HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih rendah semalam berikutan kekurangan penyertaan pelabur yang kekal berada di luar pasaran sebelum bercuti hujung minggu yang panjang.
Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (KLCI) turun 4.1 mata kepada 1,271.12, selepas dibuka turun 0.30 mata kepada 1,274.92.
Peniaga berkata, kebanyakan pelabur teragak-agak untuk membuat belian baru berikutan kekurangan petunjuk baru dan kerana ketiadaan faktor yang boleh menggerakkan pasaran.
Indeks Kewangan turun 26.79 mata kepada 11,041.13, Indeks Perusahaan turun 6.82 mata kepada 2,668.71 dan Indeks Perladangan turun 20.76 mata kepada 6,351.50.
Indeks FBM Emas merosot 14.5 mata kepada 8,494.94, Indeks FBM Top 100 rugi 20.21 mata kepada 8,300.03 manakala Indeks FBM70 meningkat 5.89 mata kepada 8,268.29 dan FBMACE menokok 57.23 mata kepada 4,261.31.
Kaunter untung mengatasi kaunter rugi sebanyak 375 kepada 281 manakala 49 kaunter tidak berubah dan 401 yang, lain tidak diniagakan.
Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 586.472 juta saham bernilai RM798.020 juta, daripada 575.478 juta saham pada Selasa yang bernilai RM741.665 juta.
Perolehan di Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 506.551 juta saham bernilai RM776.769 juta daripada 484.278 juta saham kelmarin yang bernilai RM721.903 juta.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran ACE meningkat kepada 42.894 juta unit bernilai RM12.497 juta daripada 33.85 juta unit yang bernilai RM10.05 juta sebelumnya.
Waran, bagaimana pun turun kepada 19.396 juta saham bernilai RM3.602 juta daripada 29.57 juta saham yang dicatat Selasa, yang bernilai RM5.433 juta.
Antara kaunter aktif, Waran Green Packet meningkat 5.0 sen kepada 72 sen, Linear melonjak 39.5 sen kepada 58 sen tetapi SAAG Consolidated turun 0.5 sen kepada 17 sen dan Gamuda turun 3.0 sen kepada RM2.58.
Antara saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby turun dua sen kepada RM8.99, Maybank rugi lima sen kepada RM6.85, CIMB Group turun 18 sen kepada RM12.92, Tenaga turun satu sen kepada RM8.30 manakala Maxis meningkat satu sen kepada RM5.38.
Produk pengguna mencatatkan 22.134 juta saham diniagakan di Papan Utama, produk perusahaan 96.210 juta, pembinaan 39.598 juta, dagang dan perkhidmatan 159.535 juta, teknologi 62.014 juta, prasarana 8.892 juta, kewangan 33.995 juta, hotel 3.945 juta, hartanah 61.436 juta, perladangan 15.587 juta, perlombongan 24,000, REIT 3.156 juta dan tertutup/dana 24,600. - Bernama
December 31, 2009
Ekonomi lebih kukuh berbanding jangkaan
PETALING JAYA 30 Dis. - Ekonomi Malaysia dijangka berada pada kedudukan yang positif tahun depan melalui rangsangan fiskal dan monetari selain sektor eksport yang semakin pulih.
Deloitte dalam Laporan Tinjauan Ekonomi Asia Pasifik berkata, pemulihan ekonomi Malaysia juga dijangka lebih kukuh berbanding jangkaan awal.
Kerajaan yang mengumumkan peruntukan pelan rangsangan ekonomi berjumlah RM60 bilion dijangka digunakan sepenuhnya pada pertengahan tahun depan.
Dalam laporannya terhadap Malaysia, Deloitte berkata, Malaysia kini dalam proses pemulihan dengan jangkaan ekonomi berkembang sebanyak empat peratus pada 2010.
''Bagaimanapun untuk jangka panjang prestasi ekonomi bergantung kepada keupayaan dalam perubahan struktur.
''Faktor utama ialah kemampuan negara menarik pelaburan swasta asing khususnya dalam sektor perkhidmatan,'' menurut Deloitte dalam laporan itu.
Malaysia yang berhasrat menjadi ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020, kini semakin jelas menuju ke arah pemulihan," katanya.
Katanya, untuk mencapai status negara berpendapatan tinggi, Malaysia memerlukan kadar pertumbuhan sebanyak 5.4 peratus, sungguhpun anggaran ini berubah mengikut tahun,'' tambahnya.
''Bagaimanapun, ekonomi dijangka mengecut di antara dua dan tiga peratus tahun ini dan akan menunjukkan pertumbuhan melebihi empat peratus tahun depan,'' katanya.
Katanya, ekonomi negara mula merudum pada suku keempat 2008 dan mencapai kedudukan terendah pada suku kedua 2009.
Memandangkan ekonomi terlalu bergantung kepada eksport melebihi 100 peratus Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK), ia menyebabkan negara dilanda kemelesetan, menurut laporan itu.
Keadaan ekonomi negara bertambah terjejas berikutan perniagaan hilang keyakinan ekoran kemerosotan permintaan dari dalam dan luar negara.
Deloitte berkata, meskipun pertumbuhan sukuan menunjukkan pemulihan berbentuk V, tetapi ekonomi masih berada di peringkat bawah seperti tahun lalu.
Namun terdapat tanda-tanda pemulihan yang mengukuhkan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada suku ini selepas eksport menunjukkan kenaikan tahun ke tahun buat kali pertama selepas setahun.
Pertumbuhan sebanyak 1.6 peratus itu disumbangkan daripada pasaran eksport khususnya negara-negara ASEAN dan China.
Firma percukaian itu berkata, pertumbuhan produk elektrik dan elektronik menerajui pemulihan eksport manakala pada bulan-bulan mendatang minyak mentah dan gas asli cecair akan mendapat kelebihan daripada pengukuhan harga.
Deloitte juga meramalkan harga minyak sawit hampir setara dengan minyak mentah dan permintaan bagi minyak sawit dijangka terus kukuh, sekali gus akan merangsang pendapatan lebih tinggi kepada para pengeksport.
Deloitte dalam Laporan Tinjauan Ekonomi Asia Pasifik berkata, pemulihan ekonomi Malaysia juga dijangka lebih kukuh berbanding jangkaan awal.
Kerajaan yang mengumumkan peruntukan pelan rangsangan ekonomi berjumlah RM60 bilion dijangka digunakan sepenuhnya pada pertengahan tahun depan.
Dalam laporannya terhadap Malaysia, Deloitte berkata, Malaysia kini dalam proses pemulihan dengan jangkaan ekonomi berkembang sebanyak empat peratus pada 2010.
''Bagaimanapun untuk jangka panjang prestasi ekonomi bergantung kepada keupayaan dalam perubahan struktur.
''Faktor utama ialah kemampuan negara menarik pelaburan swasta asing khususnya dalam sektor perkhidmatan,'' menurut Deloitte dalam laporan itu.
Malaysia yang berhasrat menjadi ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi menjelang 2020, kini semakin jelas menuju ke arah pemulihan," katanya.
Katanya, untuk mencapai status negara berpendapatan tinggi, Malaysia memerlukan kadar pertumbuhan sebanyak 5.4 peratus, sungguhpun anggaran ini berubah mengikut tahun,'' tambahnya.
''Bagaimanapun, ekonomi dijangka mengecut di antara dua dan tiga peratus tahun ini dan akan menunjukkan pertumbuhan melebihi empat peratus tahun depan,'' katanya.
Katanya, ekonomi negara mula merudum pada suku keempat 2008 dan mencapai kedudukan terendah pada suku kedua 2009.
Memandangkan ekonomi terlalu bergantung kepada eksport melebihi 100 peratus Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK), ia menyebabkan negara dilanda kemelesetan, menurut laporan itu.
Keadaan ekonomi negara bertambah terjejas berikutan perniagaan hilang keyakinan ekoran kemerosotan permintaan dari dalam dan luar negara.
Deloitte berkata, meskipun pertumbuhan sukuan menunjukkan pemulihan berbentuk V, tetapi ekonomi masih berada di peringkat bawah seperti tahun lalu.
Namun terdapat tanda-tanda pemulihan yang mengukuhkan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada suku ini selepas eksport menunjukkan kenaikan tahun ke tahun buat kali pertama selepas setahun.
Pertumbuhan sebanyak 1.6 peratus itu disumbangkan daripada pasaran eksport khususnya negara-negara ASEAN dan China.
Firma percukaian itu berkata, pertumbuhan produk elektrik dan elektronik menerajui pemulihan eksport manakala pada bulan-bulan mendatang minyak mentah dan gas asli cecair akan mendapat kelebihan daripada pengukuhan harga.
Deloitte juga meramalkan harga minyak sawit hampir setara dengan minyak mentah dan permintaan bagi minyak sawit dijangka terus kukuh, sekali gus akan merangsang pendapatan lebih tinggi kepada para pengeksport.
Pelabur kurang dagangan Bursa rendah
KUALA LUMPUR 30 Dis - Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih rendah hari ini berikutan kekurangan penyertaan para pelabur yang kekal berada di luar pasaran sebelum bercuti hujung minggu yang panjang, kata para peniaga.
Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur ( FBM KLCI) turun 4.1 mata kepada 1,271.12, selepas dibuka turun 0.30 mata kepada 1,274.92.
Seorang peniaga berkata kebanyakan pelabur teragak-agak untuk membuat belian baharu berikutan kekurangan petunjuk baharu dan kerana ketiadaan faktor yang boleh mengerakkan pasaran.
Indeks Kewangan turun 26.79 mata kepada 11,041.13, Indeks Perusahaan turun 6.82 mata kepada 2,668.71 dan Indeks Perladangan turun 20.76 mata kepada 6,351.50.
Indeks FBM Emas merosot 14.5 mata kepada 8,494.94, Indeks FBM Top 100 rugi 20.21 mata kepada 8,300.03 manakala Indeks FBM70 meningkat 5.89 mata kepada 8,268.29 dan FBMACE menokok 57.23 mata kepada 4,261.31.
Kaunter untung mengatasi kaunter rugi sebanyak 375 kepada 281 manakala 49 kaunter tidak berubah dan 401 yang, lain Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 586.472 juta saham bernilai RM798.020 juta, daripada 575.478 juta saham pada Selasa yang bernilai RM741.665 juta.
Perolehan di Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 506.551 juta saham bernilai RM776.769 juta daripada 484.278 juta saham
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran ACE meningkat kepada 42.894 juta unit bernilai RM12.497 juta daripada 33.85 juta unit yang bernilai RM10.05 juta sebelum ini.
Waran, bagaimana pun turun kepada 19.396 juta saham bernilai RM3.602 juta daripada 29.57 juta saham yang dicatat Selasa, yang bernilai RM5.433 juta.
Antara kaunter aktif, Waran Green Packet meningkat 5.0 sen kepada 72 sen, Linear melonjak 39.5 sen kepada 58 sen tetapi SAAG Consolidated turun 0.5 sen kepada 17 sen dan Gamuda turun 3.0 sen kepada RM2.58.
Antara saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby turun 2.0 sen kepada RM8.99, Maybank rugi 5.0 sen kepada RM6.85, CIMB Group turun 18 sen kepada RM12.92, Tenaga turun 1.0 sen kepada RM8.30 manakala Maxis meningkat 1.0 sen kepada RM5.38.
Produk pengguna mencatatkan 22.134 juta saham diniagakan di Papan Utama, produk perusahaan 96.210 juta, pembinaan 39.598 juta, dagang dan perkhidmatan 159.535 juta, teknologi 62.014 juta, prasarana 8.892 juta, kewangan 33.995 juta, hotel 3.945 juta, hartanah 61.436 juta, perladangan 15.587 juta, perlombongan 24,000, REIT 3.156 juta dan dana tertutup 24,600.
- Bernama
Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur ( FBM KLCI) turun 4.1 mata kepada 1,271.12, selepas dibuka turun 0.30 mata kepada 1,274.92.
Seorang peniaga berkata kebanyakan pelabur teragak-agak untuk membuat belian baharu berikutan kekurangan petunjuk baharu dan kerana ketiadaan faktor yang boleh mengerakkan pasaran.
Indeks Kewangan turun 26.79 mata kepada 11,041.13, Indeks Perusahaan turun 6.82 mata kepada 2,668.71 dan Indeks Perladangan turun 20.76 mata kepada 6,351.50.
Indeks FBM Emas merosot 14.5 mata kepada 8,494.94, Indeks FBM Top 100 rugi 20.21 mata kepada 8,300.03 manakala Indeks FBM70 meningkat 5.89 mata kepada 8,268.29 dan FBMACE menokok 57.23 mata kepada 4,261.31.
Kaunter untung mengatasi kaunter rugi sebanyak 375 kepada 281 manakala 49 kaunter tidak berubah dan 401 yang, lain Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 586.472 juta saham bernilai RM798.020 juta, daripada 575.478 juta saham pada Selasa yang bernilai RM741.665 juta.
Perolehan di Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 506.551 juta saham bernilai RM776.769 juta daripada 484.278 juta saham
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran ACE meningkat kepada 42.894 juta unit bernilai RM12.497 juta daripada 33.85 juta unit yang bernilai RM10.05 juta sebelum ini.
Waran, bagaimana pun turun kepada 19.396 juta saham bernilai RM3.602 juta daripada 29.57 juta saham yang dicatat Selasa, yang bernilai RM5.433 juta.
Antara kaunter aktif, Waran Green Packet meningkat 5.0 sen kepada 72 sen, Linear melonjak 39.5 sen kepada 58 sen tetapi SAAG Consolidated turun 0.5 sen kepada 17 sen dan Gamuda turun 3.0 sen kepada RM2.58.
Antara saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby turun 2.0 sen kepada RM8.99, Maybank rugi 5.0 sen kepada RM6.85, CIMB Group turun 18 sen kepada RM12.92, Tenaga turun 1.0 sen kepada RM8.30 manakala Maxis meningkat 1.0 sen kepada RM5.38.
Produk pengguna mencatatkan 22.134 juta saham diniagakan di Papan Utama, produk perusahaan 96.210 juta, pembinaan 39.598 juta, dagang dan perkhidmatan 159.535 juta, teknologi 62.014 juta, prasarana 8.892 juta, kewangan 33.995 juta, hotel 3.945 juta, hartanah 61.436 juta, perladangan 15.587 juta, perlombongan 24,000, REIT 3.156 juta dan dana tertutup 24,600.
- Bernama
Race on for GM's hand
The race is on for Malaysian companies to win the hand of General Motors (GM) after the US carmaker ended a pact to sell Chevrolet cars in Malaysia with DRB-HICOM Bhd.
Those rumoured to be in contention are conglomerate Sime Darby Bhd, the Naza group and Permaju Industries Bhd.
The prize will be a stake in a business to sell a well-known brand in one of Southeast Asia's biggest car markets. Car sales in Malaysia number around 500,000 units a year.
Under its partnership with DRB-HICOM, Chevrolet sales were more than 3,000 units in a good year. However, they have since fallen to fewer than 1,000 units.
GM was reported to be talking to Naza, but the latter declined to comment yesterday.
Naza has rights to distribute Kia and Peugeot cars in Malaysia.
It also has rights for luxury cars like Ferrari and Maserati.
Early this month, Naza group chief operating officer Al-Jeffery Ibrahim said it was taking proactive steps to become the franchisee for more automotive brands.
The group handles several well-known brands such as BMW, Hyundai, Land Rover, Alfa Romeo and Ford.
Naza is also believed to be the new importer and distributor for Porsche cars in Malaysia next year.
Calls to Sime Darby motor division head of corporate affairs Datuk Aishah Ahmad went unanswered.
Still, the dark horse could be Permaju, a timber company which has diversified into the motor vehicle industry.
Its unit, Cergazam Sdn Bhd, is currently the largest Chevrolet dealer in the country, operating four out of seven outlets selling and servicing the likes of Optra and Aveo sedans and Captiva sport utility vehicles.
It was reported that Cergazam appeared to be GM's favourite partner of choice, and this was reflected in its acquisition of a piece of prime land in Sungai Penchala in Damansara, Selangor.
It was believed that Cergazam bought the land next to Ingress Corp Bhd's BMW sales and service centre to build a three-storey building that will house its headquarters as well as a GM-Chevrolet head office.
However, when contacted, Permaju managing director Andy Chai declined to comment.
GM executives could not be reached for comment yester-day.
Those rumoured to be in contention are conglomerate Sime Darby Bhd, the Naza group and Permaju Industries Bhd.
The prize will be a stake in a business to sell a well-known brand in one of Southeast Asia's biggest car markets. Car sales in Malaysia number around 500,000 units a year.
Under its partnership with DRB-HICOM, Chevrolet sales were more than 3,000 units in a good year. However, they have since fallen to fewer than 1,000 units.
GM was reported to be talking to Naza, but the latter declined to comment yesterday.
Naza has rights to distribute Kia and Peugeot cars in Malaysia.
It also has rights for luxury cars like Ferrari and Maserati.
Early this month, Naza group chief operating officer Al-Jeffery Ibrahim said it was taking proactive steps to become the franchisee for more automotive brands.
The group handles several well-known brands such as BMW, Hyundai, Land Rover, Alfa Romeo and Ford.
Naza is also believed to be the new importer and distributor for Porsche cars in Malaysia next year.
Calls to Sime Darby motor division head of corporate affairs Datuk Aishah Ahmad went unanswered.
Still, the dark horse could be Permaju, a timber company which has diversified into the motor vehicle industry.
Its unit, Cergazam Sdn Bhd, is currently the largest Chevrolet dealer in the country, operating four out of seven outlets selling and servicing the likes of Optra and Aveo sedans and Captiva sport utility vehicles.
It was reported that Cergazam appeared to be GM's favourite partner of choice, and this was reflected in its acquisition of a piece of prime land in Sungai Penchala in Damansara, Selangor.
It was believed that Cergazam bought the land next to Ingress Corp Bhd's BMW sales and service centre to build a three-storey building that will house its headquarters as well as a GM-Chevrolet head office.
However, when contacted, Permaju managing director Andy Chai declined to comment.
GM executives could not be reached for comment yester-day.
CIMB to sell 65 properties to EPF for RM302m
The group is expected to make a gain of RM171 million from the sale of properties that house its banking operations.
CIMB Group is selling up to 65 properties that house its banking operations to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) for RM302.4 million in a related-party sale and leaseback deal.
The group, in an announcement yesterday, said the sale will raise cash for CIMB Bank's working capital, reduce its risk-weighted assets by the book value of the properties and reduce its property risks.
The group is expected to make a gain of RM171 million from the sale.
The properties are currently used to house CIMB Group's banking business operations such as branches and offices.
The sale and leaseback deal will be not be its first.
It sold and leased back its current head office, Bangunan CIMB, and Menara Bumiputra-Commerce.
In late 2007, CIMB group managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said it was mulling over a third sale and leaseback exercise on some buildings as part of its plan to manage capital more efficiently.
The EPF is a major shareholder in CIMB Group, while Nazir is a member of the pension fund's investment panel. He abstained from voting on the deal.
CIMB Group is selling up to 65 properties that house its banking operations to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) for RM302.4 million in a related-party sale and leaseback deal.
The group, in an announcement yesterday, said the sale will raise cash for CIMB Bank's working capital, reduce its risk-weighted assets by the book value of the properties and reduce its property risks.
The group is expected to make a gain of RM171 million from the sale.
The properties are currently used to house CIMB Group's banking business operations such as branches and offices.
The sale and leaseback deal will be not be its first.
It sold and leased back its current head office, Bangunan CIMB, and Menara Bumiputra-Commerce.
In late 2007, CIMB group managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said it was mulling over a third sale and leaseback exercise on some buildings as part of its plan to manage capital more efficiently.
The EPF is a major shareholder in CIMB Group, while Nazir is a member of the pension fund's investment panel. He abstained from voting on the deal.
Bank Negara: 9,000 SMES benefited from RM2b SME scheme
KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara Malaysia said on Thursday, Dec 31 the RM2 billion SME Assistance Guarantee Scheme, launched on Feb 3, has assisted more than 9,000 SMEs from all sectors of the economy.
Under this scheme, participating financial institutions approved RM1.85 billion in financing. It added 78% of the successful applicants comprised of micro to small enterprises, while 22% comprised of medium enterprises.
"Effective Dec 31, 2009, the participating financial institutions will no longer receive new applications. Participating financial institutions will continue to assess the remaining applications that have been received by the closing date," it said.
The scheme was set up to ensure viable SMEs, adversely affected by the economic slowdown, would continue to have access to adequate financing. With continued access to financing during the difficult period, these SMEs were able to sustain their business operations and preserve employment.
The central bank said as the domestic economic conditions show further improvement and with available ample liquidity, latest indicators have shown an upward trend of business loan applications and approvals in the banking system.
"For November, business loan applications and approvals rose by 33.5% and 45.3% respectively compared with the same month last year. Viable businesses from all sectors continue to have access to financing that will support domestic economic activity," it said.
Under this scheme, participating financial institutions approved RM1.85 billion in financing. It added 78% of the successful applicants comprised of micro to small enterprises, while 22% comprised of medium enterprises.
"Effective Dec 31, 2009, the participating financial institutions will no longer receive new applications. Participating financial institutions will continue to assess the remaining applications that have been received by the closing date," it said.
The scheme was set up to ensure viable SMEs, adversely affected by the economic slowdown, would continue to have access to adequate financing. With continued access to financing during the difficult period, these SMEs were able to sustain their business operations and preserve employment.
The central bank said as the domestic economic conditions show further improvement and with available ample liquidity, latest indicators have shown an upward trend of business loan applications and approvals in the banking system.
"For November, business loan applications and approvals rose by 33.5% and 45.3% respectively compared with the same month last year. Viable businesses from all sectors continue to have access to financing that will support domestic economic activity," it said.
Wall St ends a tad higher; Dow, Nasdaq at '09 highs
NEW YORK: U.S. stocks ended a smidgen higher in very light trading on Wednesday, Dec 30 as a stronger-than-expected report on Midwest U.S. business activity was offset by investors taking profits in some of the year's better performers, according to Reuters.
Still, the Dow and the Nasdaq eked out fresh highs for the year. The Standard & Poor's benchmark index is up 25 percent for 2009, putting it on track for its best year since 2003.
Most of the advance is the result of the nine-month rally the market has seen as investors turned bullish on prospects for the economic recovery. The S&P 500 is up a whopping 66.5 percent since its March 9 closing low.
On Wednesday, the Institute for Supply Management-Chicago business barometer surged to a four-year high, topping forecasts, on a recovery in employment and an acceleration in new orders.
DuPont, a Dow component, gained 0.5 percent to close at US$34.05 on the New York Stock Exchange.
On the down side, Microsoft Corp, up 59.3 percent for the year, was among the biggest drags on both the Dow and the Nasdaq. The stock slipped 1.4 percent to US$30.96 on Nasdaq.
"We've had such a nice run up over the last two weeks. I think the best-case scenario is probably baked into stock prices at this point," said Angel Mata, managing director of listed equity trading at Stifel Nicolaus Capital Markets in Baltimore.
Oracle Corp, up 41 percent for 2009, was down 0.3 percent at US$24.93.
In its run higher this year, the market has been underpinned by strength in the TECHNOLOGY [] and materials sectors on expectations the economic recovery will spur capital spending and increase demand for natural resources. The S&P information technology sector is up 62 percent since the start of the year, while the S&P materials index is up 47 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 3.10 points, or 0.03 percent, to end at 10,548.51 on Wednesday. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index edged up just 0.22 of a point, or 0.02 percent, to finish at 1,126.42. The Nasdaq Composite Index gained 2.88 points, or 0.13 percent, to close at 2,291.28.
Wednesday's tiny gains followed a modest decline in Tuesday's session, when stocks snapped a six-day streak of gains.
Investors appeared unfazed by a brief evacuation of the Nasdaq Times Square, New York, offices amid an investigation of a suspicious vehicle near its building. Nasdaq said trading was not affected.
While investors looked to the data for signs a recovery is taking hold, some traders have moved to safer assets like the dollar to lock in profits after a strong 2009.
The U.S. dollar hit a three-month high against the yen on year-end flows in thin trade and the belief that the U.S. economy is on the road to recovery.
Semiconductor stocks gained after Kaufman Bros upgraded both Marvell Technology Group Ltd and Nvidia Corp to "buy," saying they could benefit from improved demand for personal computers.
The Philadelphia Semiconductor index gained 1.5 percent. Marvell added 2.8 percent to US$20.83 and Nvidia shot up 3.6 percent to US$18.67, both in Nasdaq trading. - Reuters
Still, the Dow and the Nasdaq eked out fresh highs for the year. The Standard & Poor's benchmark index is up 25 percent for 2009, putting it on track for its best year since 2003.
Most of the advance is the result of the nine-month rally the market has seen as investors turned bullish on prospects for the economic recovery. The S&P 500 is up a whopping 66.5 percent since its March 9 closing low.
On Wednesday, the Institute for Supply Management-Chicago business barometer surged to a four-year high, topping forecasts, on a recovery in employment and an acceleration in new orders.
DuPont, a Dow component, gained 0.5 percent to close at US$34.05 on the New York Stock Exchange.
On the down side, Microsoft Corp, up 59.3 percent for the year, was among the biggest drags on both the Dow and the Nasdaq. The stock slipped 1.4 percent to US$30.96 on Nasdaq.
"We've had such a nice run up over the last two weeks. I think the best-case scenario is probably baked into stock prices at this point," said Angel Mata, managing director of listed equity trading at Stifel Nicolaus Capital Markets in Baltimore.
Oracle Corp, up 41 percent for 2009, was down 0.3 percent at US$24.93.
In its run higher this year, the market has been underpinned by strength in the TECHNOLOGY [] and materials sectors on expectations the economic recovery will spur capital spending and increase demand for natural resources. The S&P information technology sector is up 62 percent since the start of the year, while the S&P materials index is up 47 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 3.10 points, or 0.03 percent, to end at 10,548.51 on Wednesday. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index edged up just 0.22 of a point, or 0.02 percent, to finish at 1,126.42. The Nasdaq Composite Index gained 2.88 points, or 0.13 percent, to close at 2,291.28.
Wednesday's tiny gains followed a modest decline in Tuesday's session, when stocks snapped a six-day streak of gains.
Investors appeared unfazed by a brief evacuation of the Nasdaq Times Square, New York, offices amid an investigation of a suspicious vehicle near its building. Nasdaq said trading was not affected.
While investors looked to the data for signs a recovery is taking hold, some traders have moved to safer assets like the dollar to lock in profits after a strong 2009.
The U.S. dollar hit a three-month high against the yen on year-end flows in thin trade and the belief that the U.S. economy is on the road to recovery.
Semiconductor stocks gained after Kaufman Bros upgraded both Marvell Technology Group Ltd and Nvidia Corp to "buy," saying they could benefit from improved demand for personal computers.
The Philadelphia Semiconductor index gained 1.5 percent. Marvell added 2.8 percent to US$20.83 and Nvidia shot up 3.6 percent to US$18.67, both in Nasdaq trading. - Reuters
Gold falls 1% as US data lifts dollar against euro
LONDON: Gold slipped 1% in Europe yesterday as the dollar hit session highs versus the euro after data showed business activity in the US mid-west expanded far more than expected in December.
Trading in Europe, the United States and some parts of Asia was thinned by the Christmas and New Year holidays, with many market participants away until Jan 4.
Spot gold hit a low of US$1,085.90 (RM3,725) an ounce and was bid at US$1,088.15 an ounce at 1513 GMT, against US$1,096.55 late in New York on Tuesday.
"Technically, it looks like there is some more space on the downside," said Michael Kempinski, a senior trader at Commerzbank. "It is difficult to say what is going to happen tomorrow because the market is very thin."
"The euro is weakening a bit and the dollar is bouncing back, so that is putting some pressure on gold," he added.
Strength in the US currency cuts gold's appeal as an alternative asset and makes dollar-priced commodities more expensive for holders of other currencies.
The dollar extended gains against the euro to session highs in midafternoon trade after the Chicago Institute for Supply Management said its index of midwest business activity rose in December to its highest since January 2006.
Going into the new year, currency traders are focusing on when the US Federal Reserve is likely to start tightening monetary policy.
A spate of better-than-expected data in recent weeks has lifted expectations a rate rise may come sooner rather than later. If rates are lifted, it is likely to benefit the dollar, and consequently weigh on gold.
The precious metal's decline is taking spot prices further from the record high of US$1,226.10 an ounce they hit at the beginning of December after a wave of central bank gold buying.
"The bear pressure is certainly on the market now and the stronger dollar is curbing any recovery attempts by gold," said Pradeep Unni, senior analyst at Richcomm Global Services.
"The number of long speculators is slowly and steadily fading off and formidable resistances at the US$1,107-US$1,110 zones are repeatedly being used as selling opportunities.
"Despite the low trading activity, a possible slide to US$1,080-US$1,072 seems more likely in the coming sessions."
US gold futures for February delivery on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange fell US$9.30 to US$1,088.80 an ounce.
Among other commodities, oil prices steadied near US$79 a barrel as a decline in US fuel stocks and optimism over the economic outlook countered the effects of the stronger dollar.
Gold tends to track crude prices, as the metal can be bought as a hedge against oil-led inflation.
Investment demand for gold was firm, with the world's largest bullion-backed exchange-traded fund, New York's SPDR Gold Trust reporting an inflow of just under one tonne on Tuesday.
Among other precious metals, silver was at US$16.80 an ounce against US$17.08, while platinum was at US$1,450 an ounce versus US$1,462. — Reuters
Trading in Europe, the United States and some parts of Asia was thinned by the Christmas and New Year holidays, with many market participants away until Jan 4.
Spot gold hit a low of US$1,085.90 (RM3,725) an ounce and was bid at US$1,088.15 an ounce at 1513 GMT, against US$1,096.55 late in New York on Tuesday.
"Technically, it looks like there is some more space on the downside," said Michael Kempinski, a senior trader at Commerzbank. "It is difficult to say what is going to happen tomorrow because the market is very thin."
"The euro is weakening a bit and the dollar is bouncing back, so that is putting some pressure on gold," he added.
Strength in the US currency cuts gold's appeal as an alternative asset and makes dollar-priced commodities more expensive for holders of other currencies.
The dollar extended gains against the euro to session highs in midafternoon trade after the Chicago Institute for Supply Management said its index of midwest business activity rose in December to its highest since January 2006.
Going into the new year, currency traders are focusing on when the US Federal Reserve is likely to start tightening monetary policy.
A spate of better-than-expected data in recent weeks has lifted expectations a rate rise may come sooner rather than later. If rates are lifted, it is likely to benefit the dollar, and consequently weigh on gold.
The precious metal's decline is taking spot prices further from the record high of US$1,226.10 an ounce they hit at the beginning of December after a wave of central bank gold buying.
"The bear pressure is certainly on the market now and the stronger dollar is curbing any recovery attempts by gold," said Pradeep Unni, senior analyst at Richcomm Global Services.
"The number of long speculators is slowly and steadily fading off and formidable resistances at the US$1,107-US$1,110 zones are repeatedly being used as selling opportunities.
"Despite the low trading activity, a possible slide to US$1,080-US$1,072 seems more likely in the coming sessions."
US gold futures for February delivery on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange fell US$9.30 to US$1,088.80 an ounce.
Among other commodities, oil prices steadied near US$79 a barrel as a decline in US fuel stocks and optimism over the economic outlook countered the effects of the stronger dollar.
Gold tends to track crude prices, as the metal can be bought as a hedge against oil-led inflation.
Investment demand for gold was firm, with the world's largest bullion-backed exchange-traded fund, New York's SPDR Gold Trust reporting an inflow of just under one tonne on Tuesday.
Among other precious metals, silver was at US$16.80 an ounce against US$17.08, while platinum was at US$1,450 an ounce versus US$1,462. — Reuters
December 30, 2009
Audi plans ?7.3b investment till 2012
FRANKFURT: Audi AG said on Monday it plans to spend ?7.3 billion (?1 = RM4.93) on plant upgrades, new products and technology research as it moves to expand its business worldwide and increase market share.
Audi, based in Ingolstadt, and a unit of Volkswagen AG, said it plans to spend the amount from 2009 to 2012 and will increase the number of models from its current 34 to a planned 42 by 2015.
Of that, around ?5.9 billion will go toward new products and future technologies, or about 80 per cent of its planned spending.
“With our planned investments in new products and mobility concepts, for example electric propulsion, we are creating a basis for our company’s future growth,” said Axel Strotbek, who oversees finance and organisation at the company.
Investors agreed, pushing Audi shares up nearly 4.2 per cent to ?500 in Frankfurt trading.
The car maker plans to spend heavily at its German plants, parsing out ?3.8 billion to its Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm plants from this year through 2012. — AP
Audi, based in Ingolstadt, and a unit of Volkswagen AG, said it plans to spend the amount from 2009 to 2012 and will increase the number of models from its current 34 to a planned 42 by 2015.
Of that, around ?5.9 billion will go toward new products and future technologies, or about 80 per cent of its planned spending.
“With our planned investments in new products and mobility concepts, for example electric propulsion, we are creating a basis for our company’s future growth,” said Axel Strotbek, who oversees finance and organisation at the company.
Investors agreed, pushing Audi shares up nearly 4.2 per cent to ?500 in Frankfurt trading.
The car maker plans to spend heavily at its German plants, parsing out ?3.8 billion to its Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm plants from this year through 2012. — AP
Asia Roundup: Buoyed by gains in commodities
HONG KONG: Asian shares closed mainly higher amid thin trade yesterday with strong oil and metals prices boosting energy and mining-related stocks.
Volume was subdued in most markets because of the Christmas and New Year holiday season.
Optimism about corporate earnings and the economic outlook boosted the Shanghai market and spurred Tokyo to its highest finish since August 26 and within striking distance of its 2009 high.
TOKYO: Up 0.04 per cent. The Tokyo Stock Exchange's benchmark Nikkei-225 index rose 3.83 points to 10,638.06.
Companies with a large exposure to overseas markets were lifted by easing worries about the recent strength of the Japanese yen, as the dollar rebounded to 91.72 yen, up from 91.62 in New York late on Monday.
SHANGHAI: Up 0.72 per cent. The Shanghai Composite Index, which covers both A and B shares, was up 22.98 points at 3,211.76.
Analysts said market optimism about corporate earnings had outweighed concerns that the government may take more steps to curb fast-rising property prices.
SEOUL: Down 0.78 per cent. The benchmark Kospi fell 13.11 points to 1,672.48.
Monday was the deadline for entitlement to 2009 dividend payments, and institutional investors were net sellers of 231.8 billion won worth of shares.
TAIPEI: Down 0.05 per cent. The weighted index fell 3.66 points to 8,053.83.
BANGKOK: Up 1.15 per cent. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) composite index gained 8.45 points to close at 742.16 points.
JAKARTA: Up 0.37 per cent higher. The Jakarta Composite Index gained 9.30 points to 2,518.99.
Coal miner Bumi Resources rose 4.2 percent to 2,500, while palm oil company Sampoerna Agro rose 4.7 percent to 2,775 rupiah on higher commodity prices.
MANILA: Up 0.65 per cent higher. The composite index gained 19.84 points to 3,052.68 points while the all-shares index rose 0.82 percent to 1,918.64 points.
SYDNEY: Up 1.13 per cent. The benchmark S&P/ASX 200 index added 54.2 points to close at 4,845.1.
MUMBAI: Up 0.24 per cent yesterday. The 30-share benchmark Sensex ended the day 40.95 points up at 17,401.56.
Volume was subdued in most markets because of the Christmas and New Year holiday season.
Optimism about corporate earnings and the economic outlook boosted the Shanghai market and spurred Tokyo to its highest finish since August 26 and within striking distance of its 2009 high.
TOKYO: Up 0.04 per cent. The Tokyo Stock Exchange's benchmark Nikkei-225 index rose 3.83 points to 10,638.06.
Companies with a large exposure to overseas markets were lifted by easing worries about the recent strength of the Japanese yen, as the dollar rebounded to 91.72 yen, up from 91.62 in New York late on Monday.
SHANGHAI: Up 0.72 per cent. The Shanghai Composite Index, which covers both A and B shares, was up 22.98 points at 3,211.76.
Analysts said market optimism about corporate earnings had outweighed concerns that the government may take more steps to curb fast-rising property prices.
SEOUL: Down 0.78 per cent. The benchmark Kospi fell 13.11 points to 1,672.48.
Monday was the deadline for entitlement to 2009 dividend payments, and institutional investors were net sellers of 231.8 billion won worth of shares.
TAIPEI: Down 0.05 per cent. The weighted index fell 3.66 points to 8,053.83.
BANGKOK: Up 1.15 per cent. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) composite index gained 8.45 points to close at 742.16 points.
JAKARTA: Up 0.37 per cent higher. The Jakarta Composite Index gained 9.30 points to 2,518.99.
Coal miner Bumi Resources rose 4.2 percent to 2,500, while palm oil company Sampoerna Agro rose 4.7 percent to 2,775 rupiah on higher commodity prices.
MANILA: Up 0.65 per cent higher. The composite index gained 19.84 points to 3,052.68 points while the all-shares index rose 0.82 percent to 1,918.64 points.
SYDNEY: Up 1.13 per cent. The benchmark S&P/ASX 200 index added 54.2 points to close at 4,845.1.
MUMBAI: Up 0.24 per cent yesterday. The 30-share benchmark Sensex ended the day 40.95 points up at 17,401.56.
Positive growth seen for Malaysian economy
MALAYSIA'S economic growth this quarter and in the next will likely return to positive territory year-on-year, according to a research report by Deloitte.
And with the fiscal and monetary stimulus continuing and exports likely to recover, the recovery could be stronger than expected, said the firm in its "Asia Pacific Economic Outlook" released today.
The report on Malaysia said in the long term, the performance could depend on whether the economy is able to make the structural changes that look necessary.
"Malaysia, which has ambitions of becoming a high income nation by 2020, appears to be on the road to recovery," it said.
"Achieving the high income nation status is estimated to require a growth rate of 5.4 per cent, though estimates vary every year for the next decade," the report said.
"However, the economy is expected to shrink between two and three per cent this year and could show a growth of four per cent plus next year," it said.
Though the quarter-on-quarter growth has shown a sharp V-shaped recovery, the economy is still below the level it was at last year, the Deloitte report said.
"However, there are signs that the recovery could strengthen this quarter as in October, exports grew year-on-year for the first time in the past one year," it said.
"The 1.6 per cent gain came as most export markets improved, though most of the growth came from Asean countries and China."
The report said in the coming months, crude petroleum and liquefied natural gas could benefit from strengthening prices and palm oil tends to track the prices of crude petroleum.
"Demand for palm oil is expected to remain firm and rising prices will help generate higher revenues for exporters," it said.
According to the report, food prices rose in October and energy prices could begin to firm up as the global economy recovers, which could take the economy towards mild inflation next year.
"In the long term, however, the country economic performance could depend on whether the economy is able to make the structural changes that look necessary," it said.
"A key feature would be the ability to attract private foreign investment, especially in the services sector."
Some of the policy measures announced recently, such as the abolition of the rule to offer an equity stake to Bumiputeras in many sub-sectors, are designed to do precisely that, the report said.
"Malaysia is also looking to attract investments from China and Singapore, apart from strengthening its trading ties with these countries," it said.
Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services. - BERNAMA
And with the fiscal and monetary stimulus continuing and exports likely to recover, the recovery could be stronger than expected, said the firm in its "Asia Pacific Economic Outlook" released today.
The report on Malaysia said in the long term, the performance could depend on whether the economy is able to make the structural changes that look necessary.
"Malaysia, which has ambitions of becoming a high income nation by 2020, appears to be on the road to recovery," it said.
"Achieving the high income nation status is estimated to require a growth rate of 5.4 per cent, though estimates vary every year for the next decade," the report said.
"However, the economy is expected to shrink between two and three per cent this year and could show a growth of four per cent plus next year," it said.
Though the quarter-on-quarter growth has shown a sharp V-shaped recovery, the economy is still below the level it was at last year, the Deloitte report said.
"However, there are signs that the recovery could strengthen this quarter as in October, exports grew year-on-year for the first time in the past one year," it said.
"The 1.6 per cent gain came as most export markets improved, though most of the growth came from Asean countries and China."
The report said in the coming months, crude petroleum and liquefied natural gas could benefit from strengthening prices and palm oil tends to track the prices of crude petroleum.
"Demand for palm oil is expected to remain firm and rising prices will help generate higher revenues for exporters," it said.
According to the report, food prices rose in October and energy prices could begin to firm up as the global economy recovers, which could take the economy towards mild inflation next year.
"In the long term, however, the country economic performance could depend on whether the economy is able to make the structural changes that look necessary," it said.
"A key feature would be the ability to attract private foreign investment, especially in the services sector."
Some of the policy measures announced recently, such as the abolition of the rule to offer an equity stake to Bumiputeras in many sub-sectors, are designed to do precisely that, the report said.
"Malaysia is also looking to attract investments from China and Singapore, apart from strengthening its trading ties with these countries," it said.
Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services. - BERNAMA
Property developers to gain in 2010
Published: 2009/12/30
PROPERTY developers will continue to emerge as key winners in 2010, driven by rising demand and improving economic outlook, according to an analyst at MIDF Research.
Moving into 2010, he said players would continue to ride on the sector's buoyant recovery based on the improving number of property sales coupled with declining number of overhang units since the first quarter of 2009, the analyst, who declined to be named told Bernama recently.
For 2009, it was an unanticipated recovery story as the sector had outperformed expectations in becoming one of the leading segments in the stock market.
Share price of property companies, which is measured by the KL Property Index, in fact outpaced the benchmark FBM KLCI.
However, the analyst pegged a "Neutral" outlook for the property sector in 2010.
"Despite encouraging sales demand and improving economic sentiment, the fear of demand sustainability, upon the withdrawal of cheap credit, absence of attractive promotions and favourable regulations may take its toll on the property sector," he said.
However, the growth driver in 2010 will be, among others, the favourable regulations, continuous governmental support, a thriving property market taking its cue from an improved economy and the ability to attract foreign direct investment flow.
"Sales demand for residential properties are expected to remain buoyant as investors continue to deem it as one of the more liquid hedging asset. Speculators are also taking advantage of the current market sentiment to lock-in on gains," he said.
A survey across key property players revealed that none was slowing down their pace of project development.
Many were, in fact, taking advantage of the current discounted valuations to replenish land banks and were not holding back new launches.
The analyst said key players have signaled that take-up rates of residential properties have remained strong between 80 per cent and 90 per cent in the last quarter.
"Hence, we are confident residential property sales will remain buoyant, at least within the first half of 2010. We are estimating at least 25,000 new units to be launched over the next quarter," he said.
On the retail/shopping complex and office front, he expected continued oversupply of units, notably in the Klang Valley, as many have been under construction over the past two to three years.
Many corporations and businesses are also holding back relocation plans until the financial crisis is over.
Meanwhile, issues that may dampen the sector's recovery include the re-introduction of the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT), possible pullback in sales demand due to withdrawal of cheap credit, unanticipated rise in raw material prices thus raising average selling prices and delaying launches and approvals.
"We do not expect any immediate impact from the reintroduction of the RPGT and it was mainly to control the secondary sales market. On the flipside, it may discourage foreign investments in commercial properties," he said.
He said the tax was introduced too soon as the economy was still on the verge of recovery but understood the need for it to curb another asset bubble.
On the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), the analyst does not expect it to be a star performer in 2010 but expects some interest in this segment.
He said the average rental yield for offices and commercial properties was on a downtrend in 2009, with rental for offices falling 1.9 per cent, year-on-year, and 1.35 per cent, year-to-date, within the Klang Valley.
However, the recovery in the property market coupled with an exemption from RPGT and stamp duty will see rising interest in REITs which currently yield an average return of between eight and nine per cent in Malaysia.
On the status of Malaysia's property market, the analyst said he did not expect any property bubble in the immediate-term.
"Appreciation of property prices have been modest so far as demand recovered slowly as investors' confidence returns," he added.
Prices of properties, nationwide, declined 9.8 per cent, year-to-date, due to the economic crisis, but gained 1.40 per cent, year-on-year, due to renewed interest emerging in the second quarter of 2009.
"Nevertheless, assuming the presence of cheap financing, attractive promotions and favorable regulations continue into 2010, coupled with new launches and delivery in 2010, property prices may face an upsurge," he said.
And, despite the Dubai's debt crisis, he said Malaysia would still be able to attract Middle Eastern investors who still reaped positive yields from investing in the country's property market.
The main challenges in the property market will be demand fundamentals, whether it can be sustained, and from another point of view, what else can be offered by both property players and financial institutions to support the growing demand.
"One would be cheap cost of fund (credit). Assuming overnight policy rates are raised back to pre-2006 days of 3.50 per cent, can demand be sustained? Secondly, assuming a second dip does occur, can the property segment take it in its stride?" he said.
The analyst said residential properties will continue to be favorites amongst investors who still demanded mid-to-high-end properties.
"We noted in the second quarter that properties priced between RM250,000 and RM500,000 and between RM500,000 and RM1 million were favorites and registered sustained growth," he said.
Residential properties have historically proven to be good hedge instruments with attractive capital appreciation, while commercial and office properties may see a dip in demand, against a backdrop of new launches, except for those Grade-A offices located in sub-urban areas.
Demand for properties around Kuala Lumpur City Centre is recovering as prices within the vicinity improved in the third quarter with stable rental yields.
As for industrial properties, he said the segment would move in line with the nation's economy.
The analyst was also of the opinion that the property market needed a boost in the form of incentives, that included tax reduction for sub-urban developments, cheap credit, continuous efforts to draw foreign direct investments and for local small players to have joint-ventures opportunities with state governments. - BERNAMA
PROPERTY developers will continue to emerge as key winners in 2010, driven by rising demand and improving economic outlook, according to an analyst at MIDF Research.
Moving into 2010, he said players would continue to ride on the sector's buoyant recovery based on the improving number of property sales coupled with declining number of overhang units since the first quarter of 2009, the analyst, who declined to be named told Bernama recently.
For 2009, it was an unanticipated recovery story as the sector had outperformed expectations in becoming one of the leading segments in the stock market.
Share price of property companies, which is measured by the KL Property Index, in fact outpaced the benchmark FBM KLCI.
However, the analyst pegged a "Neutral" outlook for the property sector in 2010.
"Despite encouraging sales demand and improving economic sentiment, the fear of demand sustainability, upon the withdrawal of cheap credit, absence of attractive promotions and favourable regulations may take its toll on the property sector," he said.
However, the growth driver in 2010 will be, among others, the favourable regulations, continuous governmental support, a thriving property market taking its cue from an improved economy and the ability to attract foreign direct investment flow.
"Sales demand for residential properties are expected to remain buoyant as investors continue to deem it as one of the more liquid hedging asset. Speculators are also taking advantage of the current market sentiment to lock-in on gains," he said.
A survey across key property players revealed that none was slowing down their pace of project development.
Many were, in fact, taking advantage of the current discounted valuations to replenish land banks and were not holding back new launches.
The analyst said key players have signaled that take-up rates of residential properties have remained strong between 80 per cent and 90 per cent in the last quarter.
"Hence, we are confident residential property sales will remain buoyant, at least within the first half of 2010. We are estimating at least 25,000 new units to be launched over the next quarter," he said.
On the retail/shopping complex and office front, he expected continued oversupply of units, notably in the Klang Valley, as many have been under construction over the past two to three years.
Many corporations and businesses are also holding back relocation plans until the financial crisis is over.
Meanwhile, issues that may dampen the sector's recovery include the re-introduction of the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT), possible pullback in sales demand due to withdrawal of cheap credit, unanticipated rise in raw material prices thus raising average selling prices and delaying launches and approvals.
"We do not expect any immediate impact from the reintroduction of the RPGT and it was mainly to control the secondary sales market. On the flipside, it may discourage foreign investments in commercial properties," he said.
He said the tax was introduced too soon as the economy was still on the verge of recovery but understood the need for it to curb another asset bubble.
On the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), the analyst does not expect it to be a star performer in 2010 but expects some interest in this segment.
He said the average rental yield for offices and commercial properties was on a downtrend in 2009, with rental for offices falling 1.9 per cent, year-on-year, and 1.35 per cent, year-to-date, within the Klang Valley.
However, the recovery in the property market coupled with an exemption from RPGT and stamp duty will see rising interest in REITs which currently yield an average return of between eight and nine per cent in Malaysia.
On the status of Malaysia's property market, the analyst said he did not expect any property bubble in the immediate-term.
"Appreciation of property prices have been modest so far as demand recovered slowly as investors' confidence returns," he added.
Prices of properties, nationwide, declined 9.8 per cent, year-to-date, due to the economic crisis, but gained 1.40 per cent, year-on-year, due to renewed interest emerging in the second quarter of 2009.
"Nevertheless, assuming the presence of cheap financing, attractive promotions and favorable regulations continue into 2010, coupled with new launches and delivery in 2010, property prices may face an upsurge," he said.
And, despite the Dubai's debt crisis, he said Malaysia would still be able to attract Middle Eastern investors who still reaped positive yields from investing in the country's property market.
The main challenges in the property market will be demand fundamentals, whether it can be sustained, and from another point of view, what else can be offered by both property players and financial institutions to support the growing demand.
"One would be cheap cost of fund (credit). Assuming overnight policy rates are raised back to pre-2006 days of 3.50 per cent, can demand be sustained? Secondly, assuming a second dip does occur, can the property segment take it in its stride?" he said.
The analyst said residential properties will continue to be favorites amongst investors who still demanded mid-to-high-end properties.
"We noted in the second quarter that properties priced between RM250,000 and RM500,000 and between RM500,000 and RM1 million were favorites and registered sustained growth," he said.
Residential properties have historically proven to be good hedge instruments with attractive capital appreciation, while commercial and office properties may see a dip in demand, against a backdrop of new launches, except for those Grade-A offices located in sub-urban areas.
Demand for properties around Kuala Lumpur City Centre is recovering as prices within the vicinity improved in the third quarter with stable rental yields.
As for industrial properties, he said the segment would move in line with the nation's economy.
The analyst was also of the opinion that the property market needed a boost in the form of incentives, that included tax reduction for sub-urban developments, cheap credit, continuous efforts to draw foreign direct investments and for local small players to have joint-ventures opportunities with state governments. - BERNAMA
KL shares stay mixed at mid-afternoon
SHARES prices on Bursa Malaysia were mixed at mid-afternoon today and trading was quiet as most investors stayed away from the market ahead of the long weekend, dealers said.
At 3.00pm, the benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM) Kuala Lumpur Composite Index declined 4.54 points to 1,270.68, after opening 0.30 point easier at 1,274.92.
The Finance Index fell 48.59 points to 11,019.33, Plantation Index eased 13.41 points to 6,358.85 and Industrial Index declined 7.34 points to 2,668.19.
The FBM Emas Index slipped 22.62 points to 8,486.82, FBM Top 100 Index was 27.46 points lower at 8,292.78 and FBM70 Index declined 18.70 points to 8,243.70.
The FBM Ace Index, however, advanced 61.46 points to 4,265.54.
Gainers led losers 282 to 273 while 250 stocks were unchanged and 1,306 others untraded.
Volume stood at 332.319 million shares valued at RM410.554 million.
Among the active stocks, Green Packet-Warrant rose 5.5 points to 72.5 sen, SAAG Consolidated fell half sen to 17 sen and Linear increased 41 sen to 59.5 sen.
Of the heavyweights, Sime Darby eased one sen to RM9.00, Maybank declined four sen to RM6.86, Tenaga lost two sen to RM8.29 and Maxis rose one sen to RM5.38. - BERNAMA
At 3.00pm, the benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM) Kuala Lumpur Composite Index declined 4.54 points to 1,270.68, after opening 0.30 point easier at 1,274.92.
The Finance Index fell 48.59 points to 11,019.33, Plantation Index eased 13.41 points to 6,358.85 and Industrial Index declined 7.34 points to 2,668.19.
The FBM Emas Index slipped 22.62 points to 8,486.82, FBM Top 100 Index was 27.46 points lower at 8,292.78 and FBM70 Index declined 18.70 points to 8,243.70.
The FBM Ace Index, however, advanced 61.46 points to 4,265.54.
Gainers led losers 282 to 273 while 250 stocks were unchanged and 1,306 others untraded.
Volume stood at 332.319 million shares valued at RM410.554 million.
Among the active stocks, Green Packet-Warrant rose 5.5 points to 72.5 sen, SAAG Consolidated fell half sen to 17 sen and Linear increased 41 sen to 59.5 sen.
Of the heavyweights, Sime Darby eased one sen to RM9.00, Maybank declined four sen to RM6.86, Tenaga lost two sen to RM8.29 and Maxis rose one sen to RM5.38. - BERNAMA
Asia markets set to rise on recovery hopes
Published: 2009/12/30
ASIAN stocks are set to rise on Wednesday as further signs of an economic recovery in the U.S. boosted investor confidence.
But any gains may be capped by the failure of U.S. stocks to extend a six-day rally after weak data on house prices took some of the shine off improved consumer confidence figures.
British and European markets posted solid gains of at least 0.7 per cent, with miners and energy stocks profiting from higher base metals and crude oil prices.
Japan’s Nikkei average is set to open stronger as the Nikkei futures traded in Chicago closed 85 points higher than the Osaka close. Exporters may be helped by the yen’s fall to a two-month low.
Australian shares are set for a positive start, with stock index futures at 4,865, a 18.9 point premium to the underlying index’s close on Tuesday. - Reuters
ASIAN stocks are set to rise on Wednesday as further signs of an economic recovery in the U.S. boosted investor confidence.
But any gains may be capped by the failure of U.S. stocks to extend a six-day rally after weak data on house prices took some of the shine off improved consumer confidence figures.
British and European markets posted solid gains of at least 0.7 per cent, with miners and energy stocks profiting from higher base metals and crude oil prices.
Japan’s Nikkei average is set to open stronger as the Nikkei futures traded in Chicago closed 85 points higher than the Osaka close. Exporters may be helped by the yen’s fall to a two-month low.
Australian shares are set for a positive start, with stock index futures at 4,865, a 18.9 point premium to the underlying index’s close on Tuesday. - Reuters
Asia markets set to rise on recovery hopes
ASIAN stocks are set to rise on Wednesday as further signs of an economic recovery in the U.S. boosted investor confidence.
But any gains may be capped by the failure of U.S. stocks to extend a six-day rally after weak data on house prices took some of the shine off improved consumer confidence figures.
British and European markets posted solid gains of at least 0.7 per cent, with miners and energy stocks profiting from higher base metals and crude oil prices.
Japan’s Nikkei average is set to open stronger as the Nikkei futures traded in Chicago closed 85 points higher than the Osaka close. Exporters may be helped by the yen’s fall to a two-month low.
Australian shares are set for a positive start, with stock index futures at 4,865, a 18.9 point premium to the underlying index’s close on Tuesday. - Reuters
Most AccessedMost EmailedFrom NST
Property developers to gain in 2010
Ringgit undervalued by 5pc: MIER
AirAsia, MAS fall on Japan Air news
DRB-HICOM, GM part ways
EONCap board expected to decide on HLB bid
Malaysia may face bigger challenges in 2010: Mier
'Good year for CPO prices'
Linear Corp shares soar on RM1.6b deal
DRB-HICOM falls most in 3 weeks
Hiap Teck to purchase 55pc of Eastern Steel
Property developers to gain in 2010Ringgit undervalued by 5pc: MIERDRB-HICOM falls most in 3 weeksEONCap board expected to decide on HLB bidAsia markets set to rise on recovery hopes KL shares stay mixed at mid-afternoonHiap Teck at almost 29-month highDRB-HICOM, GM part waysAirAsia, MAS fall on Japan Air newsFranchisors find potential deals in Vietnam
Top Stories Sarawak rep to replace SulaimanPTPL offers multimedia programme relevant to industryFour poachers caught in parkTwo more remanded over pond girl's deathVersatile lecturer and TV host
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Copyright © The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad, Balai Berita 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ringgit undervalued by 5pc: MIER
DRB-Hicom to have hybrid cars by 2012
Positive growth seen for Malaysian economy
Property developers to gain in 2010
AirAsia, MAS fall on Japan Air news
DRB-HICOM falls most in 3 weeks
Earnings estimate for SapuraCrest upped
KL shares closer lower
Linear Corp shares soar on RM1.6b deal
Hiap Teck at almost 29-month high
Franchisors find potential deals in Vietnam
Mydin to build 4th hypermart in Melaka
Wall St lower after 6-day gain
KL shares stay mixed at mid-afternoon
Asia markets set to rise on recovery hopes Frontpage
DRB-HICOM, GM part ways
EONCap board expected to decide on HLB bid
Industry outlook to remain tough: Pacific Mutual
RM6m refurbishment, rebranding for Mint Hotel
OSK: Foreign investors likely to return to Bursa next year
Maxis first to roll out new-generation HSPA+
Analysts: It'll be a good run in the first half
Retailers remain wary of next year's prospects
Govt said planning compulsory acquisition of land
Malaysia share, debt sales to rise: Bankers
Khazanah's grant a timely boost for Penang tourism
There's no business like show business
LCL boss: I sold 28m shares to help firm repay bank loan
Xingquan intent on 20pc payout
Dell offers VSS to 700 Penang staff
Tanjong may pay high dividend, says ECM Libra
When your brainchild becomes 'his idea'
Hiap Teck to purchase 55pc of Eastern Steel
Malaysia may face bigger challenges in 2010: Mier
'Good year for CPO prices'
Asian AIM, BWT plan US$10m gold refinery in PKFZ
YNH optimistic of projects
Syed Hafiz: Afta won't affect Perodua sales
CIMB Islamic lists RM2b sukuk on Bursa
Kuok Group, Rothschild may buy into Rusal's HK IPO
Technodex to raise profile with shift to Main Market
Biotech sector set to grow 8-10pc next year
MBF Cards' transfer programme offers savings
Kiosks to promote unity via Malaysian dishes
But any gains may be capped by the failure of U.S. stocks to extend a six-day rally after weak data on house prices took some of the shine off improved consumer confidence figures.
British and European markets posted solid gains of at least 0.7 per cent, with miners and energy stocks profiting from higher base metals and crude oil prices.
Japan’s Nikkei average is set to open stronger as the Nikkei futures traded in Chicago closed 85 points higher than the Osaka close. Exporters may be helped by the yen’s fall to a two-month low.
Australian shares are set for a positive start, with stock index futures at 4,865, a 18.9 point premium to the underlying index’s close on Tuesday. - Reuters
Most AccessedMost EmailedFrom NST
Property developers to gain in 2010
Ringgit undervalued by 5pc: MIER
AirAsia, MAS fall on Japan Air news
DRB-HICOM, GM part ways
EONCap board expected to decide on HLB bid
Malaysia may face bigger challenges in 2010: Mier
'Good year for CPO prices'
Linear Corp shares soar on RM1.6b deal
DRB-HICOM falls most in 3 weeks
Hiap Teck to purchase 55pc of Eastern Steel
Property developers to gain in 2010Ringgit undervalued by 5pc: MIERDRB-HICOM falls most in 3 weeksEONCap board expected to decide on HLB bidAsia markets set to rise on recovery hopes KL shares stay mixed at mid-afternoonHiap Teck at almost 29-month highDRB-HICOM, GM part waysAirAsia, MAS fall on Japan Air newsFranchisors find potential deals in Vietnam
Top Stories Sarawak rep to replace SulaimanPTPL offers multimedia programme relevant to industryFour poachers caught in parkTwo more remanded over pond girl's deathVersatile lecturer and TV host
Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Search » Home . Today's Paper . IPO Watch . Market Data . Industries . News List . Most Popular
NSTP Online News : NSTP e-Media | NST Online | Berita Harian | Harian Metro | Mail webheads for site related feedback and questions. Write to the editor or contact sales for other kind of help.
Copyright © The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad, Balai Berita 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ringgit undervalued by 5pc: MIER
DRB-Hicom to have hybrid cars by 2012
Positive growth seen for Malaysian economy
Property developers to gain in 2010
AirAsia, MAS fall on Japan Air news
DRB-HICOM falls most in 3 weeks
Earnings estimate for SapuraCrest upped
KL shares closer lower
Linear Corp shares soar on RM1.6b deal
Hiap Teck at almost 29-month high
Franchisors find potential deals in Vietnam
Mydin to build 4th hypermart in Melaka
Wall St lower after 6-day gain
KL shares stay mixed at mid-afternoon
Asia markets set to rise on recovery hopes Frontpage
DRB-HICOM, GM part ways
EONCap board expected to decide on HLB bid
Industry outlook to remain tough: Pacific Mutual
RM6m refurbishment, rebranding for Mint Hotel
OSK: Foreign investors likely to return to Bursa next year
Maxis first to roll out new-generation HSPA+
Analysts: It'll be a good run in the first half
Retailers remain wary of next year's prospects
Govt said planning compulsory acquisition of land
Malaysia share, debt sales to rise: Bankers
Khazanah's grant a timely boost for Penang tourism
There's no business like show business
LCL boss: I sold 28m shares to help firm repay bank loan
Xingquan intent on 20pc payout
Dell offers VSS to 700 Penang staff
Tanjong may pay high dividend, says ECM Libra
When your brainchild becomes 'his idea'
Hiap Teck to purchase 55pc of Eastern Steel
Malaysia may face bigger challenges in 2010: Mier
'Good year for CPO prices'
Asian AIM, BWT plan US$10m gold refinery in PKFZ
YNH optimistic of projects
Syed Hafiz: Afta won't affect Perodua sales
CIMB Islamic lists RM2b sukuk on Bursa
Kuok Group, Rothschild may buy into Rusal's HK IPO
Technodex to raise profile with shift to Main Market
Biotech sector set to grow 8-10pc next year
MBF Cards' transfer programme offers savings
Kiosks to promote unity via Malaysian dishes
Malaysia dijangka catat pertumbuhan 4 peratus
MALAYSIA dijangka mencatatkan pertumbuhan hampir 4.0 peratus pada 2010 kerana semua perangkaan yang ada menunjukkan dengan jelas negara ini sudah keluar dari kemelesetan, kata Pengarah Eksekutif Institut Penyelidikan Ekonomi Malaysia (MIER), Datuk Dr Mohamed Ariff Abdul Kareem.
Beliau berkata, Malaysia akan mencatatkan pertumbuhan positif pada suku keempat tahun ini dan ia akan berterusan tahun depan.
"Pada peringkat awal, kami mengunjurkan ekonomi negara akan mencatatkan pertumbuhan sekitar -3 hingga -4 peratus bagi tahun ini.
"Kini, selepas melihat perangkaan suku ketiga dan data bulan seterusnya, kami merasakan pertumbuhan tahun ini dijangkakan sekitar -2 hingga -3 peratus," katanya kepada Bernama.
Bagaimana pun, beliau berkata 2010 akan terus mencabar kerana walau pun ekonomi global sedang bergerak keluar dari kemelesetan, ia belum keluar sepenuhnya dari kegawatan.
Ekonomi Malaysia juga dijangka terus berdepan cabaran.
"Wujud kebimbangan bahawa momentum pertumbuhan yang kita lihat sekarang ini, yang bukan saja di Malaysia malah di tempat lain juga, agak rapuh kerana pertumbuhan yang kita lihat di Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan Eropah dan sesetengah negara lain terlalu dipacu oleh pakej rangsangan fiskal," katanya.
Bagi meneruskan momentum itu, katanya negara berkenaan kemungkinan perlu menyuntik satu lagi pakej rangsangan fiskal.
"Persoalannya, mampukah negara berkenaan melaksanakan satu lagi pakej rangsangan fiskal? Banyak pihak merasakan usaha itu tidak akan berjaya. Wujud juga kebimbangan AS mungkin mengalami kemelesetan dua angka pada suku pertama tahun depan," katanya.
Jika keadaan itu berlaku, katanya ia akan memberi kesan limpahan kepada negara lain yang berdagang dan mempunyai hubungan dengan AS.
Kebimbangan lain, katanya ialah kemungkinan berlaku gelembong aset, terutama di China dan banyak negara lain di Asia Timur dan peningkatan inflasi.
"Gelembong aset ini kemungkinan benar-benar menimbulkan masalah jika ia mulai berakar umbi dari tahun ini," katanya.
Satu lagi faktor yang membimbangkan ialah negara berkenaan telah mencetak wang tahun ini untuk membiayai sebahagian defisit masing-masing.
Beliau berkata, wang lebihan ini sebenarnya telah tidak menyebabkan kenaikan harga kerana keadaan permintaan yang lemah.
Tetapi, katanya sebaik ekonomi pulih, permintaan akan mulai pulih, yang kemungkinan besar akan menyebabkan kemunculan semula inflasi.
"Jika inflasi meningkat, negara seperti Australia dan Eropah yang sangat sensitif dengan angka inflasi, kemungkinan menaikkan kadar faedah. Jika mereka berbuat demikian, saya rasa ia akan merencatkan proses pertumbuhan," katanya.
Mohamed Ariff berkata, Malaysia kemungkinan tidak akan menaikkan kadar faedah walau pun Eropah berbuat demikian dan Australia pula telah melakukannya.
Beliau berkata, Malaysia akan mencatatkan pertumbuhan positif pada suku keempat tahun ini dan ia akan berterusan tahun depan.
"Pada peringkat awal, kami mengunjurkan ekonomi negara akan mencatatkan pertumbuhan sekitar -3 hingga -4 peratus bagi tahun ini.
"Kini, selepas melihat perangkaan suku ketiga dan data bulan seterusnya, kami merasakan pertumbuhan tahun ini dijangkakan sekitar -2 hingga -3 peratus," katanya kepada Bernama.
Bagaimana pun, beliau berkata 2010 akan terus mencabar kerana walau pun ekonomi global sedang bergerak keluar dari kemelesetan, ia belum keluar sepenuhnya dari kegawatan.
Ekonomi Malaysia juga dijangka terus berdepan cabaran.
"Wujud kebimbangan bahawa momentum pertumbuhan yang kita lihat sekarang ini, yang bukan saja di Malaysia malah di tempat lain juga, agak rapuh kerana pertumbuhan yang kita lihat di Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan Eropah dan sesetengah negara lain terlalu dipacu oleh pakej rangsangan fiskal," katanya.
Bagi meneruskan momentum itu, katanya negara berkenaan kemungkinan perlu menyuntik satu lagi pakej rangsangan fiskal.
"Persoalannya, mampukah negara berkenaan melaksanakan satu lagi pakej rangsangan fiskal? Banyak pihak merasakan usaha itu tidak akan berjaya. Wujud juga kebimbangan AS mungkin mengalami kemelesetan dua angka pada suku pertama tahun depan," katanya.
Jika keadaan itu berlaku, katanya ia akan memberi kesan limpahan kepada negara lain yang berdagang dan mempunyai hubungan dengan AS.
Kebimbangan lain, katanya ialah kemungkinan berlaku gelembong aset, terutama di China dan banyak negara lain di Asia Timur dan peningkatan inflasi.
"Gelembong aset ini kemungkinan benar-benar menimbulkan masalah jika ia mulai berakar umbi dari tahun ini," katanya.
Satu lagi faktor yang membimbangkan ialah negara berkenaan telah mencetak wang tahun ini untuk membiayai sebahagian defisit masing-masing.
Beliau berkata, wang lebihan ini sebenarnya telah tidak menyebabkan kenaikan harga kerana keadaan permintaan yang lemah.
Tetapi, katanya sebaik ekonomi pulih, permintaan akan mulai pulih, yang kemungkinan besar akan menyebabkan kemunculan semula inflasi.
"Jika inflasi meningkat, negara seperti Australia dan Eropah yang sangat sensitif dengan angka inflasi, kemungkinan menaikkan kadar faedah. Jika mereka berbuat demikian, saya rasa ia akan merencatkan proses pertumbuhan," katanya.
Mohamed Ariff berkata, Malaysia kemungkinan tidak akan menaikkan kadar faedah walau pun Eropah berbuat demikian dan Australia pula telah melakukannya.
Bisnes Dunia: China hilang AS$34.4 bilion dana awam
LEBIH AS$34.4 bilion dana awam hilang di China dalam tempoh 11 bulan tahun ini, yang disifatkan juruaudit akibat perbuatan penyalahgunaan, pembaziran dan penipuan.
Akhbar China Daily menyebut, lebih 230 orang, termasuk pegawai kerajaan dihadapkan kepada pihak berkuasa disiplin atau kehakiman berikutan kehilangan dana berkenaan.
Juruaudit Kanan dari Pejabat Audit Nasional China, Liu Jiayi, memberitahu sidang media di Shanghai, audit dijalankan membabitkan 99,000 syarikat, agensi kerajaan dan institusi awam di seluruh negara.
Daripada 234.7 bilion yuan (AS$34.4 bilion) dana yang didapati hilang, 16.3 bilion yuan bagaimanapun sudah diperoleh kembali.
Perdana Menteri, Wen Jiabao, pada satu persidangan mengarahkan juruaudit meningkatkan langkah membanteras rasuah.
Juruaudit negara mempunyai kuasa untuk menyemak akaun kerajaan, tetapi kekurangan kuasa untuk menguatkuasakan undang-undang bermakna banyak daripada perbuatan di luar kebiasaan itu tidak dikenakan tindakan.
November lalu, Beijing berjanji untuk menghentikan rasuah apabila ia melancarkan pakej rangsangan bernilai empat trilion yuan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonominya selari dengan kejatuhan besar permintaan eksport kerana krisis kewangan global. - AFP
Akhbar China Daily menyebut, lebih 230 orang, termasuk pegawai kerajaan dihadapkan kepada pihak berkuasa disiplin atau kehakiman berikutan kehilangan dana berkenaan.
Juruaudit Kanan dari Pejabat Audit Nasional China, Liu Jiayi, memberitahu sidang media di Shanghai, audit dijalankan membabitkan 99,000 syarikat, agensi kerajaan dan institusi awam di seluruh negara.
Daripada 234.7 bilion yuan (AS$34.4 bilion) dana yang didapati hilang, 16.3 bilion yuan bagaimanapun sudah diperoleh kembali.
Perdana Menteri, Wen Jiabao, pada satu persidangan mengarahkan juruaudit meningkatkan langkah membanteras rasuah.
Juruaudit negara mempunyai kuasa untuk menyemak akaun kerajaan, tetapi kekurangan kuasa untuk menguatkuasakan undang-undang bermakna banyak daripada perbuatan di luar kebiasaan itu tidak dikenakan tindakan.
November lalu, Beijing berjanji untuk menghentikan rasuah apabila ia melancarkan pakej rangsangan bernilai empat trilion yuan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonominya selari dengan kejatuhan besar permintaan eksport kerana krisis kewangan global. - AFP
Ulasan Pasaran: Harga saham ditutup lebih kukuh
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih kukuh semalam, berikutan minat pembelian untuk indeks berwajaran tinggi, kata peniaga.
Katanya, pasaran tempatan sejajar pasaran serantau yang optimis mengenai senario ekonomi lebih positif tahun depan.
Petunjuk pasaran Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (KLCI) ditutup 2.49 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,275.22, selepas dibuka 0.54 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,273.27.
Indeks Kewangan meningkat 60.06 mata kepada 11,067.92, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 4.31 mata kepada 2,675.53 tetapi Indeks Perladangan merosot 8.92 mata kepada 6,372.26.
Indeks FBM Emas menokok 28.88 mata kepada 8,509.44, Indeks FBM Top 100 naik 25.01 mata kepada 8,320.24, Indeks FBM70 bertambah 56.76 mata kepada 8,262.4 dan FBMACE meningkat 6.59 mata kepada 4,204.08.
Sebanyak 383 kaunter untung dan 251 kaunter rugi sementara 244 kaunter tidak berubah dan 428 yang lain tidak diniagakan.
Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 575.478 juta saham bernilai RM741.665 juta berbanding 459.031 juta saham bernilai RM595.621 juta pada Isnin.
Jumlah dagangan pada Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 484.278 juta saham bernilai RM721.903 juta, daripada 386.433 juta saham bernilai RM577.727 juta.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE meningkat sedikit kepada 33.85 juta unit, bernilai RM10.05 juta daripada 32.011 juta unit bernilai RM7.753 juta yang dicatatkan pada Isnin.
Waran pula meningkat kepada 29.57 juta saham, bernilai RM5.433 juta, berbanding 26.726 juta saham bernilai RM4.315 juta yang dicatatkan sebelumnya.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Scomi menokok setengah sen kepada 45.5 sen sementara Scomi-LA tidak berubah pada 10.5 sen.
KNM meningkat dua sen kepada 76 sen, Scomi-WA naik satu sen kepada 17.5 sen tetapi Etitech susut satu sen kepada 42.5 sen.
Di kalangan saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby, Genting dan Axiata masing-masing meningkat satu sen untuk ditutup pada RM9.01, RM7.41 dan RM3.04, sementara Maybank dan Tenaga Nasional kekal tidak berubah pada RM6.90 dan RM8.31 setiap satu.
CIMB meningkat lapan sen kepada RM13.10 dan Maxis naik empat sen kepada RM5.37.
Kuala Lumpur Kepong menokok 14 sen kepada RM16.50, British American Tobacco naik 54 sen kepada RM42.78 sementara AMMB dan Hong Leong naik lapan sen setiap satu kepada RM5.00 dan RM8.10.
Barangan pengguna mewakili 28.043 juta saham yang didagangkan pada Pasaran Utama, barangan industri 150.07 juta, pembinaan 30.138 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 144.014 juta.
Teknologi 20.529 juta, prasarana 3.848 juta, kewangan 31.586 juta, hotel 2.886 juta, harta 58.383 juta, perladangan 9.202 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 5.525 juta dan dana tertutup 44,400. - Bernama
Katanya, pasaran tempatan sejajar pasaran serantau yang optimis mengenai senario ekonomi lebih positif tahun depan.
Petunjuk pasaran Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (KLCI) ditutup 2.49 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,275.22, selepas dibuka 0.54 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,273.27.
Indeks Kewangan meningkat 60.06 mata kepada 11,067.92, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 4.31 mata kepada 2,675.53 tetapi Indeks Perladangan merosot 8.92 mata kepada 6,372.26.
Indeks FBM Emas menokok 28.88 mata kepada 8,509.44, Indeks FBM Top 100 naik 25.01 mata kepada 8,320.24, Indeks FBM70 bertambah 56.76 mata kepada 8,262.4 dan FBMACE meningkat 6.59 mata kepada 4,204.08.
Sebanyak 383 kaunter untung dan 251 kaunter rugi sementara 244 kaunter tidak berubah dan 428 yang lain tidak diniagakan.
Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 575.478 juta saham bernilai RM741.665 juta berbanding 459.031 juta saham bernilai RM595.621 juta pada Isnin.
Jumlah dagangan pada Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 484.278 juta saham bernilai RM721.903 juta, daripada 386.433 juta saham bernilai RM577.727 juta.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE meningkat sedikit kepada 33.85 juta unit, bernilai RM10.05 juta daripada 32.011 juta unit bernilai RM7.753 juta yang dicatatkan pada Isnin.
Waran pula meningkat kepada 29.57 juta saham, bernilai RM5.433 juta, berbanding 26.726 juta saham bernilai RM4.315 juta yang dicatatkan sebelumnya.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Scomi menokok setengah sen kepada 45.5 sen sementara Scomi-LA tidak berubah pada 10.5 sen.
KNM meningkat dua sen kepada 76 sen, Scomi-WA naik satu sen kepada 17.5 sen tetapi Etitech susut satu sen kepada 42.5 sen.
Di kalangan saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby, Genting dan Axiata masing-masing meningkat satu sen untuk ditutup pada RM9.01, RM7.41 dan RM3.04, sementara Maybank dan Tenaga Nasional kekal tidak berubah pada RM6.90 dan RM8.31 setiap satu.
CIMB meningkat lapan sen kepada RM13.10 dan Maxis naik empat sen kepada RM5.37.
Kuala Lumpur Kepong menokok 14 sen kepada RM16.50, British American Tobacco naik 54 sen kepada RM42.78 sementara AMMB dan Hong Leong naik lapan sen setiap satu kepada RM5.00 dan RM8.10.
Barangan pengguna mewakili 28.043 juta saham yang didagangkan pada Pasaran Utama, barangan industri 150.07 juta, pembinaan 30.138 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 144.014 juta.
Teknologi 20.529 juta, prasarana 3.848 juta, kewangan 31.586 juta, hotel 2.886 juta, harta 58.383 juta, perladangan 9.202 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 5.525 juta dan dana tertutup 44,400. - Bernama
TechnoDex sasar ke Papan Utama
TECHNODEX Bhd, syarikat berstatus MSC Malaysia yang disenaraikan di Pasaran ACE Bursa Malaysia menyasarkan memindahkan penyenaraiannya ke Papan Utama menjelang suku ketiga tahun depan.
Ketua Eksekutifnya, Nigel Lee Siew Tat, berkata syarikat itu kini dalam proses mengemukakan permohonan untuk pemindahan penyenaraian itu yang adalah sebahagian pelan pengembangannya untuk menyokong pertumbuhan perniagaan.
Beliau berkata, TechnoDex juga berharap cadangan pemindahan penyenaraiannya itu dapat membantunya menarik pelabur besar bagi menyokongnya mengembangkan perniagaan dan meneroka pasaran luar negara secara lebih agresif.
"Kami harap pemindahan penyenaraian ini membantu syarikat menjadi lebih teguh dan berdaya saing dalam mengembangkan perniagaan," katanya selepas mesyuarat agung tahunan syarikat itu di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.
TechnoDex ialah pembekal teknologi perniagaan dalam penyediaan penyelesaian e-niaga.
Bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 20 Jun 2009, ia mencatatkan keuntungan sebelum cukai lebih rendah iaitu RM7.749 juta berbanding RM8.402 juta yang dicatatnya tahun lalu. Bagaimanapun, pendapatannya meningkat kepada RM21.740 juta daripada RM17.303 juta sebelumnya.
Lee berkata, TechnoDex menyasarkan pertumbuhan 20 peratus pendapatan dan keuntungannya tahun depan didorong oleh pengembangan perniagaan dalam talian dan teknologi maklumatnya.
Katanya, syarikat itu dalam proses membida tiga atau empat projek kerajaan yang berpotensi dan jika berjaya meraih kontrak berkenaan, ia berupaya menyumbang pendapatan RM10 juta hingga RM20 juta kepada syarikat mulai tahun depan.
Ketua Eksekutifnya, Nigel Lee Siew Tat, berkata syarikat itu kini dalam proses mengemukakan permohonan untuk pemindahan penyenaraian itu yang adalah sebahagian pelan pengembangannya untuk menyokong pertumbuhan perniagaan.
Beliau berkata, TechnoDex juga berharap cadangan pemindahan penyenaraiannya itu dapat membantunya menarik pelabur besar bagi menyokongnya mengembangkan perniagaan dan meneroka pasaran luar negara secara lebih agresif.
"Kami harap pemindahan penyenaraian ini membantu syarikat menjadi lebih teguh dan berdaya saing dalam mengembangkan perniagaan," katanya selepas mesyuarat agung tahunan syarikat itu di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.
TechnoDex ialah pembekal teknologi perniagaan dalam penyediaan penyelesaian e-niaga.
Bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 20 Jun 2009, ia mencatatkan keuntungan sebelum cukai lebih rendah iaitu RM7.749 juta berbanding RM8.402 juta yang dicatatnya tahun lalu. Bagaimanapun, pendapatannya meningkat kepada RM21.740 juta daripada RM17.303 juta sebelumnya.
Lee berkata, TechnoDex menyasarkan pertumbuhan 20 peratus pendapatan dan keuntungannya tahun depan didorong oleh pengembangan perniagaan dalam talian dan teknologi maklumatnya.
Katanya, syarikat itu dalam proses membida tiga atau empat projek kerajaan yang berpotensi dan jika berjaya meraih kontrak berkenaan, ia berupaya menyumbang pendapatan RM10 juta hingga RM20 juta kepada syarikat mulai tahun depan.
Investors offered 80% payout for Lehman products
Written by Dennis Eng & Paggie Leung
Thursday, 24 December 2009 16:17
For angry investors, the nightmare triggered by the collapse of US investment giant Lehman Brothers last year may be finally over after two banks offered to pay 80 HK cents for every dollar of their investment.
The deal, which applies to 529 customers who bought a total of HK$264 million of Lehman equity-linked notes from Dah Sing Bank and Mevas Bank, is seen as paving the way for all affected customers to receive the same payout.
The deal also has important implications for investors of other affected investment products, like Constellation Notes sold by DBS Bank, and Octave Notes, sold by 17 banks and designed by Morgan Stanley. So far, only investors of Lehman-related minibonds have been partially compensated.
In a joint statement, the two banks said eligible customers who bought certain equity index-linked fixed coupon principal protected notes issued by Lehman would be offered 80% of their original investment to settle their claims.
This amounts to compensation of HK$211.2 million. Customers who have already settled with the banks will also enjoy the same terms at an estimated "topping-up" cost of HK$72 million. The two banks have already settled with 462, or 87%, of the 529 customers.
In these cases, the payouts ranged between 40% and 85% of their investment, Philip Khan, vice-chairman of the Alliance of Lehman Products Victims, said.
The banks first started selling these notes on Aug 5 last year, six weeks before Lehman went bankrupt. Under the agreement, the banks do not admit any liability.
The settlement offer was reluctantly accepted by many investors. Alison Hui Cho-wai, a housewife who was sold HK$500,000 of the notes by Dah Sing, said the compensation was marginally acceptable.
The bank was remiss in selling the note to her just three weeks before Lehman collapsed and refused to let her cancel her order as rumours swirled of Lehman's demise, she said.
"Selling the note is basically asking people to lend money to Lehman, which I would not do if I knew this was the case. I assumed the note had an underlying asset but the bank never mentioned to me that this was not the case. They just highlighted the point that the note's principal was protected," Hui said.
Such notes allow investors to recoup their original investment after holding it to maturity, with additional returns depending on the performance of certain stocks during the period of time the note is held.
However, since Lehman, which issued the notes, filed for bankruptcy and was unable to repay the principal amount, the notes became worthless.
Other banks that sold the notes stopped short of endorsing the compensation offer. Standard Chartered Bank and Citibank, which sold such notes to more than 3,200 customers, declined to comment on the offer from Dah Sing and Mevas.
"We do not offer across-the-board compensation. We will continue to handle each case on its individual merits, which may include a settlement to affected clients if we find evidence that we fell short of our standards," a Citibank spokesman said.
Citibank said it stopped selling these notes in the middle of June last year, while such products were not available at Standard Chartered by the time Dah Sing and Mevas offered them.
Choi Yiu-kwan, the outgoing deputy chief executive of the Monetary Authority, said the terms agreed with Dah Sing and Mevas did not necessarily mean similar deals would be struck with other banks.
"This deal was brokered with the two banks. You cannot say that all other customers who bought these notes on or after Aug 5 last year will be offered the same terms to settle their claims. The circumstances of every sale by each bank are different," Choi said.
Hong Kong investors lost billions of dollars on minibonds guaranteed by Lehman when the bank went bankrupt in September last year. Minibonds are not corporate bonds, but are high-risk, credit-linked derivatives. They are marketed as a proxy investment in well-known companies.
Since the unprecedented debacle, disciplinary action has only been taken in one non-minibond case. The Monetary Authority says it has received about 21,800 Lehman-related complaints.
About 16,700 cases have been dealt with or settled. Investigations into the remaining 5,000 or so cases are expected to be completed by March, Choi said.
A total of 765 Lehman-related non-minibond complaints are currently under disciplinary consideration. A total of 334 non-minibond cases have been referred to the Securities and Futures Commission for action. So far, 24,419 of the 24,688 investors have agreed to settle their claims.
The offer by 16 banks to repurchase soured minibonds from about 25,000 investors meant those who accepted the terms would recoup between 60% and 70% of their initial investments. — South China Morning Post
Thursday, 24 December 2009 16:17
For angry investors, the nightmare triggered by the collapse of US investment giant Lehman Brothers last year may be finally over after two banks offered to pay 80 HK cents for every dollar of their investment.
The deal, which applies to 529 customers who bought a total of HK$264 million of Lehman equity-linked notes from Dah Sing Bank and Mevas Bank, is seen as paving the way for all affected customers to receive the same payout.
The deal also has important implications for investors of other affected investment products, like Constellation Notes sold by DBS Bank, and Octave Notes, sold by 17 banks and designed by Morgan Stanley. So far, only investors of Lehman-related minibonds have been partially compensated.
In a joint statement, the two banks said eligible customers who bought certain equity index-linked fixed coupon principal protected notes issued by Lehman would be offered 80% of their original investment to settle their claims.
This amounts to compensation of HK$211.2 million. Customers who have already settled with the banks will also enjoy the same terms at an estimated "topping-up" cost of HK$72 million. The two banks have already settled with 462, or 87%, of the 529 customers.
In these cases, the payouts ranged between 40% and 85% of their investment, Philip Khan, vice-chairman of the Alliance of Lehman Products Victims, said.
The banks first started selling these notes on Aug 5 last year, six weeks before Lehman went bankrupt. Under the agreement, the banks do not admit any liability.
The settlement offer was reluctantly accepted by many investors. Alison Hui Cho-wai, a housewife who was sold HK$500,000 of the notes by Dah Sing, said the compensation was marginally acceptable.
The bank was remiss in selling the note to her just three weeks before Lehman collapsed and refused to let her cancel her order as rumours swirled of Lehman's demise, she said.
"Selling the note is basically asking people to lend money to Lehman, which I would not do if I knew this was the case. I assumed the note had an underlying asset but the bank never mentioned to me that this was not the case. They just highlighted the point that the note's principal was protected," Hui said.
Such notes allow investors to recoup their original investment after holding it to maturity, with additional returns depending on the performance of certain stocks during the period of time the note is held.
However, since Lehman, which issued the notes, filed for bankruptcy and was unable to repay the principal amount, the notes became worthless.
Other banks that sold the notes stopped short of endorsing the compensation offer. Standard Chartered Bank and Citibank, which sold such notes to more than 3,200 customers, declined to comment on the offer from Dah Sing and Mevas.
"We do not offer across-the-board compensation. We will continue to handle each case on its individual merits, which may include a settlement to affected clients if we find evidence that we fell short of our standards," a Citibank spokesman said.
Citibank said it stopped selling these notes in the middle of June last year, while such products were not available at Standard Chartered by the time Dah Sing and Mevas offered them.
Choi Yiu-kwan, the outgoing deputy chief executive of the Monetary Authority, said the terms agreed with Dah Sing and Mevas did not necessarily mean similar deals would be struck with other banks.
"This deal was brokered with the two banks. You cannot say that all other customers who bought these notes on or after Aug 5 last year will be offered the same terms to settle their claims. The circumstances of every sale by each bank are different," Choi said.
Hong Kong investors lost billions of dollars on minibonds guaranteed by Lehman when the bank went bankrupt in September last year. Minibonds are not corporate bonds, but are high-risk, credit-linked derivatives. They are marketed as a proxy investment in well-known companies.
Since the unprecedented debacle, disciplinary action has only been taken in one non-minibond case. The Monetary Authority says it has received about 21,800 Lehman-related complaints.
About 16,700 cases have been dealt with or settled. Investigations into the remaining 5,000 or so cases are expected to be completed by March, Choi said.
A total of 765 Lehman-related non-minibond complaints are currently under disciplinary consideration. A total of 334 non-minibond cases have been referred to the Securities and Futures Commission for action. So far, 24,419 of the 24,688 investors have agreed to settle their claims.
The offer by 16 banks to repurchase soured minibonds from about 25,000 investors meant those who accepted the terms would recoup between 60% and 70% of their initial investments. — South China Morning Post
Indonesia picks Petronas to end fuel supply monopoly
Written by Muklis Ali
Monday, 28 December 2009 16:06
JAKARTA: Indonesia's state oil firm Pertamina has lost its exclusive right to distribute subsidised oil products in 2010 after a unit of Malaysia's Petronas and a local firm won supply tenders, a regulator said on Monday.
Petronas has won the right to distribute 20,440 kilolitres (128,547 barrels) of subsidised low-octane gasoline in the city of Medan, North Sumatra, next year, the head of Indonesia's downstream oil regulator, BPH-MIGAS, said.
Indonesia's PT Aneka Kimia Raya Corporindo (AKR)would also distribute 56,500 kilolitres of subsidised diesel oil in Lampung province, in south Sumatra and in the cities of Banjarmasin and Pontianak in Kalimantan, Borneo island.
"By law, Petronas and PT AKR Corporindo are allowed to supply subsidised fuel. After we evaluated their capabilities in providing fuel, we selected them," Tubagus Haryono, head of BPH-MIGAS, told reporters.
The remaining subsidised fuel would be supplied by Pertamina in 2010.
Overall, the government planned to supply of 21.4 million kilolitres (134.5 million barrels) of subsidised gasoline and 11.2 million kilolitre of subsidised diesel oil in 2010, Haryono said.
This year, Indonesia expects 19.44 million kilolitres of subsidised low-octane gasoline and 11.6 million kilolitre of diesel to be supplied.
BPH-MIGAS decides each year on the rights to supply and distribute subsidised oil products such as low-octane gasoline, kerosene and diesel.
Royal Dutch Shell plc had also joined the tender to distribute fuel this year.
"The volume of subsidised gasoline and diesel is expected to be higher than the government's 2009 plan, due to higher transportation consumption," Haryono said without elaborating.
Separately, the director general of oil and gas at the energy ministry, Evita Legowo, said the government wanted the supply of subisidised fuel to be cut in the future.
The level of consumption of fuel is critical because it helps determine the scale of subsidies the government has to set aside in the budget.
Pertamina's monopoly over all sectors of the oil market was ended in 2001, and three years later Indonesia opened up its domestic downstream oil business to foreign firms, paving the way for them to directly import fuel and sell to local customers.
But Pertamina had up until now retained the exclusive rights to supply subsidised oil products — which includes almost all products except for premium motor fuel — in the domestic market. — Reuters
Monday, 28 December 2009 16:06
JAKARTA: Indonesia's state oil firm Pertamina has lost its exclusive right to distribute subsidised oil products in 2010 after a unit of Malaysia's Petronas and a local firm won supply tenders, a regulator said on Monday.
Petronas has won the right to distribute 20,440 kilolitres (128,547 barrels) of subsidised low-octane gasoline in the city of Medan, North Sumatra, next year, the head of Indonesia's downstream oil regulator, BPH-MIGAS, said.
Indonesia's PT Aneka Kimia Raya Corporindo (AKR)would also distribute 56,500 kilolitres of subsidised diesel oil in Lampung province, in south Sumatra and in the cities of Banjarmasin and Pontianak in Kalimantan, Borneo island.
"By law, Petronas and PT AKR Corporindo are allowed to supply subsidised fuel. After we evaluated their capabilities in providing fuel, we selected them," Tubagus Haryono, head of BPH-MIGAS, told reporters.
The remaining subsidised fuel would be supplied by Pertamina in 2010.
Overall, the government planned to supply of 21.4 million kilolitres (134.5 million barrels) of subsidised gasoline and 11.2 million kilolitre of subsidised diesel oil in 2010, Haryono said.
This year, Indonesia expects 19.44 million kilolitres of subsidised low-octane gasoline and 11.6 million kilolitre of diesel to be supplied.
BPH-MIGAS decides each year on the rights to supply and distribute subsidised oil products such as low-octane gasoline, kerosene and diesel.
Royal Dutch Shell plc had also joined the tender to distribute fuel this year.
"The volume of subsidised gasoline and diesel is expected to be higher than the government's 2009 plan, due to higher transportation consumption," Haryono said without elaborating.
Separately, the director general of oil and gas at the energy ministry, Evita Legowo, said the government wanted the supply of subisidised fuel to be cut in the future.
The level of consumption of fuel is critical because it helps determine the scale of subsidies the government has to set aside in the budget.
Pertamina's monopoly over all sectors of the oil market was ended in 2001, and three years later Indonesia opened up its domestic downstream oil business to foreign firms, paving the way for them to directly import fuel and sell to local customers.
But Pertamina had up until now retained the exclusive rights to supply subsidised oil products — which includes almost all products except for premium motor fuel — in the domestic market. — Reuters
CIMB Islamic senarai sukuk RM2b
CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd semalam menyenaraikan program sukuk bernilai sehingga RM2 bilion di Bursa Malaysia.
Ia mengukuhkan lagi hasrat Bursa Malaysia untuk memajukan Malaysia sebagai pusat kewangan Islam antarabangsa serta kedudukan CIMB Islamic sebagai peneraju global kewangan Islam.
Ketua Eksekutif CIMB Islamic, Badlisyah Abdul Ghani, berkata penyenaraian subhutang Islam di Bursa Malaysia itu mengukuhkan lagi komitmen bank itu terhadap pembangunan industri kewangan Islam dan pasaran modal hutang Islam.
"Walaupun ia bukan tawaran runcit, kami berharap penyenaraian ini akan menjadi permulaan kepada pembangunan pasaran sukuk runcit yang rancak yang boleh diniagakan di Bursa Malaysia," katanya dalam satu kenyataan semalam.
Sementara itu, Ketua Eksekutif Bursa Malaysia, Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff, berkata penyenaraian CIMB Islamic adalah mercu tanda bagi Bursa Malaysia kerana bank itu menjadi institusi kewangan Islam pertama menyenaraikan sukuknya.
Ia, katanya mencerminkan kepentingan dan daya tarikan Bursa Malaysia di kalangan peserta lebih besar dalam industri kewangan Islam serta meningkatkan keyakinan pelabur.
Bursa Malaysia mencatatkan penyenaraian sukuk dan bon pertama Petronas dan Cagamas pada Ogos tahun ini, disusuli penyenaraian sukuk bukan ringgit GE Capital pada November.
Regim mesra pelabur yang diperkukuhkan kawal selia dan kerangka Syariah teguh menjadi platform kondusif bagi penyenaraian dan penerbitan sukuk.
Ia membolehkan Malaysia menarik lebih 60 peratus penerbitan sukuk seluruh dunia, menjadikan negara ini hab global bagi kewangan dan pelaburan Islam. - Bernama
Ia mengukuhkan lagi hasrat Bursa Malaysia untuk memajukan Malaysia sebagai pusat kewangan Islam antarabangsa serta kedudukan CIMB Islamic sebagai peneraju global kewangan Islam.
Ketua Eksekutif CIMB Islamic, Badlisyah Abdul Ghani, berkata penyenaraian subhutang Islam di Bursa Malaysia itu mengukuhkan lagi komitmen bank itu terhadap pembangunan industri kewangan Islam dan pasaran modal hutang Islam.
"Walaupun ia bukan tawaran runcit, kami berharap penyenaraian ini akan menjadi permulaan kepada pembangunan pasaran sukuk runcit yang rancak yang boleh diniagakan di Bursa Malaysia," katanya dalam satu kenyataan semalam.
Sementara itu, Ketua Eksekutif Bursa Malaysia, Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff, berkata penyenaraian CIMB Islamic adalah mercu tanda bagi Bursa Malaysia kerana bank itu menjadi institusi kewangan Islam pertama menyenaraikan sukuknya.
Ia, katanya mencerminkan kepentingan dan daya tarikan Bursa Malaysia di kalangan peserta lebih besar dalam industri kewangan Islam serta meningkatkan keyakinan pelabur.
Bursa Malaysia mencatatkan penyenaraian sukuk dan bon pertama Petronas dan Cagamas pada Ogos tahun ini, disusuli penyenaraian sukuk bukan ringgit GE Capital pada November.
Regim mesra pelabur yang diperkukuhkan kawal selia dan kerangka Syariah teguh menjadi platform kondusif bagi penyenaraian dan penerbitan sukuk.
Ia membolehkan Malaysia menarik lebih 60 peratus penerbitan sukuk seluruh dunia, menjadikan negara ini hab global bagi kewangan dan pelaburan Islam. - Bernama
Higher in quiet trading
Written by InsiderAsia
Monday, 28 December 2009 17:27
Stock prices on Bursa Malaysia and across the region traded higher on Monday.
Trading remained light with many investors away for the extended Christmas-year end holidays, but gains were widespread across most bourses. This could be due in part to Wall Street’s positive close on Thursday, firming commodity prices and possibly, some year-end "window dressing" activities.
Crude oil prices rose to above US$78 per barrel on optimism of stronger demand and cooler weather in the US, while crude palm oil prices increased to around RM2,600 per tonne, up about RM100 in two days. The rise in commodity prices also comes as the US dollar stopped its recent appreciation after a strong rally triggered by the unexpected sovereign debt problems in Dubai and Greece.
The FBM KLCI started the day flat, but soon made more gains and ended right at its day high, up 8.8 points at 1,272.7. Trading volume improved from Thursday’s Christmas eve low of 384 million shares to 459 million shares. Market breadth was positive with advancing stocks beating declining ones by a nearly 2-to-1 ratio.
Penny stocks and lower liners made up most of the actively traded stocks, which include L&G, XDL, SAAG, Jaks, Ho Hup, Insas and KNM. Axiata was the only notable blue chip on the list.
Institutional stocks made up most of the major gainers, notably PLANTATION [], glove making and banking stocks. The top gainers include Supermax, KL Kepong, Tanjong plc, Adventa, CIMB and Genting Plantations. On the other hand, losers include Kluang, YTL Corp, Yee Lee and Hap Seng, but mostly on very thin volume.
There will be a few leads from the US in this holiday-shortened week, which will likely see subdued trading activities. US data scheduled to be released include the consumer confidence index and home prices on Tuesday, Chicago PMI on Wednesday and jobless claims on Thursday. — InsiderAsia
Monday, 28 December 2009 17:27
Stock prices on Bursa Malaysia and across the region traded higher on Monday.
Trading remained light with many investors away for the extended Christmas-year end holidays, but gains were widespread across most bourses. This could be due in part to Wall Street’s positive close on Thursday, firming commodity prices and possibly, some year-end "window dressing" activities.
Crude oil prices rose to above US$78 per barrel on optimism of stronger demand and cooler weather in the US, while crude palm oil prices increased to around RM2,600 per tonne, up about RM100 in two days. The rise in commodity prices also comes as the US dollar stopped its recent appreciation after a strong rally triggered by the unexpected sovereign debt problems in Dubai and Greece.
The FBM KLCI started the day flat, but soon made more gains and ended right at its day high, up 8.8 points at 1,272.7. Trading volume improved from Thursday’s Christmas eve low of 384 million shares to 459 million shares. Market breadth was positive with advancing stocks beating declining ones by a nearly 2-to-1 ratio.
Penny stocks and lower liners made up most of the actively traded stocks, which include L&G, XDL, SAAG, Jaks, Ho Hup, Insas and KNM. Axiata was the only notable blue chip on the list.
Institutional stocks made up most of the major gainers, notably PLANTATION [], glove making and banking stocks. The top gainers include Supermax, KL Kepong, Tanjong plc, Adventa, CIMB and Genting Plantations. On the other hand, losers include Kluang, YTL Corp, Yee Lee and Hap Seng, but mostly on very thin volume.
There will be a few leads from the US in this holiday-shortened week, which will likely see subdued trading activities. US data scheduled to be released include the consumer confidence index and home prices on Tuesday, Chicago PMI on Wednesday and jobless claims on Thursday. — InsiderAsia
Stocks to watch: Plantations, Crest Builders, S'gor Properties, WCT
Written by Joseph Chin
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 05:42
KUALA LUMPUR: Regional markets should extend their gains on Tuesday, Dec 29, aided by the firmer overnight close on Wall Street where the major indices ended trading at fresh closing highs for 2009.
The higher closing was underpinned by fresh optimism about the economic recovery. Investors were also optimistic that the year-end holiday shopping season could prove stronger than initially expected.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 26.98 points, or 0.26%, to end unofficially at 10,547.08. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index added 1.30 points, or 0.12%, to 1,127.78. The Nasdaq Composite Index advanced 5.39 points, or 0.24%, to close unofficially at 2,291.08.
Both the Dow and the S&P 500 marked their highest closes in 14 months, and the Nasdaq notched its highest close in 15 months.
On Monday, most Southeast Asian stock markets ended higher, with Singapore approaching a 17-month high, while Indonesia and Malaysia edged up after Christmas holidays, with energy shares leading the way.
At Bursa Malaysia, the positive sentiment was seen in the higher closing of the FBM KLCI futures and also the crude palm oil (CPO) futures.
CPO futures for January delivery rose RM39 to RM2,535 while for February, it rose RM34 to RM2,571. The FBM KLCI futures rose 10 points to 1,274.
Stocks to watch include PLANTATION []s, Crest Builders, Selangor PROPERTIES [] and WCT.
Selangor Properties reported its 4Q net profit ended Oct 31, rose 9 % to RM35.85 million from RM32.9 million a year earlier as the company sold more properties, and trimmed operating expenses.
Revenue more than doubled to RM155.13 million from RM63.92 million, the real estate estate investor and developer said.
Cumulative full-year net profit, however, fell 72.8 % to RM32.3 million from RM118.55 million a year earlier, mainly due to a provision for impairment losses on the company's investment in real estate funds. Revenue rose 52.7% to RM321.72 million from RM210.64 million
CREST BUILDER HOLDINGS BHD [] has secured a RM175.5 million contract from Exceljade Sdn Bhd to build two 40-storey service apartment towers. The high rise residential project would be along Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz.
It said the contract period was for 24 months and the contract is expected to be completed by Jan 1, 2012," the builder said. The project was expected to contribute positively to the earnings of the group for the financial years ending Dec 31, 2010 onwards.
WCT BHD []'s rating was revised to developing from negative by Malaysian Rating Corporation.
MARC said this reflects its decreased concerns regarding WCT’s ability to weather the setback caused by its terminated Nad-Al Sheba racecourse project, replenish its order book and restore its credit measures to levels consistent with its ratings.
ASTRO ALL ASIA NETWORKS PLC [] will supply and license a content gateway software system to Saudi Bells Telecom Company LLC (SBC), as well as build and develop the system in the Middle East and North African territories.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 05:42
KUALA LUMPUR: Regional markets should extend their gains on Tuesday, Dec 29, aided by the firmer overnight close on Wall Street where the major indices ended trading at fresh closing highs for 2009.
The higher closing was underpinned by fresh optimism about the economic recovery. Investors were also optimistic that the year-end holiday shopping season could prove stronger than initially expected.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose 26.98 points, or 0.26%, to end unofficially at 10,547.08. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index added 1.30 points, or 0.12%, to 1,127.78. The Nasdaq Composite Index advanced 5.39 points, or 0.24%, to close unofficially at 2,291.08.
Both the Dow and the S&P 500 marked their highest closes in 14 months, and the Nasdaq notched its highest close in 15 months.
On Monday, most Southeast Asian stock markets ended higher, with Singapore approaching a 17-month high, while Indonesia and Malaysia edged up after Christmas holidays, with energy shares leading the way.
At Bursa Malaysia, the positive sentiment was seen in the higher closing of the FBM KLCI futures and also the crude palm oil (CPO) futures.
CPO futures for January delivery rose RM39 to RM2,535 while for February, it rose RM34 to RM2,571. The FBM KLCI futures rose 10 points to 1,274.
Stocks to watch include PLANTATION []s, Crest Builders, Selangor PROPERTIES [] and WCT.
Selangor Properties reported its 4Q net profit ended Oct 31, rose 9 % to RM35.85 million from RM32.9 million a year earlier as the company sold more properties, and trimmed operating expenses.
Revenue more than doubled to RM155.13 million from RM63.92 million, the real estate estate investor and developer said.
Cumulative full-year net profit, however, fell 72.8 % to RM32.3 million from RM118.55 million a year earlier, mainly due to a provision for impairment losses on the company's investment in real estate funds. Revenue rose 52.7% to RM321.72 million from RM210.64 million
CREST BUILDER HOLDINGS BHD [] has secured a RM175.5 million contract from Exceljade Sdn Bhd to build two 40-storey service apartment towers. The high rise residential project would be along Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz.
It said the contract period was for 24 months and the contract is expected to be completed by Jan 1, 2012," the builder said. The project was expected to contribute positively to the earnings of the group for the financial years ending Dec 31, 2010 onwards.
WCT BHD []'s rating was revised to developing from negative by Malaysian Rating Corporation.
MARC said this reflects its decreased concerns regarding WCT’s ability to weather the setback caused by its terminated Nad-Al Sheba racecourse project, replenish its order book and restore its credit measures to levels consistent with its ratings.
ASTRO ALL ASIA NETWORKS PLC [] will supply and license a content gateway software system to Saudi Bells Telecom Company LLC (SBC), as well as build and develop the system in the Middle East and North African territories.
Saham mewah rangsang Bursa ditutup tinggi
KUALA LUMPUR 29 Dis - Harga-harga Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih kukuh hari ini, berikutan minat pembelian untuk indeks berwajaran tinggi, kata para peniaga.
Mereka berkata pasaran adalah sejajar dengan pasaran serantau yang optimis mengenai senario ekonomi yang lebih positif tahun depan.
Petunjuk pasaran Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (KLCI) ditutup 2.49 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,275.22, selepas dibuka 0.54 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,273.27. Indeks Kewangan meningkat 60.06 mata kepada 11,067.92, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 4.31 mata kepada 2,675.53 tetapi Indeks Perladangan merosot 8.92 mata kepada 6,372.26.
Indeks FBM Emas menokok 28.88 mata kepada 8,509.44, Indeks FBM Top 100 naik 25.01 mata kepada 8,320.24, Indeks FBM70 bertambah 56.76 mata kepada 8,262.4 dan FBMACE meningkat 6.59 mata kepada 4,204.08.
Sebanyak 383 kaunter untung dan 251 kaunter rugi sementara 244 kaunter tidak berubah dan 428 yang lain tidak diniagakan. Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 575.478 juta saham bernilai RM741.665 juta berbanding 459.031 juta saham bernilai RM595.621 juta pada Isnin.
Perolehan dagangan pada Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 484.278 juta saham bernilai RM721.903 juta, daripada 386.433 juta saham bernilai RM577.727 juta semalam.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE meningkat sedikit kepada 33.85 juta unit, bernilai RM10.05 juta daripada 32.011 juta unit bernilai RM7.753 juta yang dicatatkan pada Isnin.
Waran meningkat kepada 29.57 juta saham, bernilai RM5.433 juta, berbanding 26.726 juta saham bernilai RM4.315 juta yang dicatatkan sebelumnya.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Scomi menokok setengah sen kepada 45.5 sen sementara Scomi-LA tidak berubah padaKNM meningkat dua sen kepada 76 sen, Scomi-WA naik satu sen kepada 17.5 sen tetapi Etitech susut satu sen kepada 42.5 sen.
Barangan pengguna mewakili 28.043 juta saham yang didagangkan pada Pasaran Utama, barangan industri 150.07 juta, pembinaan 30.138 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 144.014 juta, teknologi 20.529 juta, prasarana 3.848 juta, kewangan 31.586 juta, hotel 2.886 juta, harta 58.383 juta, perladangan 9.202 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 5.525 juta dan dana tertutup 44,400.- Bernama
Mereka berkata pasaran adalah sejajar dengan pasaran serantau yang optimis mengenai senario ekonomi yang lebih positif tahun depan.
Petunjuk pasaran Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (KLCI) ditutup 2.49 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,275.22, selepas dibuka 0.54 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,273.27. Indeks Kewangan meningkat 60.06 mata kepada 11,067.92, Indeks Perusahaan menokok 4.31 mata kepada 2,675.53 tetapi Indeks Perladangan merosot 8.92 mata kepada 6,372.26.
Indeks FBM Emas menokok 28.88 mata kepada 8,509.44, Indeks FBM Top 100 naik 25.01 mata kepada 8,320.24, Indeks FBM70 bertambah 56.76 mata kepada 8,262.4 dan FBMACE meningkat 6.59 mata kepada 4,204.08.
Sebanyak 383 kaunter untung dan 251 kaunter rugi sementara 244 kaunter tidak berubah dan 428 yang lain tidak diniagakan. Jumlah dagangan meningkat kepada 575.478 juta saham bernilai RM741.665 juta berbanding 459.031 juta saham bernilai RM595.621 juta pada Isnin.
Perolehan dagangan pada Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 484.278 juta saham bernilai RM721.903 juta, daripada 386.433 juta saham bernilai RM577.727 juta semalam.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE meningkat sedikit kepada 33.85 juta unit, bernilai RM10.05 juta daripada 32.011 juta unit bernilai RM7.753 juta yang dicatatkan pada Isnin.
Waran meningkat kepada 29.57 juta saham, bernilai RM5.433 juta, berbanding 26.726 juta saham bernilai RM4.315 juta yang dicatatkan sebelumnya.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Scomi menokok setengah sen kepada 45.5 sen sementara Scomi-LA tidak berubah padaKNM meningkat dua sen kepada 76 sen, Scomi-WA naik satu sen kepada 17.5 sen tetapi Etitech susut satu sen kepada 42.5 sen.
Barangan pengguna mewakili 28.043 juta saham yang didagangkan pada Pasaran Utama, barangan industri 150.07 juta, pembinaan 30.138 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 144.014 juta, teknologi 20.529 juta, prasarana 3.848 juta, kewangan 31.586 juta, hotel 2.886 juta, harta 58.383 juta, perladangan 9.202 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 5.525 juta dan dana tertutup 44,400.- Bernama
Plantations weigh on blue chips
Written by Joseph Chin
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 10:22
KUALA LUMPUR: Mild profit taking on PLANTATION [] stocks including KL Kepong and Genting Plantations weighed down blue chips in early trade on Tuesday, Dec 29, despite the firmer overnight close on Wall Street.
At 10am, the FBM KLCI shed 0.73 of a point to 1,272. Turnover was 137.68 million shares valued at RM115.75 million. There were 190 gainers, 104 losers and 161 stocks unchanged.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opened 0.4% higher at 21,566.77; Shanghai's Composite Index rose 0.29% to 3,197.91 and but Japan's Nikkei 225 shed 0.07% to 10,627.25. Singapore's Straits Times Index added 0.17% to 2,860.49.
Light crude oil eased five cents to US$78.72 while US spot gold fell US$4 to 1,103.28.
HwangDBS Vickers Research said key US equity indices rose between 0.1% and 0.3% at the closing bell lifted mainly by rising commodity-related counters. Although the gains were pretty marginal, they managed to push the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite to finish at new highs for 2009.
It said as for Bursa Malaysia, the positive momentum seemed to be on the pick-up too. The futures contracts (for spot month as well as January 2010) remain above the underlying FBM KLCI level at the moment, indicating the rally could sustain.
"On the chart, the benchmark FBM KLCI - which ended at its intra-day high of 1,272.73 yesterday - will want to build on its four-day winning streak of a cumulative gain of 17.1-point ahead. Still, amid the light trading interest, the key market barometer is not expected to cross the immediate resistance level of 1,280 just yet," it said.
KL Kepong fell the most, down 16 sen to RM16.20 with 87,400 shares done. Genting Plantations shed seven sen to RM6.22 and PPB shed four sen to RM15.96.
Other decliners were LPI, down six sen to RM13.40, BAT four sen lower to RM42.20 and Padini four sen to RM3.66. Penny stocks PLB lost nine sen to 83 sen and Ho Hup 8.5 sen to 65 sen.
Scomi counters were the most active, with Scomi up one sen to 46 sen with 16.29 million shares done, Scomi-LA up 0.5 sen to 11 sen and Scomi-WA one sen to 17.5 sen.
KPJ shares rose 19 sen to RM6.28 ahead of the suspension of its shares from Jan 4 after it proposed a one-into-two share split. It will also undertake a one for four bonus issue.
Among property stocks, Magna Prima added 13 sen to RM3.11 and SP Setia nine sen to RM3.91 while national car maker Proton advanced nine sen to RM4.11.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 10:22
KUALA LUMPUR: Mild profit taking on PLANTATION [] stocks including KL Kepong and Genting Plantations weighed down blue chips in early trade on Tuesday, Dec 29, despite the firmer overnight close on Wall Street.
At 10am, the FBM KLCI shed 0.73 of a point to 1,272. Turnover was 137.68 million shares valued at RM115.75 million. There were 190 gainers, 104 losers and 161 stocks unchanged.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opened 0.4% higher at 21,566.77; Shanghai's Composite Index rose 0.29% to 3,197.91 and but Japan's Nikkei 225 shed 0.07% to 10,627.25. Singapore's Straits Times Index added 0.17% to 2,860.49.
Light crude oil eased five cents to US$78.72 while US spot gold fell US$4 to 1,103.28.
HwangDBS Vickers Research said key US equity indices rose between 0.1% and 0.3% at the closing bell lifted mainly by rising commodity-related counters. Although the gains were pretty marginal, they managed to push the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite to finish at new highs for 2009.
It said as for Bursa Malaysia, the positive momentum seemed to be on the pick-up too. The futures contracts (for spot month as well as January 2010) remain above the underlying FBM KLCI level at the moment, indicating the rally could sustain.
"On the chart, the benchmark FBM KLCI - which ended at its intra-day high of 1,272.73 yesterday - will want to build on its four-day winning streak of a cumulative gain of 17.1-point ahead. Still, amid the light trading interest, the key market barometer is not expected to cross the immediate resistance level of 1,280 just yet," it said.
KL Kepong fell the most, down 16 sen to RM16.20 with 87,400 shares done. Genting Plantations shed seven sen to RM6.22 and PPB shed four sen to RM15.96.
Other decliners were LPI, down six sen to RM13.40, BAT four sen lower to RM42.20 and Padini four sen to RM3.66. Penny stocks PLB lost nine sen to 83 sen and Ho Hup 8.5 sen to 65 sen.
Scomi counters were the most active, with Scomi up one sen to 46 sen with 16.29 million shares done, Scomi-LA up 0.5 sen to 11 sen and Scomi-WA one sen to 17.5 sen.
KPJ shares rose 19 sen to RM6.28 ahead of the suspension of its shares from Jan 4 after it proposed a one-into-two share split. It will also undertake a one for four bonus issue.
Among property stocks, Magna Prima added 13 sen to RM3.11 and SP Setia nine sen to RM3.91 while national car maker Proton advanced nine sen to RM4.11.
CIMB Islamic senaraikan sukuk RM2b di Bursa Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR 29 Dis. - Bursa Malaysia menerima penyenaraian sukuk ringgit pertama oleh CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd. bagi Program Sukuk Rendah Tingkat 2 bernilai nominal sehingga RM2.0 bilion.
Penyenaraian CIMB Islamic itu mengukuhkan lagi cadangan Bursa Malaysia untuk memajukan Malaysia sebagai satu pusat kewangan Islam antarabangsa serta kedudukan CIMB Islamic sebagai peneraju global di dalam kewangan Islam.
"Penyenaraian subhutang Islam kami di Bursa Malaysia mengukuhkan lagi komitmen kami terhadap pembangunan industri kewangan Islam, dan dalam perkara ini, pasaran modal hutang Islam," kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CIMB Islamic Badlisyah Abdul Ghani dalam satu kenyataannya di sini.
"Walaupun belum menjadi tawaran runcit, kami berharap penyenaraian itu akan menjadi permulaan kepada pembangunan pasaran sukuk runcit yang rancak yang boleh diniagakan di Bursa Malaysia," katanya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Bursa Malaysia Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff berkata, penyenaraian CIMB Islamic merupakan satu mercu tanda bagi bursa itu kerana mereka adalah institusi kewangan Islam yang pertama menyenaraikan sukuk masing-masing.
"Langkah itu mencerminkan pertalian dan daya tarikan Bursa Malaysia untuk menjadi pemain yang lebih besar di dalam industri kewangan Islam serta untuk meningkatkan keyakinan para pelabur," katanya.
Bursa Malaysia mencatatkan penyenaraian sukuk dan bon yang pertama Petronas dan Cagamas pada Ogos tahun ini, diikuti oleh penyenaraian sukuk bukan ringgit GE Capital pada November.
Regim mesra pelabur itu serta ditambah pula dengan kawal selia dan kerangka Syariah yang teguh telah menjadi platform yang sesuai bagi penyenaraian dan penerbitan sukuk.
Ini membolehkan Malaysia menarik lebih 60 peratus daripada penerbitan sukuk dari seluruh dunia, menjadikan negara sebagai pusat global bagi kewangan dan pelaburan Islam.
Penyenaraian CIMB Islamic itu mengukuhkan lagi cadangan Bursa Malaysia untuk memajukan Malaysia sebagai satu pusat kewangan Islam antarabangsa serta kedudukan CIMB Islamic sebagai peneraju global di dalam kewangan Islam.
"Penyenaraian subhutang Islam kami di Bursa Malaysia mengukuhkan lagi komitmen kami terhadap pembangunan industri kewangan Islam, dan dalam perkara ini, pasaran modal hutang Islam," kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif CIMB Islamic Badlisyah Abdul Ghani dalam satu kenyataannya di sini.
"Walaupun belum menjadi tawaran runcit, kami berharap penyenaraian itu akan menjadi permulaan kepada pembangunan pasaran sukuk runcit yang rancak yang boleh diniagakan di Bursa Malaysia," katanya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Bursa Malaysia Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff berkata, penyenaraian CIMB Islamic merupakan satu mercu tanda bagi bursa itu kerana mereka adalah institusi kewangan Islam yang pertama menyenaraikan sukuk masing-masing.
"Langkah itu mencerminkan pertalian dan daya tarikan Bursa Malaysia untuk menjadi pemain yang lebih besar di dalam industri kewangan Islam serta untuk meningkatkan keyakinan para pelabur," katanya.
Bursa Malaysia mencatatkan penyenaraian sukuk dan bon yang pertama Petronas dan Cagamas pada Ogos tahun ini, diikuti oleh penyenaraian sukuk bukan ringgit GE Capital pada November.
Regim mesra pelabur itu serta ditambah pula dengan kawal selia dan kerangka Syariah yang teguh telah menjadi platform yang sesuai bagi penyenaraian dan penerbitan sukuk.
Ini membolehkan Malaysia menarik lebih 60 peratus daripada penerbitan sukuk dari seluruh dunia, menjadikan negara sebagai pusat global bagi kewangan dan pelaburan Islam.
Plantations weigh on blue chips
Written by Joseph Chin
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 10:22
KUALA LUMPUR: Mild profit taking on PLANTATION [] stocks including KL Kepong and Genting Plantations weighed down blue chips in early trade on Tuesday, Dec 29, despite the firmer overnight close on Wall Street.
At 10am, the FBM KLCI shed 0.73 of a point to 1,272. Turnover was 137.68 million shares valued at RM115.75 million. There were 190 gainers, 104 losers and 161 stocks unchanged.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opened 0.4% higher at 21,566.77; Shanghai's Composite Index rose 0.29% to 3,197.91 and but Japan's Nikkei 225 shed 0.07% to 10,627.25. Singapore's Straits Times Index added 0.17% to 2,860.49.
Light crude oil eased five cents to US$78.72 while US spot gold fell US$4 to 1,103.28.
HwangDBS Vickers Research said key US equity indices rose between 0.1% and 0.3% at the closing bell lifted mainly by rising commodity-related counters. Although the gains were pretty marginal, they managed to push the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite to finish at new highs for 2009.
It said as for Bursa Malaysia, the positive momentum seemed to be on the pick-up too. The futures contracts (for spot month as well as January 2010) remain above the underlying FBM KLCI level at the moment, indicating the rally could sustain.
"On the chart, the benchmark FBM KLCI - which ended at its intra-day high of 1,272.73 yesterday - will want to build on its four-day winning streak of a cumulative gain of 17.1-point ahead. Still, amid the light trading interest, the key market barometer is not expected to cross the immediate resistance level of 1,280 just yet," it said.
KL Kepong fell the most, down 16 sen to RM16.20 with 87,400 shares done. Genting Plantations shed seven sen to RM6.22 and PPB shed four sen to RM15.96.
Other decliners were LPI, down six sen to RM13.40, BAT four sen lower to RM42.20 and Padini four sen to RM3.66. Penny stocks PLB lost nine sen to 83 sen and Ho Hup 8.5 sen to 65 sen.
Scomi counters were the most active, with Scomi up one sen to 46 sen with 16.29 million shares done, Scomi-LA up 0.5 sen to 11 sen and Scomi-WA one sen to 17.5 sen.
KPJ shares rose 19 sen to RM6.28 ahead of the suspension of its shares from Jan 4 after it proposed a one-into-two share split. It will also undertake a one for four bonus issue.
Among property stocks, Magna Prima added 13 sen to RM3.11 and SP Setia nine sen to RM3.91 while national car maker Proton advanced nine sen to RM4.11.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 10:22
KUALA LUMPUR: Mild profit taking on PLANTATION [] stocks including KL Kepong and Genting Plantations weighed down blue chips in early trade on Tuesday, Dec 29, despite the firmer overnight close on Wall Street.
At 10am, the FBM KLCI shed 0.73 of a point to 1,272. Turnover was 137.68 million shares valued at RM115.75 million. There were 190 gainers, 104 losers and 161 stocks unchanged.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opened 0.4% higher at 21,566.77; Shanghai's Composite Index rose 0.29% to 3,197.91 and but Japan's Nikkei 225 shed 0.07% to 10,627.25. Singapore's Straits Times Index added 0.17% to 2,860.49.
Light crude oil eased five cents to US$78.72 while US spot gold fell US$4 to 1,103.28.
HwangDBS Vickers Research said key US equity indices rose between 0.1% and 0.3% at the closing bell lifted mainly by rising commodity-related counters. Although the gains were pretty marginal, they managed to push the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite to finish at new highs for 2009.
It said as for Bursa Malaysia, the positive momentum seemed to be on the pick-up too. The futures contracts (for spot month as well as January 2010) remain above the underlying FBM KLCI level at the moment, indicating the rally could sustain.
"On the chart, the benchmark FBM KLCI - which ended at its intra-day high of 1,272.73 yesterday - will want to build on its four-day winning streak of a cumulative gain of 17.1-point ahead. Still, amid the light trading interest, the key market barometer is not expected to cross the immediate resistance level of 1,280 just yet," it said.
KL Kepong fell the most, down 16 sen to RM16.20 with 87,400 shares done. Genting Plantations shed seven sen to RM6.22 and PPB shed four sen to RM15.96.
Other decliners were LPI, down six sen to RM13.40, BAT four sen lower to RM42.20 and Padini four sen to RM3.66. Penny stocks PLB lost nine sen to 83 sen and Ho Hup 8.5 sen to 65 sen.
Scomi counters were the most active, with Scomi up one sen to 46 sen with 16.29 million shares done, Scomi-LA up 0.5 sen to 11 sen and Scomi-WA one sen to 17.5 sen.
KPJ shares rose 19 sen to RM6.28 ahead of the suspension of its shares from Jan 4 after it proposed a one-into-two share split. It will also undertake a one for four bonus issue.
Among property stocks, Magna Prima added 13 sen to RM3.11 and SP Setia nine sen to RM3.91 while national car maker Proton advanced nine sen to RM4.11.
CIMB Islamic lists RM2b sukuk on Bursa Malaysia
Written by Joseph Chin
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 11:12
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd (CIMB Islamic) listed its tier 2 junior sukuk programme of up to RM2 billion in nominal value on Bursa Malaysia on Tuesday, Dec 29.
Bursa Malaysia said the listing from CIMB Islamic further strengthened the stock exchange's proposition to develop Malaysia as an international Islamic financial centre as well as CIMB Islamic's position as a global leader in Islamic finance.
CIMB Islamic chief executive officer Badlisyah Abdul Ghaniof said the listing of the Islamic sub-debt on Bursa Malaysia further strengthened the bank's commitment in developing the Islamic debt capital market.
"Though not a retail offering as yet, we hope this listing will be a precursor to the development of a vibrant retail sukuk market tradable on Bursa Malaysia," he said
Bursa Malaysia chief executive officer Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff described CIMB Islamic's listing as a milestone for the stock exchange as it was the first Islamic financial institution to list their sukuk on the exchange.
"This move signifies the relevance and appeal of Bursa Malaysia to bigger players in the Islamic finance industry, as well as boosts investor confidence."
Bursa Malaysia registered its first sukuk and bond listings by Petroliam Nasional Bhd and Cagamas in August this year, followed by GE Capital's non-ringgit sukuk listing in November.
Malaysia has attracted over 60% of worldwide sukuk issuances, making this country a global hub for Islamic finance and investments. This is due to the investor-friendly regime coupled with a robust regulatory and Shari'ah framework.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 11:12
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd (CIMB Islamic) listed its tier 2 junior sukuk programme of up to RM2 billion in nominal value on Bursa Malaysia on Tuesday, Dec 29.
Bursa Malaysia said the listing from CIMB Islamic further strengthened the stock exchange's proposition to develop Malaysia as an international Islamic financial centre as well as CIMB Islamic's position as a global leader in Islamic finance.
CIMB Islamic chief executive officer Badlisyah Abdul Ghaniof said the listing of the Islamic sub-debt on Bursa Malaysia further strengthened the bank's commitment in developing the Islamic debt capital market.
"Though not a retail offering as yet, we hope this listing will be a precursor to the development of a vibrant retail sukuk market tradable on Bursa Malaysia," he said
Bursa Malaysia chief executive officer Datuk Yusli Mohamed Yusoff described CIMB Islamic's listing as a milestone for the stock exchange as it was the first Islamic financial institution to list their sukuk on the exchange.
"This move signifies the relevance and appeal of Bursa Malaysia to bigger players in the Islamic finance industry, as well as boosts investor confidence."
Bursa Malaysia registered its first sukuk and bond listings by Petroliam Nasional Bhd and Cagamas in August this year, followed by GE Capital's non-ringgit sukuk listing in November.
Malaysia has attracted over 60% of worldwide sukuk issuances, making this country a global hub for Islamic finance and investments. This is due to the investor-friendly regime coupled with a robust regulatory and Shari'ah framework.
Lehman Brothers' mini-bond fiasco weighs on HK banking system outlook
Tags: Hong Kong banking sector
Written by Moody's Investors Service
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 16:52
HONG KONG: Moody's Investors Service says its outlook on the Hong Kong banking sector is to remain negative as the banks could still be vulnerable to further volatility in the global economy even as their sound-management reputation was impacted by the Lehman Brothers' mini-bond fiasco.
The ratings agency said in a report today, that despite Hong Kong's banks weathering the latest financial crisis without too much damage while the economy is gradually recovering, a change in the outlook to stable would be premature.
"Hong Kong banks could still be vulnerable to further volatility in the global economy and their reputation for sound management has been damaged by the Lehman Brothers' mini-bond fiasco. In addition, their earnings prospects remain unexciting," says Leo Wah, a Moody's vice-president and senior analyst and author of the report.
"Although the banks' CDO/SIV [collateralised debt obligations/structured investment vehicles] investments did not damage their capital bases, some banks may have made these investments due to peer group pressure. This raises concerns over whether decisions are made with enough consideration of risk-and-return profiles," Wah said.
"Neither are growth prospects for the banks encouraging," he added. He said Hong Kong's banking system was maturing, hence making growth hard to come by.
"Without many traditional drivers, we are concerned that banks could take unnecessary and unjustified risks in their pursuit of growth," he adds.
The report notes that banks' experience of several crises since 1997 and stringent regulatory supervision have helped them avoid the worst of the current crisis without direct assistance from the government.
It also acknowledges that their strong financials, balance sheets and liquid assets have enabled them to cope with market volatility.
According to the report, banks also did very well containing credit risks with a particular focus on cutting exposure to corporate customers thereby protecting asset quality. The Hong Kong government has clearly demonstrated willingness to provide considerable support to the banking sector if needed.
"However, the financial crisis has exposed weaknesses in containing reputation risk and a lack of understanding of investments. The Lehman Brothers' mini-bond chaos could, not only result in large compensation to investors, but has also tarnished the image of banks as a reliable and professional platform for customers to make investments," the report says.
Written by Moody's Investors Service
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 16:52
HONG KONG: Moody's Investors Service says its outlook on the Hong Kong banking sector is to remain negative as the banks could still be vulnerable to further volatility in the global economy even as their sound-management reputation was impacted by the Lehman Brothers' mini-bond fiasco.
The ratings agency said in a report today, that despite Hong Kong's banks weathering the latest financial crisis without too much damage while the economy is gradually recovering, a change in the outlook to stable would be premature.
"Hong Kong banks could still be vulnerable to further volatility in the global economy and their reputation for sound management has been damaged by the Lehman Brothers' mini-bond fiasco. In addition, their earnings prospects remain unexciting," says Leo Wah, a Moody's vice-president and senior analyst and author of the report.
"Although the banks' CDO/SIV [collateralised debt obligations/structured investment vehicles] investments did not damage their capital bases, some banks may have made these investments due to peer group pressure. This raises concerns over whether decisions are made with enough consideration of risk-and-return profiles," Wah said.
"Neither are growth prospects for the banks encouraging," he added. He said Hong Kong's banking system was maturing, hence making growth hard to come by.
"Without many traditional drivers, we are concerned that banks could take unnecessary and unjustified risks in their pursuit of growth," he adds.
The report notes that banks' experience of several crises since 1997 and stringent regulatory supervision have helped them avoid the worst of the current crisis without direct assistance from the government.
It also acknowledges that their strong financials, balance sheets and liquid assets have enabled them to cope with market volatility.
According to the report, banks also did very well containing credit risks with a particular focus on cutting exposure to corporate customers thereby protecting asset quality. The Hong Kong government has clearly demonstrated willingness to provide considerable support to the banking sector if needed.
"However, the financial crisis has exposed weaknesses in containing reputation risk and a lack of understanding of investments. The Lehman Brothers' mini-bond chaos could, not only result in large compensation to investors, but has also tarnished the image of banks as a reliable and professional platform for customers to make investments," the report says.
MIER sees 4% growth in 2010
Written by Reuters
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 23:47
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia, Asia's third-most trade-dependent economy, may grow 4% in 2010, helped by government spending, a leading economic think-tank said today.
The economy, hit hard by the global economic downturn, is likely to shrink by 2% to 3% in 2009, said Mohamed Ariff Abdul Kareem, executive director of Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER).
"Looking at the numbers of the third quarter and the subsequent monthly data, we think the growth for this year will be in the region of -2% to -3%," Mohamed Ariff was quoted by Bernama as saying.
The economy contracted by 1.2% in the third quarter from a year ago.
Ariff said he expects growth to remain lacklustre for the next two years due to volatile global conditions and rising budget shortfalls.
"The recovery that we see in Malaysia is very fragile. You are talking about 4% growth only and this is way below Malaysia's potential growth of 5.5%," he said.
"We are out of recession but we are going to be stuck in a slow, sluggish growth for at least two more years," he added.
Malaysia's budget deficit will reach a more than 20-year high of 7.4% of gross domestic product (GDP) this year as it hiked spending during the height of the global financial crisis. — Reuters
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 23:47
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia, Asia's third-most trade-dependent economy, may grow 4% in 2010, helped by government spending, a leading economic think-tank said today.
The economy, hit hard by the global economic downturn, is likely to shrink by 2% to 3% in 2009, said Mohamed Ariff Abdul Kareem, executive director of Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER).
"Looking at the numbers of the third quarter and the subsequent monthly data, we think the growth for this year will be in the region of -2% to -3%," Mohamed Ariff was quoted by Bernama as saying.
The economy contracted by 1.2% in the third quarter from a year ago.
Ariff said he expects growth to remain lacklustre for the next two years due to volatile global conditions and rising budget shortfalls.
"The recovery that we see in Malaysia is very fragile. You are talking about 4% growth only and this is way below Malaysia's potential growth of 5.5%," he said.
"We are out of recession but we are going to be stuck in a slow, sluggish growth for at least two more years," he added.
Malaysia's budget deficit will reach a more than 20-year high of 7.4% of gross domestic product (GDP) this year as it hiked spending during the height of the global financial crisis. — Reuters
China eyes Asean resources from free trade pact
Written by Reuters
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 23:47
BEIJING: A free trade agreement between China and its Southeast Asian neighbours, which takes full effect from Jan 1, will help China fill its urgent need for natural resources, a senior commerce official said today.
The pact with the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) will help China feed its humming manufacturing sector with resources from those countries, Zhang Kening, a director from the Ministry of Commerce, told a news conference.
The agreement will form an economic bloc of 1.9 billion people, with trade worth around US$200 billion (RM686 billion). Asean is China's fourth biggest trade partner, accounting for about 10% of China's total trade.
"China and Asean countries have many products that complement each other," Zhang said.
"With the establishment of the free trade area, we can see great potential to adjust our trade patterns by importing more from Asean countries."
China signed an initial free trade agreement with the 10 members of Asean in November 2002, and both sides have been phasing in tariff reductions.
Indonesia last month sought to delay final implementation of the pact after some industries, including the steel and petrochemical sectors, raised concerns they would face a flood of Chinese imports.
"That is only talk from some industrial sectors but does not represent the Indonesian government's view," Zhang said.
Competition with other regional manufacturers could be a sticking point if China seeks, as promised, to expand its free trade networks to include Japan and South Korea. It is already in negotiations with Taiwan. — Reuters
Tuesday, 29 December 2009 23:47
BEIJING: A free trade agreement between China and its Southeast Asian neighbours, which takes full effect from Jan 1, will help China fill its urgent need for natural resources, a senior commerce official said today.
The pact with the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) will help China feed its humming manufacturing sector with resources from those countries, Zhang Kening, a director from the Ministry of Commerce, told a news conference.
The agreement will form an economic bloc of 1.9 billion people, with trade worth around US$200 billion (RM686 billion). Asean is China's fourth biggest trade partner, accounting for about 10% of China's total trade.
"China and Asean countries have many products that complement each other," Zhang said.
"With the establishment of the free trade area, we can see great potential to adjust our trade patterns by importing more from Asean countries."
China signed an initial free trade agreement with the 10 members of Asean in November 2002, and both sides have been phasing in tariff reductions.
Indonesia last month sought to delay final implementation of the pact after some industries, including the steel and petrochemical sectors, raised concerns they would face a flood of Chinese imports.
"That is only talk from some industrial sectors but does not represent the Indonesian government's view," Zhang said.
Competition with other regional manufacturers could be a sticking point if China seeks, as promised, to expand its free trade networks to include Japan and South Korea. It is already in negotiations with Taiwan. — Reuters
Market slips in low volume trade; data mixed
Written by Reuters
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 07:43
NEW YORK: U.S. stocks edged lower in a low-volume session on Tuesday, Dec 29 breaking a six-day string of gains as investors found little reason to push stocks higher as the year's end approached, according to Reuters.
Data showing a rise in consumer confidence was offset by a housing report pointing to more bumps in the road.
The day's decline followed six days of gains. But the benchmark Standard & Poor's 500 index is still up 25 percent for the year.
Trading volume was the lowest for the year, according to Birinyi Associates, with many participants out before the New Year's holiday on Friday. At the close, only 638 million shares had changed hands, compared with last year's estimated daily average of 1.49 billion on the New York Stock Exchange.
On the data front, the Conference Board's index of consumer confidence rose more than expected in December to a reading of 52.9, a three-month high.
In contrast, the S&P/Case-Shiller composite index of home prices in 20 metropolitan areas, meanwhile, was unchanged in October, falling short of expectations.
"I don't think anyone is expecting a major climb here out of this recession," said Owen Fitzpatrick, head of the U.S. equity group at Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management in New York.
The housing news drove the Dow Jones U.S. Home CONSTRUCTION [] Index down 0.3 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average dipped 1.67 points, or 0.02 percent, to end at 10,545.41. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index slipped 1.58 points, or 0.14 percent, to finish at 1,126.20. The Nasdaq Composite Index declined 2.68 points, or 0.12 percent, to close at 2,288.40.
On the plus side, shares of consumer products giant Procter & Gamble Co, which makes Tide detergent and Crest toothpaste, rose 0.5 percent to $61.58 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Weighing on the Nasdaq was iPod and iPhone maker Apple Inc, which slid 1.2 percent to $209.10 after hitting recent highs. The stock was pressured as Nokia Corp said it has filed a complaint against Apple with the International Trade Commission in a patent dispute.
In corporate news, United Community Banks Inc fell 5 percent to $3.24 after the company temporarily suspended its stock dividend in a move to improve liquidity.
On Friday, U.S. financial markets will be closed for the New Year's Day holiday. - Reuters
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 07:43
NEW YORK: U.S. stocks edged lower in a low-volume session on Tuesday, Dec 29 breaking a six-day string of gains as investors found little reason to push stocks higher as the year's end approached, according to Reuters.
Data showing a rise in consumer confidence was offset by a housing report pointing to more bumps in the road.
The day's decline followed six days of gains. But the benchmark Standard & Poor's 500 index is still up 25 percent for the year.
Trading volume was the lowest for the year, according to Birinyi Associates, with many participants out before the New Year's holiday on Friday. At the close, only 638 million shares had changed hands, compared with last year's estimated daily average of 1.49 billion on the New York Stock Exchange.
On the data front, the Conference Board's index of consumer confidence rose more than expected in December to a reading of 52.9, a three-month high.
In contrast, the S&P/Case-Shiller composite index of home prices in 20 metropolitan areas, meanwhile, was unchanged in October, falling short of expectations.
"I don't think anyone is expecting a major climb here out of this recession," said Owen Fitzpatrick, head of the U.S. equity group at Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management in New York.
The housing news drove the Dow Jones U.S. Home CONSTRUCTION [] Index down 0.3 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average dipped 1.67 points, or 0.02 percent, to end at 10,545.41. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index slipped 1.58 points, or 0.14 percent, to finish at 1,126.20. The Nasdaq Composite Index declined 2.68 points, or 0.12 percent, to close at 2,288.40.
On the plus side, shares of consumer products giant Procter & Gamble Co, which makes Tide detergent and Crest toothpaste, rose 0.5 percent to $61.58 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Weighing on the Nasdaq was iPod and iPhone maker Apple Inc, which slid 1.2 percent to $209.10 after hitting recent highs. The stock was pressured as Nokia Corp said it has filed a complaint against Apple with the International Trade Commission in a patent dispute.
In corporate news, United Community Banks Inc fell 5 percent to $3.24 after the company temporarily suspended its stock dividend in a move to improve liquidity.
On Friday, U.S. financial markets will be closed for the New Year's Day holiday. - Reuters
Blue chips ease, CIMB, EON Cap down
Written by Joseph Chin
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 10:26
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chips fell at the start of trade on Wednesday, Dec 30, on mild selling of bank stocks including CIMB and EON Cap, which was in line with the weaker regional markets.
At 10am, the FBM KLCI fell 4.12 points to 1,271.1. Turnover was 105.72 million shares valued at RM93.32 million. There were 182 gainers, 135 losers and 165 stocks unchanged.
Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 0.26% to 10,610.66, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opened 0.2% lower at 21,451.84 and Singapore's Straits Times Index shed 0.05% to 2,868.37. However, Shanghai's Composite Index gained 0.4% to 3,224.57.
Light crude oil fell 13 cents to US$78.74 while US spot gold slipped US$4.14 to US$1,092.70.
HwangDBS Vickers Research said no news may be bad news for the Malaysian stock market. The FBM KLCI - which closed at an intra-day high for the third straight day yesterday - was expected to come off ahead, giving back part of the 19.6-point cumulative gain made over the last five days amid light volume.
Even Wall Street has been slowing down in the run-up to the end of the year. Key U.S. stock indices were little changed last night in the absence of market stimulating developments.
"Trading activity on the local stock exchange, meanwhile, will likely remain sluggish given the dry news flows," it said.
CIMB fell 10 sen to RM13, EON Cap seven sen to RM6.67 while AFG slipped five sen to RM2.74.
MAS fell nine sen to RM2.91, Southern Steel six sen to RM1.88 while MISC slipped four sen to RM8.55.
SAAG was the most active with 9.73 million shares done, unchanged at 17.5 sen. Time rose 1.5 sen to 43 sen, UEM Land four sen to RM,1.53 and Time dotCom one sen higher to 39.5 sen.
Liner hit limit-up, surging 30 sen to 48.5 sen after it announced it had secured a RM1.6 billion district cooling project in Manjung, Perak.
Hai-O continued to climb, adding 19 sen to RM8.68 while Mudajaya rose 14 sen to RM4.98 and NSTP eight sen to RM1.98 while Adventa added seven sen to RM3.14. Ho Hup rose 8.5 sen to 74.5 sen as shareholders accumulated shares ahead of Thursday's EGM to decide on the land disposals.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 10:26
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chips fell at the start of trade on Wednesday, Dec 30, on mild selling of bank stocks including CIMB and EON Cap, which was in line with the weaker regional markets.
At 10am, the FBM KLCI fell 4.12 points to 1,271.1. Turnover was 105.72 million shares valued at RM93.32 million. There were 182 gainers, 135 losers and 165 stocks unchanged.
Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 0.26% to 10,610.66, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index opened 0.2% lower at 21,451.84 and Singapore's Straits Times Index shed 0.05% to 2,868.37. However, Shanghai's Composite Index gained 0.4% to 3,224.57.
Light crude oil fell 13 cents to US$78.74 while US spot gold slipped US$4.14 to US$1,092.70.
HwangDBS Vickers Research said no news may be bad news for the Malaysian stock market. The FBM KLCI - which closed at an intra-day high for the third straight day yesterday - was expected to come off ahead, giving back part of the 19.6-point cumulative gain made over the last five days amid light volume.
Even Wall Street has been slowing down in the run-up to the end of the year. Key U.S. stock indices were little changed last night in the absence of market stimulating developments.
"Trading activity on the local stock exchange, meanwhile, will likely remain sluggish given the dry news flows," it said.
CIMB fell 10 sen to RM13, EON Cap seven sen to RM6.67 while AFG slipped five sen to RM2.74.
MAS fell nine sen to RM2.91, Southern Steel six sen to RM1.88 while MISC slipped four sen to RM8.55.
SAAG was the most active with 9.73 million shares done, unchanged at 17.5 sen. Time rose 1.5 sen to 43 sen, UEM Land four sen to RM,1.53 and Time dotCom one sen higher to 39.5 sen.
Liner hit limit-up, surging 30 sen to 48.5 sen after it announced it had secured a RM1.6 billion district cooling project in Manjung, Perak.
Hai-O continued to climb, adding 19 sen to RM8.68 while Mudajaya rose 14 sen to RM4.98 and NSTP eight sen to RM1.98 while Adventa added seven sen to RM3.14. Ho Hup rose 8.5 sen to 74.5 sen as shareholders accumulated shares ahead of Thursday's EGM to decide on the land disposals.
Profit taking pushes FBM KLCI nearly 5 pts down
Written by Joseph Chin
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 13:17
KUALA LUMPUR: Profit taking saw the FBM KLCI fall nearly five points at the midday break on Wednesday, Dec 30, as year-end trading volume fell, in line with key regional markets.
At 12.30pm, the FBM KLCI was down 4.94 points or 0.4% to 1,270.28. Turnover shrank to 281.12 million shares valued at RM344.07 million. Market breadth was mixed with 247 gainers, 263 losers and 248 stocks unchanged.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index fell 0.5% to 21,389.48, Singapore's Straits Times Index shed 0.08% to 2,867.42 but Japan's Nikkei 225 managed to recover to rise 0.06% to 10,643.99 and Shanghai's Composite Index jumped 1.05% to 3,245.32.
Light crude oil rose five sen to US$78.92, US spot gold fell US$2.44 to US$1,094.39 and crude palm oil futures fell RM2 to RM2,588.
At Bursa Malaysia, BAT fell the most, down 48 sen to RM42.30 with 14,200 shares done. Yesterday, it closed up 54 sen to RM42.78 in late trade. Nestle shed 32 sen to RM32.60 in thin trade.
HLFG fell 11 sen to RM7.45, CIMB 10 sen to RM13 and Maybank four sen to RM6.86.
MAS fell nine sen to RM2.91 and AirAsia three sen to RM1.35 as sentiment was also weighed down by the plunge in the share price of Japan Airlines, Asia's biggest carrier, on bankruptcy worries.
KPJ, which had surged to a historic high yesterday ahead of its suspension next week for its corporate exercise, eased eight sen to RM6.33.
SAAG was the most active 15.96 million shares done, down 0.5 sen to 17 sen.
Green Packet added four sen to RM1.24 and the warrants five sen to 72 sen in active trade while RedTone added two sen to 31 sen and Time one sen higher to 42.5 sen.
Linear hit limit-up, adding 30 sen to 48.5 sen with 3.78 million shares done after it secured a RM1.6 billion project. Hai-O, which rose 46 sen yesterday, adding another 24 sen in the morning session to RM8.73.
Ho Hup added 9.5 sen to 75.5 sen as shareholders bought the shares ahead of the crucial EGM on Thursday over the land disposals.
Glove makers Kossan added 18 sen to RM5.40 and Supermax 10 sen to RM4.69 as analysts viewed the industry's outlook as positive, especially medical gloves
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 13:17
KUALA LUMPUR: Profit taking saw the FBM KLCI fall nearly five points at the midday break on Wednesday, Dec 30, as year-end trading volume fell, in line with key regional markets.
At 12.30pm, the FBM KLCI was down 4.94 points or 0.4% to 1,270.28. Turnover shrank to 281.12 million shares valued at RM344.07 million. Market breadth was mixed with 247 gainers, 263 losers and 248 stocks unchanged.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index fell 0.5% to 21,389.48, Singapore's Straits Times Index shed 0.08% to 2,867.42 but Japan's Nikkei 225 managed to recover to rise 0.06% to 10,643.99 and Shanghai's Composite Index jumped 1.05% to 3,245.32.
Light crude oil rose five sen to US$78.92, US spot gold fell US$2.44 to US$1,094.39 and crude palm oil futures fell RM2 to RM2,588.
At Bursa Malaysia, BAT fell the most, down 48 sen to RM42.30 with 14,200 shares done. Yesterday, it closed up 54 sen to RM42.78 in late trade. Nestle shed 32 sen to RM32.60 in thin trade.
HLFG fell 11 sen to RM7.45, CIMB 10 sen to RM13 and Maybank four sen to RM6.86.
MAS fell nine sen to RM2.91 and AirAsia three sen to RM1.35 as sentiment was also weighed down by the plunge in the share price of Japan Airlines, Asia's biggest carrier, on bankruptcy worries.
KPJ, which had surged to a historic high yesterday ahead of its suspension next week for its corporate exercise, eased eight sen to RM6.33.
SAAG was the most active 15.96 million shares done, down 0.5 sen to 17 sen.
Green Packet added four sen to RM1.24 and the warrants five sen to 72 sen in active trade while RedTone added two sen to 31 sen and Time one sen higher to 42.5 sen.
Linear hit limit-up, adding 30 sen to 48.5 sen with 3.78 million shares done after it secured a RM1.6 billion project. Hai-O, which rose 46 sen yesterday, adding another 24 sen in the morning session to RM8.73.
Ho Hup added 9.5 sen to 75.5 sen as shareholders bought the shares ahead of the crucial EGM on Thursday over the land disposals.
Glove makers Kossan added 18 sen to RM5.40 and Supermax 10 sen to RM4.69 as analysts viewed the industry's outlook as positive, especially medical gloves
Stocks to watch: Linear Corp, SapuraCrest, Hiap Teck Venture, Ramunia
KUALA LUMPUR: The local market may extend its lacklustre performance, with the exception of interest in selected counters, on Wednesday, Dec 30 following the lower overnight closing on Wall Street and ahead of the year-end.
U.S. stocks eased in thin trade on Tuesday, Dec 29 snapping a six-day stretch of gains as investors decided to stay on the sidelines as year end approached
The Dow Jones industrial average dipped 1.67 points, or 0.02 percent, to end at 10,545.41. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index slipped 1.58 points, or 0.14 percent, to finish at 1,126.20. The Nasdaq Composite Index declined 2.68 points, or 0.12 percent, to close at 2,288.40.
At Bursa Malaysia on Tuesday, the 30-stock FBM KLCI closed 2.49 points higher to 1,275.22, in a late buying spurt. However, the FBM KLCI futures for December rose four points to 1,278 indicating that there could again be late buying on Wednesday.
Linear Corp Bhd has secured a RM1.66 billion project for the building and commissioning of a district cooling plant in Manjung Perak.
The company said its unit LCI Global Sdn Bhd accepted the project awarded by Seychelles' Global Investment Group Inc for the 350,000 refrigeration ton (RT) plant.
SapuraCrest Petroleum Bhd posted net profit of RM53.44 million in the third quarter ended Oct 31, 2009, up 44.7% from RM36.93 million a year ago, boosted by the turnaround in the installation of pipeline and facilities (IPF) division and the drilling unit.
Revenue was marginally lower at RM1.024 billion compared with RM1.046 billion. Earnings per share were 4.22 sen compared with 3.14 sen.
Hiap Teck Venture plans to acquire a 55% stake in dormant company Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd for RM110 million cash, mainly to gain access to the latter company’s industrial land which would house a blast furnace plant.
Eastern Steel owns two parcels of land measuring 242.8ha located within the Teluk Kalung Estate in Kemaman, Terengganu.
Ramunia's net loss narrowed to RM6.5 million in its fourth quarter ended Oct 31, 2009 (4QFY09) from a loss of RM71.4 million a year earlier, on the back of a 34.5% decline in revenue to RM58.4 million from RM89.2 million.
Meanwhile, attention should also be on Ho Hup CONSTRUCTION [] Bhd, whise share price surged 84% over two weeks ahead of tomorrow's EGM seeking shareholders approval for the proposed sale of two parcels of land.
Handal Resources Bhd has secured a RM17.5 million contract from Petronas Lubricants International Sdn Bhd for the building of new storage tanks for the Melaka lube blending plant capacity improvement project.
The duration of the contract was 14 months starting in early January next year.
U.S. stocks eased in thin trade on Tuesday, Dec 29 snapping a six-day stretch of gains as investors decided to stay on the sidelines as year end approached
The Dow Jones industrial average dipped 1.67 points, or 0.02 percent, to end at 10,545.41. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index slipped 1.58 points, or 0.14 percent, to finish at 1,126.20. The Nasdaq Composite Index declined 2.68 points, or 0.12 percent, to close at 2,288.40.
At Bursa Malaysia on Tuesday, the 30-stock FBM KLCI closed 2.49 points higher to 1,275.22, in a late buying spurt. However, the FBM KLCI futures for December rose four points to 1,278 indicating that there could again be late buying on Wednesday.
Linear Corp Bhd has secured a RM1.66 billion project for the building and commissioning of a district cooling plant in Manjung Perak.
The company said its unit LCI Global Sdn Bhd accepted the project awarded by Seychelles' Global Investment Group Inc for the 350,000 refrigeration ton (RT) plant.
SapuraCrest Petroleum Bhd posted net profit of RM53.44 million in the third quarter ended Oct 31, 2009, up 44.7% from RM36.93 million a year ago, boosted by the turnaround in the installation of pipeline and facilities (IPF) division and the drilling unit.
Revenue was marginally lower at RM1.024 billion compared with RM1.046 billion. Earnings per share were 4.22 sen compared with 3.14 sen.
Hiap Teck Venture plans to acquire a 55% stake in dormant company Eastern Steel Sdn Bhd for RM110 million cash, mainly to gain access to the latter company’s industrial land which would house a blast furnace plant.
Eastern Steel owns two parcels of land measuring 242.8ha located within the Teluk Kalung Estate in Kemaman, Terengganu.
Ramunia's net loss narrowed to RM6.5 million in its fourth quarter ended Oct 31, 2009 (4QFY09) from a loss of RM71.4 million a year earlier, on the back of a 34.5% decline in revenue to RM58.4 million from RM89.2 million.
Meanwhile, attention should also be on Ho Hup CONSTRUCTION [] Bhd, whise share price surged 84% over two weeks ahead of tomorrow's EGM seeking shareholders approval for the proposed sale of two parcels of land.
Handal Resources Bhd has secured a RM17.5 million contract from Petronas Lubricants International Sdn Bhd for the building of new storage tanks for the Melaka lube blending plant capacity improvement project.
The duration of the contract was 14 months starting in early January next year.
Market slips in low volume trade; data mixed
NEW YORK: U.S. stocks edged lower in a low-volume session on Tuesday, Dec 29 breaking a six-day string of gains as investors found little reason to push stocks higher as the year's end approached, according to Reuters.
Data showing a rise in consumer confidence was offset by a housing report pointing to more bumps in the road.
The day's decline followed six days of gains. But the benchmark Standard & Poor's 500 index is still up 25 percent for the year.
Trading volume was the lowest for the year, according to Birinyi Associates, with many participants out before the New Year's holiday on Friday. At the close, only 638 million shares had changed hands, compared with last year's estimated daily average of 1.49 billion on the New York Stock Exchange.
On the data front, the Conference Board's index of consumer confidence rose more than expected in December to a reading of 52.9, a three-month high.
In contrast, the S&P/Case-Shiller composite index of home prices in 20 metropolitan areas, meanwhile, was unchanged in October, falling short of expectations.
"I don't think anyone is expecting a major climb here out of this recession," said Owen Fitzpatrick, head of the U.S. equity group at Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management in New York.
The housing news drove the Dow Jones U.S. Home CONSTRUCTION [] Index down 0.3 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average dipped 1.67 points, or 0.02 percent, to end at 10,545.41. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index slipped 1.58 points, or 0.14 percent, to finish at 1,126.20. The Nasdaq Composite Index declined 2.68 points, or 0.12 percent, to close at 2,288.40.
On the plus side, shares of consumer products giant Procter & Gamble Co, which makes Tide detergent and Crest toothpaste, rose 0.5 percent to $61.58 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Weighing on the Nasdaq was iPod and iPhone maker Apple Inc, which slid 1.2 percent to $209.10 after hitting recent highs. The stock was pressured as Nokia Corp said it has filed a complaint against Apple with the International Trade Commission in a patent dispute.
In corporate news, United Community Banks Inc fell 5 percent to $3.24 after the company temporarily suspended its stock dividend in a move to improve liquidity.
On Friday, U.S. financial markets will be closed for the New Year's Day holiday. - Reuters
Data showing a rise in consumer confidence was offset by a housing report pointing to more bumps in the road.
The day's decline followed six days of gains. But the benchmark Standard & Poor's 500 index is still up 25 percent for the year.
Trading volume was the lowest for the year, according to Birinyi Associates, with many participants out before the New Year's holiday on Friday. At the close, only 638 million shares had changed hands, compared with last year's estimated daily average of 1.49 billion on the New York Stock Exchange.
On the data front, the Conference Board's index of consumer confidence rose more than expected in December to a reading of 52.9, a three-month high.
In contrast, the S&P/Case-Shiller composite index of home prices in 20 metropolitan areas, meanwhile, was unchanged in October, falling short of expectations.
"I don't think anyone is expecting a major climb here out of this recession," said Owen Fitzpatrick, head of the U.S. equity group at Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management in New York.
The housing news drove the Dow Jones U.S. Home CONSTRUCTION [] Index down 0.3 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average dipped 1.67 points, or 0.02 percent, to end at 10,545.41. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index slipped 1.58 points, or 0.14 percent, to finish at 1,126.20. The Nasdaq Composite Index declined 2.68 points, or 0.12 percent, to close at 2,288.40.
On the plus side, shares of consumer products giant Procter & Gamble Co, which makes Tide detergent and Crest toothpaste, rose 0.5 percent to $61.58 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Weighing on the Nasdaq was iPod and iPhone maker Apple Inc, which slid 1.2 percent to $209.10 after hitting recent highs. The stock was pressured as Nokia Corp said it has filed a complaint against Apple with the International Trade Commission in a patent dispute.
In corporate news, United Community Banks Inc fell 5 percent to $3.24 after the company temporarily suspended its stock dividend in a move to improve liquidity.
On Friday, U.S. financial markets will be closed for the New Year's Day holiday. - Reuters
December 29, 2009
Sapura Industrial intai pasaran Asia Barat
KUALA LUMPUR 28 Dis. - Sapura Industrial Bhd., peneraju pengeluar alat ganti dan komponen automotif sedang mengintai peluang perniagaan baru di Asia Barat bagi tujuan perkembangan perniagaannya.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Mohamad Razali Osman berkata, SIB telah berkembang ke pasaran Norway, Singapura, Thailand dan Filipina serta memperoleh beberapa pelanggan dari India dan Brazil.
Beliau berkata, para pelanggan pada masa kini agak cerewet dan lebih mementingkan kualiti dan untuk menembusi pasaran luar negara pihaknya perlu sentiasa mempraktikkan piawaian kualiti global.
''Sehubungan itu, kami perlu sentiasa diperakui dengan sistem pengurusan kualiti yang diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.
Ketika ini, Sapura Industrial adalah salah satu daripada sebilangan kecil vendor Kelas-1 di antara kira-kira 350 pengeluar komponen dan alat ganti kenderaan bermotor di negara ini.
Menerusi anak syarikat milik penuh mereka, anugerah Excellent Cost Control Vendor 2009 telah dimenangi oleh Sapura Machining Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SMC) dan anugerah Overall Excellent Performance Vendor 2009 pula diraih oleh Asian Automative Steels Sdn Bhd (AAS).
AAS juga telah dicalonkan untuk Excellent Quality Vendor 2009.
Menurut Mohamad Razali, Sapura Industrial telah memberikan komitmennya untuk memperbaiki kualiti dan berusaha mencapai lebih banyak amalan piawaian antarabangsa menembusi pasaran luar negara.
Keupayaan Sapura Industrial telah pun diperakui di peringkat antarabangsa dengan sistem-sistem pengurusan berkualiti tinggi seperti TS 16949, ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001, seterusnya membantu mereka memasarkan produk-produk automotif mereka ke luar Malaysia sejak tahun 2006.
Katanya, pensijilan-pensijilan seperti TS 16949, ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001 adalah diwajibkan di kalangan pengeluar kereta global dan komponen berkaitan jika ingin disenarai pendekkan sebagai pembida.
Ujarnya, dengan memiliki pensijilan piawaian antarabangsa ia akan meningkatkan lagi keupayaan Sapura Industrial ketika berusaha untuk menjadi pemain global dalam industri automotif.
Beliau menambah, usaha-usaha Sapura Industrial untuk mencapai piawaian berkualiti tinggi ini terbukti berbaloi apabila telah diiktiraf oleh Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn. Bhd. (Perodua) semasa majlis makan malam tahunan Kelab Vendor Perodua yang telah diadakan awal bulan ini.
"Kami berbangga apabila Perodua mengiktiraf dan menghargai usaha kami untuk berkhidmat dengan lebih baik bagi kebaikan para pelanggan kami," katanya.
Beliau berkata, selain pensijilan, Sapura Industrial juga turut mengadaptasikan sistem peningkatan kualiti yang lain seperti Toyota Production System (TPS) yang sememangnya terkenal di seluruh dunia, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) dan Quality Managemenet System (QMS).
Sebagai sebahagian usaha pembangunan berterusannya, anak syarikat Sapura Industrial turut terlibat dalam program Malaysia-Japan Automotive Industries Cooperation (MAJAICO) dianjurkan bersama SME Corp dalam bidang menaik taraf proses dan kapasiti.
SMC pula telah dikenali sebagai salah satu daripada tujuh syarikat contoh bagi program tersebut," tambah Mohamad Razali.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Mohamad Razali Osman berkata, SIB telah berkembang ke pasaran Norway, Singapura, Thailand dan Filipina serta memperoleh beberapa pelanggan dari India dan Brazil.
Beliau berkata, para pelanggan pada masa kini agak cerewet dan lebih mementingkan kualiti dan untuk menembusi pasaran luar negara pihaknya perlu sentiasa mempraktikkan piawaian kualiti global.
''Sehubungan itu, kami perlu sentiasa diperakui dengan sistem pengurusan kualiti yang diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.
Ketika ini, Sapura Industrial adalah salah satu daripada sebilangan kecil vendor Kelas-1 di antara kira-kira 350 pengeluar komponen dan alat ganti kenderaan bermotor di negara ini.
Menerusi anak syarikat milik penuh mereka, anugerah Excellent Cost Control Vendor 2009 telah dimenangi oleh Sapura Machining Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (SMC) dan anugerah Overall Excellent Performance Vendor 2009 pula diraih oleh Asian Automative Steels Sdn Bhd (AAS).
AAS juga telah dicalonkan untuk Excellent Quality Vendor 2009.
Menurut Mohamad Razali, Sapura Industrial telah memberikan komitmennya untuk memperbaiki kualiti dan berusaha mencapai lebih banyak amalan piawaian antarabangsa menembusi pasaran luar negara.
Keupayaan Sapura Industrial telah pun diperakui di peringkat antarabangsa dengan sistem-sistem pengurusan berkualiti tinggi seperti TS 16949, ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001, seterusnya membantu mereka memasarkan produk-produk automotif mereka ke luar Malaysia sejak tahun 2006.
Katanya, pensijilan-pensijilan seperti TS 16949, ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001 adalah diwajibkan di kalangan pengeluar kereta global dan komponen berkaitan jika ingin disenarai pendekkan sebagai pembida.
Ujarnya, dengan memiliki pensijilan piawaian antarabangsa ia akan meningkatkan lagi keupayaan Sapura Industrial ketika berusaha untuk menjadi pemain global dalam industri automotif.
Beliau menambah, usaha-usaha Sapura Industrial untuk mencapai piawaian berkualiti tinggi ini terbukti berbaloi apabila telah diiktiraf oleh Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn. Bhd. (Perodua) semasa majlis makan malam tahunan Kelab Vendor Perodua yang telah diadakan awal bulan ini.
"Kami berbangga apabila Perodua mengiktiraf dan menghargai usaha kami untuk berkhidmat dengan lebih baik bagi kebaikan para pelanggan kami," katanya.
Beliau berkata, selain pensijilan, Sapura Industrial juga turut mengadaptasikan sistem peningkatan kualiti yang lain seperti Toyota Production System (TPS) yang sememangnya terkenal di seluruh dunia, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) dan Quality Managemenet System (QMS).
Sebagai sebahagian usaha pembangunan berterusannya, anak syarikat Sapura Industrial turut terlibat dalam program Malaysia-Japan Automotive Industries Cooperation (MAJAICO) dianjurkan bersama SME Corp dalam bidang menaik taraf proses dan kapasiti.
SMC pula telah dikenali sebagai salah satu daripada tujuh syarikat contoh bagi program tersebut," tambah Mohamad Razali.
Syarikat Korea Selatan terjejas
KUALA LUMPUR 28 Dis. - Perniagaan syarikat peneraju biodiesel dari Korea Selatan, ECO Solutions Co. Ltd. yang beroperasi di Lahad Datu, Sabah disahkan terjejas akibat krisis ekonomi global.
Duta Korea Selatan ke Malaysia, Yang Bong-ryull yang mengesahkan perkara itu berkata, prestasi syarikat tersebut tidak berada di landasan sebenar.
''Operasi syarikat tersebut kurang memberangsangkan dan kita berasa bimbang sedikit,'' katanya ketika ditemui selepas Forum Pertama Bio Tenaga Korea-Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Bagaimanapun, beliau tidak mengulas lanjut mengenai perkara itu.
ECO Solutions adalah syarikat peneraju dalam industri kejuruteraan alam sekitar dan bio tenaga.
Operasinya di Malaysia dijalankan oleh Global Bio-Diesel Sdn. Bhd. dengan jumlah pelaburan kira-kira AS$65 juta (RM221 juta) bagi bio diesel dan operasi berkaitan dengan kapasiti pengeluaran sebanyak 200,000 tan setahun.
Mengulas lanjut, Bong-Ryull berkata, masalah yang dihadapi oleh ECO Solution tidak ada kena mengena dengan sebarang polisi perniagaan di Malaysia.
''Polisi pelaburan dan inisiatif negara ini sempurna, malah kebanyakan pelabur Korea gembira di sini.
''Masalahnya cuma krisis global menyebabkan ECO Solution terpaksa tunggu dan lihat,'' ujarnya.
Dalam pada itu, katanya, Korea menyasar untuk meningkatkan jumlah perdagangan dua hala dengan Malaysia sebanyak RM100 bilion dalam tempoh lima tahun lagi.
Jumlah perdagangan antara Korea ke Malaysia adalah sebanyak AS$6 bilion (RM20.4 bilion) manakala Malaysia ke Korea pula berjumlah AS$8 bilion (RM27.2 bilion).
Bong-ryull berkata, jumlah itu mampu disumbangkan oleh sektor pelancongan dan pembiayaan Islam, selain teknologi bio tenaga, elektrik dan elektronik, perladangan serta minyak dan gas.
Tambah beliau, jumlah dagangan kedua-dua negara telah menyaksikan peningkatan sebanyak 10 peratus sejak 10 tahun lalu.
Korea Selatan kini adalah negara dagangan keenam terbesar di Malaysia.
Duta Korea Selatan ke Malaysia, Yang Bong-ryull yang mengesahkan perkara itu berkata, prestasi syarikat tersebut tidak berada di landasan sebenar.
''Operasi syarikat tersebut kurang memberangsangkan dan kita berasa bimbang sedikit,'' katanya ketika ditemui selepas Forum Pertama Bio Tenaga Korea-Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Bagaimanapun, beliau tidak mengulas lanjut mengenai perkara itu.
ECO Solutions adalah syarikat peneraju dalam industri kejuruteraan alam sekitar dan bio tenaga.
Operasinya di Malaysia dijalankan oleh Global Bio-Diesel Sdn. Bhd. dengan jumlah pelaburan kira-kira AS$65 juta (RM221 juta) bagi bio diesel dan operasi berkaitan dengan kapasiti pengeluaran sebanyak 200,000 tan setahun.
Mengulas lanjut, Bong-Ryull berkata, masalah yang dihadapi oleh ECO Solution tidak ada kena mengena dengan sebarang polisi perniagaan di Malaysia.
''Polisi pelaburan dan inisiatif negara ini sempurna, malah kebanyakan pelabur Korea gembira di sini.
''Masalahnya cuma krisis global menyebabkan ECO Solution terpaksa tunggu dan lihat,'' ujarnya.
Dalam pada itu, katanya, Korea menyasar untuk meningkatkan jumlah perdagangan dua hala dengan Malaysia sebanyak RM100 bilion dalam tempoh lima tahun lagi.
Jumlah perdagangan antara Korea ke Malaysia adalah sebanyak AS$6 bilion (RM20.4 bilion) manakala Malaysia ke Korea pula berjumlah AS$8 bilion (RM27.2 bilion).
Bong-ryull berkata, jumlah itu mampu disumbangkan oleh sektor pelancongan dan pembiayaan Islam, selain teknologi bio tenaga, elektrik dan elektronik, perladangan serta minyak dan gas.
Tambah beliau, jumlah dagangan kedua-dua negara telah menyaksikan peningkatan sebanyak 10 peratus sejak 10 tahun lalu.
Korea Selatan kini adalah negara dagangan keenam terbesar di Malaysia.
Eversendai bangga siap struktur keluli Burj Dubai
SYARIKAT pembinaan struktur keluli Malaysia, Eversendai Corporation akan turut berkongsi kebanggaan apabila Burj Dubai yang akan dicatatkan sebagai bangunan tertinggi di dunia dibuka tidak lama lagi.
Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Eversendai, Datuk AK Nathan berkata, ini kerana 260 meter terakhir menara itu adalah struktur keluli yang dibina oleh syarikat itu.
"Ini menjadikan kami syarikat pertama di dunia yang membuat kerja pembinaan pada ketinggian lebih 700 meter. Tiada sesiapa di dunia pernah bekerja pada ketinggian itu," katanya kepada Bernama di Dubai.
Laporan sebelum ini menyebut bahawa Burj Dubai mempunyai ketinggian melebihi 800 meter dengan lebih 160 tingkat.
Pemajunya, Emaar Properties bagaimanapun tidak memberi kepastian mengenai ketinggian sebenar menara itu, walaupun ada kenyataan bahawa puncak menara boleh dilihat dari sejauh 95 kilometer.
Burj Dubai dijangka dibuka secara rasmi pada 4 Januari ini oleh Timbalan Presiden dan Perdana Menteri Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (UAE), dan pemerintah Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Nathan berkata, Eversendai juga menjalankan kerja struktur keluli pada lain-lain bahagian pembinaan Burj Dubai.
"Kami telah menyempurnakan semuanya tanpa apa-apa kemalangan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, Eversendai juga mempunyai hubungan kerja yang baik dengan kontraktor utama menara itu, Samsung Corporation dari Korea Selatan.
Kedua-dua syarikat, katanya telah terbabit dalam pembinaan Menara Kedua di Menara Berkembar Petronas di Kuala Lumpur.
Mengenai pengalaman Eversendai di UAE, beliau berkata, syarikat itu mula beroperasi di negara itu pada pertengahan 90-an dan kontrak pertamanya hotel Burj Al Arab, di pesisir pantai Dubai.
Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Eversendai, Datuk AK Nathan berkata, ini kerana 260 meter terakhir menara itu adalah struktur keluli yang dibina oleh syarikat itu.
"Ini menjadikan kami syarikat pertama di dunia yang membuat kerja pembinaan pada ketinggian lebih 700 meter. Tiada sesiapa di dunia pernah bekerja pada ketinggian itu," katanya kepada Bernama di Dubai.
Laporan sebelum ini menyebut bahawa Burj Dubai mempunyai ketinggian melebihi 800 meter dengan lebih 160 tingkat.
Pemajunya, Emaar Properties bagaimanapun tidak memberi kepastian mengenai ketinggian sebenar menara itu, walaupun ada kenyataan bahawa puncak menara boleh dilihat dari sejauh 95 kilometer.
Burj Dubai dijangka dibuka secara rasmi pada 4 Januari ini oleh Timbalan Presiden dan Perdana Menteri Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (UAE), dan pemerintah Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Nathan berkata, Eversendai juga menjalankan kerja struktur keluli pada lain-lain bahagian pembinaan Burj Dubai.
"Kami telah menyempurnakan semuanya tanpa apa-apa kemalangan," katanya.
Beliau berkata, Eversendai juga mempunyai hubungan kerja yang baik dengan kontraktor utama menara itu, Samsung Corporation dari Korea Selatan.
Kedua-dua syarikat, katanya telah terbabit dalam pembinaan Menara Kedua di Menara Berkembar Petronas di Kuala Lumpur.
Mengenai pengalaman Eversendai di UAE, beliau berkata, syarikat itu mula beroperasi di negara itu pada pertengahan 90-an dan kontrak pertamanya hotel Burj Al Arab, di pesisir pantai Dubai.
Ulasan pasaran: Harga saham ditutup kukuh
Minat belian aktif tertumpu pada kebanyakan kaunter kewangan dan perladangan
HARGA saham pada Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih kukuh semalam, berikutan minat pembelian yang aktif pada kebanyakan kaunter kewangan dan perladangan, kata peniaga.
Petunjuk pasaran Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM) Kuala Lumpur meningkat 8.79 mata atau 0.695 peratus kepada 1,272.73, paras paling tinggi hari ini, didorong oleh kenaikan pada kaunter IOI Corp, Maybank dan CIMB Group.
Ia dibuka 0.41 mata lebih rendah pada 1,263.53 pagi semalam.
FBMKLCI juga bergerak di antara 1,263.34 dan 1,272.73 sepanjang sesi dagangan.
Indeks Kewangan meningkat 101.92 mata kepada 11,007.86, Indeks Perusahaan meningkat 2.36 kepada 2,671.22 dan Indeks Perladangan meningkat 97.53 mata kepada 6,381.18.
Indeks FBM Emas meningkat 59.13 mata kepada 8,480.56, Indeks FBM Top 100 meningkat 56.2 mata kepada 8,295.23, Indeks FBM70 naik 51.11 mata kepada 8,202.64 manakala FBM ACE menyusut 3.04 mata kepada 4,197.49.
Keseluruhannya, 396 kaunter untung, 215 kaunter rugi manakala 231 kaunter tidak berubah dan 457 yang lain tidak didagangkan.
Jumlah dagangan menokok kepada 459.031 juta saham bernilai RM595.621 juta daripada Khamis lepas iaitu 383.796 juta saham bernilai RM504.555 juta.
Jumlah dagangan pada Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 386.433 juta saham bernilai RM577.727 juta daripada Khamis lepas iaitu 327.581 juta saham bernilai RM488.349 juta.
Jumlah dagangan pada Pasaran ACE pula meningkat kepada 32.011 juta unit bernilai RM7.753 juta daripada 28.224 juta unit bernilai RM7.567 juta sebelum ini.
Waran menokok kepada 26.726 juta saham bernilai RM4.315 juta berbanding 11.546 juta unit bernilai RM1.721 juta sebelumnya.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Land & General bertambah tiga sen kepada 36 sen sementara Axiata Group dan Xidelang Holdings menokok satu sen setiap satu kepada RM3.03 dan 51.5 sen.
Bagi saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby meningkat tiga sen kepada RM9, Maybank naik 10 sen kepada RM6.90 dan CIMB Group naik 18 sen kepada RM13.02.
Maxis dan Tenaga Nasional menyusut satu sen setiap satu kepada masing-masing RM5.39 dan RM8.31.
IOI Corporation ditutup 13 sen lebih tinggi pada RM5.54 dan Kuala Lumpur Kepong meningkat 28 sen kepada RM16.36.
Barangan pengguna mewakili 30.938 juta saham yang didagangkan pada Pasaran Utama, produk industri 81.587 juta, pembinaan 33.22 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 118.316 juta, teknologi 15.576 juta, prasarana 6.14 juta, kewangan 32.178 juta, hotel 6.145 juta, harta 53.762 juta, perladangan 5.494 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 3.066 juta dan dana tertutup 10,900. Bernama
HARGA saham pada Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih kukuh semalam, berikutan minat pembelian yang aktif pada kebanyakan kaunter kewangan dan perladangan, kata peniaga.
Petunjuk pasaran Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM) Kuala Lumpur meningkat 8.79 mata atau 0.695 peratus kepada 1,272.73, paras paling tinggi hari ini, didorong oleh kenaikan pada kaunter IOI Corp, Maybank dan CIMB Group.
Ia dibuka 0.41 mata lebih rendah pada 1,263.53 pagi semalam.
FBMKLCI juga bergerak di antara 1,263.34 dan 1,272.73 sepanjang sesi dagangan.
Indeks Kewangan meningkat 101.92 mata kepada 11,007.86, Indeks Perusahaan meningkat 2.36 kepada 2,671.22 dan Indeks Perladangan meningkat 97.53 mata kepada 6,381.18.
Indeks FBM Emas meningkat 59.13 mata kepada 8,480.56, Indeks FBM Top 100 meningkat 56.2 mata kepada 8,295.23, Indeks FBM70 naik 51.11 mata kepada 8,202.64 manakala FBM ACE menyusut 3.04 mata kepada 4,197.49.
Keseluruhannya, 396 kaunter untung, 215 kaunter rugi manakala 231 kaunter tidak berubah dan 457 yang lain tidak didagangkan.
Jumlah dagangan menokok kepada 459.031 juta saham bernilai RM595.621 juta daripada Khamis lepas iaitu 383.796 juta saham bernilai RM504.555 juta.
Jumlah dagangan pada Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 386.433 juta saham bernilai RM577.727 juta daripada Khamis lepas iaitu 327.581 juta saham bernilai RM488.349 juta.
Jumlah dagangan pada Pasaran ACE pula meningkat kepada 32.011 juta unit bernilai RM7.753 juta daripada 28.224 juta unit bernilai RM7.567 juta sebelum ini.
Waran menokok kepada 26.726 juta saham bernilai RM4.315 juta berbanding 11.546 juta unit bernilai RM1.721 juta sebelumnya.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Land & General bertambah tiga sen kepada 36 sen sementara Axiata Group dan Xidelang Holdings menokok satu sen setiap satu kepada RM3.03 dan 51.5 sen.
Bagi saham berwajaran tinggi, Sime Darby meningkat tiga sen kepada RM9, Maybank naik 10 sen kepada RM6.90 dan CIMB Group naik 18 sen kepada RM13.02.
Maxis dan Tenaga Nasional menyusut satu sen setiap satu kepada masing-masing RM5.39 dan RM8.31.
IOI Corporation ditutup 13 sen lebih tinggi pada RM5.54 dan Kuala Lumpur Kepong meningkat 28 sen kepada RM16.36.
Barangan pengguna mewakili 30.938 juta saham yang didagangkan pada Pasaran Utama, produk industri 81.587 juta, pembinaan 33.22 juta, dagangan dan perkhidmatan 118.316 juta, teknologi 15.576 juta, prasarana 6.14 juta, kewangan 32.178 juta, hotel 6.145 juta, harta 53.762 juta, perladangan 5.494 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 3.066 juta dan dana tertutup 10,900. Bernama
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- Nuang
- Ibrahim bin Ramli@Nuang started his career with CIMB Wealth Advisors Berhad as Agency Manager in April, 2008.Previously he was an Internal Auditors and Accounts Executive with Perodua Sales Sdn Bhd since 17 August, 1994. His background:- 1.Certified of Achievement for Master Sales Leadership from Dr Lawrence Walter Ng of President of The Art Of Learning and International Of Learning Without Learning 2.Certified for eXtra Ordinary Performance of Lawrence Walter Award Certificate for One Million Ringgit Club 2007 3. Certified Life & General insurances 4. Conferred with Diploma in Business Studiess & Bachelor of Business Admin(Hons)Finance from UiTM, Terengganu Branch & Shah Alam respectively;
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