalah susulan tindakan pantas kerajaan untuk campur tangan bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi. Beliau berkata, antaranya ialah dengan menubuhkan pasukan bertindak khas, seperti Danamodal Nasional Bhd, Danaharta Nasional Bhd, serta Jawatankuasa Penyusunan Semula Hutang Korporat (CDRC). Zeti menjelaskan, jumlah kos ditanggung negara ini untuk memulihkan ekonominya kesan krisis kewangan itu adalah berdasarkan kepada jumlah bon yang diterbitkan pelbagai institusi yang terbabit dalam usaha pemulihan itu.
Katanya, ia hanya diketahui sekarang kerana penilaiannya hanya dapat dibuat selepas semua bon itu ditebus.
“Selepas 12 tahun krisis itu, hanya sekarang kami boleh membuat penilaian, iaitu selepas semua bon yang kebanyakannya diterbitkan dengan tempoh matang 10 tahun ditebus dan didapati kos bagi memulihkan ekonomi negara hanya 2.6 peratus daripada KDNK, iaitu paling rendah berbanding kos ditanggung sistem kewangan negara lain,” katanya.
Zeti berkata demikian selepas menyampaikan biasiswa Kijang Emas tajaan Bank Negara kepada lima pelajar terpilih yang akan melanjutkan pengajian mereka di luar negara.
Beliau juga berkata, kerajaan juga berjaya menangani kesan krisis kewangan 1997/98 itu dengan berkesan susulan pelaksanaan pendekatan yang betul serta teratur tanpa menjejaskan keyakinan domestik terhadap sistem kewangan negara, walaupun ada institusi penting yang terpaksa ditutup.
Bagi berdepan krisis kewangan semasa yang menjejaskan ekonomi global, Zeti berkata, Bank Negara sudah membuat persediaan lebih awal, dan sentiasa bersedia berdepan dengan sebarang kemungkinan.
Ini katanya, termasuk menubuhkan Danajamin Nasional Bhd, agensi insurans deposit, yang akan memastikan sistem kewangan negara mempunyai aliran kredit mencukupi untuk disalurkan kepada sektor perniagaan.
Setakat ini, katanya operasi agensi itu berjalan lancar, walaupun tidak ramai yang menggunakan kemudahan disediakan.
Mengenai masalah kewangan yang sedang dihadapi Greek, Zeti berkata, setakat ini ia dilihat tidak akan memberikan kesan kepada Malaysia.
Ditanya sama kerajaan akan menyemak semula unjuran pertumbuhan KDNK bagi tahun ini berikutan keadaan ekonomi yang bertambah baik, Zeti berkata, penilaian hanya akan dibuat pertengahan tahun ini dan akan diumumkan dalam pembentangan Bajet 2011.
April 30, 2010
Saham mewah rangsang Bursa kukuh
KUALA LUMPUR 29 April - Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia mencatatkan paras penutupan yang lebih tinggi hari ini ekoran kenaikan di kaunter-kaunter mewah dan yang berharga lebih rendah terpilih, kata peniaga.
Mereka berkata pasaran juga mengambil isyarat daripada kenaikan di Wall Street semalaman dan tanda-tanda pemulihan ekonomi AS.
Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) naik 2.69 mata kepada 1,335.86 selepas dibuka 0.36 mata lebih rendah pada 1,332.81. Indeks Kewangan menambah 9.51 mata kepada 11,992.99.
Indeks Perusahaan, bagaimanapun, turun 1.06 mata kepada 2,764.8 dan Indeks Perladangan susut 5.88 mata kepada 6,443.54. Indeks FBM Emas naik 16.75 mata kepada 9,040.53 dan FBM70 mengukuh 13.32 mata kepada 8,962.46.
Bagaimanapun, Indeks FBM Ace jatuh 13.59 mata kepada 4,163.63. Saham rugi mengatasi saham untung dengan jumlah 363 berbanding 347 manakala 279 kaunter tidak berubah, 378 tidak diniagakan dan 26 yang lain digantung urusniaga. Jumlah dagangan bertambah kepada 898.809 juta saham bernilai RM987.982 juta daripada 831.081 juta saham bernilai RM1.117 bilion semalam.
Antara saham-saham cergas, KNM Group naik 3.5 sen kepada 54.5 sen, Advance Information Marketing mengukuh dua sen kepada 40.5 sen, Intelligent Edge Technologies susut tiga sen kepada 3.5 sen dan Talam Corp jatuh sesen kepada14.5 sen.
Bagi saham-saham berwajaran tinggi, Maybank naik tiga sen kepada RM7.48, Sime Darby turun sesen kepada RM8.75, CIMB Group Holdings susut dua sen kepada RM14.14 dan Maxis kekal pada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 738.171 juta saham bernilai RM946.26 juta daripada 715.991 juta saham bernilai RM1.085 bilion semalam.
Pasaran ACE menyaksikan peningkatan jumlah dagangan kepada 81.978 juta unit bernilai RM18.476 juta daripada 55.399 juta unit bernilai RM11.910 juta semalam. Waran bertambah jumlahnya kepada 64.492 juta saham bernilai RM8.776 juta daripada 48.15 juta saham bernilai RM10.39 juta sebelumnya.
Barangan pengguna menguasai 20.66 juta saham yang diniagakan dalam Pasaran Utama, barangan perusahaan 196.4 juta, pembinaan 23.1 juta, perdagangan dan perkhimatan 177.3 juta, teknologi 27.76 juta, prasarana 13.5 juta, kewangan 57.5 juta, hotel 6.6 juta, harta 199.8 juta, perladangan 13.9 juta, perlombongan 12,000, REIT 1.03 juta dan dana tertutup 121,000. - Bernama
Mereka berkata pasaran juga mengambil isyarat daripada kenaikan di Wall Street semalaman dan tanda-tanda pemulihan ekonomi AS.
Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) naik 2.69 mata kepada 1,335.86 selepas dibuka 0.36 mata lebih rendah pada 1,332.81. Indeks Kewangan menambah 9.51 mata kepada 11,992.99.
Indeks Perusahaan, bagaimanapun, turun 1.06 mata kepada 2,764.8 dan Indeks Perladangan susut 5.88 mata kepada 6,443.54. Indeks FBM Emas naik 16.75 mata kepada 9,040.53 dan FBM70 mengukuh 13.32 mata kepada 8,962.46.
Bagaimanapun, Indeks FBM Ace jatuh 13.59 mata kepada 4,163.63. Saham rugi mengatasi saham untung dengan jumlah 363 berbanding 347 manakala 279 kaunter tidak berubah, 378 tidak diniagakan dan 26 yang lain digantung urusniaga. Jumlah dagangan bertambah kepada 898.809 juta saham bernilai RM987.982 juta daripada 831.081 juta saham bernilai RM1.117 bilion semalam.
Antara saham-saham cergas, KNM Group naik 3.5 sen kepada 54.5 sen, Advance Information Marketing mengukuh dua sen kepada 40.5 sen, Intelligent Edge Technologies susut tiga sen kepada 3.5 sen dan Talam Corp jatuh sesen kepada14.5 sen.
Bagi saham-saham berwajaran tinggi, Maybank naik tiga sen kepada RM7.48, Sime Darby turun sesen kepada RM8.75, CIMB Group Holdings susut dua sen kepada RM14.14 dan Maxis kekal pada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 738.171 juta saham bernilai RM946.26 juta daripada 715.991 juta saham bernilai RM1.085 bilion semalam.
Pasaran ACE menyaksikan peningkatan jumlah dagangan kepada 81.978 juta unit bernilai RM18.476 juta daripada 55.399 juta unit bernilai RM11.910 juta semalam. Waran bertambah jumlahnya kepada 64.492 juta saham bernilai RM8.776 juta daripada 48.15 juta saham bernilai RM10.39 juta sebelumnya.
Barangan pengguna menguasai 20.66 juta saham yang diniagakan dalam Pasaran Utama, barangan perusahaan 196.4 juta, pembinaan 23.1 juta, perdagangan dan perkhimatan 177.3 juta, teknologi 27.76 juta, prasarana 13.5 juta, kewangan 57.5 juta, hotel 6.6 juta, harta 199.8 juta, perladangan 13.9 juta, perlombongan 12,000, REIT 1.03 juta dan dana tertutup 121,000. - Bernama
April 29, 2010
Dagangan Bursa Malaysia lemah
KUALA LUMPUR 28 April - Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup rendah hari ini apabila sentimen kekal tidak menentu di tengah-tengah kebimbangan akan krisis hutang di Greek dan Portugal yang dikatakan boleh membawa kepada ketidakstabilan pasaran global.
Para peniaga berkata terdapat kebimbangan bahawa krisis hutang di Eropah akan menjejaskan pemulihan ekonomi global.Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia turun 6.55 mata untuk ditutup kepada 1,333.17. Ia dibuka 9.19 mata lebih rendah pada 1,330.53.
Indeks Kewangan susut 63.68 mata kepada 11,983.48, Indeks Perusahaan berkurangan 7.89 mata kepada 2,765.86 manakala Indeks Perladangan turun 52.53 mata kepada 6,449.42.
Indeks FBM Emas jatuh 48.71 mata kepada 9,023.78, FBM70 berkurangan 65.591 mata kepada 8,949.14 dan Indeks FBM Ace susut 15.51 mata kepada 4,177.22.
Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 472 berbanding 236 manakala 276 kaunter tidak berubah, 383 tidak diniagakan dan 26 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan susut kepada 831.08 juta saham bernilai RM1.117 bilion daripada 975.469 juta saham bernilai RM1.194 bilion semalam.
Di kalangan kaunter cergas, Talam Corporation jatuh setengah sen kepada 15.5 sen, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 51 sen, Scomi Group berkurangan setengah sen kepada 45 sen dan MBF Holdings naik setengah sen kepada 62.5 sen.
Bagi kaunter wajaran tinggi, Sime Darby turun dua sen kepada RM8.76, Maybank jatuh empat sen kepada RM7.45, CIMB Group Holdings susut 10 sen kepada RM14.16 manakala Maxis tidak berubah pada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama turun kepada 715.991 juta saham bernilai RM1.085 bilion daripada 759.037 juta saham bernilai RM1.145 bilion.
Perolehan dagangan di Pasaran ACE susut kepada 55.399 juta saham bernilai RM11.910 juta daripada 98.874 juta saham bernilai RM21.703 juta.
Waran jatuh kepada 48.15 juta unit bernilai RM10.39 juta daripada 107.451 juta unit bernilai RM20.576 juta.
Barangan pengguna menyumbang 20.07 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, barangan perusahaan 192.2 juta, pembinaan 28.05 juta, perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 163.7 juta, teknologi 45.01 juta, prasarana 12.68 juta, kewangan 75.4 juta, hotel 9.03 juta, harta 147.5 juta, perladangan 19.9 juta, perlombongan 0, REITs 2.1 juta dan dana tertutup 97,500.
- Bernama
Para peniaga berkata terdapat kebimbangan bahawa krisis hutang di Eropah akan menjejaskan pemulihan ekonomi global.Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia turun 6.55 mata untuk ditutup kepada 1,333.17. Ia dibuka 9.19 mata lebih rendah pada 1,330.53.
Indeks Kewangan susut 63.68 mata kepada 11,983.48, Indeks Perusahaan berkurangan 7.89 mata kepada 2,765.86 manakala Indeks Perladangan turun 52.53 mata kepada 6,449.42.
Indeks FBM Emas jatuh 48.71 mata kepada 9,023.78, FBM70 berkurangan 65.591 mata kepada 8,949.14 dan Indeks FBM Ace susut 15.51 mata kepada 4,177.22.
Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 472 berbanding 236 manakala 276 kaunter tidak berubah, 383 tidak diniagakan dan 26 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan susut kepada 831.08 juta saham bernilai RM1.117 bilion daripada 975.469 juta saham bernilai RM1.194 bilion semalam.
Di kalangan kaunter cergas, Talam Corporation jatuh setengah sen kepada 15.5 sen, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 51 sen, Scomi Group berkurangan setengah sen kepada 45 sen dan MBF Holdings naik setengah sen kepada 62.5 sen.
Bagi kaunter wajaran tinggi, Sime Darby turun dua sen kepada RM8.76, Maybank jatuh empat sen kepada RM7.45, CIMB Group Holdings susut 10 sen kepada RM14.16 manakala Maxis tidak berubah pada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama turun kepada 715.991 juta saham bernilai RM1.085 bilion daripada 759.037 juta saham bernilai RM1.145 bilion.
Perolehan dagangan di Pasaran ACE susut kepada 55.399 juta saham bernilai RM11.910 juta daripada 98.874 juta saham bernilai RM21.703 juta.
Waran jatuh kepada 48.15 juta unit bernilai RM10.39 juta daripada 107.451 juta unit bernilai RM20.576 juta.
Barangan pengguna menyumbang 20.07 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, barangan perusahaan 192.2 juta, pembinaan 28.05 juta, perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 163.7 juta, teknologi 45.01 juta, prasarana 12.68 juta, kewangan 75.4 juta, hotel 9.03 juta, harta 147.5 juta, perladangan 19.9 juta, perlombongan 0, REITs 2.1 juta dan dana tertutup 97,500.
- Bernama
Segerakan integrasi kewangan
KUALA LUMPUR 28 April - Pembangunan infrastruktur kewangan di Asia memerlukan pelaburan keseluruhan berjumlah kira-kira AS$8 trilion (RM25.6 trilion) dalam tempoh 10 tahun akan datang, kata Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz.
Bagi menyokong pembangunan itu, beliau berkata, proses integrasi kewangan serantau di Asia perlu dipercepatkan dan diperluaskan lagi.
Katanya, sehingga kini, perkembangan signifikan sudah dicapai untuk memperkukuhkan usaha pakatan dan kerjasama di kalangan pembuat dasar serantau Asia.
Ini kerana, katanya, perkembangan itu penting bagi memastikan kestabilan kewangan di rantau ini terus dipelihara.
"Ketika sistem kewangan di beberapa negara maju terus bergelut dengan cabaran-cabaran yang belum diselesaikan, sistem kewangan di rantau ini didapati terus berfungsi dan menunjukkan prestasi yang baik bagi menyokong aktiviti ekonomi sektor swasta,'' katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada majlis pelancaran Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Malaysia) Bhd. (ICBC) di sini hari ini.
Majlis itu dirasmikan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Sehingga kini, pasaran modal ICBC sebanyak AS$277.514 bilion (RM888.04 bilion) dan merupakan yang terbesar di dunia.
ICBC tersenarai di tangga pertama daripada segi jumlah deposit dan keuntungan, dan turut diiktiraf sebagai peneraju bank komersial di negara komunis itu.
Selain itu, Zeti juga berkata, selepas sedekad perubahan kewangan di Asia, sistem kewangan di rantau ini terus berdaya tahan.
Katanya, pelbagai usaha turut diambil bagi membangunkan pasaran kewangan di Asia.
Katanya, integrasi kewangan serantau terus ke hadapan, malah ia menyumbang kepada mengekalkan prospek masa hadapan dan meningkat sebagai pusat pertumbuhan penting dalam ekonomi dunia.
Zeti juga menambah, pelancaran ICBC, bank komersial terbesar di dunia termasuk daripada segi deposit, mewakili pembangunan penting dalam menempa ikatan ekonomi dan kewangan yang kukuh di antara kedua-dua negara.
Katanya, bank ini diberikan lesen sebagai memenuhi persetujuan yang diaturkan antara kedua-dua negara pada 2009, memperkukuhkan semula ikatan perhubungan jangka panjang yang telah dimeterai sejak sekian lama.
Bagi menyokong pembangunan itu, beliau berkata, proses integrasi kewangan serantau di Asia perlu dipercepatkan dan diperluaskan lagi.
Katanya, sehingga kini, perkembangan signifikan sudah dicapai untuk memperkukuhkan usaha pakatan dan kerjasama di kalangan pembuat dasar serantau Asia.
Ini kerana, katanya, perkembangan itu penting bagi memastikan kestabilan kewangan di rantau ini terus dipelihara.
"Ketika sistem kewangan di beberapa negara maju terus bergelut dengan cabaran-cabaran yang belum diselesaikan, sistem kewangan di rantau ini didapati terus berfungsi dan menunjukkan prestasi yang baik bagi menyokong aktiviti ekonomi sektor swasta,'' katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada majlis pelancaran Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Malaysia) Bhd. (ICBC) di sini hari ini.
Majlis itu dirasmikan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Sehingga kini, pasaran modal ICBC sebanyak AS$277.514 bilion (RM888.04 bilion) dan merupakan yang terbesar di dunia.
ICBC tersenarai di tangga pertama daripada segi jumlah deposit dan keuntungan, dan turut diiktiraf sebagai peneraju bank komersial di negara komunis itu.
Selain itu, Zeti juga berkata, selepas sedekad perubahan kewangan di Asia, sistem kewangan di rantau ini terus berdaya tahan.
Katanya, pelbagai usaha turut diambil bagi membangunkan pasaran kewangan di Asia.
Katanya, integrasi kewangan serantau terus ke hadapan, malah ia menyumbang kepada mengekalkan prospek masa hadapan dan meningkat sebagai pusat pertumbuhan penting dalam ekonomi dunia.
Zeti juga menambah, pelancaran ICBC, bank komersial terbesar di dunia termasuk daripada segi deposit, mewakili pembangunan penting dalam menempa ikatan ekonomi dan kewangan yang kukuh di antara kedua-dua negara.
Katanya, bank ini diberikan lesen sebagai memenuhi persetujuan yang diaturkan antara kedua-dua negara pada 2009, memperkukuhkan semula ikatan perhubungan jangka panjang yang telah dimeterai sejak sekian lama.
Ulasan Pasaran: Sentimen pasaran tidak menentu
Pelabur bimbang krisis hutang di Eropah jejas pemulihan ekonomi global
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup rendah semalam apabila sentimen pasaran kekal tidak menentu di tengah-tengah kebimbangan krisis hutang di Greek dan Portugal yang dikatakan boleh membawa kepada ketidakstabilan pasaran global. Peniaga berkata, terdapat kebimbangan krisis hutang di Eropah akan menjejaskan pemulihan ekonomi global. Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia turun 6.55 mata untuk ditutup kepada 1,333.17. Ia dibuka 9.19 mata lebih rendah pada 1,330.53.
Indeks Kewangan susut 63.68 mata kepada 11,983.48, Indeks Perusahaan berkurangan 7.89 mata kepada 2,765.86 manakala Indeks Perladangan turun 52.53 mata kepada 6,449.42.
Indeks FBM Emas jatuh 48.71 mata kepada 9,023.78, FBM70 berkurangan 65.591 mata kepada 8,949.14 dan Indeks FBM Ace susut 15.51 mata kepada 4,177.22.
Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 472 berbanding 236 manakala 276 kaunter tidak berubah, 383 tidak diniagakan dan 26 yang lain digantung. Jumlah dagangan susut kepada 831.08 juta saham bernilai RM1.117 bilion daripada 975.469 juta saham bernilai RM1.194 bilion, kelmarin.
Di kalangan kaunter cergas, Talam Corporation jatuh setengah sen kepada 15.5 sen, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 51 sen, Scomi Group berkurangan setengah sen kepada 45 sen dan MBF Holdings naik setengah sen kepada 62.5 sen.
Bagi kaunter wajaran tinggi, Sime Darby turun dua sen kepada RM8.76, Maybank jatuh empat sen kepada RM7.45, CIMB Group Holdings susut 10 sen kepada RM14.16 manakala Maxis tidak berubah pada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama turun kepada 715.991 juta saham bernilai RM1.085 bilion daripada 759.037 juta saham bernilai RM1.145 bilion.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE susut kepada 55.399 juta saham bernilai RM11.910 juta daripada 98.874 juta saham bernilai RM21.703 juta.
Waran jatuh kepada 48.15 juta unit bernilai RM10.39 juta daripada 107.451 juta unit bernilai RM20.576 juta.
Barangan pengguna menyumbang 20.07 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, barangan perusahaan 192.2 juta, pembinaan 28.05 juta, perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 163.7 juta, teknologi 45.01 juta, prasarana 12.68 juta, kewangan 75.4 juta, hotel 9.03 juta, harta 147.5 juta, perladangan 19.9 juta, perlombongan 0, REITs 2.1 juta dan dana tertutup 97,500. - Bernama
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup rendah semalam apabila sentimen pasaran kekal tidak menentu di tengah-tengah kebimbangan krisis hutang di Greek dan Portugal yang dikatakan boleh membawa kepada ketidakstabilan pasaran global. Peniaga berkata, terdapat kebimbangan krisis hutang di Eropah akan menjejaskan pemulihan ekonomi global. Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia turun 6.55 mata untuk ditutup kepada 1,333.17. Ia dibuka 9.19 mata lebih rendah pada 1,330.53.
Indeks Kewangan susut 63.68 mata kepada 11,983.48, Indeks Perusahaan berkurangan 7.89 mata kepada 2,765.86 manakala Indeks Perladangan turun 52.53 mata kepada 6,449.42.
Indeks FBM Emas jatuh 48.71 mata kepada 9,023.78, FBM70 berkurangan 65.591 mata kepada 8,949.14 dan Indeks FBM Ace susut 15.51 mata kepada 4,177.22.
Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 472 berbanding 236 manakala 276 kaunter tidak berubah, 383 tidak diniagakan dan 26 yang lain digantung. Jumlah dagangan susut kepada 831.08 juta saham bernilai RM1.117 bilion daripada 975.469 juta saham bernilai RM1.194 bilion, kelmarin.
Di kalangan kaunter cergas, Talam Corporation jatuh setengah sen kepada 15.5 sen, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 51 sen, Scomi Group berkurangan setengah sen kepada 45 sen dan MBF Holdings naik setengah sen kepada 62.5 sen.
Bagi kaunter wajaran tinggi, Sime Darby turun dua sen kepada RM8.76, Maybank jatuh empat sen kepada RM7.45, CIMB Group Holdings susut 10 sen kepada RM14.16 manakala Maxis tidak berubah pada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama turun kepada 715.991 juta saham bernilai RM1.085 bilion daripada 759.037 juta saham bernilai RM1.145 bilion.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE susut kepada 55.399 juta saham bernilai RM11.910 juta daripada 98.874 juta saham bernilai RM21.703 juta.
Waran jatuh kepada 48.15 juta unit bernilai RM10.39 juta daripada 107.451 juta unit bernilai RM20.576 juta.
Barangan pengguna menyumbang 20.07 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, barangan perusahaan 192.2 juta, pembinaan 28.05 juta, perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 163.7 juta, teknologi 45.01 juta, prasarana 12.68 juta, kewangan 75.4 juta, hotel 9.03 juta, harta 147.5 juta, perladangan 19.9 juta, perlombongan 0, REITs 2.1 juta dan dana tertutup 97,500. - Bernama
OSK Research maintains Overweight on construction
KUALA LUMPUR: OSK Research is maintaining its Overweight on the CONSTRUCTION [] sector after 17 companies or their subsidiaries and joint ventures pre-qualified to be the main contractor for the multi-billion-ringgit LRT extension projects in the Klang Valley.
The research house said on Thursday, April 29 this recent piece of news is clearly positive for sentiment in the construction sector.
“As such, we retain our OVERWEIGHT rating on construction, fuelled by more positive news flow in the coming months. Our top picks are Mudajaya and WCT,” it said.
Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd announced on Wednesday the list of 17 prequalified applicants for the main contractor of the LRT extension. Another 15 applicants were also prequalified for the supply of segmental box girders (SBGs).
“We expect the bidding to be intense among the prequalified contractors. An award for the Kelana Jaya line could be made as soon as June. Potential winners are Gamuda, IJM, WCT, MRCB and Mudajaya based on their track record. Maintain OVERWEIGHT on construction,” it said.
The research house said on Thursday, April 29 this recent piece of news is clearly positive for sentiment in the construction sector.
“As such, we retain our OVERWEIGHT rating on construction, fuelled by more positive news flow in the coming months. Our top picks are Mudajaya and WCT,” it said.
Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd announced on Wednesday the list of 17 prequalified applicants for the main contractor of the LRT extension. Another 15 applicants were also prequalified for the supply of segmental box girders (SBGs).
“We expect the bidding to be intense among the prequalified contractors. An award for the Kelana Jaya line could be made as soon as June. Potential winners are Gamuda, IJM, WCT, MRCB and Mudajaya based on their track record. Maintain OVERWEIGHT on construction,” it said.
OSK-UOB introduces Asian Recovery Fund
KUALA LUMPUR: OSK-UOB Unit Trust Management Bhd, a subsidiary of OSK Investment Bank Bhd, has launched a new OSK-UOB Asian Recovery Fund, to take advantage of investment opportunities in the recovering Asian economy.
In a statement on Wednesday, April 28, its CEO Ho Seng Yee said the fund would be invested into 15 Asian blue-chip companies under a two-year maturity period, with a potential yield return of 50% to 70%.
"The growth fund is set to capitalise on the Asian recovery through the performance of a basket of Asian companies' equity securities that is expected to perform strongly during the recovery phase of the Asian economy," he said.
Ho said OSK-UOB would hand pick the 15 stocks that represented market leaders in their respective sectors and industries, but were undervalued in the current economic climate.
"With these 15 stocks hand-picked and fixed in the portfolio, investors would have the comfort of knowing exactly what they have invested into. Moreover investors will benefit from the diversification of these 15 stocks in different countries and sectors," he said.
"This strategy is considered to be the most effective to achieve the fund's objective which aims to provide investors with short term capital appreciation within a time frame of two years."
Ho said reports had shown that Asian economies would recover before its US and European counterparts, and this was reflected in the better cash positions of banks and companies in Asia. "The Asian economies are also well-supported by domestic demands as its consumers have the money to spend," he added.
The new fund, distributed solely by United Overseas Bank (M) Bhd, has an initial approved fund size of 120 million units, and is offered to the public at RM1 per unit. The initial investment amount is RM10,000, and the subsequent minimum top-up is RM1,000. The offer period is from April 27 to May 26, 2010.
In a statement on Wednesday, April 28, its CEO Ho Seng Yee said the fund would be invested into 15 Asian blue-chip companies under a two-year maturity period, with a potential yield return of 50% to 70%.
"The growth fund is set to capitalise on the Asian recovery through the performance of a basket of Asian companies' equity securities that is expected to perform strongly during the recovery phase of the Asian economy," he said.
Ho said OSK-UOB would hand pick the 15 stocks that represented market leaders in their respective sectors and industries, but were undervalued in the current economic climate.
"With these 15 stocks hand-picked and fixed in the portfolio, investors would have the comfort of knowing exactly what they have invested into. Moreover investors will benefit from the diversification of these 15 stocks in different countries and sectors," he said.
"This strategy is considered to be the most effective to achieve the fund's objective which aims to provide investors with short term capital appreciation within a time frame of two years."
Ho said reports had shown that Asian economies would recover before its US and European counterparts, and this was reflected in the better cash positions of banks and companies in Asia. "The Asian economies are also well-supported by domestic demands as its consumers have the money to spend," he added.
The new fund, distributed solely by United Overseas Bank (M) Bhd, has an initial approved fund size of 120 million units, and is offered to the public at RM1 per unit. The initial investment amount is RM10,000, and the subsequent minimum top-up is RM1,000. The offer period is from April 27 to May 26, 2010.
April 28, 2010
Bursa eyes GCC banks for commodity platform
ABU DHABI: Stock exchange regulator Bursa Malaysia Bhd (1818) expects to attract a few large banks from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to be members of its syariah-compliant electronic commodity trading platform, Bursa Suq Al-Sila', by this year.
When larger banks in the GCC countries come on board, trading volume through the platform is expected to increase substantially, Bursa chief executive officer Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff said.
"There are a few banks that we are working on, but I can't disclose (their names)," he told the Malaysian media on the sidelines of the Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC) roadshow here on Monday night.
Bursa Suq Al-Sila' offers a platform for Islamic banks to buy and sell commodities to manage their short-term liquidity, as they cannot go to the conventional money market.
Yusli said since Bursa Suq Al-Sila' was launched in August last year, progress has been good where about 90 per cent of Malaysian Islamic banks are using the platform.
There are also some cross-border trades being done by international Islamic banks through the platform.
He said Bursa has a dedicated marketing team that promotes the platform in the GCC region.
"Their work involves convincing syariah committee of the respective banks in GCC on the value of Suq Al-Sila'," he said, adding that the team is making good progress.
He is hoping that some large GCC banks would be roped into the platform by this year.
Yusli said trading on Bursa Suq Al-Sila' is increasing every month.
He added that the trading volume would expand significantly even if a few GCC banks become members of the platform due to their sheer size.
"(But) it depends, these banks may not put all their trade on the platform. Maybe they start with a small amount first, then we can build up the volume."
Yusli also said that Bursa will expand the range of commodities traded on Bursa Suq Al-Sila' within a few months to a year.
He said the in-house team is still working on sourcing the supply of the commodity.
"We are looking at various types of commodities. They may not necessarily originate from Malaysia, as long as their physical presence can be verified as the underlying asset," he said.
It was reported that Bursa was looking at expanding the commodity traded on the platform to include non-precious metals
Read more: Bursa eyes GCC banks for commodity platform http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/hh27/Article/#ixzz0mMBv65Ga
When larger banks in the GCC countries come on board, trading volume through the platform is expected to increase substantially, Bursa chief executive officer Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff said.
"There are a few banks that we are working on, but I can't disclose (their names)," he told the Malaysian media on the sidelines of the Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC) roadshow here on Monday night.
Bursa Suq Al-Sila' offers a platform for Islamic banks to buy and sell commodities to manage their short-term liquidity, as they cannot go to the conventional money market.
Yusli said since Bursa Suq Al-Sila' was launched in August last year, progress has been good where about 90 per cent of Malaysian Islamic banks are using the platform.
There are also some cross-border trades being done by international Islamic banks through the platform.
He said Bursa has a dedicated marketing team that promotes the platform in the GCC region.
"Their work involves convincing syariah committee of the respective banks in GCC on the value of Suq Al-Sila'," he said, adding that the team is making good progress.
He is hoping that some large GCC banks would be roped into the platform by this year.
Yusli said trading on Bursa Suq Al-Sila' is increasing every month.
He added that the trading volume would expand significantly even if a few GCC banks become members of the platform due to their sheer size.
"(But) it depends, these banks may not put all their trade on the platform. Maybe they start with a small amount first, then we can build up the volume."
Yusli also said that Bursa will expand the range of commodities traded on Bursa Suq Al-Sila' within a few months to a year.
He said the in-house team is still working on sourcing the supply of the commodity.
"We are looking at various types of commodities. They may not necessarily originate from Malaysia, as long as their physical presence can be verified as the underlying asset," he said.
It was reported that Bursa was looking at expanding the commodity traded on the platform to include non-precious metals
Read more: Bursa eyes GCC banks for commodity platform http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/hh27/Article/#ixzz0mMBv65Ga
Ringgit ditutup rendah
KUALA LUMPUR 27 April - Ringgit ditutup rendah sedikit berbanding dolar Amerika hari ini setelah pelabur beralih untuk menampung kekurangan pegangan dolar, kata para peniaga.
"Pasaran telah kekurangan dolar untuk beberapa lama disebabkan oleh kenaikan ringgit yang menyaksikan pelabur terus dengan kegiatan pengambilan untung hari ini," kata peniaga tukaran asing RHB Bank Nur Adeline Baharin.
Pada pukul 5 petang, mata wang tempatan susut berbanding dolar kepada 3.1860/1890 daripada 3.1810/1840 pada Isnin.
Beliau berkata unit tempatan diuji pada paras rendah 3.1970 semasa dagangan hari ini apabila pengekport mula menjual dolar AS tetapi mengukuh kepada 3.1800 kemudiannya.
Nur Adeline berkata ringgit dijangka berlegar antara paras 3.1750 dan 3.2000 minggu ini.
Mata wang tempatan susut berbanding dolar Singapura kepada 2.3254/3285 daripada 2.3229/3285 semalam dan juga berbanding yen Jepun kepada 3.3919/3973 daripada 3.3822/3865 sebelumnya.
Ringgit lemah berbanding euro kepada 4.2519/2575 daripada 4.2387/2443 semalam tetapi menokok berbanding pound British kepadao 4.8944/9000 daripada 4.9194/9253 sebelumnya.
- Bernama
"Pasaran telah kekurangan dolar untuk beberapa lama disebabkan oleh kenaikan ringgit yang menyaksikan pelabur terus dengan kegiatan pengambilan untung hari ini," kata peniaga tukaran asing RHB Bank Nur Adeline Baharin.
Pada pukul 5 petang, mata wang tempatan susut berbanding dolar kepada 3.1860/1890 daripada 3.1810/1840 pada Isnin.
Beliau berkata unit tempatan diuji pada paras rendah 3.1970 semasa dagangan hari ini apabila pengekport mula menjual dolar AS tetapi mengukuh kepada 3.1800 kemudiannya.
Nur Adeline berkata ringgit dijangka berlegar antara paras 3.1750 dan 3.2000 minggu ini.
Mata wang tempatan susut berbanding dolar Singapura kepada 2.3254/3285 daripada 2.3229/3285 semalam dan juga berbanding yen Jepun kepada 3.3919/3973 daripada 3.3822/3865 sebelumnya.
Ringgit lemah berbanding euro kepada 4.2519/2575 daripada 4.2387/2443 semalam tetapi menokok berbanding pound British kepadao 4.8944/9000 daripada 4.9194/9253 sebelumnya.
- Bernama
Komoditi Bursa Suq dipelbagai
ABU DHABI 27 April - Bursa Malaysia merancang memperluaskan kepelbagaian komoditi yang digunakan di Bursa Suq AlSila di dalam tempoh antara tiga bulan dan setahun, berikutan jangkaan bahawa bank Islam dari Majlis Kerjasama Teluk (GCC), bakal menyertainya.
Sekarang ini, minyak sawit mentah (MSM) digunakan tetapi terdapat rancangan untuk menimbangkan logam atau komoditi yang lain, kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Bursa Malaysia Bhd., Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff (gambar).
"Pasukan kami sedang mengkaji sumber bekalan yang boleh digunakan," katanya di luar majlis penerangan bergerak Pusat Kewangan Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (MIFC) di sini hari ini.
Yusli berkata, bursa itu melalui kerjasama dengan para pembekal komoditi di rantau ini yang mempunyai jumlah yang perlu dan akses akan melaksanakan rancangan itu.
Bagaimana pun, beliau tidak menjelaskan lebih lanjut pihak yang akan terlibat.
Bursa Suq Al-Sila adalah produk inisiatif MIFC. ia merupakan platform untuk membantu bank Islam menguruskan kecairan jangka pendek masing-masing.
Bursa Suq Al Sila, yang dilancar pada Ogos tahun lepas, adalah juga platform yang diniaga di bursa yang direka bentuk dengan tujuan, bagi memudahkan transaksi murabahah komoditi.
Ia merupakan platform berasaskan internet yang pertama di dunia dengan MSM sebagai asas komoditinya.
"Jika lebih banyak peserta menyertainya, wujud keperluan bagi kami mengembangkan kepelbagaian komoditi atau aset. Kami berharap di dalam tempoh tiga bulan dan setahun, kami akan dapat membuat pengumuman," katanya.
Yusli berkata, kira-kira 90 peratus daripada bank Islam Malaysia kini sedang menggunakan platform ini yang disertai sedikit perdagangan rentas sempadan oleh bank Islam antarabangsa.
Bagaimana pun, jumlah dagangan purata oleh peserta asing masih agak kecil.
"Kami sangat berminat untuk menjemput bank besar di GCC untuk berdagang di atas platform ini. Melalui penerangan bergerak ini, kami berharap untuk meningkatkan profil Bursa Suq Al-Sila. Wujud potensi besar yang boleh diraih di rantau ini," katanya.
Yusli adalah sebahagian daripada delegasi MIFC di dalam penerangan bergerak ke Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (UAE) dan Arab Saudi, yang antara lain, mahu menarik pelabur GCC ke Malaysia.
Abu Dhabi, yang merupakan hentian pertama penerangan bergerak itu, akan menyaksikan pertemuan delegasi itu dengan pelbagai agensi pelaburan dan berkaitan yang termasuk Lembaga Pelaburan Abu Dhabi, Perbadanan Pembangunan Modal dan Mudabala Waha.
Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, yang juga Duta Kewangan MIFC, mengetuai delegasi MIFC itu.
Penerangan bergerak itu berakhir di Riyadh pada 2 Mei. - Bernama
Sekarang ini, minyak sawit mentah (MSM) digunakan tetapi terdapat rancangan untuk menimbangkan logam atau komoditi yang lain, kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Bursa Malaysia Bhd., Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff (gambar).
"Pasukan kami sedang mengkaji sumber bekalan yang boleh digunakan," katanya di luar majlis penerangan bergerak Pusat Kewangan Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (MIFC) di sini hari ini.
Yusli berkata, bursa itu melalui kerjasama dengan para pembekal komoditi di rantau ini yang mempunyai jumlah yang perlu dan akses akan melaksanakan rancangan itu.
Bagaimana pun, beliau tidak menjelaskan lebih lanjut pihak yang akan terlibat.
Bursa Suq Al-Sila adalah produk inisiatif MIFC. ia merupakan platform untuk membantu bank Islam menguruskan kecairan jangka pendek masing-masing.
Bursa Suq Al Sila, yang dilancar pada Ogos tahun lepas, adalah juga platform yang diniaga di bursa yang direka bentuk dengan tujuan, bagi memudahkan transaksi murabahah komoditi.
Ia merupakan platform berasaskan internet yang pertama di dunia dengan MSM sebagai asas komoditinya.
"Jika lebih banyak peserta menyertainya, wujud keperluan bagi kami mengembangkan kepelbagaian komoditi atau aset. Kami berharap di dalam tempoh tiga bulan dan setahun, kami akan dapat membuat pengumuman," katanya.
Yusli berkata, kira-kira 90 peratus daripada bank Islam Malaysia kini sedang menggunakan platform ini yang disertai sedikit perdagangan rentas sempadan oleh bank Islam antarabangsa.
Bagaimana pun, jumlah dagangan purata oleh peserta asing masih agak kecil.
"Kami sangat berminat untuk menjemput bank besar di GCC untuk berdagang di atas platform ini. Melalui penerangan bergerak ini, kami berharap untuk meningkatkan profil Bursa Suq Al-Sila. Wujud potensi besar yang boleh diraih di rantau ini," katanya.
Yusli adalah sebahagian daripada delegasi MIFC di dalam penerangan bergerak ke Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (UAE) dan Arab Saudi, yang antara lain, mahu menarik pelabur GCC ke Malaysia.
Abu Dhabi, yang merupakan hentian pertama penerangan bergerak itu, akan menyaksikan pertemuan delegasi itu dengan pelbagai agensi pelaburan dan berkaitan yang termasuk Lembaga Pelaburan Abu Dhabi, Perbadanan Pembangunan Modal dan Mudabala Waha.
Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, yang juga Duta Kewangan MIFC, mengetuai delegasi MIFC itu.
Penerangan bergerak itu berakhir di Riyadh pada 2 Mei. - Bernama
Petanda ekonomi kian baik
KUALA LUMPUR 27 April - Kekukuhan nilai ringgit sejak kebelakangan ini merupakan gambaran keadaan ekonomi negara yang semakin baik, kata Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz.
Katanya, pemulihan ekonomi dapat dilihat dalam suku keempat tahun lalu dan suku pertama tahun ini, dengan menyaksikan paras nilai mata wang tempatan mengukuh daripada keadaan sedia ada.
''Pengukuhan ini tidak membimbangkan kita kecuali jika berlaku pergerakan mata wang berlebihan atau pengukuhan terlalu ketara dalam jangka masa singkat dan keadaan pasaran tidak teratur atau ekonomi tidak menentu,'' jelas Zeti.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas membentangkan Laporan Tahunan Labuan Financial Services Authority (Labuan FSA) 2009 dan Pelancaran logo terbaru Labuan FSA di sini hari ini.
Hadir sama Ketua Pengarah Labuan FSA, Datuk Azizan Abdul Rahman dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit Labuan FSA, Datuk Ali Abdul Kadir.
Zeti berkata, pasaran ringgit pada masa ini pasaran kekal stabil dan kadarnya menggambarkan keadaan pasaran dan fundamental yang ada.
Semalam, ringgit ditutup lebih tinggi berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS) apabila mencecah paras pada 3.1810/1840 daripada 3.1900/1930 pada Jumaat minggu lalu.
Pada sesi berkenaan, ringgit turut menguji paras 3.1730 dan 3.1830.
Ketika ditanya tentang langkah BNM untuk mengembalikan kadar faedah seperti mana asalnya, Zeti berkata, penilaian akan dibuat pada Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Dasar Monetari yang akan diadakan pada 13 Mei ini.
''Kali ini, mesyuarat jawatankuasa berkenaan akan diadakan dalam tempoh dua hari bagi mengumpul maklumat dan rundingan dilakukan sebelum keputusan diumumkan keesokkan harinya,'' katanya.
Ketika ditanya tentang cadangan BNM menubuhkan syarikat baru untuk menyelia pelindungan insurans asas kenderaan dan kematian pihak ketiga.
Di bawah cadangan itu, syarikat-syarikat insurans dan takaful akan berfungsi mengutip premium dan menilai tuntutan TPBID.
Zeti menjelaskan pelindungan insurans itu perlu dinilai semula berikutan tidak terdapat sebarang perubahan dilakukan sejak 1978.
''Kami akan melakukannya melalui proses konsultasi dan mengambil kira pandangan yang diterima daripada pelbagai pihak.
''Selepas itu, BNM akan membuat penilaian sebelum sebarang cadangan dikemukakan,'' katanya sambil mempelawa orang ramai mengemukakan maklum balas tentang TPBID melalui laman webnya.
Katanya, pemulihan ekonomi dapat dilihat dalam suku keempat tahun lalu dan suku pertama tahun ini, dengan menyaksikan paras nilai mata wang tempatan mengukuh daripada keadaan sedia ada.
''Pengukuhan ini tidak membimbangkan kita kecuali jika berlaku pergerakan mata wang berlebihan atau pengukuhan terlalu ketara dalam jangka masa singkat dan keadaan pasaran tidak teratur atau ekonomi tidak menentu,'' jelas Zeti.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas membentangkan Laporan Tahunan Labuan Financial Services Authority (Labuan FSA) 2009 dan Pelancaran logo terbaru Labuan FSA di sini hari ini.
Hadir sama Ketua Pengarah Labuan FSA, Datuk Azizan Abdul Rahman dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit Labuan FSA, Datuk Ali Abdul Kadir.
Zeti berkata, pasaran ringgit pada masa ini pasaran kekal stabil dan kadarnya menggambarkan keadaan pasaran dan fundamental yang ada.
Semalam, ringgit ditutup lebih tinggi berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS) apabila mencecah paras pada 3.1810/1840 daripada 3.1900/1930 pada Jumaat minggu lalu.
Pada sesi berkenaan, ringgit turut menguji paras 3.1730 dan 3.1830.
Ketika ditanya tentang langkah BNM untuk mengembalikan kadar faedah seperti mana asalnya, Zeti berkata, penilaian akan dibuat pada Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Dasar Monetari yang akan diadakan pada 13 Mei ini.
''Kali ini, mesyuarat jawatankuasa berkenaan akan diadakan dalam tempoh dua hari bagi mengumpul maklumat dan rundingan dilakukan sebelum keputusan diumumkan keesokkan harinya,'' katanya.
Ketika ditanya tentang cadangan BNM menubuhkan syarikat baru untuk menyelia pelindungan insurans asas kenderaan dan kematian pihak ketiga.
Di bawah cadangan itu, syarikat-syarikat insurans dan takaful akan berfungsi mengutip premium dan menilai tuntutan TPBID.
Zeti menjelaskan pelindungan insurans itu perlu dinilai semula berikutan tidak terdapat sebarang perubahan dilakukan sejak 1978.
''Kami akan melakukannya melalui proses konsultasi dan mengambil kira pandangan yang diterima daripada pelbagai pihak.
''Selepas itu, BNM akan membuat penilaian sebelum sebarang cadangan dikemukakan,'' katanya sambil mempelawa orang ramai mengemukakan maklum balas tentang TPBID melalui laman webnya.
CIMB Research: Traders should remain cautious
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research said the FBMKLCI hovered in the negative territory throughout the day on Tuesday, April 27 but losses were narrowed at day’s end on late buying support.
It said on Wednesday the benchmark continues to struggle near the 1,340 level. Traders should remain cautious as prices would likely stay volatile in the near term, until the March 2008 gap of 1,344-1,354 is filled.
“For now, there is a minor resistance at 1,343, while further gains would be capped at 1,360 next. Looking at the chart, we still cannot totally eliminate the short term negative view on the index but selling should be well-contained unless the 1,320 support is breached,” it said
It said on Wednesday the benchmark continues to struggle near the 1,340 level. Traders should remain cautious as prices would likely stay volatile in the near term, until the March 2008 gap of 1,344-1,354 is filled.
“For now, there is a minor resistance at 1,343, while further gains would be capped at 1,360 next. Looking at the chart, we still cannot totally eliminate the short term negative view on the index but selling should be well-contained unless the 1,320 support is breached,” it said
CIMB Research: Tasek’s 1Q earnings within expectations
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research says Tasek Corp's 1Q10 results were broadly within its expectations even though annualised core net profit worked out to only 92% of forecast.
“This is because we expect a stronger 2H due to a likely uptick in demand for building materials,” it said in a report on Wednesay, April 28.
Tasek’s revenue improved by about 6% qoq in 1Q10, helped by its aggressive sales strategies. Although rebates increased across the industry, the company managed to sustain its EBIT margin at about 15.6% due to its continuous efforts to improve plant efficiency and processes.
“We retain our earnings forecasts and target price of RM5.90, which uses a blend of 13.5x P/E and 1.0x P/BV.
“While we acknowledge that a stronger pick-up in demand is likely to come through in 2H, we see limited short-term catalysts for Tasek given the current weak demand and competitive pricing in the industry. In light of this, we maintain our NEUTRAL call,” it said.
“This is because we expect a stronger 2H due to a likely uptick in demand for building materials,” it said in a report on Wednesay, April 28.
Tasek’s revenue improved by about 6% qoq in 1Q10, helped by its aggressive sales strategies. Although rebates increased across the industry, the company managed to sustain its EBIT margin at about 15.6% due to its continuous efforts to improve plant efficiency and processes.
“We retain our earnings forecasts and target price of RM5.90, which uses a blend of 13.5x P/E and 1.0x P/BV.
“While we acknowledge that a stronger pick-up in demand is likely to come through in 2H, we see limited short-term catalysts for Tasek given the current weak demand and competitive pricing in the industry. In light of this, we maintain our NEUTRAL call,” it said.
Islamic finance resists equity shift, may stunt growth
KUALA LUMPUR: When Kuwait Finance House Malaysia helped develop a US$1.3 billion (RM4.1 billion) real estate project in the country in 2005 as a partner in the deal, Islamic equity property ventures were a rarity.
Five years on, the bank is embarking on its fourth building project using a similar equity concept but few others in the industry want to follow the same path, reflecting Islamic finance's slow and difficult shift away from debt instruments.
Debt funding's dominance of syariah finance has earned the US$1 trillion industry the tag of "copycat" and limited its growth as critics question its ability to offer a fairer way of sharing risks and rewards that truly distinguishes it from conventional banking.
"Profit-sharing or equity structures are the true way of doing Islamic financing," said Siti Mariam Mohd Desa, Kuwait Finance Malaysia's real estate advisory director.
"It is a different concept because if you were to give out straight loans, you may as well go to a conventional bank."
As the global financial system emerges from the debt crisis and banks shy away from assuming added risks, practitioners want Islamic finance to rely more on partnership structures and less on straight financing which they say has created a brand of finance which is syariah-compliant in form, but not in spirit.
They say equity financing such as musharaka and mudaraba are closer to the syariah's aim of ensuring gains and losses are shared equitably and a shift back to it would help banks win new business beyond its traditional markets.
While Islamic finance has flourished in Muslim markets such as the Middle East and Malaysia, many non-Muslims are unconvinced, saying the industry differs from conventional banking only in name.
"We cannot add value in markets which are mimics of conventional markets. At the moment, it's difficult to see the value-added," said Safdar Alam, head of Islamic structuring at JP Morgan in Bahrain.
"It's a real opportunity, with the increased awareness globally of Islamic finance, to demonstrate this value and the difference and benefits. This is a chance that we might miss if we don't do this well quite quickly."
But banks' reluctance to bear the risk of projects funded, companies' unwillingness to share profits and scarcity of banking capital make equity financing an unappealing proposition.
The recent property slump in the Gulf, where equity financing is more common, badly hit Islamic firms such as Bahrain's Gulf Finance House and could compound banks' fears of becoming project partners.
Kuwait Finance Malaysia, which uses the musharaka equity structure to develop real estate, had a non-performing financing level of 6.7% in September, more than thrice the industry average.
Its parent Kuwait Finance House, the Gulf state's top Islamic bank, posted a 24% drop in net profit in 2009 to 118.74 million Kuwait dinars (RM1.3 billion).
Equity financing models were born out of a belief in Islam that the financier must share the risks if he wants the rewards and that profits should be earned through enterprise.
While equity funding is commonly associated with higher returns, bankers say it may not necessarily be more profitable than debt as the latter allows for higher leverage.
Traditionally, popular Islamic debt-based instruments such as istisna and murabaha have been likened to interest-based loans where banks take limited risks and are guaranteed a return.
But as Islamic finance grew beyond traditional roles such as agriculture financing to funding government budgets and billion dollar real estate projects, some banks began leaning more towards debt instruments to limit their risks.
As banks' capital grows scarce, they will be wary of parting with large sums to back equity ventures, said Mohammad Faiz Azmi, PriceWaterhouseCoopers's global Islamic finance leader.
"On the demand side, the issue is are there enough corporates who are essentially willing to give up the upside?" Faiz said, referring to profit-sharing structures.
"The reality is that the people that would want to have equity forms of financing are usually the ones that you want to avoid lending money to anyway." — Reuters
Five years on, the bank is embarking on its fourth building project using a similar equity concept but few others in the industry want to follow the same path, reflecting Islamic finance's slow and difficult shift away from debt instruments.
Debt funding's dominance of syariah finance has earned the US$1 trillion industry the tag of "copycat" and limited its growth as critics question its ability to offer a fairer way of sharing risks and rewards that truly distinguishes it from conventional banking.
"Profit-sharing or equity structures are the true way of doing Islamic financing," said Siti Mariam Mohd Desa, Kuwait Finance Malaysia's real estate advisory director.
"It is a different concept because if you were to give out straight loans, you may as well go to a conventional bank."
As the global financial system emerges from the debt crisis and banks shy away from assuming added risks, practitioners want Islamic finance to rely more on partnership structures and less on straight financing which they say has created a brand of finance which is syariah-compliant in form, but not in spirit.
They say equity financing such as musharaka and mudaraba are closer to the syariah's aim of ensuring gains and losses are shared equitably and a shift back to it would help banks win new business beyond its traditional markets.
While Islamic finance has flourished in Muslim markets such as the Middle East and Malaysia, many non-Muslims are unconvinced, saying the industry differs from conventional banking only in name.
"We cannot add value in markets which are mimics of conventional markets. At the moment, it's difficult to see the value-added," said Safdar Alam, head of Islamic structuring at JP Morgan in Bahrain.
"It's a real opportunity, with the increased awareness globally of Islamic finance, to demonstrate this value and the difference and benefits. This is a chance that we might miss if we don't do this well quite quickly."
But banks' reluctance to bear the risk of projects funded, companies' unwillingness to share profits and scarcity of banking capital make equity financing an unappealing proposition.
The recent property slump in the Gulf, where equity financing is more common, badly hit Islamic firms such as Bahrain's Gulf Finance House and could compound banks' fears of becoming project partners.
Kuwait Finance Malaysia, which uses the musharaka equity structure to develop real estate, had a non-performing financing level of 6.7% in September, more than thrice the industry average.
Its parent Kuwait Finance House, the Gulf state's top Islamic bank, posted a 24% drop in net profit in 2009 to 118.74 million Kuwait dinars (RM1.3 billion).
Equity financing models were born out of a belief in Islam that the financier must share the risks if he wants the rewards and that profits should be earned through enterprise.
While equity funding is commonly associated with higher returns, bankers say it may not necessarily be more profitable than debt as the latter allows for higher leverage.
Traditionally, popular Islamic debt-based instruments such as istisna and murabaha have been likened to interest-based loans where banks take limited risks and are guaranteed a return.
But as Islamic finance grew beyond traditional roles such as agriculture financing to funding government budgets and billion dollar real estate projects, some banks began leaning more towards debt instruments to limit their risks.
As banks' capital grows scarce, they will be wary of parting with large sums to back equity ventures, said Mohammad Faiz Azmi, PriceWaterhouseCoopers's global Islamic finance leader.
"On the demand side, the issue is are there enough corporates who are essentially willing to give up the upside?" Faiz said, referring to profit-sharing structures.
"The reality is that the people that would want to have equity forms of financing are usually the ones that you want to avoid lending money to anyway." — Reuters
Islamic finance resists equity shift, may stunt growth
KUALA LUMPUR: When Kuwait Finance House Malaysia helped develop a US$1.3 billion (RM4.1 billion) real estate project in the country in 2005 as a partner in the deal, Islamic equity property ventures were a rarity.
Five years on, the bank is embarking on its fourth building project using a similar equity concept but few others in the industry want to follow the same path, reflecting Islamic finance's slow and difficult shift away from debt instruments.
Debt funding's dominance of syariah finance has earned the US$1 trillion industry the tag of "copycat" and limited its growth as critics question its ability to offer a fairer way of sharing risks and rewards that truly distinguishes it from conventional banking.
"Profit-sharing or equity structures are the true way of doing Islamic financing," said Siti Mariam Mohd Desa, Kuwait Finance Malaysia's real estate advisory director.
"It is a different concept because if you were to give out straight loans, you may as well go to a conventional bank."
As the global financial system emerges from the debt crisis and banks shy away from assuming added risks, practitioners want Islamic finance to rely more on partnership structures and less on straight financing which they say has created a brand of finance which is syariah-compliant in form, but not in spirit.
They say equity financing such as musharaka and mudaraba are closer to the syariah's aim of ensuring gains and losses are shared equitably and a shift back to it would help banks win new business beyond its traditional markets.
While Islamic finance has flourished in Muslim markets such as the Middle East and Malaysia, many non-Muslims are unconvinced, saying the industry differs from conventional banking only in name.
"We cannot add value in markets which are mimics of conventional markets. At the moment, it's difficult to see the value-added," said Safdar Alam, head of Islamic structuring at JP Morgan in Bahrain.
"It's a real opportunity, with the increased awareness globally of Islamic finance, to demonstrate this value and the difference and benefits. This is a chance that we might miss if we don't do this well quite quickly."
But banks' reluctance to bear the risk of projects funded, companies' unwillingness to share profits and scarcity of banking capital make equity financing an unappealing proposition.
The recent property slump in the Gulf, where equity financing is more common, badly hit Islamic firms such as Bahrain's Gulf Finance House and could compound banks' fears of becoming project partners.
Kuwait Finance Malaysia, which uses the musharaka equity structure to develop real estate, had a non-performing financing level of 6.7% in September, more than thrice the industry average.
Its parent Kuwait Finance House, the Gulf state's top Islamic bank, posted a 24% drop in net profit in 2009 to 118.74 million Kuwait dinars (RM1.3 billion).
Equity financing models were born out of a belief in Islam that the financier must share the risks if he wants the rewards and that profits should be earned through enterprise.
While equity funding is commonly associated with higher returns, bankers say it may not necessarily be more profitable than debt as the latter allows for higher leverage.
Traditionally, popular Islamic debt-based instruments such as istisna and murabaha have been likened to interest-based loans where banks take limited risks and are guaranteed a return.
But as Islamic finance grew beyond traditional roles such as agriculture financing to funding government budgets and billion dollar real estate projects, some banks began leaning more towards debt instruments to limit their risks.
As banks' capital grows scarce, they will be wary of parting with large sums to back equity ventures, said Mohammad Faiz Azmi, PriceWaterhouseCoopers's global Islamic finance leader.
"On the demand side, the issue is are there enough corporates who are essentially willing to give up the upside?" Faiz said, referring to profit-sharing structures.
"The reality is that the people that would want to have equity forms of financing are usually the ones that you want to avoid lending money to anyway." — Reuters
Five years on, the bank is embarking on its fourth building project using a similar equity concept but few others in the industry want to follow the same path, reflecting Islamic finance's slow and difficult shift away from debt instruments.
Debt funding's dominance of syariah finance has earned the US$1 trillion industry the tag of "copycat" and limited its growth as critics question its ability to offer a fairer way of sharing risks and rewards that truly distinguishes it from conventional banking.
"Profit-sharing or equity structures are the true way of doing Islamic financing," said Siti Mariam Mohd Desa, Kuwait Finance Malaysia's real estate advisory director.
"It is a different concept because if you were to give out straight loans, you may as well go to a conventional bank."
As the global financial system emerges from the debt crisis and banks shy away from assuming added risks, practitioners want Islamic finance to rely more on partnership structures and less on straight financing which they say has created a brand of finance which is syariah-compliant in form, but not in spirit.
They say equity financing such as musharaka and mudaraba are closer to the syariah's aim of ensuring gains and losses are shared equitably and a shift back to it would help banks win new business beyond its traditional markets.
While Islamic finance has flourished in Muslim markets such as the Middle East and Malaysia, many non-Muslims are unconvinced, saying the industry differs from conventional banking only in name.
"We cannot add value in markets which are mimics of conventional markets. At the moment, it's difficult to see the value-added," said Safdar Alam, head of Islamic structuring at JP Morgan in Bahrain.
"It's a real opportunity, with the increased awareness globally of Islamic finance, to demonstrate this value and the difference and benefits. This is a chance that we might miss if we don't do this well quite quickly."
But banks' reluctance to bear the risk of projects funded, companies' unwillingness to share profits and scarcity of banking capital make equity financing an unappealing proposition.
The recent property slump in the Gulf, where equity financing is more common, badly hit Islamic firms such as Bahrain's Gulf Finance House and could compound banks' fears of becoming project partners.
Kuwait Finance Malaysia, which uses the musharaka equity structure to develop real estate, had a non-performing financing level of 6.7% in September, more than thrice the industry average.
Its parent Kuwait Finance House, the Gulf state's top Islamic bank, posted a 24% drop in net profit in 2009 to 118.74 million Kuwait dinars (RM1.3 billion).
Equity financing models were born out of a belief in Islam that the financier must share the risks if he wants the rewards and that profits should be earned through enterprise.
While equity funding is commonly associated with higher returns, bankers say it may not necessarily be more profitable than debt as the latter allows for higher leverage.
Traditionally, popular Islamic debt-based instruments such as istisna and murabaha have been likened to interest-based loans where banks take limited risks and are guaranteed a return.
But as Islamic finance grew beyond traditional roles such as agriculture financing to funding government budgets and billion dollar real estate projects, some banks began leaning more towards debt instruments to limit their risks.
As banks' capital grows scarce, they will be wary of parting with large sums to back equity ventures, said Mohammad Faiz Azmi, PriceWaterhouseCoopers's global Islamic finance leader.
"On the demand side, the issue is are there enough corporates who are essentially willing to give up the upside?" Faiz said, referring to profit-sharing structures.
"The reality is that the people that would want to have equity forms of financing are usually the ones that you want to avoid lending money to anyway." — Reuters
April 27, 2010
Sime, banks dip in early trade
KUALA LUMPUR: Sime Darby and banks dipped in early trade on Tuesday, April 27 on mild profit taking, as investors took their cue from the weaker Wall Street performance.
At 9.23am, the FBM KLCI was down 1.72 points to 1,338.35. Turnover was 107.11 million shares valued at RM45.31 million. There were 97 gainers, 109 losers and 158 stocks unchanged.
CIMB Equities Research said the FBMKLCI consolidated in a range-bound trade on Monday, still trying hard to fill the March 2008 gap of 1,344-1,354, which has only been partially “filled”. In the near term, prices may continue to stay volatile as the bears refuse to give in.
The research house said the benchmark still needs to inch past the 1,343 key resistance before the market heads towards 1,360 next. Until then, it still cannot totally eliminate the short term negative view on the index.
“On the downside, even if there is a pullback, we do not think that the correction is going to be substantial if the 1,320 support is not breached,” it said.
Sime Darby fell six sen to RM8.72 in thin trade while among banks, AMMB shed five sen to RM5.02 and CIMB four sen to RM14.26. The call warrants of Citigroup-C3 lost 4.5 sen to 34 sen.
Keck Seng, which had a strong run-up in recent weeks, fell the most, down 13 sen to RM5.50 with 12,000 shares done. Down four sen each were Genting to RM6.66 and George Kent to RM1.48.
Talam was the most active with 18.1 million shares done, unchanged 16.5 sen.
Tejari, which surged on Monday ahead of its earnings, added four sen to 29 sen in active trade.
Top Glove rose 14 sen to RM13.12 and the call warrants, Top Glove-CC 3.5 sen to 18.5 sen. Other gainers were Apex Health, up seven sen to RM 2.98 while education services providers SEGI added 11 sen to RM2.33 and HELP six sen to RM2.51.
At 9.23am, the FBM KLCI was down 1.72 points to 1,338.35. Turnover was 107.11 million shares valued at RM45.31 million. There were 97 gainers, 109 losers and 158 stocks unchanged.
CIMB Equities Research said the FBMKLCI consolidated in a range-bound trade on Monday, still trying hard to fill the March 2008 gap of 1,344-1,354, which has only been partially “filled”. In the near term, prices may continue to stay volatile as the bears refuse to give in.
The research house said the benchmark still needs to inch past the 1,343 key resistance before the market heads towards 1,360 next. Until then, it still cannot totally eliminate the short term negative view on the index.
“On the downside, even if there is a pullback, we do not think that the correction is going to be substantial if the 1,320 support is not breached,” it said.
Sime Darby fell six sen to RM8.72 in thin trade while among banks, AMMB shed five sen to RM5.02 and CIMB four sen to RM14.26. The call warrants of Citigroup-C3 lost 4.5 sen to 34 sen.
Keck Seng, which had a strong run-up in recent weeks, fell the most, down 13 sen to RM5.50 with 12,000 shares done. Down four sen each were Genting to RM6.66 and George Kent to RM1.48.
Talam was the most active with 18.1 million shares done, unchanged 16.5 sen.
Tejari, which surged on Monday ahead of its earnings, added four sen to 29 sen in active trade.
Top Glove rose 14 sen to RM13.12 and the call warrants, Top Glove-CC 3.5 sen to 18.5 sen. Other gainers were Apex Health, up seven sen to RM 2.98 while education services providers SEGI added 11 sen to RM2.33 and HELP six sen to RM2.51.
CIMB Research sees more upside for Mudajaya
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research sees more upside for MUDAJAYA GROUP BHD [] (5.15, Buy) as the likely pick-up in the implementation of private financed initiative (PFI) jobs in the coming months will be positive for Mudajaya while the potential rollout of the LRT first package will provide more visibility on opportunities in mega jobs.
“While we are encouraged that the group is bidding for an ultra mega power plant in India, we are less optimistic that the project will be awarded by end-2010 given the current coal supply issues. Progress on this front would be a bonus,” it said on Tuesday, April 27.
CIMB Research said the upcoming 1Q10 results are likely to beat its numbers and vindicate its expectations of strong earnings for FY10.
The research house said Mudajaya remains a BUY with an unchanged target price of RM7.52 based on a 20% discount to RNAV. Potential share price catalysts include (i) contract awards, both local and overseas, and (ii) completion of financial closure for the IPP, and (iii) swifter-than-expected progress of the ultra mega power plant.
“While we are encouraged that the group is bidding for an ultra mega power plant in India, we are less optimistic that the project will be awarded by end-2010 given the current coal supply issues. Progress on this front would be a bonus,” it said on Tuesday, April 27.
CIMB Research said the upcoming 1Q10 results are likely to beat its numbers and vindicate its expectations of strong earnings for FY10.
The research house said Mudajaya remains a BUY with an unchanged target price of RM7.52 based on a 20% discount to RNAV. Potential share price catalysts include (i) contract awards, both local and overseas, and (ii) completion of financial closure for the IPP, and (iii) swifter-than-expected progress of the ultra mega power plant.
KL shares open lower in early trade
Share prices on Bursa Malaysia edged lower in early trade today as the market lost its momentum after yesterday's gains.
Dealers said losses on Wall Street overnight also influenced market sentiment.
At 9.19am, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index which opened 0.49 of a point lower at 1,339.58, eased 1.40 points to 1,338.67.
The Finance Index declined 13.271 points to 1,2062.88 while the Industrial Index was down 0.80 of a point at 2,776.82. The Plantation Index increased 0.84 of a point to 6,496.66.
The FBM Emas Index eased 6.81 points to 9,088.62 and the FBM70 advanced 0.67 of a point to 9,080.42. The FBM Ace Index declined 0.44 of a point to 4,213.37.
Decliners outpaced advancers by 91 to 86 while 148 counters were unchanged, 1,040 untraded and 26 others suspended. Total volume was 93.1 million shares worth RM36.9 million.
Among active stocks, Talam Corporation was flat at 16.5 sen, Tejari Technologies rose three sen to 28 sen, KNM Group declined one sen to 57.5 sen and Daya Materials gained 1.5 sen to 27.5 sen.
Among heavyweights, Sime Darby declined three sen to RM8.75, Maybank was flat at RM7.48, CIMB Group Holdings declined four sen to RM14.26 and Maxis dipped one sen to RM5.30. -- Bernama
Dealers said losses on Wall Street overnight also influenced market sentiment.
At 9.19am, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index which opened 0.49 of a point lower at 1,339.58, eased 1.40 points to 1,338.67.
The Finance Index declined 13.271 points to 1,2062.88 while the Industrial Index was down 0.80 of a point at 2,776.82. The Plantation Index increased 0.84 of a point to 6,496.66.
The FBM Emas Index eased 6.81 points to 9,088.62 and the FBM70 advanced 0.67 of a point to 9,080.42. The FBM Ace Index declined 0.44 of a point to 4,213.37.
Decliners outpaced advancers by 91 to 86 while 148 counters were unchanged, 1,040 untraded and 26 others suspended. Total volume was 93.1 million shares worth RM36.9 million.
Among active stocks, Talam Corporation was flat at 16.5 sen, Tejari Technologies rose three sen to 28 sen, KNM Group declined one sen to 57.5 sen and Daya Materials gained 1.5 sen to 27.5 sen.
Among heavyweights, Sime Darby declined three sen to RM8.75, Maybank was flat at RM7.48, CIMB Group Holdings declined four sen to RM14.26 and Maxis dipped one sen to RM5.30. -- Bernama
CIMB Research sees more upside for Mudajaya
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research sees more upside for MUDAJAYA GROUP BHD [] (5.15, Buy) as the likely pick-up in the implementation of private financed initiative (PFI) jobs in the coming months will be positive for Mudajaya while the potential rollout of the LRT first package will provide more visibility on opportunities in mega jobs.
“While we are encouraged that the group is bidding for an ultra mega power plant in India, we are less optimistic that the project will be awarded by end-2010 given the current coal supply issues. Progress on this front would be a bonus,” it said on Tuesday, April 27.
CIMB Research said the upcoming 1Q10 results are likely to beat its numbers and vindicate its expectations of strong earnings for FY10.
The research house said Mudajaya remains a BUY with an unchanged target price of RM7.52 based on a 20% discount to RNAV. Potential share price catalysts include (i) contract awards, both local and overseas, and (ii) completion of financial closure for the IPP, and (iii) swifter-than-expected progress of the ultra mega power plant.
“While we are encouraged that the group is bidding for an ultra mega power plant in India, we are less optimistic that the project will be awarded by end-2010 given the current coal supply issues. Progress on this front would be a bonus,” it said on Tuesday, April 27.
CIMB Research said the upcoming 1Q10 results are likely to beat its numbers and vindicate its expectations of strong earnings for FY10.
The research house said Mudajaya remains a BUY with an unchanged target price of RM7.52 based on a 20% discount to RNAV. Potential share price catalysts include (i) contract awards, both local and overseas, and (ii) completion of financial closure for the IPP, and (iii) swifter-than-expected progress of the ultra mega power plant.
Saham mewah rangsang dagangan Bursa kukuh
KUALA LUMPUR 26 April - Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih tinggi hari ini, didorong oleh keuntungan pada kaunter berwajaran tinggi terpilih, terutamanya pada sesi lewat petang.
Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) yang dibuka 0.28 mata lebih rendah pada 1,336.50, ditutup pada 1,340.07 atau 3.29 mata lebih tinggi berbanding ketika ditutup Jumaat lepas.
Indeks Kewangan meningkat 50.08 mata kepada 1,2076.15 sementara Indeks Perusahaan susut 7.76 mata pada 2,777.62. Indeks Perladangan merosot 5.70 mata kepada 6,495.82.
Indeks FBM Emas meningkat 20.96 mata kepada 9,095.43 dan FBM70 naik 9.37 mata kepada 9,079.75. Indeks FBM Ace meningkat 39.46 mata kepada 4,213.81.
Kaunter untung mengatasi rugi pada 362 berbanding 307 sementara 305 kaunter tidak berubah, 385 tidak didagangkan dan 27 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan adalah 799.769 juta saham bernilai RM935.964 juta berbanding 818.010 juta saham bernilai RM943.033 juta pada Jumaat.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Talam Corporation naik satu sen kepada 16.5 sen, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 58.5 sen, Tejari Technologies meningkat 9.5 sen kepada 25 sen dan Time Dotcom tidak berubah pada 49.5 sen.
Di kalangan saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby naik empat sen kepada RM8.78, Maybank naik satu sen kepada RM7.48, CIMB Group Holdings bertambah 10 sen kepada RM14.30 dan Maxis menyusut satu sen kepada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama menyusut kepada 633.6 juta saham bernilai RM893.788 juta daripada 702.43 juta saham bernilai RM912.97 juta Jumaat lepas.
Perolehan dagangan pada Pasaran Ace meningkat kepada 113.4 juta saham bernilai RM21.448 juta daripada 66.71 juta saham bernilai RM12.49 juta.
Waran merosot kepada 43.098 juta unit bernilai RM10.257 juta daripada 39.91 juta unit bernilai RM10.2 juta.
Barangan pengguna mewakili 22.8 juta saham yang didagangkan di Pasaran Utama, barangan industri 143.03 juta, pembinaan 39.3 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 171.4 juta, teknologi 36.1 juta, prasarana 16.1 juta, kewangan 44.9 juta, perhotelan 8.58 juta, harta 133.12 juta, perladangan 15.81 juta, perlombongan 123,000, REIT 2.11 juta dan dana tertutup 39,000. - Bernama
Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) yang dibuka 0.28 mata lebih rendah pada 1,336.50, ditutup pada 1,340.07 atau 3.29 mata lebih tinggi berbanding ketika ditutup Jumaat lepas.
Indeks Kewangan meningkat 50.08 mata kepada 1,2076.15 sementara Indeks Perusahaan susut 7.76 mata pada 2,777.62. Indeks Perladangan merosot 5.70 mata kepada 6,495.82.
Indeks FBM Emas meningkat 20.96 mata kepada 9,095.43 dan FBM70 naik 9.37 mata kepada 9,079.75. Indeks FBM Ace meningkat 39.46 mata kepada 4,213.81.
Kaunter untung mengatasi rugi pada 362 berbanding 307 sementara 305 kaunter tidak berubah, 385 tidak didagangkan dan 27 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan adalah 799.769 juta saham bernilai RM935.964 juta berbanding 818.010 juta saham bernilai RM943.033 juta pada Jumaat.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Talam Corporation naik satu sen kepada 16.5 sen, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 58.5 sen, Tejari Technologies meningkat 9.5 sen kepada 25 sen dan Time Dotcom tidak berubah pada 49.5 sen.
Di kalangan saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby naik empat sen kepada RM8.78, Maybank naik satu sen kepada RM7.48, CIMB Group Holdings bertambah 10 sen kepada RM14.30 dan Maxis menyusut satu sen kepada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama menyusut kepada 633.6 juta saham bernilai RM893.788 juta daripada 702.43 juta saham bernilai RM912.97 juta Jumaat lepas.
Perolehan dagangan pada Pasaran Ace meningkat kepada 113.4 juta saham bernilai RM21.448 juta daripada 66.71 juta saham bernilai RM12.49 juta.
Waran merosot kepada 43.098 juta unit bernilai RM10.257 juta daripada 39.91 juta unit bernilai RM10.2 juta.
Barangan pengguna mewakili 22.8 juta saham yang didagangkan di Pasaran Utama, barangan industri 143.03 juta, pembinaan 39.3 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 171.4 juta, teknologi 36.1 juta, prasarana 16.1 juta, kewangan 44.9 juta, perhotelan 8.58 juta, harta 133.12 juta, perladangan 15.81 juta, perlombongan 123,000, REIT 2.11 juta dan dana tertutup 39,000. - Bernama
Higher on mixed trading
Share prices on the Bursa Malaysia remained tightly range bound at the beginning of the new week. Fluctuations in the FBM KLCI were relatively small throughout the trading day on Monday, April 26.
Whilst investors seem fairly comfortable in the market’s underlying resilience, it appears that few are taking on any fresh big bets either. It is likely that the prevailing sentiment will persist in the coming days.
The benchmark index stayed in positive territory through the trading day before closing three points higher at 1,340.1. On the other hand, market breadth was more mixed, slipping into the red before turning around late in the day. The number of gaining stocks managed to edge ahead of losing ones by a ratio of roughly six to five at the close.
Just under 800 million shares were traded. Investor interest was focused primarily on lower liner stocks. Talam was the most heavily counter Monday. Other actives include KNM, Tejari Technologies, AIM and Nam Fatt.
Other Asian markets too traded on a stronger footing. Bellwether indices in key markets in the region closed mostly higher on the back of Wall Street’s gains last week. The closely monitored Dow Jones Industrial Average ended higher last Friday, extending its gains to the eighth consecutive week and one of the longest winning streaks in recent years.
Confidence in the economic recovery was bolstered by strong new home sales numbers in the month of March while corporate earnings too have, by and large, lived up to market expectations. Investors will continue to look to upcoming data for further evidence of strength in the recovery.
Greece’s move over the weekend to request for help under the EU-IMF aid package also calmed jitters by averting a speculated sovereign default, at least for the moment. A speedy disbursement under the bailout plan will help the country keep its borrowing costs reasonable after yields on its bonds surged to record levels last week.
Whilst investors seem fairly comfortable in the market’s underlying resilience, it appears that few are taking on any fresh big bets either. It is likely that the prevailing sentiment will persist in the coming days.
The benchmark index stayed in positive territory through the trading day before closing three points higher at 1,340.1. On the other hand, market breadth was more mixed, slipping into the red before turning around late in the day. The number of gaining stocks managed to edge ahead of losing ones by a ratio of roughly six to five at the close.
Just under 800 million shares were traded. Investor interest was focused primarily on lower liner stocks. Talam was the most heavily counter Monday. Other actives include KNM, Tejari Technologies, AIM and Nam Fatt.
Other Asian markets too traded on a stronger footing. Bellwether indices in key markets in the region closed mostly higher on the back of Wall Street’s gains last week. The closely monitored Dow Jones Industrial Average ended higher last Friday, extending its gains to the eighth consecutive week and one of the longest winning streaks in recent years.
Confidence in the economic recovery was bolstered by strong new home sales numbers in the month of March while corporate earnings too have, by and large, lived up to market expectations. Investors will continue to look to upcoming data for further evidence of strength in the recovery.
Greece’s move over the weekend to request for help under the EU-IMF aid package also calmed jitters by averting a speculated sovereign default, at least for the moment. A speedy disbursement under the bailout plan will help the country keep its borrowing costs reasonable after yields on its bonds surged to record levels last week.
April 26, 2010
CIMB Research: Time Engineering temporary support at 38.5 sen
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research said looking at the chart, it seems that Time Engineering may have found a temporary support at 38.5 sen.
In its technical outlook for the stock, issued on Monday, April 26, it believed this is a base-building pattern and over time, it may stand a chance to break out of its triangle resistance channel (currently at 43.5 sen).
"However, volatility may creep in during this transition period due to its sluggish technical readings. MACD is gyrating near the zero level while its RSI is still below the 50-neutral mark," it said.
Risk takers may start to nibble now to ride the potential breakout run. However, a stop near 38 sen is a must. Next resistance is at 50 sen
followed by 59 sen next.
Time Engineering constructs and operates an independent open cycle gas-fired power station, supplies and sells electricity, and manufactures
electrical switchgears. It also develops, manages, and provides business to business e-commerce and computerized transaction facilitation services.
In its technical outlook for the stock, issued on Monday, April 26, it believed this is a base-building pattern and over time, it may stand a chance to break out of its triangle resistance channel (currently at 43.5 sen).
"However, volatility may creep in during this transition period due to its sluggish technical readings. MACD is gyrating near the zero level while its RSI is still below the 50-neutral mark," it said.
Risk takers may start to nibble now to ride the potential breakout run. However, a stop near 38 sen is a must. Next resistance is at 50 sen
followed by 59 sen next.
Time Engineering constructs and operates an independent open cycle gas-fired power station, supplies and sells electricity, and manufactures
electrical switchgears. It also develops, manages, and provides business to business e-commerce and computerized transaction facilitation services.
Key regional markets up, FBM KLCI flat
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chips gave up part of their early morning gains on Monday, April 26 following the lack of follow-through buying interest with Maybank, CIMB and AMMB notching small gains only.
This was despite the firmer key regional markets including Tokyo's Nikkei 225 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index.
At 12.30pm, the FBM KLCI was just 0.9 of a point higher or 0.07% up at 1,337.68. Turnover was 394.16 million shares valued at RM381.71 million. There were 290 gainers, 253 losers and 292 stocks unchanged.
The Nikkei 225 rose 2.13% to 11,147.32, Hang Seng Index added 1.63% to 21,591.19, Singapore's Straits Times Index 0.49% higher at 3,003.04 and Shanghai's Composite Index added 0.14% 2,987.57.
Light crude oil rose 17 cents to US$85.29, US spot gold added 85 cents to US$1,158.45 and crude palm oil futures advanced RM16 to RM2,556.
Among banks, HLFG 11 sen to RM8.73, Maybank added three sen to RM7.50, CIMB four sen to RM14.24, AMMB five sen to RM5.05 and Public Bank two sen to RM12.02. Tenaga added four sen to RM8.44 while BAT climbed 28 sen to RM43.18.
Cepco was the top gainer, adding 33 sen to RM2.73 with 1,400 shares done, Allianz 23 sen to RM5.56 and PacMas 21 sen to RM4.48.
Talam was the most active with 61.13 million shares done, up one sen to 16.5 sen.
MEASAT GLOBAL BHD [] slipped to a near month's low in the absence of fresh news following recent speculation it would be taken private after Astro. Measat was down 20 sen to RM2.75 while Astro eased two sen to RM4.24.
Jetson slipped 15 sen to RM2 while education group HELP eased eight sen to RM2.46.
Among index-linked stocks, Sime shed five sen to RM8.76, PPB six sen to RM17.78 and MISC three sen to RM8.97
This was despite the firmer key regional markets including Tokyo's Nikkei 225 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index.
At 12.30pm, the FBM KLCI was just 0.9 of a point higher or 0.07% up at 1,337.68. Turnover was 394.16 million shares valued at RM381.71 million. There were 290 gainers, 253 losers and 292 stocks unchanged.
The Nikkei 225 rose 2.13% to 11,147.32, Hang Seng Index added 1.63% to 21,591.19, Singapore's Straits Times Index 0.49% higher at 3,003.04 and Shanghai's Composite Index added 0.14% 2,987.57.
Light crude oil rose 17 cents to US$85.29, US spot gold added 85 cents to US$1,158.45 and crude palm oil futures advanced RM16 to RM2,556.
Among banks, HLFG 11 sen to RM8.73, Maybank added three sen to RM7.50, CIMB four sen to RM14.24, AMMB five sen to RM5.05 and Public Bank two sen to RM12.02. Tenaga added four sen to RM8.44 while BAT climbed 28 sen to RM43.18.
Cepco was the top gainer, adding 33 sen to RM2.73 with 1,400 shares done, Allianz 23 sen to RM5.56 and PacMas 21 sen to RM4.48.
Talam was the most active with 61.13 million shares done, up one sen to 16.5 sen.
MEASAT GLOBAL BHD [] slipped to a near month's low in the absence of fresh news following recent speculation it would be taken private after Astro. Measat was down 20 sen to RM2.75 while Astro eased two sen to RM4.24.
Jetson slipped 15 sen to RM2 while education group HELP eased eight sen to RM2.46.
Among index-linked stocks, Sime shed five sen to RM8.76, PPB six sen to RM17.78 and MISC three sen to RM8.97
Saham KL mendatar
KUALA LUMPUR 25 April - Harga-harga saham di Bursa Malaysia dijangka terus bergerak mendatar minggu depan kerana pelabur-pelabur masih berwaspada terhadap faktor-faktor luaran yang negatif meskipun muncul berita-berita korporat yang positif, kata para peniaga.
Mereka berkata, pelabur pasaran menunggu hasil perdebatan tentang reformasi kewangan AS.
Seorang peniaga berkata, tuduhan menipu ke atas Goldman Sach memperkukuh kewajaran bagi reformasi kewangan.
Bagaimanapun, dengan ketegangan politik yang semakin meningkat di Bangkok, Malaysia berkemungkinan menjadi destinasi pelaburan dalam pertimbangan pelabur, katanya.
"Beberapa pengurus dana mungkin memandang ke arah Malaysia untuk memindahkan kepentingan mereka dari Thailand berikutan beberapa siri serangan bom ke atas pusat kewangan utama Bangkok pada Khamis lalu.
"Dengan ketegangan politik semakin memuncak di Bangkok, ada kemungkinan berlaku pengaliran keluar dana dari Thailand.
"Sesetengah dana serantau mengkaji untuk mengurangkan risiko negara dengan memindahkan sebahagian daripada pelaburan mereka ke negara-negara jiran seperti Malaysia," tegasnya.
Bursa tempatan menyaksikan dagangan berjajaran sempit minggu ini meskipun terdapat berita-berita positif daripada Tenaga Nasional dan Bursa Malaysia.
Indeks Harga Pengguna bagi Mac naik 1.3 peratus kepada 113.2 daripada 111.7 pada bulan yang sama tahun lepas.
Berdasarkan Jumaat ke Jumaat, FBM KLCI naik 4.01 mata kepada 1,336.78 daripada 1,332.77 Jumaat lepas.
Indeks FBM Emas meningkat 23.87 mata kepada 9,074.47. Indeks FBM Top100, bagaimanapun, turun 175.06 mata kepada 8,805.06 dan Indeks FBM ACE susut 32.97 mata kepada 4,174.35.
Indeks Kewangan mengukuh 58.24 mata kepada 12,026.07 dan Indeks Perusahaan meningkat 31.03 mata kepada 2,785.38.
Bagaimanapun, Indeks Perladangan jatuh 15.9 mata kepada 6,501.52.
Jumlah dagangan minggu ini mengecil kepada 4.137 bilion saham bernilai RM5.854 bilion daripada 4.812 bilion saham bernilai RM7.279 bilion Jumaat lepas.
Pasaran Utama mencatatkan penyusutan jumlah dagangan kepada 3.337 bilion unit bernilai RM5.633 bilion daripada 4.063 bilion unit bernilai RM4.084 bilion sebelumnya.
Dalam pasaran ACE, jumlah dagangan bertambah kepada 367.571 juta saham bernilai RM58.353 juta daripada 273.698 juta saham bernilai RM49.172 juta Jumaat lalu.
Waran opsyen belian berkurangan jumlahnya kepada 338.27 juta unit bernilai RM79.61 juta daripada 387.359 juta bernilai RM96.85 juta sebelumnya.
Mereka berkata, pelabur pasaran menunggu hasil perdebatan tentang reformasi kewangan AS.
Seorang peniaga berkata, tuduhan menipu ke atas Goldman Sach memperkukuh kewajaran bagi reformasi kewangan.
Bagaimanapun, dengan ketegangan politik yang semakin meningkat di Bangkok, Malaysia berkemungkinan menjadi destinasi pelaburan dalam pertimbangan pelabur, katanya.
"Beberapa pengurus dana mungkin memandang ke arah Malaysia untuk memindahkan kepentingan mereka dari Thailand berikutan beberapa siri serangan bom ke atas pusat kewangan utama Bangkok pada Khamis lalu.
"Dengan ketegangan politik semakin memuncak di Bangkok, ada kemungkinan berlaku pengaliran keluar dana dari Thailand.
"Sesetengah dana serantau mengkaji untuk mengurangkan risiko negara dengan memindahkan sebahagian daripada pelaburan mereka ke negara-negara jiran seperti Malaysia," tegasnya.
Bursa tempatan menyaksikan dagangan berjajaran sempit minggu ini meskipun terdapat berita-berita positif daripada Tenaga Nasional dan Bursa Malaysia.
Indeks Harga Pengguna bagi Mac naik 1.3 peratus kepada 113.2 daripada 111.7 pada bulan yang sama tahun lepas.
Berdasarkan Jumaat ke Jumaat, FBM KLCI naik 4.01 mata kepada 1,336.78 daripada 1,332.77 Jumaat lepas.
Indeks FBM Emas meningkat 23.87 mata kepada 9,074.47. Indeks FBM Top100, bagaimanapun, turun 175.06 mata kepada 8,805.06 dan Indeks FBM ACE susut 32.97 mata kepada 4,174.35.
Indeks Kewangan mengukuh 58.24 mata kepada 12,026.07 dan Indeks Perusahaan meningkat 31.03 mata kepada 2,785.38.
Bagaimanapun, Indeks Perladangan jatuh 15.9 mata kepada 6,501.52.
Jumlah dagangan minggu ini mengecil kepada 4.137 bilion saham bernilai RM5.854 bilion daripada 4.812 bilion saham bernilai RM7.279 bilion Jumaat lepas.
Pasaran Utama mencatatkan penyusutan jumlah dagangan kepada 3.337 bilion unit bernilai RM5.633 bilion daripada 4.063 bilion unit bernilai RM4.084 bilion sebelumnya.
Dalam pasaran ACE, jumlah dagangan bertambah kepada 367.571 juta saham bernilai RM58.353 juta daripada 273.698 juta saham bernilai RM49.172 juta Jumaat lalu.
Waran opsyen belian berkurangan jumlahnya kepada 338.27 juta unit bernilai RM79.61 juta daripada 387.359 juta bernilai RM96.85 juta sebelumnya.
CIMB Research: Time Engineering temporary support at 38.5 sen
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research said looking at the chart, it seems that Time Engineering may have found a temporary support at 38.5 sen.
In its technical outlook for the stock, issued on Monday, April 26, it believed this is a base-building pattern and over time, it may stand a chance to break out of its triangle resistance channel (currently at 43.5 sen).
"However, volatility may creep in during this transition period due to its sluggish technical readings. MACD is gyrating near the zero level while its RSI is still below the 50-neutral mark," it said.
Risk takers may start to nibble now to ride the potential breakout run. However, a stop near 38 sen is a must. Next resistance is at 50 sen
followed by 59 sen next.
Time Engineering constructs and operates an independent open cycle gas-fired power station, supplies and sells electricity, and manufactures
electrical switchgears. It also develops, manages, and provides business to business e-commerce and computerized transaction facilitation services.
In its technical outlook for the stock, issued on Monday, April 26, it believed this is a base-building pattern and over time, it may stand a chance to break out of its triangle resistance channel (currently at 43.5 sen).
"However, volatility may creep in during this transition period due to its sluggish technical readings. MACD is gyrating near the zero level while its RSI is still below the 50-neutral mark," it said.
Risk takers may start to nibble now to ride the potential breakout run. However, a stop near 38 sen is a must. Next resistance is at 50 sen
followed by 59 sen next.
Time Engineering constructs and operates an independent open cycle gas-fired power station, supplies and sells electricity, and manufactures
electrical switchgears. It also develops, manages, and provides business to business e-commerce and computerized transaction facilitation services.
FBM KLCI may advance on Monday, says HDBSVR
KUALA LUMPUR: Hwang DBS Vickers Research (HDBSVR) said there is a possibility that the key FBM KLCI could advance on Monday, April 26, riding on positive external sentiment.
In its outlook, it said if so, then the benchmark index will attempt to test (and may break away from) its immediate resistance threshold of 1,340 ahead.
Essentially, regional peers are expected to rise following last Friday’s buoyant performance on Wall Street. Major U.S. equity bellwethers jumped between 0.4% and 0.7% at the closing bell – reaching fresh highs since the rebound began in Mar last year – lifted by strengthening corporate earnings momentum and improving economic fundamentals.
Meanwhile, in terms of individual company developments on the home front, HDBSVR said it expects a bit more interest in Hong Leong Bank (and possibly its parent Hong Leong Financial Group).
Hong Leong Bank has formally submitted an application to the central bank to acquire the entire assets and liabilities of EON Capital; and (b) it has proposed a rights issue of up to RM1.6b to raise capital. These moves basically represent a step forward for the merger deal to go through
In its outlook, it said if so, then the benchmark index will attempt to test (and may break away from) its immediate resistance threshold of 1,340 ahead.
Essentially, regional peers are expected to rise following last Friday’s buoyant performance on Wall Street. Major U.S. equity bellwethers jumped between 0.4% and 0.7% at the closing bell – reaching fresh highs since the rebound began in Mar last year – lifted by strengthening corporate earnings momentum and improving economic fundamentals.
Meanwhile, in terms of individual company developments on the home front, HDBSVR said it expects a bit more interest in Hong Leong Bank (and possibly its parent Hong Leong Financial Group).
Hong Leong Bank has formally submitted an application to the central bank to acquire the entire assets and liabilities of EON Capital; and (b) it has proposed a rights issue of up to RM1.6b to raise capital. These moves basically represent a step forward for the merger deal to go through
Market ends lower on renewed Greece concerns
Stock markets around the region were mostly lower on Friday, April 23 as renewed concerns over Greece’s debts affected sentiment.
On Thursday, the EU’s statistics agency said that Greece's budget deficit was worse than earlier reported. Moody's downgraded Greece's sovereign ratings by one notch to A3, sending the country's borrowing costs surging again. This also suggests that the International Monetary Fund and other euro-zone countries may have to come out with a bailout package soon.
The negative news from Greece overshadowed modest overnight gains on Wall Street amid better than expected housing data and good corporate earnings. Sales of existing homes in the US rose 6.8% last month after falling 0.8%, and ahead of expectations of a 5.2% increase.
On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrials Average index rose 9 points, recouping earlier losses of as much as 108 points after the positive housing data and President Barack Obama's speech on financial reform contained no negative surprises for the banking sector.
The latest report on jobless claims saw the number of people applying for unemployment benefits declining by 24,000 to 456,000 last week, after rising in the past few weeks. This suggests employers are laying off fewer workers, although overall claims are high and labour market conditions remain weak. Applications for jobless benefits peaked at 651,000 in March 2009.
The FBM KLCI traded within a narrow range throughout the day. It started on a modestly positive note, but ended marginally lower by 0.2 points to 1,336.8. Market breadth was negative with declining stocks beating advancing ones by a 7-to-6 margin on volume of 818 million shares.
Actively traded stocks include Talam, KNM, Time dotCom, Privasia, Gula Perak and Globetronics. Top gainers include Tomy, PacificMas, Daibochi, MISC and LaFarge Cement. Losers include CMSB, Notion VTec, and selected blue chips like Genting PLANTATION []s, DiGi and Pos Malaysia.
On Thursday, the EU’s statistics agency said that Greece's budget deficit was worse than earlier reported. Moody's downgraded Greece's sovereign ratings by one notch to A3, sending the country's borrowing costs surging again. This also suggests that the International Monetary Fund and other euro-zone countries may have to come out with a bailout package soon.
The negative news from Greece overshadowed modest overnight gains on Wall Street amid better than expected housing data and good corporate earnings. Sales of existing homes in the US rose 6.8% last month after falling 0.8%, and ahead of expectations of a 5.2% increase.
On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrials Average index rose 9 points, recouping earlier losses of as much as 108 points after the positive housing data and President Barack Obama's speech on financial reform contained no negative surprises for the banking sector.
The latest report on jobless claims saw the number of people applying for unemployment benefits declining by 24,000 to 456,000 last week, after rising in the past few weeks. This suggests employers are laying off fewer workers, although overall claims are high and labour market conditions remain weak. Applications for jobless benefits peaked at 651,000 in March 2009.
The FBM KLCI traded within a narrow range throughout the day. It started on a modestly positive note, but ended marginally lower by 0.2 points to 1,336.8. Market breadth was negative with declining stocks beating advancing ones by a 7-to-6 margin on volume of 818 million shares.
Actively traded stocks include Talam, KNM, Time dotCom, Privasia, Gula Perak and Globetronics. Top gainers include Tomy, PacificMas, Daibochi, MISC and LaFarge Cement. Losers include CMSB, Notion VTec, and selected blue chips like Genting PLANTATION []s, DiGi and Pos Malaysia.
Sime weighs on blue chips
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chips eased at the midday break on Friday, April 23, weighed down by heavyweight Sime Darby but the broader market reflected more optimism with CIMB and MISC among the gainers.
Most key regional markets were in the red as sentiment was impacted by gnawing worries about Greece's budget deficit and China's move to rein in its hot property market, which saw Hong Kong and Shanghai's benchmark indices in the negative territory.
At Bursa Malaysia, the FBM KLCI was in the red, down 1.08 point to 1,335.93. Turnover was 461 million shares valued at RM455.62 million. There were 228 gainers, 316 losers and 299 stocks unchanged.
Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 0.22% to 10,924.9, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index lost 0.8% to 21,288.90, Shanghai's Composite Index shed 0.31% to 2,990.06 and Singapore's Straits Times Index 0.2% lower at 2,973.7.
Light crude oil fell 10 cents to US$83.60, US spot gold shed 55 cents to US$1,140.95 while crude palm oil futures advanced RM37 to RM2,527.
At Bursa Malaysia, Sime fell 10 sen to RM8.80, Public Bank foreign and YTL eight sen each to RM12 and RM7.42.
CMSB lost 13 sen to RM2.60, Pos Malaysia 11 sen to RM2.90 and MFlour eight sent to RM3.92.
Talam rose 1.5 sen to 15.5 sen with 105.78 million shares done as investors expected it to exit the Practice Note 17 soon.
KNM rose 0.5 sen to 59.5 sen and it saw 26 million shares done.
Plastic packaging companies, Tomypak rose 25 sen to Rm3.23 and Daibochi 14 sen higher at RM3.41. MISC added 18 sen to RM8.98 after it was upgraded by AmResearch. PacMas climbed 15 sen to RM4.18 while CIMB climbed 14 sen to RM14.22.
Most key regional markets were in the red as sentiment was impacted by gnawing worries about Greece's budget deficit and China's move to rein in its hot property market, which saw Hong Kong and Shanghai's benchmark indices in the negative territory.
At Bursa Malaysia, the FBM KLCI was in the red, down 1.08 point to 1,335.93. Turnover was 461 million shares valued at RM455.62 million. There were 228 gainers, 316 losers and 299 stocks unchanged.
Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 0.22% to 10,924.9, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index lost 0.8% to 21,288.90, Shanghai's Composite Index shed 0.31% to 2,990.06 and Singapore's Straits Times Index 0.2% lower at 2,973.7.
Light crude oil fell 10 cents to US$83.60, US spot gold shed 55 cents to US$1,140.95 while crude palm oil futures advanced RM37 to RM2,527.
At Bursa Malaysia, Sime fell 10 sen to RM8.80, Public Bank foreign and YTL eight sen each to RM12 and RM7.42.
CMSB lost 13 sen to RM2.60, Pos Malaysia 11 sen to RM2.90 and MFlour eight sent to RM3.92.
Talam rose 1.5 sen to 15.5 sen with 105.78 million shares done as investors expected it to exit the Practice Note 17 soon.
KNM rose 0.5 sen to 59.5 sen and it saw 26 million shares done.
Plastic packaging companies, Tomypak rose 25 sen to Rm3.23 and Daibochi 14 sen higher at RM3.41. MISC added 18 sen to RM8.98 after it was upgraded by AmResearch. PacMas climbed 15 sen to RM4.18 while CIMB climbed 14 sen to RM14.22.
April 23, 2010
TNB: Buy, target price RM10.35
MIDF Research has increased its target price on Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) (5347) to RM10.35 from RM9.60 based on the group's 13 times financial year 2011 earnings per share.
"We have upgraded our fiscal year 2010 numbers by 21.9 per cent and fiscal year 2011 by 15 per cent to reflect the strong interim results that may provide a stronger platform for the subsequent quarters," it said in a report.
TNB announced its second-quarter results, which was better than MIDF's and the market's expectation.
"The first half of its 2010 profit accounts for 65 per cent of our full year forecast of RM2.6 billion," it said.
Factors contributing to the outperformance were stronger demand growth of 8 per cent, appreciating ringgit and lower operating expenses.
Meanwhile, TNB chief executive officer Datuk Seri Che Khalib Mohamed Noh has said that Tenaga Nasional Bhd is mulling the idea of expanding the generation capacity of its Janamanjung coal plant in Manjung, Perak, to cater to future demand.
This is because it is unlikely that power supply from the Bakun hydro power plant will reach Peninsular Malaysia by 2015.
"We have upgraded our fiscal year 2010 numbers by 21.9 per cent and fiscal year 2011 by 15 per cent to reflect the strong interim results that may provide a stronger platform for the subsequent quarters," it said in a report.
TNB announced its second-quarter results, which was better than MIDF's and the market's expectation.
"The first half of its 2010 profit accounts for 65 per cent of our full year forecast of RM2.6 billion," it said.
Factors contributing to the outperformance were stronger demand growth of 8 per cent, appreciating ringgit and lower operating expenses.
Meanwhile, TNB chief executive officer Datuk Seri Che Khalib Mohamed Noh has said that Tenaga Nasional Bhd is mulling the idea of expanding the generation capacity of its Janamanjung coal plant in Manjung, Perak, to cater to future demand.
This is because it is unlikely that power supply from the Bakun hydro power plant will reach Peninsular Malaysia by 2015.
Ringgit ditutup rendah
KUALA LUMPUR 22 April - Ringgit mencatatkan paras penutupan dagangan yang lebih rendah sedikit berbanding dolar AS hari ini kerana pelabur terus mengambil kesempatan daripada kenaikan baru-baru ini, kata peniaga.
Mereka berkata pelabur-pelabur juga mengurangkan pegangan masing-masing berikutan ketidakpastian dalam pasaran global, dengan isu hutang Greece terus mencetuskan kebimbangan.
"Bagaimanapun, pelabur pasaran menyokong mata wang tempatan dengan menjual dolar hari ini," kata seorang peniaga lain.
Pada pukul 5 petang, ringgit susut berbanding dolar AS kepada 3.1955/1965 daripada 3.1950/1900 semalam.
"Kegiatan membeli ringgit didorong oleh penyertaan cergas pengeksport," katanya.
Ringgit diniagakan pada paras 3.1940 hingga 3.2090 berbanding dolar AS hari ini.
Dengan mata wang utama lain, ringgit turun sedikit berbanding dolar Singapura kepada 2.3310/3339 daripada 2.3287/3330 semalam tetapi naik berbanding yen kepada 3.4257/4275 daripada 3.4263/4320 sebelumnya.
Ia mengukuh berbanding euro kepada 4.2852/2887 daripada 4.2912/2982 semalam, namun susut berbanding pound sterling kepada 4.9358/9380 daripada 4.9264/9347 semalam.
- Bernama
Mereka berkata pelabur-pelabur juga mengurangkan pegangan masing-masing berikutan ketidakpastian dalam pasaran global, dengan isu hutang Greece terus mencetuskan kebimbangan.
"Bagaimanapun, pelabur pasaran menyokong mata wang tempatan dengan menjual dolar hari ini," kata seorang peniaga lain.
Pada pukul 5 petang, ringgit susut berbanding dolar AS kepada 3.1955/1965 daripada 3.1950/1900 semalam.
"Kegiatan membeli ringgit didorong oleh penyertaan cergas pengeksport," katanya.
Ringgit diniagakan pada paras 3.1940 hingga 3.2090 berbanding dolar AS hari ini.
Dengan mata wang utama lain, ringgit turun sedikit berbanding dolar Singapura kepada 2.3310/3339 daripada 2.3287/3330 semalam tetapi naik berbanding yen kepada 3.4257/4275 daripada 3.4263/4320 sebelumnya.
Ia mengukuh berbanding euro kepada 4.2852/2887 daripada 4.2912/2982 semalam, namun susut berbanding pound sterling kepada 4.9358/9380 daripada 4.9264/9347 semalam.
- Bernama
Dagangan Bursa Malaysia kukuh
KUALA LUMPUR 22 April - Harga-harga saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup tinggi sedikit dengan jualan berselang-seli di kaunter-kaunter berwajaran tinggi dan berharga rendah terpilih, kata peniaga.
Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) naik 3.37 mata atau 0.253 peratus kepada 1,337.01, disokong oleh keuntungan kebanyakannya di kaunter Sime Darby dan IOI Corporation selepas kerugian terdahulu.
Seorang peniaga berkata bursa tempatan meneruskan fasa pengukuhan dengan indeks utama itu bergerak dalam jajaran kecil apabila pelabur menjauhi pasaran berikutan kekurangan petunjuk baharu.
FBM KLCI dibuka 0.6 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,334.24. Selepas itu, ia bergerak antara 1,331.48 dan 1,337.01.Indeks Kewangan meningkat 11.641 mata kepada 12,023.99, Indeks Perladangan bertambah 19.35 mata kepada 6,508.21, Indeks Perusahaan naik 7.41 mata kepada 2,779.25 dan Indeks FBM Emas naik 21.94 mata kepada 9,080.25.FBM70 naik 21.63 mata kepada 9,089.0 dan Indeks FBM Ace meningkat 2.82 mata kepada 4,167.55.
Kaunter untung mengatasi rugi 333 berbanding 307 sementara 324 kaunter tidak berubah, 396 tidak didagangkan dan 28 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan menyusut kepada 833.909 juta saham bernilai RM1.19 bilion berbanding penutup semalam iaitu 875.459 juta saham bernilai RM1.293 bilion.
Nilai dagangan Pasaran Utama susut kepada 685.324 juta saham bernilai RM1.143 bilion daripada penutup semalam iaitu 693.133 juta saham bernilai RM1.249 bilion.
Perolehan dagangan pasaran Ace juga menyusut kepada 61.862 juta saham bernilai RM10.159 juta daripada 74.982 juta unit berbilai RM10.248 juta sebelumnya.Waran menyusut kepada 71.671 juta saham bernilai RM19.471 juta berbanding pada penutup Rabu iaitu 87.481 juta unit bernilai RM22.31 juta.
British American Tobacco, yang mengeluarkan keputusan kewangannya hari ini, muncul pengaut keuntungan tertinggi, naik 38 sen kepada RM42.78.Di kalangan saham aktif, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 59 sen, Talam Corporation bertambah satu sen kepada 14 sen sementara Ho Wah Genting-Warr tidak berubah pada tujuh sen.
Barangan pengguna menguasai 19.014 juta saham yang didagangkan di Pasaran Utama, barangan industri 220.32 juta, pembinaan 47.716 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 143.743 juta, teknologi 60.505 juta, prasarana 9.006 juta, kewangan 72.231 juta, perhotelan 7.149 juta, harta 96.365 juta, perladangan 7.342 juta, perlombongan 21,000, REIT 1.875 juta dan dana tertutup 37,000.- Bernama
Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) naik 3.37 mata atau 0.253 peratus kepada 1,337.01, disokong oleh keuntungan kebanyakannya di kaunter Sime Darby dan IOI Corporation selepas kerugian terdahulu.
Seorang peniaga berkata bursa tempatan meneruskan fasa pengukuhan dengan indeks utama itu bergerak dalam jajaran kecil apabila pelabur menjauhi pasaran berikutan kekurangan petunjuk baharu.
FBM KLCI dibuka 0.6 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,334.24. Selepas itu, ia bergerak antara 1,331.48 dan 1,337.01.Indeks Kewangan meningkat 11.641 mata kepada 12,023.99, Indeks Perladangan bertambah 19.35 mata kepada 6,508.21, Indeks Perusahaan naik 7.41 mata kepada 2,779.25 dan Indeks FBM Emas naik 21.94 mata kepada 9,080.25.FBM70 naik 21.63 mata kepada 9,089.0 dan Indeks FBM Ace meningkat 2.82 mata kepada 4,167.55.
Kaunter untung mengatasi rugi 333 berbanding 307 sementara 324 kaunter tidak berubah, 396 tidak didagangkan dan 28 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan menyusut kepada 833.909 juta saham bernilai RM1.19 bilion berbanding penutup semalam iaitu 875.459 juta saham bernilai RM1.293 bilion.
Nilai dagangan Pasaran Utama susut kepada 685.324 juta saham bernilai RM1.143 bilion daripada penutup semalam iaitu 693.133 juta saham bernilai RM1.249 bilion.
Perolehan dagangan pasaran Ace juga menyusut kepada 61.862 juta saham bernilai RM10.159 juta daripada 74.982 juta unit berbilai RM10.248 juta sebelumnya.Waran menyusut kepada 71.671 juta saham bernilai RM19.471 juta berbanding pada penutup Rabu iaitu 87.481 juta unit bernilai RM22.31 juta.
British American Tobacco, yang mengeluarkan keputusan kewangannya hari ini, muncul pengaut keuntungan tertinggi, naik 38 sen kepada RM42.78.Di kalangan saham aktif, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 59 sen, Talam Corporation bertambah satu sen kepada 14 sen sementara Ho Wah Genting-Warr tidak berubah pada tujuh sen.
Barangan pengguna menguasai 19.014 juta saham yang didagangkan di Pasaran Utama, barangan industri 220.32 juta, pembinaan 47.716 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 143.743 juta, teknologi 60.505 juta, prasarana 9.006 juta, kewangan 72.231 juta, perhotelan 7.149 juta, harta 96.365 juta, perladangan 7.342 juta, perlombongan 21,000, REIT 1.875 juta dan dana tertutup 37,000.- Bernama
April 22, 2010
Ulasan pasaran: Kaunter untung mengatasi rugi
Firma penyelidikan menjangka FBM KLCI mampu capai paras 1,450 mata
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia bercampur-campur secara menyeluruh pada penutup semalam, dengan aktiviti kecil pengambilan untung dalam saham berwajaran tinggi, kata peniaga. Kerugian, sebahagian besarnya oleh Tenaga Nasional dan CIMB Group, mengheret turun Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) sebanyak 2.26 mata atau 0.169 peratus kepada 1,333.64. Bagaimanapun, keuntungan dalam Sime Darby membendung kerugian.
Pada pembukaan, Indeks Komposit meningkat 2.17 mata kepada 1,338.07.
Ia bergerak antara 1,333.64 dan 1,339.15 dalam dagangan semalam.
Indeks Kewangan susut 2.21 mata kepada 12,012.35, Indeks Perladangan turun 26.22 mata kepada 6,488.86, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 2.16 mata kepada 2,771.84 dan Indeks FBM Emas menokok 5.949 mata kepada 9,058.31.
FBM70 melonjak 69.86 mata kepada 9,067.37 manakala Indeks FBM Ace susut 0.36 mata kepada 4,164.73.
Kaunter untung mengatasi rugi sebanyak 399 berbanding 289 manakala 298 kaunter tidak berubah, 400 tidak diniagakan dan 52 lagi digantung.
Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 875.459 juta bernilai RM1.293 bilion berbanding 796.609 juta saham bernilai RM1.218 bilion pada penutup Selasa.
MIDF Research, dalam nota kajiannya berkata pasaran ekuiti dijangka terus rancak susulan aliran masuk dana kukuh ke dalam pasaran Asia hasil daripada kelemahan dolar AS dan mata wang Eropah.
Firma penyelidikan itu yang mengekalkan sasaran tahunan Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) pada paras 1,450, berkata aktiviti pasaran modal dijangka lebih kukuh tahun ini dengan lebih banyak penyenaraian dan tindakan korporat yang lain seperti penggabungan dan pengambilalihan.
Ia berkata, pendapatan saham komponen FBM KLCI akan meningkat sebanyak 11.1 peratus tahun ini dan 13.1 peratus tahun depan.
Sementara itu, jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 693.133 juta saham bernilai RM1.249 bilion berbanding 611.405 juta saham bernilai RM1.179 bilion.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran ACE, bagaimanapun berkurangan kepada 74.982 juta saham bernilai RM10.248 juta berbanding 97.558 juta saham bernilai RM11.696 juta sebelumnya.
Jumlah dagangan waran melonjak kepada 87.481 juta saham bernilai RM22.31 juta berbanding 67.172 juta bernilai RM13.532 juta pada penutup kelmarin.
British American Tobacco, yang akan mengumumkan keputusan kewangannya hari ini, muncul kaunter paling rugi dengan sahamnya susut 94 sen kepada RM42.40.
Antara kaunter aktif, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 60.5 sen, Perisai Petroleum Teknologi menokok 4.5 sen kepada 68.5 sen dan Scomi naik dua sen kepada 50.5 sen.
Bagi kaunter berwajaran tinggi, Maybank menokok satu sen kepada RM7.49, Sime Darby meningkat lima sen kepada RM8.85, CIMB Group rugi 12 sen kepada RM14.12 manakala Maxis tidak berubah pada RM5.30.
Tenaga Nasional pula susut 11 sen kepada RM8.39.
Barangan pengguna menyumbang sebanyak 19.72 juta saham yang diurusniagakan di Papan Utama, barangan perusahaan 229.867 juta, pembinaan 40.468 juta, perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 193.49 juta, teknologi 39.906 juta, infrastruktur 17.053 juta, kewangan 89.276 juta, hotel 12.895 juta, hartanah 30.95 juta, perladangan 17.76 juta, perlombongan 8,100, REIT 1.725 juta dan dana tertutup 13,700. – Bernama
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia bercampur-campur secara menyeluruh pada penutup semalam, dengan aktiviti kecil pengambilan untung dalam saham berwajaran tinggi, kata peniaga. Kerugian, sebahagian besarnya oleh Tenaga Nasional dan CIMB Group, mengheret turun Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) sebanyak 2.26 mata atau 0.169 peratus kepada 1,333.64. Bagaimanapun, keuntungan dalam Sime Darby membendung kerugian.
Pada pembukaan, Indeks Komposit meningkat 2.17 mata kepada 1,338.07.
Ia bergerak antara 1,333.64 dan 1,339.15 dalam dagangan semalam.
Indeks Kewangan susut 2.21 mata kepada 12,012.35, Indeks Perladangan turun 26.22 mata kepada 6,488.86, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 2.16 mata kepada 2,771.84 dan Indeks FBM Emas menokok 5.949 mata kepada 9,058.31.
FBM70 melonjak 69.86 mata kepada 9,067.37 manakala Indeks FBM Ace susut 0.36 mata kepada 4,164.73.
Kaunter untung mengatasi rugi sebanyak 399 berbanding 289 manakala 298 kaunter tidak berubah, 400 tidak diniagakan dan 52 lagi digantung.
Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 875.459 juta bernilai RM1.293 bilion berbanding 796.609 juta saham bernilai RM1.218 bilion pada penutup Selasa.
MIDF Research, dalam nota kajiannya berkata pasaran ekuiti dijangka terus rancak susulan aliran masuk dana kukuh ke dalam pasaran Asia hasil daripada kelemahan dolar AS dan mata wang Eropah.
Firma penyelidikan itu yang mengekalkan sasaran tahunan Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) pada paras 1,450, berkata aktiviti pasaran modal dijangka lebih kukuh tahun ini dengan lebih banyak penyenaraian dan tindakan korporat yang lain seperti penggabungan dan pengambilalihan.
Ia berkata, pendapatan saham komponen FBM KLCI akan meningkat sebanyak 11.1 peratus tahun ini dan 13.1 peratus tahun depan.
Sementara itu, jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 693.133 juta saham bernilai RM1.249 bilion berbanding 611.405 juta saham bernilai RM1.179 bilion.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran ACE, bagaimanapun berkurangan kepada 74.982 juta saham bernilai RM10.248 juta berbanding 97.558 juta saham bernilai RM11.696 juta sebelumnya.
Jumlah dagangan waran melonjak kepada 87.481 juta saham bernilai RM22.31 juta berbanding 67.172 juta bernilai RM13.532 juta pada penutup kelmarin.
British American Tobacco, yang akan mengumumkan keputusan kewangannya hari ini, muncul kaunter paling rugi dengan sahamnya susut 94 sen kepada RM42.40.
Antara kaunter aktif, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 60.5 sen, Perisai Petroleum Teknologi menokok 4.5 sen kepada 68.5 sen dan Scomi naik dua sen kepada 50.5 sen.
Bagi kaunter berwajaran tinggi, Maybank menokok satu sen kepada RM7.49, Sime Darby meningkat lima sen kepada RM8.85, CIMB Group rugi 12 sen kepada RM14.12 manakala Maxis tidak berubah pada RM5.30.
Tenaga Nasional pula susut 11 sen kepada RM8.39.
Barangan pengguna menyumbang sebanyak 19.72 juta saham yang diurusniagakan di Papan Utama, barangan perusahaan 229.867 juta, pembinaan 40.468 juta, perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 193.49 juta, teknologi 39.906 juta, infrastruktur 17.053 juta, kewangan 89.276 juta, hotel 12.895 juta, hartanah 30.95 juta, perladangan 17.76 juta, perlombongan 8,100, REIT 1.725 juta dan dana tertutup 13,700. – Bernama
Ringgit ditutup tinggi
KUALA LUMPUR 21 April - Ringgit mengakhiri dagangan pada paras lebih tinggi berbanding dolar AS hari ini dengan para pelabur kembali melaburdalam aset yang lebih berisiko seiringan minat yang semakin meningkat terhadapmata wang Asean," kata peniaga.
Pada pukul 5 petang, mata wang tempatan itu mengukuh berbanding dolar ASkepada 3.1950/1900 daripada 3.2045/2075 semalam.
"Kami menjangka ringgit bergerak ke arah paras RM3.15 berbanding dolar menjelang akhir tahun," kata MIDF Research dalam nota penyelidikannya hari ini.
Firma penyelidikan itu juga berkata kejatuhan dolar dan mata wang Eropah akan menjadi faktor pendorong bagi dana asing yang ingin mendapatkan pulangan yang lebih tinggi dalam pasaran ekuiti Asia. Sokongan belian dilihat pada paras 3.1880 dalam sesi dagangan hari ini, kataseorang peniaga lain.
Dengan mata wang utama lain, ringgit turun sedikit berbanding dolar Singapura pada 2.3287/3330 daripada 2.3280/3326 semalan tetapi naik berbanding yen kepada 3.4263/4320 daripada 3.4509/4545 sebelumnya.
Unit tempatan itu mengkukuh berbanding euro pada 4.2912/2982 daripada4.3251/4304 semalam dan juga berbanding pound sterling pada 4.9264/9347 daripada 4.9308/9367 sebelumnya. -Bernama
Pada pukul 5 petang, mata wang tempatan itu mengukuh berbanding dolar ASkepada 3.1950/1900 daripada 3.2045/2075 semalam.
"Kami menjangka ringgit bergerak ke arah paras RM3.15 berbanding dolar menjelang akhir tahun," kata MIDF Research dalam nota penyelidikannya hari ini.
Firma penyelidikan itu juga berkata kejatuhan dolar dan mata wang Eropah akan menjadi faktor pendorong bagi dana asing yang ingin mendapatkan pulangan yang lebih tinggi dalam pasaran ekuiti Asia. Sokongan belian dilihat pada paras 3.1880 dalam sesi dagangan hari ini, kataseorang peniaga lain.
Dengan mata wang utama lain, ringgit turun sedikit berbanding dolar Singapura pada 2.3287/3330 daripada 2.3280/3326 semalan tetapi naik berbanding yen kepada 3.4263/4320 daripada 3.4509/4545 sebelumnya.
Unit tempatan itu mengkukuh berbanding euro pada 4.2912/2982 daripada4.3251/4304 semalam dan juga berbanding pound sterling pada 4.9264/9347 daripada 4.9308/9367 sebelumnya. -Bernama
Dagangan Bursa Bercampur-campur
KUALA LUMPUR 21 April - Harga-harga saham di Bursa Malaysia bercampur-campur secara menyeluruh pada penutup hari ini, dengan aktiviti kecil pengambilan untung dalam saham-saham berwajaran tinggi, kata peniaga.
Kerugian, sebahagian besarnya oleh Tenaga Nasional dan CIMB Group, mengheret turun Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) sebanyak 2.26mata atau 0.169 peratus kepada 1,333.64.
Pada pembukaan, Indeks Komposit meningkat 2.17 mata kepada 1,338.07. Ia bergerak antara 1,333.64 dan 1,339.15 dalam dagangan hari ini. Indeks Kewangan susut 2.21 mata kepada 12,012.35, Indeks Perladangan turun 26.22 mata kepada 6,488.86, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 2.16 mata kepada
2,771.84 dan Indeks FBM Emas menokok 5.949 mata kepada 9,058.31. FBM70 melonjak 69.86 mata kepada 9,067.37 manakala Indeks FBM Ace susut 0.36 mata kepada 4,164.73.
Kaunter untung mengatasi kaunter rugi sebanyak 399 berbanding 289 manakala 298 kaunter tidak berubah, 400 tidak diniagakan dan 52 lagi digantung.
Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 875.459 juta bernilai RM1.293 bilion berbanding 796.609 juta saham bernilai RM1.218 bilion pada penutup Selasa.
Sementara itu, jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 693.133 juta saham bernilai RM1.249 bilion berbanding 611.405 juta saham bernilai RM1.179 bilion semalam.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran ACE, bagaimanapun berkurangan kepada 74.982 juta saham bernilai RM10.248 juta berbanding 97.558 juta saham bernilai RM11.696 jutasebelumnya. Jumlah dagangan waran melonjak kepada 87.481 juta saham bernilai RM22.31juta berbanding 67.172 juta bernilai RM13.532 juta pada penutup semalam.
British American Tobacco, yang akan mengumumkan keputusan kewangannya esok,muncul sebagai kaunter paling rugi dengan sahamnya susut 94 sen kepada RM42.40.
Antara kaunter aktif, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 60.5 sen, PerisaiPetroleum Teknologi menokok 4.5 sen kepada 68.5 sen dan Scomi meningkat dua senkepada 50.5 sen.
Barangan pengguna menyumbang sebanyak 19.72 juta saham yang diurusniagakan di Papan Utama, barangan perusahaan 229.867 juta, pembinaan 40.468 juta,perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 193.49 juta, teknologi 39.906 juta, infrastruktur 17.053 juta, kewangan 89.276 juta, hotel 12.895 juta, hartanah 30.95 juta,perladangan 17.76 juta, perlombongan 8,100, REIT 1.725 juta dan dana tertutup 13,700. - Bernama
Kerugian, sebahagian besarnya oleh Tenaga Nasional dan CIMB Group, mengheret turun Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) sebanyak 2.26mata atau 0.169 peratus kepada 1,333.64.
Pada pembukaan, Indeks Komposit meningkat 2.17 mata kepada 1,338.07. Ia bergerak antara 1,333.64 dan 1,339.15 dalam dagangan hari ini. Indeks Kewangan susut 2.21 mata kepada 12,012.35, Indeks Perladangan turun 26.22 mata kepada 6,488.86, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 2.16 mata kepada
2,771.84 dan Indeks FBM Emas menokok 5.949 mata kepada 9,058.31. FBM70 melonjak 69.86 mata kepada 9,067.37 manakala Indeks FBM Ace susut 0.36 mata kepada 4,164.73.
Kaunter untung mengatasi kaunter rugi sebanyak 399 berbanding 289 manakala 298 kaunter tidak berubah, 400 tidak diniagakan dan 52 lagi digantung.
Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 875.459 juta bernilai RM1.293 bilion berbanding 796.609 juta saham bernilai RM1.218 bilion pada penutup Selasa.
Sementara itu, jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 693.133 juta saham bernilai RM1.249 bilion berbanding 611.405 juta saham bernilai RM1.179 bilion semalam.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran ACE, bagaimanapun berkurangan kepada 74.982 juta saham bernilai RM10.248 juta berbanding 97.558 juta saham bernilai RM11.696 jutasebelumnya. Jumlah dagangan waran melonjak kepada 87.481 juta saham bernilai RM22.31juta berbanding 67.172 juta bernilai RM13.532 juta pada penutup semalam.
British American Tobacco, yang akan mengumumkan keputusan kewangannya esok,muncul sebagai kaunter paling rugi dengan sahamnya susut 94 sen kepada RM42.40.
Antara kaunter aktif, KNM Group susut 1.5 sen kepada 60.5 sen, PerisaiPetroleum Teknologi menokok 4.5 sen kepada 68.5 sen dan Scomi meningkat dua senkepada 50.5 sen.
Barangan pengguna menyumbang sebanyak 19.72 juta saham yang diurusniagakan di Papan Utama, barangan perusahaan 229.867 juta, pembinaan 40.468 juta,perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 193.49 juta, teknologi 39.906 juta, infrastruktur 17.053 juta, kewangan 89.276 juta, hotel 12.895 juta, hartanah 30.95 juta,perladangan 17.76 juta, perlombongan 8,100, REIT 1.725 juta dan dana tertutup 13,700. - Bernama
Mixed trading on Bursa
Sentiment for equities in the region stayed on the positive footing on Wednesday, April 21. Investors appeared to have shrugged off concerns over legal troubles surrounding US investment bank, Goldman Sachs, which triggered a sell off Monday, and are slowly getting back into the fray.
Asian stocks traded broadly higher with most bellwether indices closing with gains for the day. Confidence was bolstered by the higher close for the closely watched Dow Jones Industrial Average overnight. 1Q2010 corporate earnings results in the US have been, by and large, positive, underpinning hopes that the recovery remains on track.
On the home front, shares on the Bursa Malaysia traded mixed. The FBM KLCI opened higher but dipped into the red on the back of profit taking activities after the break. The benchmark index closed just about two points lower at 1,333.6.
Market breadth also deteriorated somewhat as the day progressed. Nevertheless, gainers retained by the upper hand at the close outnumbering losers by a ratio of roughly seven to five. Some of the more actively traded gainers were Tan Chong Motors, JCY International, Gamuda and Adventa. At the other end, BAT, CIMB, Tenaga Nasional and Tanjong plc were among the bigger losers for the day.
Trading volume improved to over 875 million shares, up from the 797 million shares traded in the previous day. KNM was the most heavily traded counter. Other actives include PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI [], Privasia TECHNOLOGY [], Scomi, Affin-WC, Scomi-WA and JCY International.
Shares on the local bourse will likely continue to take cues from the US and regional markets. However, barring any major negative developments, we believe sentiment will stay relatively firm.
In other developments, crude oil futures traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange inched higher to about US$84.50 per barrel. Oil prices have strengthened over the past few months as investor confidence in the global economic recovery gained traction.
Asian stocks traded broadly higher with most bellwether indices closing with gains for the day. Confidence was bolstered by the higher close for the closely watched Dow Jones Industrial Average overnight. 1Q2010 corporate earnings results in the US have been, by and large, positive, underpinning hopes that the recovery remains on track.
On the home front, shares on the Bursa Malaysia traded mixed. The FBM KLCI opened higher but dipped into the red on the back of profit taking activities after the break. The benchmark index closed just about two points lower at 1,333.6.
Market breadth also deteriorated somewhat as the day progressed. Nevertheless, gainers retained by the upper hand at the close outnumbering losers by a ratio of roughly seven to five. Some of the more actively traded gainers were Tan Chong Motors, JCY International, Gamuda and Adventa. At the other end, BAT, CIMB, Tenaga Nasional and Tanjong plc were among the bigger losers for the day.
Trading volume improved to over 875 million shares, up from the 797 million shares traded in the previous day. KNM was the most heavily traded counter. Other actives include PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI [], Privasia TECHNOLOGY [], Scomi, Affin-WC, Scomi-WA and JCY International.
Shares on the local bourse will likely continue to take cues from the US and regional markets. However, barring any major negative developments, we believe sentiment will stay relatively firm.
In other developments, crude oil futures traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange inched higher to about US$84.50 per barrel. Oil prices have strengthened over the past few months as investor confidence in the global economic recovery gained traction.
CIMB Research lowers Bursa TP to RM10.20
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research lowered its target price for stock exchange operator Bursa Malaysia to RM10.20 from RM10.70 as it reduces its earnings per share (EPS) forecast.
It said on Wednesday, April 21 that even with an 81.3% on-year rise, Bursa’s 1Q10 net profit came in at only 18% of its full-year forecast and 20% of consensus.
The variance came from a lower-than-expected velocity of 35% against its projection of 40%. As expected, no dividend was announced for the quarter.
"We pare down our FY10-12 EPS forecasts by about 4% for a slower velocity of 38%. This leads to a reduction in target price from RM10.70 to RM10.20, still pegged to an FY11 P/E of 33x. The strong recovery in 1Q affirms our view of favourable prospects for Bursa, backed by our end-2010 KLCI target of 1,450," it said.
CIMB Research maintained its trading buy call, based on the potential re-rating catalysts of (1) an expected rise in trading value, (2) sustained market sentiment, (3) a rebound in the effective clearing fee rate, and (4) stronger growth in the derivatives business.
It said on Wednesday, April 21 that even with an 81.3% on-year rise, Bursa’s 1Q10 net profit came in at only 18% of its full-year forecast and 20% of consensus.
The variance came from a lower-than-expected velocity of 35% against its projection of 40%. As expected, no dividend was announced for the quarter.
"We pare down our FY10-12 EPS forecasts by about 4% for a slower velocity of 38%. This leads to a reduction in target price from RM10.70 to RM10.20, still pegged to an FY11 P/E of 33x. The strong recovery in 1Q affirms our view of favourable prospects for Bursa, backed by our end-2010 KLCI target of 1,450," it said.
CIMB Research maintained its trading buy call, based on the potential re-rating catalysts of (1) an expected rise in trading value, (2) sustained market sentiment, (3) a rebound in the effective clearing fee rate, and (4) stronger growth in the derivatives business.
Blue chips up in cautious trade
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chips climbed in early trade on Wednesday, April 21, nudged by gains in Bursa but the overall market reflected some hesitant among investors despite the firmer key regional markets.
At 10.07am, the FBM KLCI was up 1.95 points to 1,337.85. Turnover was 195.13 million shares valued at RM167.57 million. There were 253 gainers, 104 gainers and 195 stocks unchanged.
Key Asian markets rose, with Japan's Nikkei 225 up 1.54% to 11,068.77; Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opened 0.5% higher at 21,732.76 while Shanghai's Composite Index added 0.51% to 2,994.74 and Singapore's Straits Times Index added 0.43% to 1,337.72.
Light crude oil climbed 49 cents to US$84.34.
RHB Research said in its technical outlook for the FBM KLCI that the formation of a positive candle and the better momentum readings suggest a possible further rebound on Wednesday, if the FBM KLCI crosses to above the 10-day SMA of 1,336.
"However, the continued fall in the daily turnover and the failure to completely remove the 10-day SMA yesterday implied that there is still risk ahead for the index to regain its upward momentum," it said.
RHB Research said only if the index chalks up a positive confirmation candle to above the 10-day SMA and manages to increase the daily trading volume to above the 1.0 billion shares mark, will it see a strong return in trading momentum. Otherwise, it expect sellers to resume their activities soon.
"Chart-wise, the short-term downside targets for the FBM KLCI have remained unchanged at the 40-day SMA of 1,314, a 2.6-pts technical gap near 1,305 and the 1,300 level. On the upside, a removal of the 10-day SMA will boost the trading sentiment and hence, leading the index to the recent high of 1,347.61, before resuming its previous medium-term target at 1,390," it said.
BAT was the top gainer, up 96 sen to RM44.30, Panasonic Malaysia 22 sen to RM16.90, while Bursa added 13 sen to RM7.73.
Tan Chong managed to halt its recent profit taking, with investors seen nibbling on the stock. It rise 17 sen to RM4.63. Glove makers Hartalega added 21 sen to RM7.69 and Top Glove 14 sen to RM12.94.
Affin-WC was the most active with 20.5 million units done, adding 1.5 sen to 19 sen.
Consumer stocks fell in thin trade, with Nestle down 22 sen to RM35.16 with 100 shares done, KFCH 19 sen to RM7.80, F&N eight sen to RM10.88, GAB seven sen to RM6.89.
EON Cap lost eight sen to RM7.07 and CIMB six sen to RM14.18.
At 10.07am, the FBM KLCI was up 1.95 points to 1,337.85. Turnover was 195.13 million shares valued at RM167.57 million. There were 253 gainers, 104 gainers and 195 stocks unchanged.
Key Asian markets rose, with Japan's Nikkei 225 up 1.54% to 11,068.77; Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opened 0.5% higher at 21,732.76 while Shanghai's Composite Index added 0.51% to 2,994.74 and Singapore's Straits Times Index added 0.43% to 1,337.72.
Light crude oil climbed 49 cents to US$84.34.
RHB Research said in its technical outlook for the FBM KLCI that the formation of a positive candle and the better momentum readings suggest a possible further rebound on Wednesday, if the FBM KLCI crosses to above the 10-day SMA of 1,336.
"However, the continued fall in the daily turnover and the failure to completely remove the 10-day SMA yesterday implied that there is still risk ahead for the index to regain its upward momentum," it said.
RHB Research said only if the index chalks up a positive confirmation candle to above the 10-day SMA and manages to increase the daily trading volume to above the 1.0 billion shares mark, will it see a strong return in trading momentum. Otherwise, it expect sellers to resume their activities soon.
"Chart-wise, the short-term downside targets for the FBM KLCI have remained unchanged at the 40-day SMA of 1,314, a 2.6-pts technical gap near 1,305 and the 1,300 level. On the upside, a removal of the 10-day SMA will boost the trading sentiment and hence, leading the index to the recent high of 1,347.61, before resuming its previous medium-term target at 1,390," it said.
BAT was the top gainer, up 96 sen to RM44.30, Panasonic Malaysia 22 sen to RM16.90, while Bursa added 13 sen to RM7.73.
Tan Chong managed to halt its recent profit taking, with investors seen nibbling on the stock. It rise 17 sen to RM4.63. Glove makers Hartalega added 21 sen to RM7.69 and Top Glove 14 sen to RM12.94.
Affin-WC was the most active with 20.5 million units done, adding 1.5 sen to 19 sen.
Consumer stocks fell in thin trade, with Nestle down 22 sen to RM35.16 with 100 shares done, KFCH 19 sen to RM7.80, F&N eight sen to RM10.88, GAB seven sen to RM6.89.
EON Cap lost eight sen to RM7.07 and CIMB six sen to RM14.18.
Gamuda up on SPLASH offer
KUALA LUMPUR: Shares of GAMUDA BHD [] rose to RM3.09 in late afternoon trade on Wednesday, April 21 after its 40% associate Syarikat Pengeluar Air Sungai Selangor Sdn Bhd (SPLASH) made a revised takeover offer for all the water concessionaires in Selangor.
Gamuda rose 14 sen to RM3.09 at 3.07pm with 2.6 milion shares done.
CIMB Equities Research had an Outperform and target price of RM4.65 after SPLASH's revised offer for Selangor water assets. It said Gamuda remains an Outperform as it will still control 40% of the enlarged SPLASH.
Under the revised offer, SPLASH will not own, but lease water assets from Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd (PAAB). Its earlier offer of RM10.75 billion remains unchanged.
CIMB Research said the acquisition price of RM10.8 billion is unchanged but now comprises PAAB’s RM8.1 billion offer topped up by SPLASH’s offer of RM2.6 billion.
It added that while this development is a surprise, PAAB’s involvement at this juncture is understandable as SPLASH’s operating structure post-consolidation should comply with the asset-light model under the Water Services Industry (WSI) Act 2006.
It also said this was a positive turn of events as the new proposal has the backing of the federal government and an even better chance of going through.
Gamuda rose 14 sen to RM3.09 at 3.07pm with 2.6 milion shares done.
CIMB Equities Research had an Outperform and target price of RM4.65 after SPLASH's revised offer for Selangor water assets. It said Gamuda remains an Outperform as it will still control 40% of the enlarged SPLASH.
Under the revised offer, SPLASH will not own, but lease water assets from Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd (PAAB). Its earlier offer of RM10.75 billion remains unchanged.
CIMB Research said the acquisition price of RM10.8 billion is unchanged but now comprises PAAB’s RM8.1 billion offer topped up by SPLASH’s offer of RM2.6 billion.
It added that while this development is a surprise, PAAB’s involvement at this juncture is understandable as SPLASH’s operating structure post-consolidation should comply with the asset-light model under the Water Services Industry (WSI) Act 2006.
It also said this was a positive turn of events as the new proposal has the backing of the federal government and an even better chance of going through.
Stocks to watch: Gamuda, UMCAA, Nestle, CI Holdings, Hirotako
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chip may edge up on Thursday, April 22, with interest seen in selected stocks including consumer companies such as NESTLE (M) BHD [] and CI Holdings Bhd but the overall market breadth is expected to cautious after the late selling the previous day that dragged the key FBM KLCI into the red.
On Wall Street, U.S. stocks finished little changed on Wednesday, April 21 as disappointing outlooks from healthcare companies offset strong earnings from Morgan Stanley and Apple Inc, according to Reuters.
The Dow Jones industrial average edged up 7.86 points, or 0.07 percent, at 11,124.92. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index dipped 1.23 points, or 0.10 percent, to 1,205.94. The Nasdaq Composite Index inched up 4.30 points, or 0.17 percent, to 2,504.61.
At Bursa Malaysia, stocks to watch are GAMUDA BHD [] and related water stocks, UNITED MALACCA BHD [] and HIROTAKO HOLDINGS BHD [].
While Gamuda's latest bid to consolidate the water industry in Selangor has been viewed positively by industry observers, the deal is unlikely to go through anytime soon as the other major players in the industry have yet to show acceptance of the proposal.
UMCAA is planning to invest RM100 million over the next few years in its 35,000-acre (14,000ha) semi-planted estates in Keningau, Sabah, said its group financial controller Susan Lai Swee Kee.
CI Holdings, which wholly-owns beverage manufactuer Permanis Sdn Bhd, reported an impressive set of results for its 3QFY10 ended March 31 that saw its earnings more than double year-on-year to RM10.86 million.
Revenue had also increased for the franchise holder of brands such as Pepsi, 7-Up, Gatorade and Lipton. The better performance could be attributed to better contributions from its beverage division, while its businesses in plumbing fixtures also showed signs of growth.
Hirotako Holdings Bhd is rewarding shareholders by distributing one treasury share for every 35 shares held. The book closure date for the share dividend is May 6.
Nestle (M) Bhd reported revenue and net profit for the food and beverage company went up, by 3.7% and 38% respectively. Earnings for the quarter came in at RM138.8 million while turnover was RM1 billion. The company attributed the improved performance to its strategy of increasing its manufacturing capacity and brand-building during the downturn last year
PACIFICMAS BHD [] has received Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) approval to start talks with Great Eastern Group to dispose of its unit The Pacific Insurance Bhd.
Bursa Malaysia Securities directed embattled shipping-related company MALAYSIAN MERCHANT MARINE BHD [] (MMM) to "immediately engage" external auditors, Messrs Ernst & Young, to commence an audit of the company's financial statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010.
SUNRISE BHD [] scored two wins in the Best Residential High-Rise Development award for its 28 Mont'Kiara project at the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2010 that was held in Hong Kong recently.
MTD Capital will pay its partner Philippine National CONSTRUCTION [] Corp (PNCC) a sum of Php422.5 million (RM30.5 million) after the parties signed a handover agreement pertaining to the disputed South Luzon Expressway project yesterday.
The sum comprised of payments due to PNCC under a JV to undertake and maintain the highway. MTD and PNCC's relationship soured last year after a dispute over who would control the highway.
MTD said the handover of the operations and maintenance of the highway would take place effective May 2, 2010. PNCC had previously held a 30-year concession over the highway, which expired in 2007.
PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI [] Bhd will also be in focus following the completion of a 19% stake in the company to Singapore-listed Ezra Holdings Ltd’s unit HCM Logistics Limited by its former managing director Nagendran Nadarajah, who was re-designated non-executive director.
On Wall Street, U.S. stocks finished little changed on Wednesday, April 21 as disappointing outlooks from healthcare companies offset strong earnings from Morgan Stanley and Apple Inc, according to Reuters.
The Dow Jones industrial average edged up 7.86 points, or 0.07 percent, at 11,124.92. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index dipped 1.23 points, or 0.10 percent, to 1,205.94. The Nasdaq Composite Index inched up 4.30 points, or 0.17 percent, to 2,504.61.
At Bursa Malaysia, stocks to watch are GAMUDA BHD [] and related water stocks, UNITED MALACCA BHD [] and HIROTAKO HOLDINGS BHD [].
While Gamuda's latest bid to consolidate the water industry in Selangor has been viewed positively by industry observers, the deal is unlikely to go through anytime soon as the other major players in the industry have yet to show acceptance of the proposal.
UMCAA is planning to invest RM100 million over the next few years in its 35,000-acre (14,000ha) semi-planted estates in Keningau, Sabah, said its group financial controller Susan Lai Swee Kee.
CI Holdings, which wholly-owns beverage manufactuer Permanis Sdn Bhd, reported an impressive set of results for its 3QFY10 ended March 31 that saw its earnings more than double year-on-year to RM10.86 million.
Revenue had also increased for the franchise holder of brands such as Pepsi, 7-Up, Gatorade and Lipton. The better performance could be attributed to better contributions from its beverage division, while its businesses in plumbing fixtures also showed signs of growth.
Hirotako Holdings Bhd is rewarding shareholders by distributing one treasury share for every 35 shares held. The book closure date for the share dividend is May 6.
Nestle (M) Bhd reported revenue and net profit for the food and beverage company went up, by 3.7% and 38% respectively. Earnings for the quarter came in at RM138.8 million while turnover was RM1 billion. The company attributed the improved performance to its strategy of increasing its manufacturing capacity and brand-building during the downturn last year
PACIFICMAS BHD [] has received Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) approval to start talks with Great Eastern Group to dispose of its unit The Pacific Insurance Bhd.
Bursa Malaysia Securities directed embattled shipping-related company MALAYSIAN MERCHANT MARINE BHD [] (MMM) to "immediately engage" external auditors, Messrs Ernst & Young, to commence an audit of the company's financial statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010.
SUNRISE BHD [] scored two wins in the Best Residential High-Rise Development award for its 28 Mont'Kiara project at the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2010 that was held in Hong Kong recently.
MTD Capital will pay its partner Philippine National CONSTRUCTION [] Corp (PNCC) a sum of Php422.5 million (RM30.5 million) after the parties signed a handover agreement pertaining to the disputed South Luzon Expressway project yesterday.
The sum comprised of payments due to PNCC under a JV to undertake and maintain the highway. MTD and PNCC's relationship soured last year after a dispute over who would control the highway.
MTD said the handover of the operations and maintenance of the highway would take place effective May 2, 2010. PNCC had previously held a 30-year concession over the highway, which expired in 2007.
PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI [] Bhd will also be in focus following the completion of a 19% stake in the company to Singapore-listed Ezra Holdings Ltd’s unit HCM Logistics Limited by its former managing director Nagendran Nadarajah, who was re-designated non-executive director.
CIMB Research maintains Trading Buy on water sector
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research is maintaining is Trading Buy on the water sector after GAMUDA BHD []’s 40% associate Syarikat Pengeluar Air Sungai Selangor Sdn Bhd (SPLASH) made a revised takeover offer for all the water concessionaires in Selangor.
Under the revised offer, Splash will not own, but lease water assets from Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd. Its earlier offer of RM10.75 billion remains unchanged.
“The move was to align with the WSIA legislation. The acquisition price of RM10.8 billion is unchanged but now comprises PAAB’s RM8.1bn offer topped up by Splash’s offer of RM2.6 billion,” it said in a research note issued on Wednesday, April 21.
CIMB Research said while this development is a surprise, PAAB’s involvement at this juncture is understandable as SPLASH’s operating structure post consolidation should comply with the asset-light model under WSIA.
It added this is a positive turn of events as the new proposal has the backing of the federal government and an even better chance of going through.
“We maintain our TRADING BUY on the water sector. Puncak Niaga remains our top pick with an unchanged target price of RM4.50 (10% discount to DCF), backed by its effective takeover price of RM4.54/share.
“Gamuda remains an Outperform as it will still control 40% of the enlarged Splash. The deal will enhance our RNAV by 8.5% and push up our target price from RM4.30 to RM4.65, based on an unchanged 10% discount to RNAV,” it said.
Under the revised offer, Splash will not own, but lease water assets from Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd. Its earlier offer of RM10.75 billion remains unchanged.
“The move was to align with the WSIA legislation. The acquisition price of RM10.8 billion is unchanged but now comprises PAAB’s RM8.1bn offer topped up by Splash’s offer of RM2.6 billion,” it said in a research note issued on Wednesday, April 21.
CIMB Research said while this development is a surprise, PAAB’s involvement at this juncture is understandable as SPLASH’s operating structure post consolidation should comply with the asset-light model under WSIA.
It added this is a positive turn of events as the new proposal has the backing of the federal government and an even better chance of going through.
“We maintain our TRADING BUY on the water sector. Puncak Niaga remains our top pick with an unchanged target price of RM4.50 (10% discount to DCF), backed by its effective takeover price of RM4.54/share.
“Gamuda remains an Outperform as it will still control 40% of the enlarged Splash. The deal will enhance our RNAV by 8.5% and push up our target price from RM4.30 to RM4.65, based on an unchanged 10% discount to RNAV,” it said.
April 20, 2010
FBM KLCI recovers, stays positive at mid-morning
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI recovered and stayed in positive territory in morning trade Tuesday, April 20, in line with some of the gains at regional markets that had tumbled on Monday on the back of the fraud charges brought against Goldman Sachs Group Inc last week.
At 10am, the FBM KLCI was up 5.99 points to 1,332.66. Trading volume was 151.99 million shares valued at RM159.77 million. Gainers led losers by 298 to 91, while 161 counters traded unchanged.
Among the top gainers this morning were rubber glove makers Top Glove Corp Bhd and Supermax Corp Bhd that added 32 sen and 14 sen respectively to RM12.72 and RM7.04, respectively.
BAT added 36 sen to RM43.90, Tanjong was up 16 sen to RM17.60, Kim Loong Resources gained 14 sen to RM2.16, MPI up 13 sen to RM7 and Tenaga added 12 sen to RM8.55.
Meanwhile, Lafarge Malayan Cement, DFZ Capital and RHB Capital gained 10 sen each to RM6.60, RM4.25 and RM6.10, respectively.
Ta Ann was the top loser and fell 17 sen to RM5.36. United PLANTATION []s lost 10 sen to RM14.08, Aeon Credit fell 6 sen to RM4.02, Amway and CCB lost 5 sen each to RM7.30 and RM5.13, while Alam Maritim fell 4 sen to RM1.80.
KNM Group was the most actively traded counter with 19.1 million shares done. The counter fell one sen to 61.5 sen. Other actively traded stocks this morning included Ramunia and Scomi.
At 10am, the FBM KLCI was up 5.99 points to 1,332.66. Trading volume was 151.99 million shares valued at RM159.77 million. Gainers led losers by 298 to 91, while 161 counters traded unchanged.
Among the top gainers this morning were rubber glove makers Top Glove Corp Bhd and Supermax Corp Bhd that added 32 sen and 14 sen respectively to RM12.72 and RM7.04, respectively.
BAT added 36 sen to RM43.90, Tanjong was up 16 sen to RM17.60, Kim Loong Resources gained 14 sen to RM2.16, MPI up 13 sen to RM7 and Tenaga added 12 sen to RM8.55.
Meanwhile, Lafarge Malayan Cement, DFZ Capital and RHB Capital gained 10 sen each to RM6.60, RM4.25 and RM6.10, respectively.
Ta Ann was the top loser and fell 17 sen to RM5.36. United PLANTATION []s lost 10 sen to RM14.08, Aeon Credit fell 6 sen to RM4.02, Amway and CCB lost 5 sen each to RM7.30 and RM5.13, while Alam Maritim fell 4 sen to RM1.80.
KNM Group was the most actively traded counter with 19.1 million shares done. The counter fell one sen to 61.5 sen. Other actively traded stocks this morning included Ramunia and Scomi.
Investors on Bursa take in profits
Share prices on Bursa Malaysia remained lower at close yesterday as investors took in profits ahead of a string of corporate results scheduled to be released this week, dealers said.
The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) eased 6.1 points to 1,326.67, dragged down by losses mostly in DiGi.Com.
However, some buying of MISC's shares managed to cap some of the losses, a dealer said.
The FBM KLCI which opened 3.04 points lower at 1,329.73, moved between 1,321.25 and 1,329.73 during trade yesterday.
The Finance Index dropped 85.25 points to 11,882.58, the Plantation Index declined 23.71 points to 6,493.71,
The Industrial Index added 0.41 point to 2,754.76 and the FBM Emas Index was 64.58 points lower at 8,986.02.
The FBM70 lost 116.0 points to 8,934.37 and the FBM ACE Index declined 64.24 points to 4,143.08.
Losers outpaced gainers by 622 to 133 while 220 counters were unchanged, 412 untraded and 53 suspended.
Volume stood at 812.973 million shares, worth RM1.21 billion, up from 783.78 million shares valued at RM1.207 billion last Friday
Maybank Investment, in its research note said the local market appeared to be weaker and poised to break below the key 1,330 support level.
One of the dealers said external factors like Goldman Sachs' fraud case will likely influence investors to stay on the sidelines.
However, a string of good corporate results which are expected this week, would likely cushion some of the negative impact, he said. Both Tenaga Nasional and Bursa Malaysia are expected to announce their results tomorrow, while BAT's results are due on Thursday.
Volume on the Main Market rose to 645.018 million shares worth RM1.149 billion from last Friday's closing of 636.793 million shares worth RM1.165 billion.
The ACE Market volume, however, declined to 66.456 million shares valued at RM13.757 million versus 74.148 million shares worth RM11.042 million previously.
Warrants transactions rose to 72.032 million units worth RM14.096 million from 56.347 million units worth RM12.187 million, registered on Friday.
Consumer products accounted for 32.007 million shares traded on the main market, industrial products 169.984 million, construction 34.818 million, trade and services 220.101 million, technology 30.514 million, infrastructure 22.201 million, finance 68.107 million, hotels 7.601 million, properties 43.493 million, plantations 13.64 million, mining 16,700, REITs 2.473 million and closed/fund 61,000. - Bernama
The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) eased 6.1 points to 1,326.67, dragged down by losses mostly in DiGi.Com.
However, some buying of MISC's shares managed to cap some of the losses, a dealer said.
The FBM KLCI which opened 3.04 points lower at 1,329.73, moved between 1,321.25 and 1,329.73 during trade yesterday.
The Finance Index dropped 85.25 points to 11,882.58, the Plantation Index declined 23.71 points to 6,493.71,
The Industrial Index added 0.41 point to 2,754.76 and the FBM Emas Index was 64.58 points lower at 8,986.02.
The FBM70 lost 116.0 points to 8,934.37 and the FBM ACE Index declined 64.24 points to 4,143.08.
Losers outpaced gainers by 622 to 133 while 220 counters were unchanged, 412 untraded and 53 suspended.
Volume stood at 812.973 million shares, worth RM1.21 billion, up from 783.78 million shares valued at RM1.207 billion last Friday
Maybank Investment, in its research note said the local market appeared to be weaker and poised to break below the key 1,330 support level.
One of the dealers said external factors like Goldman Sachs' fraud case will likely influence investors to stay on the sidelines.
However, a string of good corporate results which are expected this week, would likely cushion some of the negative impact, he said. Both Tenaga Nasional and Bursa Malaysia are expected to announce their results tomorrow, while BAT's results are due on Thursday.
Volume on the Main Market rose to 645.018 million shares worth RM1.149 billion from last Friday's closing of 636.793 million shares worth RM1.165 billion.
The ACE Market volume, however, declined to 66.456 million shares valued at RM13.757 million versus 74.148 million shares worth RM11.042 million previously.
Warrants transactions rose to 72.032 million units worth RM14.096 million from 56.347 million units worth RM12.187 million, registered on Friday.
Consumer products accounted for 32.007 million shares traded on the main market, industrial products 169.984 million, construction 34.818 million, trade and services 220.101 million, technology 30.514 million, infrastructure 22.201 million, finance 68.107 million, hotels 7.601 million, properties 43.493 million, plantations 13.64 million, mining 16,700, REITs 2.473 million and closed/fund 61,000. - Bernama
April 19, 2010
FBM KLCI falls in early trade
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI opened in the red in the morning trade on Monday, April 19, in line with the slump at regional markets due to the fallout from US regulators' decision to charge Goldman Sachs Group Inc with fraud related to subprime mortgages.
According to Reuters, defaults on subprime mortgages and the unraveling of related derivatives and debt played a major role in the credit crunch that led to a meltdown on Wall Street and the worst US recession since the 1930s.
Last Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 125.91 points, or 1.13% to 11,018.66, while the Standard & Poor's 500 Index was off 19.54 points, or 1.61% to 1,192.13. The Nasdaq Composite Index lost 34.43 points, or 1.37%, to 2,481.26.
The FBM KLCI fell 6.03 points to 1,326.74 at 9.05am. Losers thumped gainers by 196 to 28, while 64 counters traded unchanged. Trading volume was 35.37 million shares valued at RM25.1 million.
Kossan was the top loser in early trade and fell 17 sen to RM7.60. MPI lost 15 sen to RM6.85, Supermax down 14 sen to RM6.66, WCT fell 13 sen to RM2.80 while Ajinomoto and Tan Chong lost 10 sen each to RM4.76 and RM4.60, respectively.
Meanwhile, Latexx, Unisem, Faber and Cahya Mata Sarawak fell 9 sen each to RM3.70, RM2.93, RM2.23 and RM2.81, respectively.
According to Reuters, defaults on subprime mortgages and the unraveling of related derivatives and debt played a major role in the credit crunch that led to a meltdown on Wall Street and the worst US recession since the 1930s.
Last Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 125.91 points, or 1.13% to 11,018.66, while the Standard & Poor's 500 Index was off 19.54 points, or 1.61% to 1,192.13. The Nasdaq Composite Index lost 34.43 points, or 1.37%, to 2,481.26.
The FBM KLCI fell 6.03 points to 1,326.74 at 9.05am. Losers thumped gainers by 196 to 28, while 64 counters traded unchanged. Trading volume was 35.37 million shares valued at RM25.1 million.
Kossan was the top loser in early trade and fell 17 sen to RM7.60. MPI lost 15 sen to RM6.85, Supermax down 14 sen to RM6.66, WCT fell 13 sen to RM2.80 while Ajinomoto and Tan Chong lost 10 sen each to RM4.76 and RM4.60, respectively.
Meanwhile, Latexx, Unisem, Faber and Cahya Mata Sarawak fell 9 sen each to RM3.70, RM2.93, RM2.23 and RM2.81, respectively.
HDBSVR expects profit taking on Bursa
KUALA LUMPUR: Hwang DBS Vickers Research (HDBSVR) said on Monday April 19 that negative vibes from external sources will provide an excuse for investors to take profit on Malaysian equities.
“If so, then the benchmark FBM KLCI is expected to slip ahead, possibly on its way towards the first support level of 1,305,” it said.
Essentially, regional stock markets could be in the red when trading resumes this morning following last Friday’s tumble on Wall Street. Major U.S. stock bellwethers plunged between 1.1% and 1.6% at the closing bell hit by fraud allegations at Goldman Sachs.
HDBSVR said on Bursa Malaysia, new developments have emerged with regard to Hong Leong Bank’s offer to acquire the assets and liabilities of EON Capital, which may translate to added trading interest in related counters on Monday.
“In particular, Affin has responded by stating that it has not submitted any competing bid to Bank Negara to buy over EON Capital’s banking business. Separately, Primus (an existing substantial shareholder of EON Capital) has issued a statement to say that it has no intention to sell out of EON Capital,” it said.
“If so, then the benchmark FBM KLCI is expected to slip ahead, possibly on its way towards the first support level of 1,305,” it said.
Essentially, regional stock markets could be in the red when trading resumes this morning following last Friday’s tumble on Wall Street. Major U.S. stock bellwethers plunged between 1.1% and 1.6% at the closing bell hit by fraud allegations at Goldman Sachs.
HDBSVR said on Bursa Malaysia, new developments have emerged with regard to Hong Leong Bank’s offer to acquire the assets and liabilities of EON Capital, which may translate to added trading interest in related counters on Monday.
“In particular, Affin has responded by stating that it has not submitted any competing bid to Bank Negara to buy over EON Capital’s banking business. Separately, Primus (an existing substantial shareholder of EON Capital) has issued a statement to say that it has no intention to sell out of EON Capital,” it said.
CIMB Research has Outperform on JCY, target price RM2.68
Written by CIMB Equities Research
Monday, 19 April 2010 08:45
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research has initiated coverage of JCY, one of the most profitable and biggest hard disk drive (HDD) mechanical component makers in the world, with an OUTPERFORM and RM2.68 target price.
It said on Monday, April 19 that its target price was based on 12x CY11 P/E. JCY should trade at least close to the current 13.5x CY11 P/E for the KLCI and a premium over the average 11x CY11 P/E for its global peers (range of 4-18x) given its healthy earnings prospects, above-industry returns and size as well as decent dividend yields.
“Our 12x target P/E also places it within the range that private equity firms and rivals paid in 2007-08 for some smaller SGX-listed HDD component suppliers,” it said.
CIMB Research said size matters when industry consolidates further. JCY is one of the most profitable and biggest HDD mechanical component makers in the world.
Given its size and financial strength, we believe it can remain relevant even if this highly competitive industry consolidates further.
Another key strength of JCY is its ability to supply multi-components to customers. HDD OEMs are showing an increasing preference for such suppliers as they would only need to deal with a small pool of suppliers, thereby ensuring faster time-to-market and producing cost savings.
“We project a net profit CAGR of 34% and ROEs averaging 36% for FY9/09-12, underpinned by continuous volume growth and positive operating leverage. Global HDD shipments are projected to rack up a CAGR of 12% in 2009-12, driven largely by strength in mobile and consumer electronics drives.
“JCY plans to pay out as much as 50% of its net profits in dividends. Based on our net profit forecasts and assuming a 50% payout, dividend yield is estimated at 5-7% for FY10-12,” it said.
Monday, 19 April 2010 08:45
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research has initiated coverage of JCY, one of the most profitable and biggest hard disk drive (HDD) mechanical component makers in the world, with an OUTPERFORM and RM2.68 target price.
It said on Monday, April 19 that its target price was based on 12x CY11 P/E. JCY should trade at least close to the current 13.5x CY11 P/E for the KLCI and a premium over the average 11x CY11 P/E for its global peers (range of 4-18x) given its healthy earnings prospects, above-industry returns and size as well as decent dividend yields.
“Our 12x target P/E also places it within the range that private equity firms and rivals paid in 2007-08 for some smaller SGX-listed HDD component suppliers,” it said.
CIMB Research said size matters when industry consolidates further. JCY is one of the most profitable and biggest HDD mechanical component makers in the world.
Given its size and financial strength, we believe it can remain relevant even if this highly competitive industry consolidates further.
Another key strength of JCY is its ability to supply multi-components to customers. HDD OEMs are showing an increasing preference for such suppliers as they would only need to deal with a small pool of suppliers, thereby ensuring faster time-to-market and producing cost savings.
“We project a net profit CAGR of 34% and ROEs averaging 36% for FY9/09-12, underpinned by continuous volume growth and positive operating leverage. Global HDD shipments are projected to rack up a CAGR of 12% in 2009-12, driven largely by strength in mobile and consumer electronics drives.
“JCY plans to pay out as much as 50% of its net profits in dividends. Based on our net profit forecasts and assuming a 50% payout, dividend yield is estimated at 5-7% for FY10-12,” it said.
Bursa Mingguan: Pengambilan untung tekan pasaran
Saham mewah yang dijangka terus jatuh buka peluang pelabur membeli
PERANGKAAN ekonomi lebih baik daripada jangkaan bermula dengan jualan sektor peruncitan hingga Keluaran Dalam Negara kasar (KDNK) di Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan pasaran serantau gagal menaikkan bursa saham tempatan minggu lalu.
Pasaran bimbang dengan langkah China mengetatkan lagi dasar kreditnya bertujuan mengekang spekulasi hartanah, seterusnya memaksa pasaran melanjutkan lagi kegiatan pengambilan untung. Berikutan itu, penanda aras bagi saham mewah, Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) jatuh 1.21 mata atau 0.1 peratus minggu lalu untuk ditutup pada 1,332.77, dengan keuntungan dicatatkan pada saham DiGi.com (+RM1.10), MISC (+15 sen) dan IOI Corp (+5 sen) dibayangi oleh kerugian pada saham CIMB (-14 sen), Sime Darby (-9 sen) dan Axiata (-6 sen). Purata dan nilai dagangan harian masing-masing menurun kepada 961.4 juta saham bernilai RM1.46 bilion, berbanding 1.17 bilion saham bernilai RM1.56 bilion pada minggu sebelumnya.
Perangkaan Indeks Harga Pengguna (IHP) dan rizab asing yang akan dikeluarkan Rabu dan Khamis ini dijangka tidak akan mempunyai sebarang kesan kepada pasaran memandangkan pasaran sudah pun menjangkakan bank pusat akan meneruskan proses menjadikan kadar faedah kembali seperti biasa apabila ia bermesyuarat bulan depan.
Kesepakatan pendapat mengenai unjuran IHP bagi Mac adalah ia akan bergerak tinggi dengan peningkatan 1.5 peratus berbanding 1.2 peratus bagi Februari.
Jangkaan mengenai tekanan inflasi bukan satu kejutan memandangkan ekonomi domestik sedang bergerak seiring dengan pertumbuhan yang disaksikan di lain-lain ekonomi serantau dan pelanggan pula kini bersedia berbelanja.
Jangkaan kenaikan tambahan dalam kadar faedah dan permintaan dari luar yang lebih baik ke atas eksport dari Malaysia telah menjadi faktor penting dalam pengukuhan nilai ringgit dan ia akan ditunjukkan dalam data tukaran asing.
Bagaimanapun, kadar faedah bukan satu-satunya alat dalam dasar monetori di Bank Negara Malaysia.
Bank pusat itu boleh mengikut jejak langkah Singapura dan menilai semula ringgit ke tahap lebih tinggi dengan secara rasmi.
Sudah tentu, pengeksport akan menerima kesan daripada langkah itu tetapi mereka tidak boleh bergantung kepada faktor daya saing ini saja untuk selama-lamanya manakala pengguna terpaksa menanggung beban.
Membenarkan ringgit terus mengukuh, mungkin antara RM2.90 hingga RM3 berbanding AS$1 akan membantu mengurangkan tekanan inflasi dan pada masa sama memberikan lebih banyak kelebihan kepada kerajaan dalam melaksanakan beberapa pendekatan antisubsidi yang sudah lama tertangguh seperti harga minyak di pam dan peningkatan tarif elektrik.
Dari segi tinjauan pasaran pula, arah aliran pasaran yang lemah minggu lalu memberikan petanda bahawa petunjuk saham mewah akan terus jatuh berikutan faktor pengambilan untung.
Keadaan pengambilan untung ini sesuai kepada pelabur yang sebelum ini berada di luar pasaran tetapi kini mencari peluang untuk membeli.
Saham perbankan utama seperti CIMB, Maybank, Public Bank dan RHB Capital menawarkan pembelian yang lebih baik kerana berada dalam kumpulan saham mewah yang harganya menurun.
PERANGKAAN ekonomi lebih baik daripada jangkaan bermula dengan jualan sektor peruncitan hingga Keluaran Dalam Negara kasar (KDNK) di Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan pasaran serantau gagal menaikkan bursa saham tempatan minggu lalu.
Pasaran bimbang dengan langkah China mengetatkan lagi dasar kreditnya bertujuan mengekang spekulasi hartanah, seterusnya memaksa pasaran melanjutkan lagi kegiatan pengambilan untung. Berikutan itu, penanda aras bagi saham mewah, Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) jatuh 1.21 mata atau 0.1 peratus minggu lalu untuk ditutup pada 1,332.77, dengan keuntungan dicatatkan pada saham DiGi.com (+RM1.10), MISC (+15 sen) dan IOI Corp (+5 sen) dibayangi oleh kerugian pada saham CIMB (-14 sen), Sime Darby (-9 sen) dan Axiata (-6 sen). Purata dan nilai dagangan harian masing-masing menurun kepada 961.4 juta saham bernilai RM1.46 bilion, berbanding 1.17 bilion saham bernilai RM1.56 bilion pada minggu sebelumnya.
Perangkaan Indeks Harga Pengguna (IHP) dan rizab asing yang akan dikeluarkan Rabu dan Khamis ini dijangka tidak akan mempunyai sebarang kesan kepada pasaran memandangkan pasaran sudah pun menjangkakan bank pusat akan meneruskan proses menjadikan kadar faedah kembali seperti biasa apabila ia bermesyuarat bulan depan.
Kesepakatan pendapat mengenai unjuran IHP bagi Mac adalah ia akan bergerak tinggi dengan peningkatan 1.5 peratus berbanding 1.2 peratus bagi Februari.
Jangkaan mengenai tekanan inflasi bukan satu kejutan memandangkan ekonomi domestik sedang bergerak seiring dengan pertumbuhan yang disaksikan di lain-lain ekonomi serantau dan pelanggan pula kini bersedia berbelanja.
Jangkaan kenaikan tambahan dalam kadar faedah dan permintaan dari luar yang lebih baik ke atas eksport dari Malaysia telah menjadi faktor penting dalam pengukuhan nilai ringgit dan ia akan ditunjukkan dalam data tukaran asing.
Bagaimanapun, kadar faedah bukan satu-satunya alat dalam dasar monetori di Bank Negara Malaysia.
Bank pusat itu boleh mengikut jejak langkah Singapura dan menilai semula ringgit ke tahap lebih tinggi dengan secara rasmi.
Sudah tentu, pengeksport akan menerima kesan daripada langkah itu tetapi mereka tidak boleh bergantung kepada faktor daya saing ini saja untuk selama-lamanya manakala pengguna terpaksa menanggung beban.
Membenarkan ringgit terus mengukuh, mungkin antara RM2.90 hingga RM3 berbanding AS$1 akan membantu mengurangkan tekanan inflasi dan pada masa sama memberikan lebih banyak kelebihan kepada kerajaan dalam melaksanakan beberapa pendekatan antisubsidi yang sudah lama tertangguh seperti harga minyak di pam dan peningkatan tarif elektrik.
Dari segi tinjauan pasaran pula, arah aliran pasaran yang lemah minggu lalu memberikan petanda bahawa petunjuk saham mewah akan terus jatuh berikutan faktor pengambilan untung.
Keadaan pengambilan untung ini sesuai kepada pelabur yang sebelum ini berada di luar pasaran tetapi kini mencari peluang untuk membeli.
Saham perbankan utama seperti CIMB, Maybank, Public Bank dan RHB Capital menawarkan pembelian yang lebih baik kerana berada dalam kumpulan saham mewah yang harganya menurun.
Pembetulan pasaran minggu ini
KUALA LUMPUR 18 April - Harga-harga saham di Bursa Malaysia mungkin menyaksikan pembetulan dan naik turun minggu ini selepas rali baru-baru ini, berikutan kemungkinan bekalan wang yang kecil, kata seorang penganalisis.
"Kita berkemungkinan memasuki tahap kritikal, terutama apabila bekalan wang (M1) meningkat kepada julat 20 peratus.
Pada Februari, M1 mencatatkan 15 peratus," kata Penganalisis dan Ketua Penyelidik Jupiter Securities, Pong Teng Siew.
M1 meliputi deposit transaksi bank dan tunai dalam edaran.
Jika bekalan wang terus meningkat minggu depan, pasaran berada dalam keadaan yang sesuai untuk pembetulan antara 10 peratus hingga 15 peratus.
"Ia bukan pasaran yang menunjuk aliran menurun, tetapi penurunannya ketara," katanya.
Beliau juga berkata, berdasarkan petunjuk, apabila bekalan wang mencecah paras tertentu, Bank Negara Malaysia akan mengurangkan mudah tunai dan pasaran akan melakukan pembetulan ketara.
Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata, adalah sukar untuk meramalkan bila ia akan berlaku.
"Ia mungkin minggu depan, oleh itu pelabur perlu berhati-hati. Malah mereka perlu lebih berhati-hati berbanding sebelumnya, dengan rali pasaran saham bermula bulan lepas," katanya.
Teng Siew berkata, kadar faedah pasaran wang juga menunjukkan aliran meningkat, terutama bagi Kadar Tawaran Antara Bank Kuala Lumpur (KLIBOR) tiga bulan.
"Lembaran imbangan bank-bank kita juga menunjukkan kurang kecairan dengan deposit kepada nisbah pinjaman pada 80 peratus, yang merupakan satu lagi petunjuk mengenai bekalan yang kecil," katanya.
Beliau yang ditanya sama ada peningkatan kadar ringgit berbanding mata wang utama yang lain akan merangsang pasaran berkata, pasaran bon dijangka memperoleh manfaat yang lebih besar.
"Melainkan dagangan yang dilakukan sangat besar, sebahagian daripadanya akan memasuki pasaran saham. Jika tidak ia hanya merupakan rangsangan jangka pendek," katanya. Ringgit hampir mencecah paras paling tinggi dalam tempoh dua tahun berbanding dolar.
Ia meningkat kepada 3.1785 minggu sebelumnya, paras tertinggi sejak Mei 2008.
Pada Jumaat, ia ditutup pada 3.1880/1920 berbanding dollar Amerika Syarikat, berbanding 3.1925/1965 pada penutup Khamis.
TA Securities dalam laporan penyelidikannya pada Jumaat menyebut, ujian semula paras tertinggi FBM KLCI pada 1,347 baru-baru ini boleh dicapai memandangkan indeks terus stabil dan mendapat sokongan melepasi 1,334.
"Paras melepasi 1,347 akan merangsang peningkatan ke paras 1,354. Jika melepasi paras penting ini, ia akan meningkat ke paras ketahanan berikutnya pada 1,380," kata firma penyelidikan itu.
Sementara itu, ECS ICT Bhd. disenaraikan di Pasaran Utama pada Khamis.
Sahamnya dibuka pada RM1.52, enam sen lebih tinggi berbanding harga tawanan.
Bursa saham memulakan minggu lalu pada asas yang lebih kukuh namun menyusut pada akhir minggu apabila pelabur bertindak menyimpan keuntungan jangka pendek.
Mengikut perbandingan Jumaat ke Jumaat, FBM KLCI turun 1.21 mata kepada 1,332.77.
Indeks FBM Emas susut 35.99 mata kepada 9,050.6, Indeks FBM Top100 turun 22.13 mata kepada 8,780.12 dan Indeks FBM ACE susut 87.81 mata kepada 4,207.32.
Indeks Kewangan turun 38.98 mata kepada 11,967.83, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 12.71 mata kepada 2,754.35 dan Indeks Perladangan menambah 24.24 mata kepada 6,517.42.
Sejumlah 4.812 bilion saham bernilai RM7.279 bilion bertukar tangan pada minggu yang baru berakhir, berkurangan sedikit berbanding 5.842 bilion saham bernilai RM7.821 bilion pada minggu sebelumnya.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama juga berkurangan kepada 4.063 bilion saham bernilai RM4.084 bilion berbanding 4.861 bilion saham bernilai RM7.546 bilion sebelumnya.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE turun kepada 273.698 juta saham bernilai RM49.172 juta berbanding 307.535 juta saham bernilai RM49.368 juta sebelumnya.
Jumlah dagangan warran susut kepada 387.359 juta bernilai RM96.85 juta berbanding 492.586 juta unit bernilai RM111.235 juta sebelumnya. - BERNAMA
"Kita berkemungkinan memasuki tahap kritikal, terutama apabila bekalan wang (M1) meningkat kepada julat 20 peratus.
Pada Februari, M1 mencatatkan 15 peratus," kata Penganalisis dan Ketua Penyelidik Jupiter Securities, Pong Teng Siew.
M1 meliputi deposit transaksi bank dan tunai dalam edaran.
Jika bekalan wang terus meningkat minggu depan, pasaran berada dalam keadaan yang sesuai untuk pembetulan antara 10 peratus hingga 15 peratus.
"Ia bukan pasaran yang menunjuk aliran menurun, tetapi penurunannya ketara," katanya.
Beliau juga berkata, berdasarkan petunjuk, apabila bekalan wang mencecah paras tertentu, Bank Negara Malaysia akan mengurangkan mudah tunai dan pasaran akan melakukan pembetulan ketara.
Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata, adalah sukar untuk meramalkan bila ia akan berlaku.
"Ia mungkin minggu depan, oleh itu pelabur perlu berhati-hati. Malah mereka perlu lebih berhati-hati berbanding sebelumnya, dengan rali pasaran saham bermula bulan lepas," katanya.
Teng Siew berkata, kadar faedah pasaran wang juga menunjukkan aliran meningkat, terutama bagi Kadar Tawaran Antara Bank Kuala Lumpur (KLIBOR) tiga bulan.
"Lembaran imbangan bank-bank kita juga menunjukkan kurang kecairan dengan deposit kepada nisbah pinjaman pada 80 peratus, yang merupakan satu lagi petunjuk mengenai bekalan yang kecil," katanya.
Beliau yang ditanya sama ada peningkatan kadar ringgit berbanding mata wang utama yang lain akan merangsang pasaran berkata, pasaran bon dijangka memperoleh manfaat yang lebih besar.
"Melainkan dagangan yang dilakukan sangat besar, sebahagian daripadanya akan memasuki pasaran saham. Jika tidak ia hanya merupakan rangsangan jangka pendek," katanya. Ringgit hampir mencecah paras paling tinggi dalam tempoh dua tahun berbanding dolar.
Ia meningkat kepada 3.1785 minggu sebelumnya, paras tertinggi sejak Mei 2008.
Pada Jumaat, ia ditutup pada 3.1880/1920 berbanding dollar Amerika Syarikat, berbanding 3.1925/1965 pada penutup Khamis.
TA Securities dalam laporan penyelidikannya pada Jumaat menyebut, ujian semula paras tertinggi FBM KLCI pada 1,347 baru-baru ini boleh dicapai memandangkan indeks terus stabil dan mendapat sokongan melepasi 1,334.
"Paras melepasi 1,347 akan merangsang peningkatan ke paras 1,354. Jika melepasi paras penting ini, ia akan meningkat ke paras ketahanan berikutnya pada 1,380," kata firma penyelidikan itu.
Sementara itu, ECS ICT Bhd. disenaraikan di Pasaran Utama pada Khamis.
Sahamnya dibuka pada RM1.52, enam sen lebih tinggi berbanding harga tawanan.
Bursa saham memulakan minggu lalu pada asas yang lebih kukuh namun menyusut pada akhir minggu apabila pelabur bertindak menyimpan keuntungan jangka pendek.
Mengikut perbandingan Jumaat ke Jumaat, FBM KLCI turun 1.21 mata kepada 1,332.77.
Indeks FBM Emas susut 35.99 mata kepada 9,050.6, Indeks FBM Top100 turun 22.13 mata kepada 8,780.12 dan Indeks FBM ACE susut 87.81 mata kepada 4,207.32.
Indeks Kewangan turun 38.98 mata kepada 11,967.83, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 12.71 mata kepada 2,754.35 dan Indeks Perladangan menambah 24.24 mata kepada 6,517.42.
Sejumlah 4.812 bilion saham bernilai RM7.279 bilion bertukar tangan pada minggu yang baru berakhir, berkurangan sedikit berbanding 5.842 bilion saham bernilai RM7.821 bilion pada minggu sebelumnya.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama juga berkurangan kepada 4.063 bilion saham bernilai RM4.084 bilion berbanding 4.861 bilion saham bernilai RM7.546 bilion sebelumnya.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE turun kepada 273.698 juta saham bernilai RM49.172 juta berbanding 307.535 juta saham bernilai RM49.368 juta sebelumnya.
Jumlah dagangan warran susut kepada 387.359 juta bernilai RM96.85 juta berbanding 492.586 juta unit bernilai RM111.235 juta sebelumnya. - BERNAMA
April 16, 2010
Bursa ditutup bercampur-campur
KUALA LUMPUR 15 April - Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup bercampur-campur dengan indeks utama kekal dalam lingkungan positif, dibantu oleh belian lewat dalam saham mewah terpilih, kata para peniaga.
Pada pukul 5 petang, Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) naik 2.94 mata atau 0.22 peratus kepada 1,338.83 selepas dibuka 2.75 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,338.64.Peniaga-peniaga berkata pasaran tempatan dibuka kukuh setelah sentimen pelabur dirangsang oleh kenaikan semalaman di Wall Street.
Mengenai prestasi indeks lain, Indeks Kewangan meningkat 19.86 mata kepada 12,047.39, Indeks Perladangan naik 21.54 mata kepada 6,536.88 dan Indeks Perusahaan menambah 6.67 mata kepada 2,774.47. Indeks FBM Emas menokok 13.52 mata kepada 9,106.95, FBM70 naik 21.42 mata kepada 9,156.56 manakala Indeks FBM Ace susut 7.1 mata kepada 4,239.01.
Saham rugi mengatasi untung pada 406 berbanding 293 manakala 298 kaunter tidak berubah, 363 tidak didagangkan dan 31 lagi digantung. Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 1.045 bilion saham bernilai RM1.638 bilion daripada 845.006 juta saham bernilai RM1.364 bilion semalam.
Antara saham aktif, KNM Group rugi 7.5 sen kepada 66.0 sen. Harga sahamnya turun kepada hampir paras rendah dalam setahun, selepas pemegang saham utama Lee Swee Eng dan dua rakan asing, gagal dalam usaha mereka mendapatkan aset dan liabiliti syarikat minyak dan gas disebabkan isu harga.
Sementara itu, Talam Corporation, susut setengah sen kepada 13.0 sen, Scomi Group jatuh satu sen kepada 48.0 sen manakala Perisai Petroleum menambah setengah sen kepada 61.0 sen.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran utama naik kepada 898.819 juta saham bernilai RM1.595 billion daripada 717.561 juta saham bernilai RM1.322 bilion semalam.
Bagaimanapun, perolehan dagangan di pasaran ACE susut kepada 51.658 juta saham bernilai RM10.044 juta daripada 51.941 juta saham bernilai RM9.583 juta sebelumnya.
Urus niaga waran meningkat kepada 74.439 juta saham bernilai RM15.725 juta berbanding 53.257 juta saham bernilai RM12.564 juta semalam.
Barangan pengguna menguasai 32.051 juta saham didagangkan pasaran utama, barangan perusahaan 335.910 juta, pembinaan 62.894 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 213.324 juta, teknologi 39.775 juta, infrastruktur 26.789 juta, kewangan 90.210 juta, hotel 7.782 juta, hartanah 69.814 juta, perladangan 17.970 juta, perlombongan 30,000, REIT 2.196 juta dan dana tertutup 74,000. - Bernama
Pada pukul 5 petang, Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) naik 2.94 mata atau 0.22 peratus kepada 1,338.83 selepas dibuka 2.75 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,338.64.Peniaga-peniaga berkata pasaran tempatan dibuka kukuh setelah sentimen pelabur dirangsang oleh kenaikan semalaman di Wall Street.
Mengenai prestasi indeks lain, Indeks Kewangan meningkat 19.86 mata kepada 12,047.39, Indeks Perladangan naik 21.54 mata kepada 6,536.88 dan Indeks Perusahaan menambah 6.67 mata kepada 2,774.47. Indeks FBM Emas menokok 13.52 mata kepada 9,106.95, FBM70 naik 21.42 mata kepada 9,156.56 manakala Indeks FBM Ace susut 7.1 mata kepada 4,239.01.
Saham rugi mengatasi untung pada 406 berbanding 293 manakala 298 kaunter tidak berubah, 363 tidak didagangkan dan 31 lagi digantung. Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 1.045 bilion saham bernilai RM1.638 bilion daripada 845.006 juta saham bernilai RM1.364 bilion semalam.
Antara saham aktif, KNM Group rugi 7.5 sen kepada 66.0 sen. Harga sahamnya turun kepada hampir paras rendah dalam setahun, selepas pemegang saham utama Lee Swee Eng dan dua rakan asing, gagal dalam usaha mereka mendapatkan aset dan liabiliti syarikat minyak dan gas disebabkan isu harga.
Sementara itu, Talam Corporation, susut setengah sen kepada 13.0 sen, Scomi Group jatuh satu sen kepada 48.0 sen manakala Perisai Petroleum menambah setengah sen kepada 61.0 sen.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran utama naik kepada 898.819 juta saham bernilai RM1.595 billion daripada 717.561 juta saham bernilai RM1.322 bilion semalam.
Bagaimanapun, perolehan dagangan di pasaran ACE susut kepada 51.658 juta saham bernilai RM10.044 juta daripada 51.941 juta saham bernilai RM9.583 juta sebelumnya.
Urus niaga waran meningkat kepada 74.439 juta saham bernilai RM15.725 juta berbanding 53.257 juta saham bernilai RM12.564 juta semalam.
Barangan pengguna menguasai 32.051 juta saham didagangkan pasaran utama, barangan perusahaan 335.910 juta, pembinaan 62.894 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 213.324 juta, teknologi 39.775 juta, infrastruktur 26.789 juta, kewangan 90.210 juta, hotel 7.782 juta, hartanah 69.814 juta, perladangan 17.970 juta, perlombongan 30,000, REIT 2.196 juta dan dana tertutup 74,000. - Bernama
Bursa ditutup bercampur-campur
KUALA LUMPUR 15 April - Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup bercampur-campur dengan indeks utama kekal dalam lingkungan positif, dibantu oleh belian lewat dalam saham mewah terpilih, kata para peniaga.
Pada pukul 5 petang, Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) naik 2.94 mata atau 0.22 peratus kepada 1,338.83 selepas dibuka 2.75 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,338.64.Peniaga-peniaga berkata pasaran tempatan dibuka kukuh setelah sentimen pelabur dirangsang oleh kenaikan semalaman di Wall Street.
Mengenai prestasi indeks lain, Indeks Kewangan meningkat 19.86 mata kepada 12,047.39, Indeks Perladangan naik 21.54 mata kepada 6,536.88 dan Indeks Perusahaan menambah 6.67 mata kepada 2,774.47. Indeks FBM Emas menokok 13.52 mata kepada 9,106.95, FBM70 naik 21.42 mata kepada 9,156.56 manakala Indeks FBM Ace susut 7.1 mata kepada 4,239.01.
Saham rugi mengatasi untung pada 406 berbanding 293 manakala 298 kaunter tidak berubah, 363 tidak didagangkan dan 31 lagi digantung. Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 1.045 bilion saham bernilai RM1.638 bilion daripada 845.006 juta saham bernilai RM1.364 bilion semalam.
Antara saham aktif, KNM Group rugi 7.5 sen kepada 66.0 sen. Harga sahamnya turun kepada hampir paras rendah dalam setahun, selepas pemegang saham utama Lee Swee Eng dan dua rakan asing, gagal dalam usaha mereka mendapatkan aset dan liabiliti syarikat minyak dan gas disebabkan isu harga.
Sementara itu, Talam Corporation, susut setengah sen kepada 13.0 sen, Scomi Group jatuh satu sen kepada 48.0 sen manakala Perisai Petroleum menambah setengah sen kepada 61.0 sen.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran utama naik kepada 898.819 juta saham bernilai RM1.595 billion daripada 717.561 juta saham bernilai RM1.322 bilion semalam.
Bagaimanapun, perolehan dagangan di pasaran ACE susut kepada 51.658 juta saham bernilai RM10.044 juta daripada 51.941 juta saham bernilai RM9.583 juta sebelumnya.
Urus niaga waran meningkat kepada 74.439 juta saham bernilai RM15.725 juta berbanding 53.257 juta saham bernilai RM12.564 juta semalam.
Barangan pengguna menguasai 32.051 juta saham didagangkan pasaran utama, barangan perusahaan 335.910 juta, pembinaan 62.894 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 213.324 juta, teknologi 39.775 juta, infrastruktur 26.789 juta, kewangan 90.210 juta, hotel 7.782 juta, hartanah 69.814 juta, perladangan 17.970 juta, perlombongan 30,000, REIT 2.196 juta dan dana tertutup 74,000. - Bernama
Pada pukul 5 petang, Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) naik 2.94 mata atau 0.22 peratus kepada 1,338.83 selepas dibuka 2.75 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,338.64.Peniaga-peniaga berkata pasaran tempatan dibuka kukuh setelah sentimen pelabur dirangsang oleh kenaikan semalaman di Wall Street.
Mengenai prestasi indeks lain, Indeks Kewangan meningkat 19.86 mata kepada 12,047.39, Indeks Perladangan naik 21.54 mata kepada 6,536.88 dan Indeks Perusahaan menambah 6.67 mata kepada 2,774.47. Indeks FBM Emas menokok 13.52 mata kepada 9,106.95, FBM70 naik 21.42 mata kepada 9,156.56 manakala Indeks FBM Ace susut 7.1 mata kepada 4,239.01.
Saham rugi mengatasi untung pada 406 berbanding 293 manakala 298 kaunter tidak berubah, 363 tidak didagangkan dan 31 lagi digantung. Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 1.045 bilion saham bernilai RM1.638 bilion daripada 845.006 juta saham bernilai RM1.364 bilion semalam.
Antara saham aktif, KNM Group rugi 7.5 sen kepada 66.0 sen. Harga sahamnya turun kepada hampir paras rendah dalam setahun, selepas pemegang saham utama Lee Swee Eng dan dua rakan asing, gagal dalam usaha mereka mendapatkan aset dan liabiliti syarikat minyak dan gas disebabkan isu harga.
Sementara itu, Talam Corporation, susut setengah sen kepada 13.0 sen, Scomi Group jatuh satu sen kepada 48.0 sen manakala Perisai Petroleum menambah setengah sen kepada 61.0 sen.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran utama naik kepada 898.819 juta saham bernilai RM1.595 billion daripada 717.561 juta saham bernilai RM1.322 bilion semalam.
Bagaimanapun, perolehan dagangan di pasaran ACE susut kepada 51.658 juta saham bernilai RM10.044 juta daripada 51.941 juta saham bernilai RM9.583 juta sebelumnya.
Urus niaga waran meningkat kepada 74.439 juta saham bernilai RM15.725 juta berbanding 53.257 juta saham bernilai RM12.564 juta semalam.
Barangan pengguna menguasai 32.051 juta saham didagangkan pasaran utama, barangan perusahaan 335.910 juta, pembinaan 62.894 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 213.324 juta, teknologi 39.775 juta, infrastruktur 26.789 juta, kewangan 90.210 juta, hotel 7.782 juta, hartanah 69.814 juta, perladangan 17.970 juta, perlombongan 30,000, REIT 2.196 juta dan dana tertutup 74,000. - Bernama
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- Nuang
- Ibrahim bin Ramli@Nuang started his career with CIMB Wealth Advisors Berhad as Agency Manager in April, 2008.Previously he was an Internal Auditors and Accounts Executive with Perodua Sales Sdn Bhd since 17 August, 1994. His background:- 1.Certified of Achievement for Master Sales Leadership from Dr Lawrence Walter Ng of President of The Art Of Learning and International Of Learning Without Learning 2.Certified for eXtra Ordinary Performance of Lawrence Walter Award Certificate for One Million Ringgit Club 2007 3. Certified Life & General insurances 4. Conferred with Diploma in Business Studiess & Bachelor of Business Admin(Hons)Finance from UiTM, Terengganu Branch & Shah Alam respectively;
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