September 12, 2009

What Are Structured Warrants?

Are you aware that you can invest in warrants as an alternative to shares? What is a warrant? Is it risky? Read on to find out more.

Essentially, when you invest in a warrant, you are making a "reservation" to buy a predetermined number of shares at a certain price in the future. A warrant is a derivative, which means that its value is derived from the underlying shares. It provides a cheap way of investing in a listed company's shares without having to pay the full amount. The downside is that it has a maturity period - usually up to 10 years - and is worthless if an investor holds it beyond the maturity date. It also does not give warrant holders any voting right, dividend and right to claim against the company's assets.

IQ Bijak Labur Glossary

Underlying Shares:
Also known as the "mother share", which the warrant is based on.
Exercise Ratio:
Number of shares that a warrant will convert into if the warrant is exercised.
Exercise Price:
The agreed price for a warrant holder to buy shares based on the exercise ratio if a warrant is exercised.
Expiry Date:
The last day on which the warrant may be exercised. The expiry date of each warrant will be defined by the issuer of the warrant.
What a warrant holder receives when he exercises the warrant. It could be either cash or physically settled.
When a warrant holder wants to "exercise" and the exercise price (inclusive of the cost of the warrant) is less than the market price of the underlying share, the warrant holder will make a profit. However, if the exercise price is higher, the warrant holder will lose money. Examples of warrants are Khazanah's basket warrrants, CIMB's basket warrants, single stock warrants and OSK's zero strike call warrants.

*To learn more about warrants, go here

What is a structured warrant?
To understand what a structured warrant really is, let's compare the characteristics of a company warrant and a structured warrant.

Company warrants Structured warrants
Issued by
Listed company
Third-party financial institution

Underlying shares
Shares of the company
Any company shares that are not related to the financial institution (but must meet the requirements under the SC's Guidelines for the Issue of Structured Warrants )

On exercise
Company will issue additional shares to meet obligations. This results in share dilution
Does not result in dilution of the underlying shares

Maturity period
Up to 10 years
6 months to 5 years

Settlement The terms and conditions of warrants are freely defined by the issuer

Fund Price

About Me

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Ibrahim bin Ramli@Nuang started his career with CIMB Wealth Advisors Berhad as Agency Manager in April, 2008.Previously he was an Internal Auditors and Accounts Executive with Perodua Sales Sdn Bhd since 17 August, 1994. His background:- 1.Certified of Achievement for Master Sales Leadership from Dr Lawrence Walter Ng of President of The Art Of Learning and International Of Learning Without Learning 2.Certified for eXtra Ordinary Performance of Lawrence Walter Award Certificate for One Million Ringgit Club 2007 3. Certified Life & General insurances 4. Conferred with Diploma in Business Studiess & Bachelor of Business Admin(Hons)Finance from UiTM, Terengganu Branch & Shah Alam respectively;


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