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Your Retirement Checklist
Planning for retirement is a lifelong process. Whether you're just starting to invest or you're well into your working years, this checklist can serve as a starting point to help prepare you for this important financial goal.
Before You StartUnderstand your likely retirement income needs by calculating an updated retirement savings goal.
Take a fresh look at the investments you currently hold in your retirement account(s).
Consider your ability to tolerate investment risk, keeping in mind that long-term performance potential may compensate for short-term risk potential.
Ask your employer which payout options will be available to you when it's time to withdraw your retirement savings plan assets.
How-To GuidesBuying Your First Home
1 Your Retirement Checklist
Using Credit Wisely
Financing a New Car
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CalculatorsHow much will college cost?
Comprehensive mortgage calculator
How much am I spending?
How will payroll adjustments affect my take-home pay?
How much will I need to save for retirement?
2 Pointers for the Accumulation Phase
An important action you can take is to determine your retirement needs. This task involves identifying your potential retirement expenses, as well as estimating the amount you might receive from each potential source of retirement income (Social Security, pensions, personal investments, and employment earnings).
Doing this calculation will give you an idea of how much you may need to finance a comfortable retirement. Don't be surprised if the numbers add up to be a large sum -- after all, this money may need to support you for 20 or 30 years. Fortunately, there are ways to leverage your dollars.
Starting early and contributing as much as possible to employer-sponsored retirement plans and IRAs may help you to potentially accumulate more money. Why? Because investing in these tax-advantaged accounts means your money will work harder for you. The longer the money sits untouched, the more it can potentially compound.
Another vital step: Determine an appropriate asset allocation -- how you divide your money among stocks, bonds, and cash -- for your portfolio. This should be based on your financial goals, tolerance for investment risk, and time horizon. Be aware that your asset allocation will need to be adjusted periodically in response to major market moves or life changes.
Once you're nearing retirement, it will also be necessary to craft a solid plan for distribution of your assets. For example, do you know one of the greatest risks that retirees face? The possibility of outliving their money, according to the Society of Actuaries.
That's why it's essential to determine an appropriate annual withdrawal rate. This amount will be based on your overall assets, the estimated length of your retirement, an assumed annual rate of inflation, and how much your investments might earn each year.
Another consideration: After age 70 1/2, you'll have to begin making an annual withdrawal from some tax-deferred retirement accounts (known as a required minimum distribution), including traditional IRAs. Preparing for this phase ahead of time may help reduce your tax burden -- especially if your annual RMD may push you into a higher tax bracket.
Likewise, this is the time to make sure your final wishes are accurately documented and estate strategies are well underway to minimize your heirs' tax burden. As you can see, planning for the different phases of retirement is a lifelong process. Following is a list that can help you along the way.
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3 Retirement Planning Checklist
Find the category that best describes you. After answering the questions, bring the list to a qualified financial professional who can help make sure your retirement plan is on target.
Saving for Retirement
1. Have you performed a comprehensive retirement needs calculation?
2. Are you contributing enough to potentially reach your financial goal within your desired time frame, by maximizing contributions to tax-advantaged retirement accounts, such as your employer-sponsored retirement plan and an IRA?
3. Is your asset allocation aligned with your retirement goal, risk tolerance, and time horizon?
4. Have you determined if you might benefit from contributing to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA?
5. Do you review your retirement portfolio each year and rebalance your asset allocation if necessary?
Nearing Retirement
1. Do you know the payout options available to you (e.g., annuity or lump sum) with your employer-sponsored retirement account, and have you reviewed the pros and cons of each option?
2. Have you considered your health insurance options, (i.e., Medicare and various Medigap supplemental plans or employer-sponsored health insurance), out-of-pocket medical expenses, and other related health care costs?
3. Have you contacted Social Security to make sure your benefit statement and relevant personal information are accurate?
4. Should you purchase long-term care insurance? If so, have you investigated which benefits are desirable?
5. Is your asset allocation properly adjusted to reflect your need to begin drawing income from your portfolio soon?
6. Have you determined an appropriate withdrawal rate of your assets to help ensure that your retirement money might last 20, 30, or more years?
7. Have you figured the amount of your annual required minimum distribution (RMD) and developed a strategy to reduce your tax burden once you're required to begin taking RMDs?
8. Have you appointed a health care proxy and durable power of attorney to take charge of your health and financial affairs if you are unable to do so?
9. Have you reviewed all your financial and legal documents to make sure beneficiaries are up-to-date?
10. Are you making effective use of estate planning tools (such as trusts or a gifting strategy) that could reduce your taxable estate and pass along more assets to your heirs while also benefiting you now?
Planning for retirement is a lifelong process. Determining your retirement needs by identifying your potential retirement expenses and sources of retirement income is an important step.
Starting to invest early for retirement and contributing as much as possible to tax-advantaged employer-sponsored retirement plans and IRAs are two ways to leverage your retirement dollars.
Determining an appropriate asset allocation -- how you divide your money among stocks, bonds, and cash -- is a time-tested strategy for helping you pursue your financial goal.
It's essential to determine an appropriate annual withdrawal rate of your assets during retirement so you don't outlive your money.
After age 70 1/2, you must begin making an annual required minimum distribution from certain tax-deferred retirement accounts. Preparing for this phase ahead of time may help reduce your tax burden.
Developing an appropriate estate plan is the important final stage of crafting an effective retirement plan.
Try to accumulate enough emergency savings and insurance coverage so that you can address unexpected financial crises without spending money earmarked for retirement.
Update beneficiary designations on all retirement accounts and other financial paperwork.
Consider changing the date of your retirement if it would make it easier to retire with enough money for the future.
Rebalance your retirement account's asset allocation if necessary.
Before You StartUnderstand your likely retirement income needs by calculating an updated retirement savings goal.
Take a fresh look at the investments you currently hold in your retirement account(s).
Consider your ability to tolerate investment risk, keeping in mind that long-term performance potential may compensate for short-term risk potential.
Ask your employer which payout options will be available to you when it's time to withdraw your retirement savings plan assets.
How-To GuidesBuying Your First Home
1 Your Retirement Checklist
Using Credit Wisely
Financing a New Car
View more how-to guides
CalculatorsHow much will college cost?
Comprehensive mortgage calculator
How much am I spending?
How will payroll adjustments affect my take-home pay?
How much will I need to save for retirement?
2 Pointers for the Accumulation Phase
An important action you can take is to determine your retirement needs. This task involves identifying your potential retirement expenses, as well as estimating the amount you might receive from each potential source of retirement income (Social Security, pensions, personal investments, and employment earnings).
Doing this calculation will give you an idea of how much you may need to finance a comfortable retirement. Don't be surprised if the numbers add up to be a large sum -- after all, this money may need to support you for 20 or 30 years. Fortunately, there are ways to leverage your dollars.
Starting early and contributing as much as possible to employer-sponsored retirement plans and IRAs may help you to potentially accumulate more money. Why? Because investing in these tax-advantaged accounts means your money will work harder for you. The longer the money sits untouched, the more it can potentially compound.
Another vital step: Determine an appropriate asset allocation -- how you divide your money among stocks, bonds, and cash -- for your portfolio. This should be based on your financial goals, tolerance for investment risk, and time horizon. Be aware that your asset allocation will need to be adjusted periodically in response to major market moves or life changes.
Once you're nearing retirement, it will also be necessary to craft a solid plan for distribution of your assets. For example, do you know one of the greatest risks that retirees face? The possibility of outliving their money, according to the Society of Actuaries.
That's why it's essential to determine an appropriate annual withdrawal rate. This amount will be based on your overall assets, the estimated length of your retirement, an assumed annual rate of inflation, and how much your investments might earn each year.
Another consideration: After age 70 1/2, you'll have to begin making an annual withdrawal from some tax-deferred retirement accounts (known as a required minimum distribution), including traditional IRAs. Preparing for this phase ahead of time may help reduce your tax burden -- especially if your annual RMD may push you into a higher tax bracket.
Likewise, this is the time to make sure your final wishes are accurately documented and estate strategies are well underway to minimize your heirs' tax burden. As you can see, planning for the different phases of retirement is a lifelong process. Following is a list that can help you along the way.
Back to top
3 Retirement Planning Checklist
Find the category that best describes you. After answering the questions, bring the list to a qualified financial professional who can help make sure your retirement plan is on target.
Saving for Retirement
1. Have you performed a comprehensive retirement needs calculation?
2. Are you contributing enough to potentially reach your financial goal within your desired time frame, by maximizing contributions to tax-advantaged retirement accounts, such as your employer-sponsored retirement plan and an IRA?
3. Is your asset allocation aligned with your retirement goal, risk tolerance, and time horizon?
4. Have you determined if you might benefit from contributing to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA?
5. Do you review your retirement portfolio each year and rebalance your asset allocation if necessary?
Nearing Retirement
1. Do you know the payout options available to you (e.g., annuity or lump sum) with your employer-sponsored retirement account, and have you reviewed the pros and cons of each option?
2. Have you considered your health insurance options, (i.e., Medicare and various Medigap supplemental plans or employer-sponsored health insurance), out-of-pocket medical expenses, and other related health care costs?
3. Have you contacted Social Security to make sure your benefit statement and relevant personal information are accurate?
4. Should you purchase long-term care insurance? If so, have you investigated which benefits are desirable?
5. Is your asset allocation properly adjusted to reflect your need to begin drawing income from your portfolio soon?
6. Have you determined an appropriate withdrawal rate of your assets to help ensure that your retirement money might last 20, 30, or more years?
7. Have you figured the amount of your annual required minimum distribution (RMD) and developed a strategy to reduce your tax burden once you're required to begin taking RMDs?
8. Have you appointed a health care proxy and durable power of attorney to take charge of your health and financial affairs if you are unable to do so?
9. Have you reviewed all your financial and legal documents to make sure beneficiaries are up-to-date?
10. Are you making effective use of estate planning tools (such as trusts or a gifting strategy) that could reduce your taxable estate and pass along more assets to your heirs while also benefiting you now?
Planning for retirement is a lifelong process. Determining your retirement needs by identifying your potential retirement expenses and sources of retirement income is an important step.
Starting to invest early for retirement and contributing as much as possible to tax-advantaged employer-sponsored retirement plans and IRAs are two ways to leverage your retirement dollars.
Determining an appropriate asset allocation -- how you divide your money among stocks, bonds, and cash -- is a time-tested strategy for helping you pursue your financial goal.
It's essential to determine an appropriate annual withdrawal rate of your assets during retirement so you don't outlive your money.
After age 70 1/2, you must begin making an annual required minimum distribution from certain tax-deferred retirement accounts. Preparing for this phase ahead of time may help reduce your tax burden.
Developing an appropriate estate plan is the important final stage of crafting an effective retirement plan.
Try to accumulate enough emergency savings and insurance coverage so that you can address unexpected financial crises without spending money earmarked for retirement.
Update beneficiary designations on all retirement accounts and other financial paperwork.
Consider changing the date of your retirement if it would make it easier to retire with enough money for the future.
Rebalance your retirement account's asset allocation if necessary.
10 Things Millionaires Won't Tell You
by Daren Fonda
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
provided by
1. "You may think I'm rich, but I don't."
A million dollars may sound like a fortune to most people, and folks with that much cash can't complain — they're richer than 90 percent of U.S. households and earn $366,000 a year, on average, putting them in the top 1 percent of taxpayers. But the club isn't so exclusive anymore. Some 10 million households have a net worth above $1 million, excluding home equity, almost double the number in 2002. Moreover, a recent survey by Fidelity found just 8 percent of millionaires think they're "very" or "extremely" wealthy, while 19 percent don't feel rich at all. "They're worried about health care, retirement and how they'll sustain their lifestyle," says Gail Graham, a wealth-management executive at Fidelity.
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Indeed, many millionaires still don't have enough for exclusive luxuries, like membership at an elite golf club, which can top $300,000 a year. While $1 million was a tidy sum three decades ago, you'd need $3.6 million for the same purchasing power today. And half of all millionaires have a net worth of $2.5 million or less, according to research firm TNS. So what does it take to feel truly rich? The magic number is $23 million, according to Fidelity.
2. "I shop at Wal-Mart..."
They may not buy the 99-cent paper towels, but millionaires know what it is to be frugal. About 80 percent say they spend with a middle-class mind-set, according to a 2007 survey of high-net-worth individuals, published by American Express and the Harrison Group. That means buying luxury items on sale, hunting for bargains — even clipping coupons.
Don Crane, a small-business owner in Santa Rosa, Calif., certainly sees the value of everyday saving. "We can afford just about anything," he says, adding that his net worth is over $1 million. But he and his wife both grew up on farms in the Midwest — where nothing was wasted — and his wife clips coupons to this day. In fact, most millionaires come from middle-class households, and roughly 70 percent have been wealthy for less than 15 years, according to the AmEx/Harrison survey. That said, there are plenty of millionaires who never check a price tag. "I've always wanted to live above my means because it inspired me to work harder," says Robert Kiyosaki, author of the 1997 best seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad. An entrepreneur worth millions, Kiyosaki says he doesn't even know what his house would go for today.
3. "...but I didn't get rich by skimping on lattes."
So how do you join the millionaires' club? You could buy stocks or real estate, play the slots in Vegas — or take the most common path: running your own business. That's how half of all millionaires made their money, according to the AmEx/Harrison survey. About a third had a professional practice or worked in the corporate world; only 3 percent inherited their wealth.
Regardless of how they built their nest egg, virtually all millionaires "make judicious use of debt," says Russ Alan Prince, coauthor of "The Middle-Class Millionaire." They'll take out loans to build their business, avoid high-interest credit card debt and leverage their home equity to finance purchases if their cash flow doesn't cut it. Nor is their wealth tied up in their homes. Home equity represents just 11 percent of millionaires' total assets, according to TNS. "People who are serious about building wealth always want to have a mortgage," says Jim Bell, president of Bell Investment Advisors. His home is probably worth $1.5 million, he adds, but he owes $900,000 on it. "I'm in no hurry to pay it off," he says. "It's one of the few tax deductions I get."
4. "I have a concierge for everything."
That hot restaurant may be booked for months — at least when Joe Nobody calls to make reservations. But many top eateries set aside tables for celebrities and A-list clientele, and that's where the personal concierge comes in. Working for retainers that range anywhere from $25 an hour to six figures a year, these modern-day butlers have the inside track on chic restaurants, spa reservations, even an early tee time at the golf club. And good concierges will scour the planet for whatever their clients want — whether it's holy water blessed personally by the Pope, rare Mexican tequila or artisanal sausages found only in northern Spain. "For some people, the cost doesn't matter," says Yamileth Delgado, who runs Marquise Concierge and who once found those sausages for a client — 40 pounds of chorizo that went for $1,000.
Concierge services now extend to medical attention as well. At the high end: For roughly $2,000 to $4,000 a month, clients can get 24-hour access to a primary-care physician who makes house calls and can facilitate admission to a hospital "without long waits in the emergency room," as one New York City service puts it.
5. "You don't get rich by being nice."
John D. Rockefeller threatened rivals with bankruptcy if they didn't sell out to his company, Standard Oil. Bill Gates was ruthless in building Microsoft into the world's largest software firm (remember Netscape?). Indeed, many millionaires privately admit they're "bastards in business," says Prince. "They aren't nice guys." Of course, the wealthy don't exactly look in the mirror and see Gordon Gekko either. Most millionaires share the values of their moderate-income parents, says Lewis Schiff, a private wealth consultant and Prince's coauthor: "Spending time with family really matters to them." Just 12 percent say that what they want most to be remembered for is their legacy in business, according to the AmEx/Harrison study.
Millionaires are also seemingly undaunted by failure. Crane, for example, now runs a successful company that screens tenants for landlords. But his first business venture, a real estate partnership, went bankrupt, costing him $20,000 — more than his house was worth at the time. "It was the most depressing time in my life, but it was the best lesson I ever learned," he says.
6. "Taxes are for little people."
Most millionaires do pay taxes. In fact, the top 1 percent of earners paid nearly 40 percent of federal income taxes in 2005 — a whopping $368 billion — according to the Internal Revenue Service. That said, the wealthy tend to derive a higher portion of their income from dividends and capital gains, which are taxed at lower rates than wages (15 percent for long-term capital gains versus 25 percent for middle-class wages). Also, high-income earners pay Social Security tax only on their first $97,500 of income.
But the big savings come from owning a business and deducting everything related to it. Landlords can also depreciate their commercial properties and expenses like mortgage interest. And that's without doing any creative accounting. Then there are the tax shelters, trusts and other mechanisms the superrich use to shield their wealth. An estimated 2 million Americans have unreported accounts offshore, and income from foreign tax shelters costs the U.S. $20 billion to $40 billion a year, according to the IRS. Indeed, "an increasing number of people want to establish an offshore fund," says Vernon Jacobs, a certified public accountant in Kansas who specializes in legal foreign accounts.
7. "I was a B student."
Mom was right when she said good grades were the key to success — just not necessarily a big bank account. According to the book "The Millionaire Mind," the median college grade point average for millionaires is 2.9, and the average SAT score is 1190 — hardly Harvard material. In fact, 59 percent of millionaires attended a state college or university, according to AmEx/Harrison.
When asked to list the keys to their success, millionaires rank hard work first, followed by education, determination and "treating others with respect." They also say that what they absorbed in class was less important than learning how to study and stay disciplined, says Jim Taylor, vice chairman of the Harrison Group. Granted, 48 percent of millionaires hold an advanced degree, and elite colleges do open doors to careers on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley (not to mention social connections that grease the wheels). But for every Ph.D. millionaire, there are many more who squeaked through school. Kiyosaki, for one, says the only way he survived college calculus was by "sitting near" the smart kids in class — "we cheated like crazy," he says.
8. "Like my Ferrari? It's a rental."
Why spend $3,000 on a Versace bag that'll be out of style as soon as next season when you can rent it for $175 a month? For that matter, why blow $250,000 on a Ferrari when for $25,000 it can be yours for a few weekends a year? Clubs that offer "fractional ownership" of jets have been popular for some time, and now the concept has extended to other high-end luxuries like exotic cars and fine art. How hot is the trend? More than 50 percent of millionaires say they plan to rent luxury goods within the next 12 months, according to a survey by Prince & Associates. Handbags topped the list, followed by cars, jewelry, watches and art. Online companies like Bag Borrow or Steal, for example, cater to customers who always want new designer accessories and jewelry, for prices starting at $15 a week.
More from Yahoo! Finance:
• Millionaires in the Making: One Couple's Story
• How Secure Is Your Bank's Web Site?
• The Best (and Worst) Ways to Raise Fast Cash
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For Suzanne Garner, a millionaire software engineer in Santa Clara, Calif., owning a $100,000 car didn't make financial sense (she drives a Mazda Miata). Instead, Garner pays up to $30,000 in annual membership fees to Club Sportiva, a fractional-ownership car club in San Francisco that lets her take out Ferraris, Lamborghinis and other exotic vehicles on weekends. "I'm all about the car," she says. And so are other people, it seems. While stopped at a light in a Ferrari recently, Garner received a marriage proposal from a guy in a pickup truck. (She declined the offer.)
9. "Turns out money can buy happiness."
It may not be comforting to folks who aren't minting cash, but the rich really are different. "There's no group in America that's happier than the wealthy," says Taylor, of the Harrison Group. Roughly 70 percent of millionaires say that money"created" more happiness for them,he notes. Higher income also correlates with higher ratings in life satisfaction, according to a new study by economists at the Wharton School of Business. But it's not necessarily the Bentley or Manolo Blahniks that lead to bliss. "It's the freedom that money buys," says Betsey Stevenson, coauthor of the Wharton study.
Concomitantly, rates of depression are lower among the wealthy, according to the Wharton study, and the rich tend to have better health than the rest of the population, says James Smith, senior labor economist at the Rand Corporation. (In fact, health and happiness are as closely correlated as wealth and happiness, Smith says.) The wealthy even seem to smile and laugh more often, according to the Wharton study, to say nothing of getting treated with more respect and eating better food. "People experience their day very differently when they have a lot of money," Stevenson says.
10. "You worry about the Joneses — I worry about keeping up with the Trumps."
Wealth may go a long way toward creating happiness, but the middle-class rich still can't afford the life of the billionaire next door — the guy who writes charity checks for $100,000 and retreats to his own private island. "What makes people happy isn't how much they're making," says Glenn Firebaugh, a sociologist at Pennsylvania State University. "It's how much they're making relative to their peers."
Indeed, for all their riches, some 40 percent of millionaires fear that their standard of living will decline in retirement and that their money will run out before they die, according to Fidelity. Of course, it may not help if their lifestyle is so lavish that they're barely squeaking by on $400,000 a year. "You can always be happier with more money," says Stevenson. "There's no satiation point." But that's the trouble with keeping up with the Trumps. "Millionaires are always looking up," says Schiff, "and think it's better up there."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
provided by
1. "You may think I'm rich, but I don't."
A million dollars may sound like a fortune to most people, and folks with that much cash can't complain — they're richer than 90 percent of U.S. households and earn $366,000 a year, on average, putting them in the top 1 percent of taxpayers. But the club isn't so exclusive anymore. Some 10 million households have a net worth above $1 million, excluding home equity, almost double the number in 2002. Moreover, a recent survey by Fidelity found just 8 percent of millionaires think they're "very" or "extremely" wealthy, while 19 percent don't feel rich at all. "They're worried about health care, retirement and how they'll sustain their lifestyle," says Gail Graham, a wealth-management executive at Fidelity.
More from
• 10 Things Your Bank Won't Tell You
• 10 Things Your Ticket Broker Won't Tell You
• 10 Things Your Airline Won't Tell You
Indeed, many millionaires still don't have enough for exclusive luxuries, like membership at an elite golf club, which can top $300,000 a year. While $1 million was a tidy sum three decades ago, you'd need $3.6 million for the same purchasing power today. And half of all millionaires have a net worth of $2.5 million or less, according to research firm TNS. So what does it take to feel truly rich? The magic number is $23 million, according to Fidelity.
2. "I shop at Wal-Mart..."
They may not buy the 99-cent paper towels, but millionaires know what it is to be frugal. About 80 percent say they spend with a middle-class mind-set, according to a 2007 survey of high-net-worth individuals, published by American Express and the Harrison Group. That means buying luxury items on sale, hunting for bargains — even clipping coupons.
Don Crane, a small-business owner in Santa Rosa, Calif., certainly sees the value of everyday saving. "We can afford just about anything," he says, adding that his net worth is over $1 million. But he and his wife both grew up on farms in the Midwest — where nothing was wasted — and his wife clips coupons to this day. In fact, most millionaires come from middle-class households, and roughly 70 percent have been wealthy for less than 15 years, according to the AmEx/Harrison survey. That said, there are plenty of millionaires who never check a price tag. "I've always wanted to live above my means because it inspired me to work harder," says Robert Kiyosaki, author of the 1997 best seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad. An entrepreneur worth millions, Kiyosaki says he doesn't even know what his house would go for today.
3. "...but I didn't get rich by skimping on lattes."
So how do you join the millionaires' club? You could buy stocks or real estate, play the slots in Vegas — or take the most common path: running your own business. That's how half of all millionaires made their money, according to the AmEx/Harrison survey. About a third had a professional practice or worked in the corporate world; only 3 percent inherited their wealth.
Regardless of how they built their nest egg, virtually all millionaires "make judicious use of debt," says Russ Alan Prince, coauthor of "The Middle-Class Millionaire." They'll take out loans to build their business, avoid high-interest credit card debt and leverage their home equity to finance purchases if their cash flow doesn't cut it. Nor is their wealth tied up in their homes. Home equity represents just 11 percent of millionaires' total assets, according to TNS. "People who are serious about building wealth always want to have a mortgage," says Jim Bell, president of Bell Investment Advisors. His home is probably worth $1.5 million, he adds, but he owes $900,000 on it. "I'm in no hurry to pay it off," he says. "It's one of the few tax deductions I get."
4. "I have a concierge for everything."
That hot restaurant may be booked for months — at least when Joe Nobody calls to make reservations. But many top eateries set aside tables for celebrities and A-list clientele, and that's where the personal concierge comes in. Working for retainers that range anywhere from $25 an hour to six figures a year, these modern-day butlers have the inside track on chic restaurants, spa reservations, even an early tee time at the golf club. And good concierges will scour the planet for whatever their clients want — whether it's holy water blessed personally by the Pope, rare Mexican tequila or artisanal sausages found only in northern Spain. "For some people, the cost doesn't matter," says Yamileth Delgado, who runs Marquise Concierge and who once found those sausages for a client — 40 pounds of chorizo that went for $1,000.
Concierge services now extend to medical attention as well. At the high end: For roughly $2,000 to $4,000 a month, clients can get 24-hour access to a primary-care physician who makes house calls and can facilitate admission to a hospital "without long waits in the emergency room," as one New York City service puts it.
5. "You don't get rich by being nice."
John D. Rockefeller threatened rivals with bankruptcy if they didn't sell out to his company, Standard Oil. Bill Gates was ruthless in building Microsoft into the world's largest software firm (remember Netscape?). Indeed, many millionaires privately admit they're "bastards in business," says Prince. "They aren't nice guys." Of course, the wealthy don't exactly look in the mirror and see Gordon Gekko either. Most millionaires share the values of their moderate-income parents, says Lewis Schiff, a private wealth consultant and Prince's coauthor: "Spending time with family really matters to them." Just 12 percent say that what they want most to be remembered for is their legacy in business, according to the AmEx/Harrison study.
Millionaires are also seemingly undaunted by failure. Crane, for example, now runs a successful company that screens tenants for landlords. But his first business venture, a real estate partnership, went bankrupt, costing him $20,000 — more than his house was worth at the time. "It was the most depressing time in my life, but it was the best lesson I ever learned," he says.
6. "Taxes are for little people."
Most millionaires do pay taxes. In fact, the top 1 percent of earners paid nearly 40 percent of federal income taxes in 2005 — a whopping $368 billion — according to the Internal Revenue Service. That said, the wealthy tend to derive a higher portion of their income from dividends and capital gains, which are taxed at lower rates than wages (15 percent for long-term capital gains versus 25 percent for middle-class wages). Also, high-income earners pay Social Security tax only on their first $97,500 of income.
But the big savings come from owning a business and deducting everything related to it. Landlords can also depreciate their commercial properties and expenses like mortgage interest. And that's without doing any creative accounting. Then there are the tax shelters, trusts and other mechanisms the superrich use to shield their wealth. An estimated 2 million Americans have unreported accounts offshore, and income from foreign tax shelters costs the U.S. $20 billion to $40 billion a year, according to the IRS. Indeed, "an increasing number of people want to establish an offshore fund," says Vernon Jacobs, a certified public accountant in Kansas who specializes in legal foreign accounts.
7. "I was a B student."
Mom was right when she said good grades were the key to success — just not necessarily a big bank account. According to the book "The Millionaire Mind," the median college grade point average for millionaires is 2.9, and the average SAT score is 1190 — hardly Harvard material. In fact, 59 percent of millionaires attended a state college or university, according to AmEx/Harrison.
When asked to list the keys to their success, millionaires rank hard work first, followed by education, determination and "treating others with respect." They also say that what they absorbed in class was less important than learning how to study and stay disciplined, says Jim Taylor, vice chairman of the Harrison Group. Granted, 48 percent of millionaires hold an advanced degree, and elite colleges do open doors to careers on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley (not to mention social connections that grease the wheels). But for every Ph.D. millionaire, there are many more who squeaked through school. Kiyosaki, for one, says the only way he survived college calculus was by "sitting near" the smart kids in class — "we cheated like crazy," he says.
8. "Like my Ferrari? It's a rental."
Why spend $3,000 on a Versace bag that'll be out of style as soon as next season when you can rent it for $175 a month? For that matter, why blow $250,000 on a Ferrari when for $25,000 it can be yours for a few weekends a year? Clubs that offer "fractional ownership" of jets have been popular for some time, and now the concept has extended to other high-end luxuries like exotic cars and fine art. How hot is the trend? More than 50 percent of millionaires say they plan to rent luxury goods within the next 12 months, according to a survey by Prince & Associates. Handbags topped the list, followed by cars, jewelry, watches and art. Online companies like Bag Borrow or Steal, for example, cater to customers who always want new designer accessories and jewelry, for prices starting at $15 a week.
More from Yahoo! Finance:
• Millionaires in the Making: One Couple's Story
• How Secure Is Your Bank's Web Site?
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For Suzanne Garner, a millionaire software engineer in Santa Clara, Calif., owning a $100,000 car didn't make financial sense (she drives a Mazda Miata). Instead, Garner pays up to $30,000 in annual membership fees to Club Sportiva, a fractional-ownership car club in San Francisco that lets her take out Ferraris, Lamborghinis and other exotic vehicles on weekends. "I'm all about the car," she says. And so are other people, it seems. While stopped at a light in a Ferrari recently, Garner received a marriage proposal from a guy in a pickup truck. (She declined the offer.)
9. "Turns out money can buy happiness."
It may not be comforting to folks who aren't minting cash, but the rich really are different. "There's no group in America that's happier than the wealthy," says Taylor, of the Harrison Group. Roughly 70 percent of millionaires say that money"created" more happiness for them,he notes. Higher income also correlates with higher ratings in life satisfaction, according to a new study by economists at the Wharton School of Business. But it's not necessarily the Bentley or Manolo Blahniks that lead to bliss. "It's the freedom that money buys," says Betsey Stevenson, coauthor of the Wharton study.
Concomitantly, rates of depression are lower among the wealthy, according to the Wharton study, and the rich tend to have better health than the rest of the population, says James Smith, senior labor economist at the Rand Corporation. (In fact, health and happiness are as closely correlated as wealth and happiness, Smith says.) The wealthy even seem to smile and laugh more often, according to the Wharton study, to say nothing of getting treated with more respect and eating better food. "People experience their day very differently when they have a lot of money," Stevenson says.
10. "You worry about the Joneses — I worry about keeping up with the Trumps."
Wealth may go a long way toward creating happiness, but the middle-class rich still can't afford the life of the billionaire next door — the guy who writes charity checks for $100,000 and retreats to his own private island. "What makes people happy isn't how much they're making," says Glenn Firebaugh, a sociologist at Pennsylvania State University. "It's how much they're making relative to their peers."
Indeed, for all their riches, some 40 percent of millionaires fear that their standard of living will decline in retirement and that their money will run out before they die, according to Fidelity. Of course, it may not help if their lifestyle is so lavish that they're barely squeaking by on $400,000 a year. "You can always be happier with more money," says Stevenson. "There's no satiation point." But that's the trouble with keeping up with the Trumps. "Millionaires are always looking up," says Schiff, "and think it's better up there."
7 Expenses You Can Ditch In Retirement
Although retirement can mean the cessation of some forms of income such as earned compensation, it can also mean the elimination of certain types of expenses. Although some studies have indicated that the cost of living for retirees is just as high as it is for younger taxpayers, there are still many everyday expenditures that may disappear at some point. Here are the expenses you might be saving once you hit your golden years.
Mortgage Payments
The best thing about any mortgage is that, at some point, it eventually gets paid off. The removal of this expense is huge burden off the back of any homeowner, and can mean the difference between positive and negative cash flow for many retirees.
Child Care
By the time most parents are ready to retire, their children are grown and gone, and do not require sitters or daycare, which can cost thousands of dollars each year. (With many people ill prepared for retirement, seniors are moving in with their kids.
Car Payments
Houses aren't the only things that are eventually paid off. Although some owners choose to trade in for a new car every few years, others keep their cars in good condition until they are paid for, which not only results in the elimination of the car payment, but can also allow the owner to opt for cheaper liability insurance coverage.
Retirement Savings
Many workers automatically opt to put 15% of their earnings away in some sort of employee-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k) plan. Others allocate money each month into a traditional or Roth IRA. But all qualified plan contributions will cease upon retirement (although IRA contributions can continue until age 70.5 or beyond). For someone who earned $70,000 and contributed the maximum amount into their plan, this equals $11,500 per year of contributions that are no longer made. (IRA designed to help Americans without access to a company retirement plan invest easier. What makes this new idea so different, and how does it work?
Smaller House
For those who still have a mortgage, this can mean a lower payment every month. Those who have paid off their homes will realize a windfall that they can either use to bolster their retirement savings or pay off other bills, such as cars or medical expenses. In most cases this can also mean lower property taxes and utility bills.
Life Insurance
Those who have cash value policies may get them paid off by the time they retire, and those with term policies may no longer need them, or may not be able to afford to continue the coverage. In any of these cases, it spells the end of monthly or annual premium payments for the policy. This can free up thousands of dollars in some instances, depending upon the amount of coverage involved.
Miscellaneous Debt Payments
Student loans, credit cards and other consumer debt can constitute a large portion of many budgets. But older consumers often get these debts paid down in later years, and their elimination can substantially ease even the tightest budgets. The removal of credit card debt in particular allows retirees to get out from under usurious interest rates and direct their monthly payments toward other obligations.
The Bottom Line
For many retirees, the elimination of some or all of the debts listed above can make a huge difference in the amount of income that is required to make ends meet. Many retirees are able to live on Social Security plus their retirement savings with relative ease if the major debts that they incurred earlier in their lives are finally
Mortgage Payments
The best thing about any mortgage is that, at some point, it eventually gets paid off. The removal of this expense is huge burden off the back of any homeowner, and can mean the difference between positive and negative cash flow for many retirees.
Child Care
By the time most parents are ready to retire, their children are grown and gone, and do not require sitters or daycare, which can cost thousands of dollars each year. (With many people ill prepared for retirement, seniors are moving in with their kids.
Car Payments
Houses aren't the only things that are eventually paid off. Although some owners choose to trade in for a new car every few years, others keep their cars in good condition until they are paid for, which not only results in the elimination of the car payment, but can also allow the owner to opt for cheaper liability insurance coverage.
Retirement Savings
Many workers automatically opt to put 15% of their earnings away in some sort of employee-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k) plan. Others allocate money each month into a traditional or Roth IRA. But all qualified plan contributions will cease upon retirement (although IRA contributions can continue until age 70.5 or beyond). For someone who earned $70,000 and contributed the maximum amount into their plan, this equals $11,500 per year of contributions that are no longer made. (IRA designed to help Americans without access to a company retirement plan invest easier. What makes this new idea so different, and how does it work?
Smaller House
For those who still have a mortgage, this can mean a lower payment every month. Those who have paid off their homes will realize a windfall that they can either use to bolster their retirement savings or pay off other bills, such as cars or medical expenses. In most cases this can also mean lower property taxes and utility bills.
Life Insurance
Those who have cash value policies may get them paid off by the time they retire, and those with term policies may no longer need them, or may not be able to afford to continue the coverage. In any of these cases, it spells the end of monthly or annual premium payments for the policy. This can free up thousands of dollars in some instances, depending upon the amount of coverage involved.
Miscellaneous Debt Payments
Student loans, credit cards and other consumer debt can constitute a large portion of many budgets. But older consumers often get these debts paid down in later years, and their elimination can substantially ease even the tightest budgets. The removal of credit card debt in particular allows retirees to get out from under usurious interest rates and direct their monthly payments toward other obligations.
The Bottom Line
For many retirees, the elimination of some or all of the debts listed above can make a huge difference in the amount of income that is required to make ends meet. Many retirees are able to live on Social Security plus their retirement savings with relative ease if the major debts that they incurred earlier in their lives are finally
May 21, 2010
May 20, 2010
May 19, 2010
May 18, 2010
May 17, 2010
May 14, 2010
May 13, 2010
May 12, 2010
May 11, 2010
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May 7, 2010
May 6, 2010
Bursa Malaysia turun menyeluruh
KUALA LUMPUR 5 Mei - harga saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih rendah secara menyeluruh Rabu sejajar dengan pasaran serantau yang lebih lembab apabila para pelabur bimbang mengenai kemungkinan terkena tempias krisis hutang kedaulatan Greece, kata para peniaga.
Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) turun 7.24 mata untuk ditutup kepada 1,335.65 selepas dibuka turun 15.9 mata kepada 1,326.99.
Seorang peniaga berkata para peserta enggan untuk membuat belian di dalam pasaran dan menunggu petunjuk baharu.
Sementara itu, Maybank Investment Bank percaya FBM KLCI yang disokong oleh dana tempatan kemungkinan berdaya tahan di tengah-tengah keadaan ekonomi global yang buruk.
Katanya tanda-tanda kemerosotan harga menunjukkan kenaikan FBM KLCI kemungkinan terbantut.
Indeks Kewangan merosot 34.87 mata kepada 12,042.03, Indeks Perusahaan turun 24.9 mata kepada 2,740.40 dan Indeks Perladangan turun 50.08 mata kepada 6,411.51.
Indeks FBM Emas rugi 52.72 mata kepada 9,000.17, FBM70 hilang 64.58 mata kepada 8,849.31 dan Indeks FBM Ace kerugian 82.39 mata kepada 4,023.83.
Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 531 kepada 193 manakala 257 kaunter tidak berubah; 389 tidak diniagakan dan 29 yang lain digantung.
Perolehan dicatatkan lebih tinggi kepada 861.460 juta saham bernilai RM1.522 bilion berbanding dengan 767.454 juta saham bernilai RM1.069 bilion semalam.
Antara kaunter aktif, Talam Corp meningkat 0.5 sen kepada 14.5 sen, KNM rugi 1.0 sen kepada 52 sen dan Gamuda-Waran Hak meningkat 4.5 sen kepada 59 sen.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 734.121 juta saham bernilai RM1.485 bilion berbanding 640.982 juta saham bernilai RM1.031 bilion semalam.
JPerolehan dagangan di Pasaran ACE turun kepada 58.378 juta saham bernilai RM11.697 juta daripada 64.941 juta saham bernilai RM12.384 juta sebelum itu. Waran merosot kepada 49.914 juta unit bernilai RM9.381 juta daripada 45.434 juta unit bernilai RM9.605 juta semalam.
Produk pengguna mencatatkan 21.804 juta saham diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, produk perusahaan 160.251 juta, pembinaan 55.245 juta, dagang dan perkhidmatan 187.999 juta, teknologi 50.724 juta, prasarana 29.323 juta, kewangan 75.908 juta, hotel 5.987 juta, hartanah 122.590 juta, perladangan 22.098 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 2.107 juta, dan dana tertutup 84,500.
Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) turun 7.24 mata untuk ditutup kepada 1,335.65 selepas dibuka turun 15.9 mata kepada 1,326.99.
Seorang peniaga berkata para peserta enggan untuk membuat belian di dalam pasaran dan menunggu petunjuk baharu.
Sementara itu, Maybank Investment Bank percaya FBM KLCI yang disokong oleh dana tempatan kemungkinan berdaya tahan di tengah-tengah keadaan ekonomi global yang buruk.
Katanya tanda-tanda kemerosotan harga menunjukkan kenaikan FBM KLCI kemungkinan terbantut.
Indeks Kewangan merosot 34.87 mata kepada 12,042.03, Indeks Perusahaan turun 24.9 mata kepada 2,740.40 dan Indeks Perladangan turun 50.08 mata kepada 6,411.51.
Indeks FBM Emas rugi 52.72 mata kepada 9,000.17, FBM70 hilang 64.58 mata kepada 8,849.31 dan Indeks FBM Ace kerugian 82.39 mata kepada 4,023.83.
Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 531 kepada 193 manakala 257 kaunter tidak berubah; 389 tidak diniagakan dan 29 yang lain digantung.
Perolehan dicatatkan lebih tinggi kepada 861.460 juta saham bernilai RM1.522 bilion berbanding dengan 767.454 juta saham bernilai RM1.069 bilion semalam.
Antara kaunter aktif, Talam Corp meningkat 0.5 sen kepada 14.5 sen, KNM rugi 1.0 sen kepada 52 sen dan Gamuda-Waran Hak meningkat 4.5 sen kepada 59 sen.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 734.121 juta saham bernilai RM1.485 bilion berbanding 640.982 juta saham bernilai RM1.031 bilion semalam.
JPerolehan dagangan di Pasaran ACE turun kepada 58.378 juta saham bernilai RM11.697 juta daripada 64.941 juta saham bernilai RM12.384 juta sebelum itu. Waran merosot kepada 49.914 juta unit bernilai RM9.381 juta daripada 45.434 juta unit bernilai RM9.605 juta semalam.
Produk pengguna mencatatkan 21.804 juta saham diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, produk perusahaan 160.251 juta, pembinaan 55.245 juta, dagang dan perkhidmatan 187.999 juta, teknologi 50.724 juta, prasarana 29.323 juta, kewangan 75.908 juta, hotel 5.987 juta, hartanah 122.590 juta, perladangan 22.098 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 2.107 juta, dan dana tertutup 84,500.
Ringgit kukuh untungkan rakyat
KUALA LUMPUR 5 Mei - Malaysia sepatutnya menyasarkan ringgit yang lebih kukuh dengan impian untuk menjadi negara berpendapatan tinggi kerana wujud banyak sebab berlakunya aliran menaik itu, kata bekas Menteri Kabinet, Datuk Seri Utama Shahrir Samad hari ini.
Bersama-sama dengan Model Ekonomi Baru (MEB), langkah itu adalah kena pada masanya dan akan memberikan Malaysia satu rangsangan untuk kekal kompetitif, katanya.
Menyetujui pandangan itu, pakar ekonomi yang terlatih di Sorbonne, Datuk Dr. Norraesah Mohamad berkata, pemulihan segera ekonomi Malaysia adalah berikutan 'tindak balas segera' Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk merangsang ekonomi semasa berlaku kemelesetan ekonomi global yang buruk pada tahun lepas.
Menurutnya, sebab kukuh pemulihan itu adalah suntikan pakej rangsangan RM67 bilion ke dalam ekonomi pada tahun lepas yang masih mengalir ke sasarannya.
Ringgit yang lebih kukuh, kata Shahrir akan menggalakkan pengimportan barangan modal, yang akan membantu menyumbang kepada inovasi dan automasi industri negara ini.
"Ia akan turut mengurangkan bil subsidi kerajaan kerana petrol, gula dan tepung, sebagai produk yang diberi subsidi utama, yang kesemuanya didominasi di dalam dolar AS. Dengan pengurangan subsidi, operasi perbelanjaan kerajaan dan defisitnya akan turut dikurangkan." Shahrir berkata, ringgit yang lebih kukuh akan turut menjadikan perjalanan ke luar negara lebih termampu bagi rakyat Malaysia dan ini akan meningkatkan masa liburan masing-masing.
"Yang penting sekali, ringgit yang lebih kukuh akan membantu menambah baik taraf hidup rakyat dengan meningkatkan kuasa membeli mereka melalui pengimportan yang lebih mudah dan tekanan inflasi yang lebih rendah," katanya.
Ringgit kini berkisar sekitar paras ketinggian dua tahun berbanding dolar AS pada paras 3.19 berbanding dengan 3.42 pada awal tahun ini dan kemuncak tahun lepas pada catatan paras 3.72 pada Mac.
Di segi nominal, ringgit telah meningkat kira-kira 6.7 peratus pada tahun ini sehingga ini berbanding dolar AS. Berbanding dengan mata wang serantau yang lain, ringgit telah meningkat paling tinggi berbanding dengan dolar AS sejak awal tahun ini.
Dengan pengukuhan ringgit, rakyat Malaysia juga mengharapkan terimaan eksport yang bertambah baik yang akan mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan di kalangan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana.
Kesan pergandaan mulai menunjukkan kesan di dalam kemakmuran negara, kata para penganalisis.
Dr Norraesah, yang juga anggota majlis tertinggi Umno berkata: "Kini terdapat lebih banyak wang di dalam ekonomi. Kestabilan ekonomi telah mendorong kepada keyakinan pengguna dan meningkatkan perbelanjaan domestik.
"Ini bermakna lebih banyak pekerjaan, kuasa berbelanja yang lebih tinggi dan potensi pertumbuhan yang lebih besar.
Kedua-dua penganalisis tempatan dan asing juga menyatakan bahawa ekonomi Malaysia kini menikmati pemulihan yang lebih kukuh, dengan pertumbuhan pada tahun ini melepasi kebanyakan unjuran.
Sesetengah penganalisis malah mengunjurkan pertumbuhan sehingga 8.0 peratus pada tahun ini.
DBS Bank Singapura menaikkan unjuran pertumbuhannya bagi ekonomi Malaysia kepada 8.0 peratus daripada 5.7 peratus sebelum ini, dengan jangkaan pertumbuhan terkukuh sepenuh tahun sejak 1996.
Laporan DBS itu sama dengan unjuran syarikat sekuriti lain yang mengunjurkan Malaysia boleh mencatatkan pertumbuhan lebih 7.0 peratus pada tahun ini.
Syarikat sekuriti tempatan yang membuat unjuran paling tinggi, AmResearch, mengunjurkan kepada 8.0 peratus.
Bersama-sama dengan Model Ekonomi Baru (MEB), langkah itu adalah kena pada masanya dan akan memberikan Malaysia satu rangsangan untuk kekal kompetitif, katanya.
Menyetujui pandangan itu, pakar ekonomi yang terlatih di Sorbonne, Datuk Dr. Norraesah Mohamad berkata, pemulihan segera ekonomi Malaysia adalah berikutan 'tindak balas segera' Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk merangsang ekonomi semasa berlaku kemelesetan ekonomi global yang buruk pada tahun lepas.
Menurutnya, sebab kukuh pemulihan itu adalah suntikan pakej rangsangan RM67 bilion ke dalam ekonomi pada tahun lepas yang masih mengalir ke sasarannya.
Ringgit yang lebih kukuh, kata Shahrir akan menggalakkan pengimportan barangan modal, yang akan membantu menyumbang kepada inovasi dan automasi industri negara ini.
"Ia akan turut mengurangkan bil subsidi kerajaan kerana petrol, gula dan tepung, sebagai produk yang diberi subsidi utama, yang kesemuanya didominasi di dalam dolar AS. Dengan pengurangan subsidi, operasi perbelanjaan kerajaan dan defisitnya akan turut dikurangkan." Shahrir berkata, ringgit yang lebih kukuh akan turut menjadikan perjalanan ke luar negara lebih termampu bagi rakyat Malaysia dan ini akan meningkatkan masa liburan masing-masing.
"Yang penting sekali, ringgit yang lebih kukuh akan membantu menambah baik taraf hidup rakyat dengan meningkatkan kuasa membeli mereka melalui pengimportan yang lebih mudah dan tekanan inflasi yang lebih rendah," katanya.
Ringgit kini berkisar sekitar paras ketinggian dua tahun berbanding dolar AS pada paras 3.19 berbanding dengan 3.42 pada awal tahun ini dan kemuncak tahun lepas pada catatan paras 3.72 pada Mac.
Di segi nominal, ringgit telah meningkat kira-kira 6.7 peratus pada tahun ini sehingga ini berbanding dolar AS. Berbanding dengan mata wang serantau yang lain, ringgit telah meningkat paling tinggi berbanding dengan dolar AS sejak awal tahun ini.
Dengan pengukuhan ringgit, rakyat Malaysia juga mengharapkan terimaan eksport yang bertambah baik yang akan mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan di kalangan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana.
Kesan pergandaan mulai menunjukkan kesan di dalam kemakmuran negara, kata para penganalisis.
Dr Norraesah, yang juga anggota majlis tertinggi Umno berkata: "Kini terdapat lebih banyak wang di dalam ekonomi. Kestabilan ekonomi telah mendorong kepada keyakinan pengguna dan meningkatkan perbelanjaan domestik.
"Ini bermakna lebih banyak pekerjaan, kuasa berbelanja yang lebih tinggi dan potensi pertumbuhan yang lebih besar.
Kedua-dua penganalisis tempatan dan asing juga menyatakan bahawa ekonomi Malaysia kini menikmati pemulihan yang lebih kukuh, dengan pertumbuhan pada tahun ini melepasi kebanyakan unjuran.
Sesetengah penganalisis malah mengunjurkan pertumbuhan sehingga 8.0 peratus pada tahun ini.
DBS Bank Singapura menaikkan unjuran pertumbuhannya bagi ekonomi Malaysia kepada 8.0 peratus daripada 5.7 peratus sebelum ini, dengan jangkaan pertumbuhan terkukuh sepenuh tahun sejak 1996.
Laporan DBS itu sama dengan unjuran syarikat sekuriti lain yang mengunjurkan Malaysia boleh mencatatkan pertumbuhan lebih 7.0 peratus pada tahun ini.
Syarikat sekuriti tempatan yang membuat unjuran paling tinggi, AmResearch, mengunjurkan kepada 8.0 peratus.
Ulasan Pasaran: Situasi serantau jejas pasaran
Pelabur tempatan bimbang terkena tempias krisis hutang dihadapi Greece
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih rendah secara menyeluruh semalam sejajar pasaran serantau yang lebih lembap apabila pelabur bimbang mengenai kemungkinan terkena tempias krisis hutang kedaulatan Greece. Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) turun 7.24 mata untuk ditutup kepada 1,335.65 selepas dibuka turun 15.9 mata kepada 1,326.99. Peniaga berkata, peserta pasaran enggan untuk membuat belian dan menunggu petunjuk baru.
Sementara itu, Maybank Investment Bank percaya FBM KLCI yang disokong oleh dana tempatan kemungkinan berdaya tahan di tengah-tengah keadaan ekonomi global yang buruk.
Katanya, tanda kemerosotan harga menunjukkan kenaikan FBM KLCI kemungkinan terbantut.
“Dagangan jangka pendek atau mencantas pasaran akan menjadi strategi pasaran terbaik. Bagi masa ini, kami mempercayai pasaran akan turun naik mendadak. Dengan itu, dagangan perlu dilakukan secara jangka pendek,” katanya.
Indeks Kewangan merosot 34.87 mata kepada 12,042.03, Indeks Perusahaan turun 24.9 mata kepada 2,740.40 dan Indeks Perladangan turun 50.08 mata kepada 6,411.51.
Indeks FBM Emas rugi 52.72 mata kepada 9,000.17, FBM70 hilang 64.58 mata kepada 8,849.31 dan Indeks FBM Ace kerugian 82.39 mata kepada 4,023.83.
Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 531 kepada 193 manakala 257 kaunter tidak berubah, 389 tidak diniagakan dan 29 yang lain digantung.
Perolehan dicatatkan lebih tinggi kepada 861.460 juta saham bernilai RM1.522 bilion berbanding dengan 767.454 juta saham bernilai RM1.069 bilion kelmarin.
Antara kaunter aktif, Talam Corp meningkat 0.5 sen kepada 14.5 sen, KNM rugi 1.0 sen kepada 52 sen dan Gamuda-Waran Hak meningkat 4.5 sen kepada 59 sen. Di kalangan saham berwajaran tinggi, Maybank turun 2.0 sen kepada RM7.63, Sime Darby rugi 13 sen kepada RM8.63, CIMB tidak berubah pada harga RM14.20 dan Maxis meningkat 1.0 sen kepada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 734.121 juta saham bernilai RM1.485 bilion berbanding 640.982 juta saham bernilai RM1.031 bilion kelmarin. Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE turun kepada 58.378 juta saham bernilai RM11.697 juta daripada 64.941 juta saham bernilai RM12.384 juta sebelum itu.
Waran merosot kepada 49.914 juta unit bernilai RM9.381 juta daripada 45.434 juta unit bernilai RM9.605 juta kelmarin.
Produk pengguna mencatatkan 21.804 juta saham diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, produk perusahaan 160.251 juta, pembinaan 55.245 juta, dagang dan perkhidmatan 187.999 juta, teknologi 50.724 juta, prasarana 29.323 juta, kewangan 75.908 juta, hotel 5.987 juta, hartanah 122.590 juta, perladangan 22.098 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 2.107 juta dan tertutup/dana 84,500. – Bernama
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup lebih rendah secara menyeluruh semalam sejajar pasaran serantau yang lebih lembap apabila pelabur bimbang mengenai kemungkinan terkena tempias krisis hutang kedaulatan Greece. Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) turun 7.24 mata untuk ditutup kepada 1,335.65 selepas dibuka turun 15.9 mata kepada 1,326.99. Peniaga berkata, peserta pasaran enggan untuk membuat belian dan menunggu petunjuk baru.
Sementara itu, Maybank Investment Bank percaya FBM KLCI yang disokong oleh dana tempatan kemungkinan berdaya tahan di tengah-tengah keadaan ekonomi global yang buruk.
Katanya, tanda kemerosotan harga menunjukkan kenaikan FBM KLCI kemungkinan terbantut.
“Dagangan jangka pendek atau mencantas pasaran akan menjadi strategi pasaran terbaik. Bagi masa ini, kami mempercayai pasaran akan turun naik mendadak. Dengan itu, dagangan perlu dilakukan secara jangka pendek,” katanya.
Indeks Kewangan merosot 34.87 mata kepada 12,042.03, Indeks Perusahaan turun 24.9 mata kepada 2,740.40 dan Indeks Perladangan turun 50.08 mata kepada 6,411.51.
Indeks FBM Emas rugi 52.72 mata kepada 9,000.17, FBM70 hilang 64.58 mata kepada 8,849.31 dan Indeks FBM Ace kerugian 82.39 mata kepada 4,023.83.
Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 531 kepada 193 manakala 257 kaunter tidak berubah, 389 tidak diniagakan dan 29 yang lain digantung.
Perolehan dicatatkan lebih tinggi kepada 861.460 juta saham bernilai RM1.522 bilion berbanding dengan 767.454 juta saham bernilai RM1.069 bilion kelmarin.
Antara kaunter aktif, Talam Corp meningkat 0.5 sen kepada 14.5 sen, KNM rugi 1.0 sen kepada 52 sen dan Gamuda-Waran Hak meningkat 4.5 sen kepada 59 sen. Di kalangan saham berwajaran tinggi, Maybank turun 2.0 sen kepada RM7.63, Sime Darby rugi 13 sen kepada RM8.63, CIMB tidak berubah pada harga RM14.20 dan Maxis meningkat 1.0 sen kepada RM5.31.
Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Utama meningkat kepada 734.121 juta saham bernilai RM1.485 bilion berbanding 640.982 juta saham bernilai RM1.031 bilion kelmarin. Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran ACE turun kepada 58.378 juta saham bernilai RM11.697 juta daripada 64.941 juta saham bernilai RM12.384 juta sebelum itu.
Waran merosot kepada 49.914 juta unit bernilai RM9.381 juta daripada 45.434 juta unit bernilai RM9.605 juta kelmarin.
Produk pengguna mencatatkan 21.804 juta saham diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, produk perusahaan 160.251 juta, pembinaan 55.245 juta, dagang dan perkhidmatan 187.999 juta, teknologi 50.724 juta, prasarana 29.323 juta, kewangan 75.908 juta, hotel 5.987 juta, hartanah 122.590 juta, perladangan 22.098 juta, perlombongan tiada, REIT 2.107 juta dan tertutup/dana 84,500. – Bernama
MMC-Gamuda beri kontrak RM4.1b untuk Bumiputera
170 subkontraktor dapat pakej bernilai sehingga RM1 bilion
MMC-Gamuda Joint Venture Sdn Bhd (MMC-Gamuda JV), kontraktor utama projek Landasan Kereta Api Berkembar Elektrik (EDTP) dari Ipoh ke Padang Besar, sudah memberikan kontrak bernilai RM4.1 bilion kepada 170 subkontraktor Bumiputera. Pengarahnya, Datuk Azmi Mat Nor, berkata ia membabitkan 350 pakej kerja bernilai antara RM1 juta dan RM1 bilion yang diberikan kepada subkontraktor Bumiputera daripada Kelas A hingga F. “Kontrak bernilai RM4.1 bilion yang diberikan itu sudah melebihi 30 peratus daripada nilai kontrak keseluruhan RM12.485 bilion,” katanya pada taklimat media berhubung kemajuan projek berkenaan di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.
Azmi berkata, pihaknya sudah menyerahkan 540 pakej kerja serta pembekalan barangan kepada 310 subkontraktor dan pembekal sejak projek itu dimulakan pada Januari 2008.
Katanya, bagi kontrak pembekalan seperti menyediakan bahan kuari, besi dan bahan pembinaan lain, nilainya adalah RM3.6 bilion.
“Kontrak yang dianugerahkan itu memberikan kesan positif serta-merta kepada ekonomi di empat negeri iaitu Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Perlis,” katanya.
Azmi menegaskan, pelaksanaan projek itu juga bakal memberikan kesan limpahan kepada ekonomi dengan mewujudkan pelbagai kegiatan hiliran yang dianggarkan bernilai RM25 bilion.
Katanya, projek berkenaan juga dijangkakan menyumbang secara purata 0.75 peratus kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) sepanjang tempoh enam tahun pelaksanaannya.
Dari segi peluang pekerjaan, Azmi berkata, projek itu secara langsung menyediakan 50,000 pekerjaan baru, kebanyakannya diisi rakyat tempatan.
“Secara tidak langsung pula, ia mewujudkan 40,000 peluang pekerjaan baru seperti dalam bidang perhotelan,” katanya sambil menambah MMC-Gamuda JV pula menggaji 3,000 kakitangan profesional dan separuh profesional dalam pelbagai sektor yang ada kaitan dengan projek berkenaan.
Azmi turut menegaskan, tidak berlaku lebihan kos atau kelewatan dalam pelaksanaan projek itu.
Tegasnya, pelaksanaan projek landasan sepanjang 329 kilometer itu berjalan lancar, yang setakat ini 43 peratus sudah disiapkan.
“Kemajuan projek amat baik dan kami yakin dapat menyiapkannya mengikut jadual asal iaitu pada Disember 2013 tanpa sebarang kos tambahan.
“Kira-kira 75 peratus bahan yang diperlukan bagi projek itu dibeli lebih awal,” katanya sambil menambah jika skop kerja kekal sama, sebarang lebihan kos akan ditanggung syarikat itu.
Azmi bagaimanapun menegaskan, bagi memastikan projek itu berjalan lancar, pihaknya tidak akan teragak-agak menyingkirkan subkontraktor yang gagal menyiapkan kerja seperti yang ditetapkan.
“Setakat ini, kira-kira 30 kontraktor Bumiputera dan bukan Bumiputera sudah disingkirkan kerana gagal menyiapkan kerja mengikut jadual,” katanya.
MMC-Gamuda Joint Venture Sdn Bhd (MMC-Gamuda JV), kontraktor utama projek Landasan Kereta Api Berkembar Elektrik (EDTP) dari Ipoh ke Padang Besar, sudah memberikan kontrak bernilai RM4.1 bilion kepada 170 subkontraktor Bumiputera. Pengarahnya, Datuk Azmi Mat Nor, berkata ia membabitkan 350 pakej kerja bernilai antara RM1 juta dan RM1 bilion yang diberikan kepada subkontraktor Bumiputera daripada Kelas A hingga F. “Kontrak bernilai RM4.1 bilion yang diberikan itu sudah melebihi 30 peratus daripada nilai kontrak keseluruhan RM12.485 bilion,” katanya pada taklimat media berhubung kemajuan projek berkenaan di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.
Azmi berkata, pihaknya sudah menyerahkan 540 pakej kerja serta pembekalan barangan kepada 310 subkontraktor dan pembekal sejak projek itu dimulakan pada Januari 2008.
Katanya, bagi kontrak pembekalan seperti menyediakan bahan kuari, besi dan bahan pembinaan lain, nilainya adalah RM3.6 bilion.
“Kontrak yang dianugerahkan itu memberikan kesan positif serta-merta kepada ekonomi di empat negeri iaitu Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Perlis,” katanya.
Azmi menegaskan, pelaksanaan projek itu juga bakal memberikan kesan limpahan kepada ekonomi dengan mewujudkan pelbagai kegiatan hiliran yang dianggarkan bernilai RM25 bilion.
Katanya, projek berkenaan juga dijangkakan menyumbang secara purata 0.75 peratus kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) sepanjang tempoh enam tahun pelaksanaannya.
Dari segi peluang pekerjaan, Azmi berkata, projek itu secara langsung menyediakan 50,000 pekerjaan baru, kebanyakannya diisi rakyat tempatan.
“Secara tidak langsung pula, ia mewujudkan 40,000 peluang pekerjaan baru seperti dalam bidang perhotelan,” katanya sambil menambah MMC-Gamuda JV pula menggaji 3,000 kakitangan profesional dan separuh profesional dalam pelbagai sektor yang ada kaitan dengan projek berkenaan.
Azmi turut menegaskan, tidak berlaku lebihan kos atau kelewatan dalam pelaksanaan projek itu.
Tegasnya, pelaksanaan projek landasan sepanjang 329 kilometer itu berjalan lancar, yang setakat ini 43 peratus sudah disiapkan.
“Kemajuan projek amat baik dan kami yakin dapat menyiapkannya mengikut jadual asal iaitu pada Disember 2013 tanpa sebarang kos tambahan.
“Kira-kira 75 peratus bahan yang diperlukan bagi projek itu dibeli lebih awal,” katanya sambil menambah jika skop kerja kekal sama, sebarang lebihan kos akan ditanggung syarikat itu.
Azmi bagaimanapun menegaskan, bagi memastikan projek itu berjalan lancar, pihaknya tidak akan teragak-agak menyingkirkan subkontraktor yang gagal menyiapkan kerja seperti yang ditetapkan.
“Setakat ini, kira-kira 30 kontraktor Bumiputera dan bukan Bumiputera sudah disingkirkan kerana gagal menyiapkan kerja mengikut jadual,” katanya.
Double-track project will complete on schedule, says MMC-Gamuda JV
KUALA LUMPUR: MMC-Gamuda Joint Venture Sdn Bhd said on Wednesday, May 5 it is confident of completing the CONSTRUCTION [] of the RM12.49 billion Ipoh-Padang Besar electrified double tracking project (EDTP) on schedule by December 2013 without any increases in costs.
"We want to meet the target date of December 2013," EDTP's executive director Datuk Ir Azmi Mat Nor told reporters here on Wednesday at a progress briefing.
On any unexpected increase in the cost of building materials, he said it had hedged three quarters of the required raw materials and that if the scope of work remained the same, the company "will bear the extra costs", if any.
To a question on whether it foresaw any possibility of any increase in costs, Azmi said: "So far, so good". The company has so far spent RM2 billion to purchase raw materials such as concrete products, quarry materials, steel products, plant, machineries and others.
Azmi said the company had received about 43% of the RM12.49 billion contractual value from the government, in line with the progress of the project.
It has completed about 43% of the physical works and construction of the 329km railway track is taking place simultaneously in the four states involved — Perak, Penang, Kedah and Perlis.
"The impact of the EDTP on the construction industry is far reaching. The multiplier effect from work packages and jobs awarded by the EDTP would generate an estimated RM25 billion worth of downstream economic activities. The multiplier effect is probably one of the biggest money-spinners to benefit the four states," Azmi said.
"Gross domestic product contribution (at current price statistics and assumption there are no leakages) from the EDTP is 0.75% average over the project's six year period".
Azmi said MMC-Gamuda JV had already awarded 540 or 90% of work packages to 310 sub-contractors and suppliers to date for various stages of construction which comprises earthworks, piling, structural works, systems and electrification, mechanical and electrical, communications and bridge works.
It has hired 170 bumiputera subcontractors ranging from Class A to Class F with a total of 350 work packages — each of which is valued at RM1 million to RM1 billion.
To date, the total contracts awarded amounts to RM4.1 billion — which is more than 30% of total contract value, it said.
Azmi also said MMC-Gamuda JV had terminated the services of nearly 30 contractors which did not adhere to its standards.
The project will create a total of 90,000 jobs with 95% of them going to Malaysians, the rest comprising hard labour jobs will go to foreigners, while all professional jobs were sourced from within the country, it said.
"We have hired 3,000 engineers. Even before these engineers graduate, we have interviewed and head hunted them from local universities. Our local engineers — they are superb," Azmi said.
On land acquisition matters, Azmi said: "So far, we've got good cooperation from the federal and state governments. Any compensation for land to local residents are paid (by the government) at market prices. If it is market prices, they will move voluntarily".
"We want to meet the target date of December 2013," EDTP's executive director Datuk Ir Azmi Mat Nor told reporters here on Wednesday at a progress briefing.
On any unexpected increase in the cost of building materials, he said it had hedged three quarters of the required raw materials and that if the scope of work remained the same, the company "will bear the extra costs", if any.
To a question on whether it foresaw any possibility of any increase in costs, Azmi said: "So far, so good". The company has so far spent RM2 billion to purchase raw materials such as concrete products, quarry materials, steel products, plant, machineries and others.
Azmi said the company had received about 43% of the RM12.49 billion contractual value from the government, in line with the progress of the project.
It has completed about 43% of the physical works and construction of the 329km railway track is taking place simultaneously in the four states involved — Perak, Penang, Kedah and Perlis.
"The impact of the EDTP on the construction industry is far reaching. The multiplier effect from work packages and jobs awarded by the EDTP would generate an estimated RM25 billion worth of downstream economic activities. The multiplier effect is probably one of the biggest money-spinners to benefit the four states," Azmi said.
"Gross domestic product contribution (at current price statistics and assumption there are no leakages) from the EDTP is 0.75% average over the project's six year period".
Azmi said MMC-Gamuda JV had already awarded 540 or 90% of work packages to 310 sub-contractors and suppliers to date for various stages of construction which comprises earthworks, piling, structural works, systems and electrification, mechanical and electrical, communications and bridge works.
It has hired 170 bumiputera subcontractors ranging from Class A to Class F with a total of 350 work packages — each of which is valued at RM1 million to RM1 billion.
To date, the total contracts awarded amounts to RM4.1 billion — which is more than 30% of total contract value, it said.
Azmi also said MMC-Gamuda JV had terminated the services of nearly 30 contractors which did not adhere to its standards.
The project will create a total of 90,000 jobs with 95% of them going to Malaysians, the rest comprising hard labour jobs will go to foreigners, while all professional jobs were sourced from within the country, it said.
"We have hired 3,000 engineers. Even before these engineers graduate, we have interviewed and head hunted them from local universities. Our local engineers — they are superb," Azmi said.
On land acquisition matters, Azmi said: "So far, we've got good cooperation from the federal and state governments. Any compensation for land to local residents are paid (by the government) at market prices. If it is market prices, they will move voluntarily".
Flash US stocks slip at open
NEW YORK: US stocks slid at the open on Wednesday, May 5 as continued jitters about Greece's sovereign debt crisis and its potential to spread overshadowed data showing jobs growth in the U.S. private sector.
Rating agency Moody's said it was reviewing Portugal's key rating for a possible downgrade.
The Dow Jones industrial average lost 89.79 points, or 0.82 percent, to 10,836.98. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 12.88 points, or 1.10 percent, to 1,160.72. The Nasdaq Composite Index dropped 37.90 points, or 1.56 percent, to 2,386.35.
Meanwhile, light crude oil prices fell 4% to trade under $80 a barrel on Wednesday, as the dollar rallied sharply against the euro on worries over euro-zone debt, rising violence in Greece and expectations of a gain in crude inventories. - Agencies
Rating agency Moody's said it was reviewing Portugal's key rating for a possible downgrade.
The Dow Jones industrial average lost 89.79 points, or 0.82 percent, to 10,836.98. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 12.88 points, or 1.10 percent, to 1,160.72. The Nasdaq Composite Index dropped 37.90 points, or 1.56 percent, to 2,386.35.
Meanwhile, light crude oil prices fell 4% to trade under $80 a barrel on Wednesday, as the dollar rallied sharply against the euro on worries over euro-zone debt, rising violence in Greece and expectations of a gain in crude inventories. - Agencies
Cautious start for blue chips
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chips fell in early trade on Thursday, April 6, which was not unexpected after the second day of losses on Wall Street, sparked by the Greek debt crisis, but the selling pressure seemed to have eased from Wednesday.
At 9.11am, the FBM KLCI fell 3.21 points to 1,332.44. Turnover was 31.23 million shares valued at RM33.24 million. There were 62 gainers, 91 losers and 93 stocks were unchanged. The cautious sentiment saw about 1,395 counters untraded.
Hwang DBS Vickers Research said there could be a bit more downside to go but the selling pressures should ease off on our Malaysian stock exchange judging by its fairly resilient performance yesterday.
Last night, major U.S. share indices tumbled further – down by between 0.5% and 0.9% at the closing bell – on continued fears of a contagion effect from the sovereign debt crisis in Greece spreading over to other parts of Europe.
“Still, for now at least, the selling mood is not panicky as reflected on the futures market. For example, the June month futures contract for the bellwether DJIA was hovering at 10,857 this morning, just marginally below the cash level of 10,868.
“Back home, the benchmark FBM KLCI is expected to show a negative bias ahead, though it will probably not drop below yesterday’s intra-day low of 1,324 anytime soon,” said the research house.
KL Kepong was the top loser, down 14 sen to RM16.34, Shell lost 10 sen to RM10.70 while Sime shed eight sen to RM8.55. Maybank and Genting fell four sen each to RM7.59 and RM6.81.
Tanjong bucked the trend among blue chips, rising 14 sen to RM17.76 while CIMB edged up 10 sen to RM14.30.
At 9.11am, the FBM KLCI fell 3.21 points to 1,332.44. Turnover was 31.23 million shares valued at RM33.24 million. There were 62 gainers, 91 losers and 93 stocks were unchanged. The cautious sentiment saw about 1,395 counters untraded.
Hwang DBS Vickers Research said there could be a bit more downside to go but the selling pressures should ease off on our Malaysian stock exchange judging by its fairly resilient performance yesterday.
Last night, major U.S. share indices tumbled further – down by between 0.5% and 0.9% at the closing bell – on continued fears of a contagion effect from the sovereign debt crisis in Greece spreading over to other parts of Europe.
“Still, for now at least, the selling mood is not panicky as reflected on the futures market. For example, the June month futures contract for the bellwether DJIA was hovering at 10,857 this morning, just marginally below the cash level of 10,868.
“Back home, the benchmark FBM KLCI is expected to show a negative bias ahead, though it will probably not drop below yesterday’s intra-day low of 1,324 anytime soon,” said the research house.
KL Kepong was the top loser, down 14 sen to RM16.34, Shell lost 10 sen to RM10.70 while Sime shed eight sen to RM8.55. Maybank and Genting fell four sen each to RM7.59 and RM6.81.
Tanjong bucked the trend among blue chips, rising 14 sen to RM17.76 while CIMB edged up 10 sen to RM14.30.
CIMB Research downgrades Sime to Neutral
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research has downgraded Sime Darby from Trading Buy to NEUTRAL on news that more than RM1 billion in cost overruns for Bakun comes as a negative surprise to its.
The research house said on Thursday, May 6 the cost overruns could lop 8% off its FY6/10 earnings and dent investors’ confidence and sentiment towards Sime.
“Management has not denied the news of a potential cost overrun at Bakun. Sime's 1.3% share price loss yesterday (Wednesday) wiped RM781 millio from its market cap which is more than the likely losses,” it said.
CIMB Research said more importantly, this issue raises questions about transparency, execution and earnings momentum and leads it to believe there are insufficient catalysts for the stock to outperform in the short term.
“To account for the risk of write-downs and dented confidence in Sime Darby, we now apply a 10% discount to our SOP value, which reduces our target price from RM10.82 to RM9.70. Although the stock’s P/E valuation may be more attractive than its peers, it is offset by earnings downside risks from potential losses from Bakun project.
“We recommend investors to switch to Wilmar in Singapore or Genting PLANTATION [] in Malaysia for exposure to the plantation sector,” it said.
The research house said on Thursday, May 6 the cost overruns could lop 8% off its FY6/10 earnings and dent investors’ confidence and sentiment towards Sime.
“Management has not denied the news of a potential cost overrun at Bakun. Sime's 1.3% share price loss yesterday (Wednesday) wiped RM781 millio from its market cap which is more than the likely losses,” it said.
CIMB Research said more importantly, this issue raises questions about transparency, execution and earnings momentum and leads it to believe there are insufficient catalysts for the stock to outperform in the short term.
“To account for the risk of write-downs and dented confidence in Sime Darby, we now apply a 10% discount to our SOP value, which reduces our target price from RM10.82 to RM9.70. Although the stock’s P/E valuation may be more attractive than its peers, it is offset by earnings downside risks from potential losses from Bakun project.
“We recommend investors to switch to Wilmar in Singapore or Genting PLANTATION [] in Malaysia for exposure to the plantation sector,” it said.
Stocks to watch: Unisem, Faber Group, MMC, Gamuda, E&O, Three-A Resources
KUALA LUMPUR: The volatile global markets, triggered by the Greek debt crisis which sent major markets into the red on Wednesday, May 5 will continue to weigh on Asian bourses including Bursa Malaysia on Thursday.
On Wall Street, US stocks slipped on Wednesday on worries that Greece's debt crisis could spread to other euro zone nations, but losses were capped as investors looked for bargains a day after a hefty sell-off, according to Reuters.
Doubts about Europe's plan to rescue Greece and fears the debt problems could hinder global growth drove investors to safe-havens, boosting U.S. Treasuries and driving down European stocks and the euro.
At Bursa, stocks to watch include UNISEM (M) BHD [], FABER GROUP BHD [], MMC Corp Bhd, GAMUDA BHD [] and Menang Corp Bhd.Also on the watch list are THREE-A RESOURCES BHD [] (3A) and Eastern & Oriental Bhd (E&O)
Six months after roping in Wilmar International Ltd as a major shareholder via a private placement, Three-A Resources Bhd (3A) has put into effect its proposed overseas business partnerships with, and leveraging on, the larger Singapore-listed group.
In what appears to be a move to consolidate his shareholding in Eastern & Oriental Bhd (E&O), its managing director Datuk Terry Tham Ka Hon has seen his direct interest in the company increasing over the past few weeks.
Unisem's net profit of RM41.63 million in the first quarter (1Q) ended March 31, 2010 reflected the turnaround in the semiconductor sector. This was versus a net loss of RM23.1 million a year ago.
Riding on on the recovery of the semiconductor sector, it expected a further improvement in the current quarter. Revenue surged 82% to RM329.25 million, up 82% from RM180.68 million while earnings per share were 8.03 sen compared with a loss per share of 4.9 sen.
Faber Group Bhd's net profit almost doubled in its first quarter to RM14.39 million from RM7.26 million a year ago as revenue rose 30.6% to RM183.98 million from RM140.82 million.
According to the group, its integrated facilities management (IFM) concession recorded positive variance of RM49.9 million largely thanks to business expansion in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), higher variation order, higher bed occupancy rate and additional new facilities at the government hospitals within the group's concession area.
The start of new housekeeping projects in India also contributed to the group's positive variance, it added.
MMC-Gamuda Joint Venture Sdn Bhd, which is building the RM12.49 billion Ipoh-Padang Besar electrified double tracking project, is confident of completing the CONSTRUCTION [] by December 2013 without any increases in costs.
Its executive director Datuk Azmi Mat Nor said it had hedged three quarters of the required raw materials and that if the scope of work remained the same, the company "will bear the extra costs", if any.
The JV company has so far spent RM2 billion to purchase raw materials such as concrete products, quarry materials, steel products, plant, machineries and others. A plus point is that had received about 43% of the RM12.49 billion contractual value from the government, in line with the progress of the project.
It has completed about 43% of the physical works and construction of the 329km railway track is taking place simultaneously in the four states involved - Perak, Penang, Kedah and Perlis.
In Menang Corp, its subsidiary has secured a concession agreement from the government to build a campus for Universiti Teknologi MARA in Seremban costing RM300 million. The concession is for 23 years, similar to the two earlier contracts awarded to Crest Builder and TRIplc.
ECS ICT Bhd, which made its debut on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia last month, reported net profit of RM5.69 million in its first quarter ended March 31, 2010 (1QFY10), up 52.9% from RM3.79 million a year ago. The better performance was underpinned by higher revenue and margins of its enterprise systems segment.
Earnings per share stood at 6.2 sen. It declared a special single-tier interim dividend of four sen per share, which would be paid on June 15, 2010.
Hektar Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) posted a 10% rise in net profit in its first quarter to RM10 million from RM9.1 million a year earlier while revenue rose 5.7% to RM23 million from RM21.8 million.
The higher revenue was primarily due to higher recognition of turnover rent in 2010. In addition, the application of FRS117 which started on Jan 1, 2010, also contributed to a higher revenue by RM421,174 in 2010.
On Wall Street, US stocks slipped on Wednesday on worries that Greece's debt crisis could spread to other euro zone nations, but losses were capped as investors looked for bargains a day after a hefty sell-off, according to Reuters.
Doubts about Europe's plan to rescue Greece and fears the debt problems could hinder global growth drove investors to safe-havens, boosting U.S. Treasuries and driving down European stocks and the euro.
At Bursa, stocks to watch include UNISEM (M) BHD [], FABER GROUP BHD [], MMC Corp Bhd, GAMUDA BHD [] and Menang Corp Bhd.Also on the watch list are THREE-A RESOURCES BHD [] (3A) and Eastern & Oriental Bhd (E&O)
Six months after roping in Wilmar International Ltd as a major shareholder via a private placement, Three-A Resources Bhd (3A) has put into effect its proposed overseas business partnerships with, and leveraging on, the larger Singapore-listed group.
In what appears to be a move to consolidate his shareholding in Eastern & Oriental Bhd (E&O), its managing director Datuk Terry Tham Ka Hon has seen his direct interest in the company increasing over the past few weeks.
Unisem's net profit of RM41.63 million in the first quarter (1Q) ended March 31, 2010 reflected the turnaround in the semiconductor sector. This was versus a net loss of RM23.1 million a year ago.
Riding on on the recovery of the semiconductor sector, it expected a further improvement in the current quarter. Revenue surged 82% to RM329.25 million, up 82% from RM180.68 million while earnings per share were 8.03 sen compared with a loss per share of 4.9 sen.
Faber Group Bhd's net profit almost doubled in its first quarter to RM14.39 million from RM7.26 million a year ago as revenue rose 30.6% to RM183.98 million from RM140.82 million.
According to the group, its integrated facilities management (IFM) concession recorded positive variance of RM49.9 million largely thanks to business expansion in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), higher variation order, higher bed occupancy rate and additional new facilities at the government hospitals within the group's concession area.
The start of new housekeeping projects in India also contributed to the group's positive variance, it added.
MMC-Gamuda Joint Venture Sdn Bhd, which is building the RM12.49 billion Ipoh-Padang Besar electrified double tracking project, is confident of completing the CONSTRUCTION [] by December 2013 without any increases in costs.
Its executive director Datuk Azmi Mat Nor said it had hedged three quarters of the required raw materials and that if the scope of work remained the same, the company "will bear the extra costs", if any.
The JV company has so far spent RM2 billion to purchase raw materials such as concrete products, quarry materials, steel products, plant, machineries and others. A plus point is that had received about 43% of the RM12.49 billion contractual value from the government, in line with the progress of the project.
It has completed about 43% of the physical works and construction of the 329km railway track is taking place simultaneously in the four states involved - Perak, Penang, Kedah and Perlis.
In Menang Corp, its subsidiary has secured a concession agreement from the government to build a campus for Universiti Teknologi MARA in Seremban costing RM300 million. The concession is for 23 years, similar to the two earlier contracts awarded to Crest Builder and TRIplc.
ECS ICT Bhd, which made its debut on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia last month, reported net profit of RM5.69 million in its first quarter ended March 31, 2010 (1QFY10), up 52.9% from RM3.79 million a year ago. The better performance was underpinned by higher revenue and margins of its enterprise systems segment.
Earnings per share stood at 6.2 sen. It declared a special single-tier interim dividend of four sen per share, which would be paid on June 15, 2010.
Hektar Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) posted a 10% rise in net profit in its first quarter to RM10 million from RM9.1 million a year earlier while revenue rose 5.7% to RM23 million from RM21.8 million.
The higher revenue was primarily due to higher recognition of turnover rent in 2010. In addition, the application of FRS117 which started on Jan 1, 2010, also contributed to a higher revenue by RM421,174 in 2010.
Corporate growth must be supported by organisational strategy
KUALA LUMPUR: Financial institutions in Malaysia are poised to go regional and from there, globally, and they need to be organisationally equipped to cope with the swift growth, said management consultant and University of Michigan professor of business, Dave Ulrich.
"As a company goes through growth and their business strategies evolve, leadership needs to evolve in tandem," he said at a dinner talk here on Tuesday evening, May 4, as part of the Financial Institutions Director's Education (FIDE) programme organised by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and Malaysian Deposit Insurance Corporation (PIDM).
He cited the example of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) as a company that outgrew its capacity to govern. "They overextended. RBS failed to integrate well, its top-line growth was unsupported by sound infrastructure, and the result was a bailout by the Bank of England," Ulrich said.
A key area boards of directors need to look at when managing an organisational strategy is the company's intellectual agenda.
"Does the company have a clear and simple message? Are leaders communicating it clearly and are they consistent?" asked Ulrich. Companies also need to determine what to share, who to share it with, when and how the information is shared, he added.
Companies should also take into account corporate culture by determining a behavioural agenda in line with corporate strategy. "Teach employees the correct principles and let them govern themselves. Give them ownership of ideas and determine which behaviours to encourage and discourage," said Ulrich.
Next, corporations must adapt their systems to align with their strategy and customers. "These systems cover staffing, training, performance management, decision making and information TECHNOLOGY []," Ulrich said. Finally, the culture of leadership must be bigger than the leaders, he said.
"Leaders must behave as if they are committed to corporate strategy, both in public and in private and they should be held accountable for the delivery of the new strategy," Ulrich said.
Meanwhile, PIDM CEO Jean Pierre Sabourin said Malaysia's target of a higher-level economy must be backed by a leadership that was prepared to guide its growth.
"Through focus groups with leading company directors, FIDE has crafted a programme that addresses issues of concern for them, like risk management and corporate governance. We would like to offer our support to all directors," he said.
Founded in 2008, FIDE is designed with specific focus on financial sector issues with the aim of strengthening skill sets and knowledge of directors, promoting excellence, supporting directors with a sound understanding of current issues and developments in the financial industry and of creating an environment for directors to learn from one another.
Since the programme was launched, 160 directors have gone through the training modules and a further 50 have signed up this year. For more details log on to
"As a company goes through growth and their business strategies evolve, leadership needs to evolve in tandem," he said at a dinner talk here on Tuesday evening, May 4, as part of the Financial Institutions Director's Education (FIDE) programme organised by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and Malaysian Deposit Insurance Corporation (PIDM).
He cited the example of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) as a company that outgrew its capacity to govern. "They overextended. RBS failed to integrate well, its top-line growth was unsupported by sound infrastructure, and the result was a bailout by the Bank of England," Ulrich said.
A key area boards of directors need to look at when managing an organisational strategy is the company's intellectual agenda.
"Does the company have a clear and simple message? Are leaders communicating it clearly and are they consistent?" asked Ulrich. Companies also need to determine what to share, who to share it with, when and how the information is shared, he added.
Companies should also take into account corporate culture by determining a behavioural agenda in line with corporate strategy. "Teach employees the correct principles and let them govern themselves. Give them ownership of ideas and determine which behaviours to encourage and discourage," said Ulrich.
Next, corporations must adapt their systems to align with their strategy and customers. "These systems cover staffing, training, performance management, decision making and information TECHNOLOGY []," Ulrich said. Finally, the culture of leadership must be bigger than the leaders, he said.
"Leaders must behave as if they are committed to corporate strategy, both in public and in private and they should be held accountable for the delivery of the new strategy," Ulrich said.
Meanwhile, PIDM CEO Jean Pierre Sabourin said Malaysia's target of a higher-level economy must be backed by a leadership that was prepared to guide its growth.
"Through focus groups with leading company directors, FIDE has crafted a programme that addresses issues of concern for them, like risk management and corporate governance. We would like to offer our support to all directors," he said.
Founded in 2008, FIDE is designed with specific focus on financial sector issues with the aim of strengthening skill sets and knowledge of directors, promoting excellence, supporting directors with a sound understanding of current issues and developments in the financial industry and of creating an environment for directors to learn from one another.
Since the programme was launched, 160 directors have gone through the training modules and a further 50 have signed up this year. For more details log on to
May 5, 2010
Ulasan pasaran: Situasi global jejas sentimen
Pasaran turun naik, pelabur bimbang kesan krisis hutang Greece
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup rendah semalam kerana pelabur enggan melabur semula keuntungan mereka berikutan kebimbangan berhubung situasi tidak menentu dalam pasaran global. Ketika di penutup, Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) susut empat mata kepada 1,342.89 selepas dibuka 1.47 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,348.36 di sesi pagi. Peniaga berkata, pasaran global terus berdepan keadaan turun naik, diikuti kebimbangan terhadap kesan kemungkinan krisis hutang negara Greece. Krisis di negara itu menjejaskan sentimen pasaran meskipun berlakunya kerancakan di Wall Street kelmarin.
Katanya, kemungkinan berlakunya rali dijangkakan pada separuh kedua tahun ini dan pasaran meninjau petunjuk baru seperti angka ekonomi Malaysia dan pendapatan korporat.
OSK Research berkata, sektor seperti automobil, perbankan, produk pengguna, keluli dan pengangkutan dijangka mencatatkan keputusan kewangan yang menggalakkan.
Sehubungan itu, katanya, pendapatan yang baik ini mungkin boleh membantu pasaran untuk bergerak ke hadapan, bulan ini.
“Kami turut maklum keputusan kewangan suku pertama 2010 bakal diumumkan bulan ini pada umumnya nampak positif,” kata syarikat penyelidikan itu.
Pada penutup, Indeks Kewangan turun 17.619 mata kepada 12,076.9 dan Indeks Perusahaan merosot 13.19 mata kepada 2,765.3 tetapi Indeks Perladangan menokok 4.11 mata kepada 6,461.59.
Indeks FBM Emas lebih rendah 47.67 mata kepada 9,057.89, FBM70 berkurangan 82.971 mata kepada 8,913.89 dan Indeks FBM Ace pula 52.57 mata lebih rendah pada 4,106.22.
Saham rugi mengatasi saham untung dengan 556 berbalas 175 sementara 285 kaunter tidak berubah, 354 tidak diniagakan dan 29 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan rendah sedikit kepada 767.454 juta saham bernilai RM1.069 bilion berbanding 771.119 juta saham bernilai RM1.031 bilion kelmarin.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Talam Corp merosot satu sen kepada 14 sen, Genting turun tiga sen kepada RM2.84, Green Packet berkurangan 2.5 sen kepada 96 sen dan Berjaya Corp susut 14 sen kepada RM1.55.
Untuk saham berwajaran tinggi, Maybank menokok dua sen kepada RM7.65, Sime Darby turun lima sen kepada RM8.76, CIMB menambah dua sen kepada RM14.20 dan Maxis susut dua sen kepada RM5.30.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama naik sedikit kepada 640.982 juta bernilai RM1.031 bilion berbanding 636.772 juta saham bernilai RM993.670 juta kelmarin.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran ACE mengukuh kepada 64.941 juta saham bernilai RM12.384 juta daripada 81.241 juta saham bernilai RM17.441 juta.
Waran pula menambah kepada 45.434 juta unit bernilai RM9.605 juta daripada 42.392 juta unit bernilai RM8.583 juta sebelumnya.
Produk pengguna menguasai 20.257 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, produk perindustrian 113.849 juta, pembinaan 44.988 juta, urus niaga dan perkhidmatan 176.159 juta, teknologi 63.896 juta, infrastruktur 25.596 juta, kewangan 61.483 juta, perhotelan 9.271 juta, hartanah 118.275 juta, perladangan 5.324 juta, perlombongan 76,000, REIT 1.781 juta dan dana tertutup 26,500. – Bernama
HARGA saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup rendah semalam kerana pelabur enggan melabur semula keuntungan mereka berikutan kebimbangan berhubung situasi tidak menentu dalam pasaran global. Ketika di penutup, Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) susut empat mata kepada 1,342.89 selepas dibuka 1.47 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,348.36 di sesi pagi. Peniaga berkata, pasaran global terus berdepan keadaan turun naik, diikuti kebimbangan terhadap kesan kemungkinan krisis hutang negara Greece. Krisis di negara itu menjejaskan sentimen pasaran meskipun berlakunya kerancakan di Wall Street kelmarin.
Katanya, kemungkinan berlakunya rali dijangkakan pada separuh kedua tahun ini dan pasaran meninjau petunjuk baru seperti angka ekonomi Malaysia dan pendapatan korporat.
OSK Research berkata, sektor seperti automobil, perbankan, produk pengguna, keluli dan pengangkutan dijangka mencatatkan keputusan kewangan yang menggalakkan.
Sehubungan itu, katanya, pendapatan yang baik ini mungkin boleh membantu pasaran untuk bergerak ke hadapan, bulan ini.
“Kami turut maklum keputusan kewangan suku pertama 2010 bakal diumumkan bulan ini pada umumnya nampak positif,” kata syarikat penyelidikan itu.
Pada penutup, Indeks Kewangan turun 17.619 mata kepada 12,076.9 dan Indeks Perusahaan merosot 13.19 mata kepada 2,765.3 tetapi Indeks Perladangan menokok 4.11 mata kepada 6,461.59.
Indeks FBM Emas lebih rendah 47.67 mata kepada 9,057.89, FBM70 berkurangan 82.971 mata kepada 8,913.89 dan Indeks FBM Ace pula 52.57 mata lebih rendah pada 4,106.22.
Saham rugi mengatasi saham untung dengan 556 berbalas 175 sementara 285 kaunter tidak berubah, 354 tidak diniagakan dan 29 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan rendah sedikit kepada 767.454 juta saham bernilai RM1.069 bilion berbanding 771.119 juta saham bernilai RM1.031 bilion kelmarin.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Talam Corp merosot satu sen kepada 14 sen, Genting turun tiga sen kepada RM2.84, Green Packet berkurangan 2.5 sen kepada 96 sen dan Berjaya Corp susut 14 sen kepada RM1.55.
Untuk saham berwajaran tinggi, Maybank menokok dua sen kepada RM7.65, Sime Darby turun lima sen kepada RM8.76, CIMB menambah dua sen kepada RM14.20 dan Maxis susut dua sen kepada RM5.30.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama naik sedikit kepada 640.982 juta bernilai RM1.031 bilion berbanding 636.772 juta saham bernilai RM993.670 juta kelmarin.
Jumlah dagangan di pasaran ACE mengukuh kepada 64.941 juta saham bernilai RM12.384 juta daripada 81.241 juta saham bernilai RM17.441 juta.
Waran pula menambah kepada 45.434 juta unit bernilai RM9.605 juta daripada 42.392 juta unit bernilai RM8.583 juta sebelumnya.
Produk pengguna menguasai 20.257 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, produk perindustrian 113.849 juta, pembinaan 44.988 juta, urus niaga dan perkhidmatan 176.159 juta, teknologi 63.896 juta, infrastruktur 25.596 juta, kewangan 61.483 juta, perhotelan 9.271 juta, hartanah 118.275 juta, perladangan 5.324 juta, perlombongan 76,000, REIT 1.781 juta dan dana tertutup 26,500. – Bernama
Ringgit ditutup rendah
KUALA LUMPUR 4 Mei - Ringgit berakhir lebih rendah berbanding dolar AS hari ini sejajar dengan trend menurun pada pasaran saham tempatan, kata peniaga.
Pada penutup 5 petang, mata wang tempatan itu didagangkan pada 3.2100/2150 berbanding 3.2085/2115 semalam.
Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia ditutup empat mata lebih rendah pada 1,342.89 berikutan ketidaktentuan pada pasaran global.
Seorang peniaga berkata dolar AS lebih kukuh didorong angka pengilangan dan perbelanjaan persendirian AS yang kukuh.
Sementara itu, unit tempatan ditutup lebih tinggi berbanding lain-lain mata wang utama.
Ia lebih kukuh berbanding dolar Singapura pada 2.3339/3409 daripada 2.3352/3395 semalam dan meningkat berbanding yen pada 3.3911/3978 daripada 3.4126/4169.
Mata wang tempatan juga lebih tinggi berbanding euro pada 4.2154/2229 daripada 4.2455/2501 semalam dan lebih kukuh berbanding pound British pada 4.8753/8842 daripada 4.8891/8946 sebelum ini.
Pada penutup 5 petang, mata wang tempatan itu didagangkan pada 3.2100/2150 berbanding 3.2085/2115 semalam.
Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia ditutup empat mata lebih rendah pada 1,342.89 berikutan ketidaktentuan pada pasaran global.
Seorang peniaga berkata dolar AS lebih kukuh didorong angka pengilangan dan perbelanjaan persendirian AS yang kukuh.
Sementara itu, unit tempatan ditutup lebih tinggi berbanding lain-lain mata wang utama.
Ia lebih kukuh berbanding dolar Singapura pada 2.3339/3409 daripada 2.3352/3395 semalam dan meningkat berbanding yen pada 3.3911/3978 daripada 3.4126/4169.
Mata wang tempatan juga lebih tinggi berbanding euro pada 4.2154/2229 daripada 4.2455/2501 semalam dan lebih kukuh berbanding pound British pada 4.8753/8842 daripada 4.8891/8946 sebelum ini.
Pasaran global tidak menentu Bursa lemah
KUALA LUMPUR 4 Mei - Harga-harga saham di Bursa Malaysia ditutup rendah hari ini kerana para pelabur enggan melabur semula keuntungan mereka berikutan kebimbangan berhubung situasi tidak menentu dalam pasaran-pasaran global, kata para peniaga.
Pada penutup, Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) susut empat mata kepada 1,342.89 selepas dibuka 1.47 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,348.36 di sesi pagi.
Pasaran global terus berhadapan dengan kemudahruapan, diikuti dengan kebimbangan yang terus berlegar terhadap kesan kemungkinan krisis hutang negara Greece, kata salah seorang peniaga.Ini, telah menjejaskan sentimen pasaran meskipun berlakunya kerancakkan di Wall Street semalaman, tambah beliau.
Pada penutup, Indeks Kewangan turun 17.619 mata kepada 12,076.9 dan Indeks Perusahaan merosot 13.19 mata kepada 2,765.3 tetapi Indeks Perladangan menokok 4.11 mata kepada 6,461.59.Indeks FBM Emas lebih rendah 47.67 mata kepada 9,057.89, FBM70 berkurangan 82.971 mata kepada 8,913.89 dan Indeks FBM Ace pula 52.57 mata lebih rendah pada 4,106.22.
Saham-saham rugi mengatasi saham untung dengan 556 berbalas 175 sementara 285 kaunter tidak berubah, 354 tidak diniagakan dan 29 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan rendah sedikit kepada 767.454 juta saham bernilai RM1.069 bilion berbanding 771.119 juta saham bernilai RM1.031 bilion semalam.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Talam Corp merosot satu sen kepada 14 sen, Genting turun tiga sen kepada RM2.84, Green Packet berkurangan 2.5 sen kepada 96 sen dan Berjaya Corp susut 14 sen kepada RM1.55.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama naik sedikit kepada 640.982 juta bernilai RM1.031 bilion berbanding 636.772 juta saham bernilai RM993.670 juta semalam.
Perolehan dagangan di pasaran ACE merosot kepada 64.941 juta saham bernilai RM12.384 juta daripada 81.241 juta saham bernilai RM17.441 juta.Waran pula menambah kepada 45.434 juta unit bernilai RM9.605 juta daripada 42.392 juta unit bernilai RM8.583 juta sebelumnya.
Produk pengguna menguasai 20.257 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, produk perindustrian 113.849 juta, pembinaan 44.988 juta, urus niaga dan perkhidmatan 176.159 juta, teknologi 63.896 juta, infrastruktur 25.596 juta, kewangan 61.483 juta, perhotelan 9.271 juta, hartanah 118.275 juta, perladangan 5.324 juta, perlombongan 76,000, REIT 1.781 juta dan dana tertutup 26,500.
Pada penutup, Indeks Komposit FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (FBM KLCI) susut empat mata kepada 1,342.89 selepas dibuka 1.47 mata lebih tinggi pada 1,348.36 di sesi pagi.
Pasaran global terus berhadapan dengan kemudahruapan, diikuti dengan kebimbangan yang terus berlegar terhadap kesan kemungkinan krisis hutang negara Greece, kata salah seorang peniaga.Ini, telah menjejaskan sentimen pasaran meskipun berlakunya kerancakkan di Wall Street semalaman, tambah beliau.
Pada penutup, Indeks Kewangan turun 17.619 mata kepada 12,076.9 dan Indeks Perusahaan merosot 13.19 mata kepada 2,765.3 tetapi Indeks Perladangan menokok 4.11 mata kepada 6,461.59.Indeks FBM Emas lebih rendah 47.67 mata kepada 9,057.89, FBM70 berkurangan 82.971 mata kepada 8,913.89 dan Indeks FBM Ace pula 52.57 mata lebih rendah pada 4,106.22.
Saham-saham rugi mengatasi saham untung dengan 556 berbalas 175 sementara 285 kaunter tidak berubah, 354 tidak diniagakan dan 29 yang lain digantung.
Jumlah dagangan rendah sedikit kepada 767.454 juta saham bernilai RM1.069 bilion berbanding 771.119 juta saham bernilai RM1.031 bilion semalam.
Di kalangan saham aktif, Talam Corp merosot satu sen kepada 14 sen, Genting turun tiga sen kepada RM2.84, Green Packet berkurangan 2.5 sen kepada 96 sen dan Berjaya Corp susut 14 sen kepada RM1.55.
Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama naik sedikit kepada 640.982 juta bernilai RM1.031 bilion berbanding 636.772 juta saham bernilai RM993.670 juta semalam.
Perolehan dagangan di pasaran ACE merosot kepada 64.941 juta saham bernilai RM12.384 juta daripada 81.241 juta saham bernilai RM17.441 juta.Waran pula menambah kepada 45.434 juta unit bernilai RM9.605 juta daripada 42.392 juta unit bernilai RM8.583 juta sebelumnya.
Produk pengguna menguasai 20.257 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, produk perindustrian 113.849 juta, pembinaan 44.988 juta, urus niaga dan perkhidmatan 176.159 juta, teknologi 63.896 juta, infrastruktur 25.596 juta, kewangan 61.483 juta, perhotelan 9.271 juta, hartanah 118.275 juta, perladangan 5.324 juta, perlombongan 76,000, REIT 1.781 juta dan dana tertutup 26,500.
Regional markets in the red
KUALA LUMPUR: Key regional markets including Bursa Malaysia were in the red at the midday break on Wednesday, May 5, as investors took money off the table on fears of a worsening Greek debt crisis.
In China, its benchmark index skidded to a fresh seven-month low and Hong Kong shares slid to a nine-week low while at Bursa Malaysia, the market was broadly lower with losers hammering gainers nearly six to one.
At midday, the FBM KLCI fell 10.5 points or 0.79% to 1,332.29. Turnover 404.35 million shares valued at RM671 million. There were 93 losers, 566 gainers and 202 stocks unchanged.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index lost 2.11% to 20,324.73, Shanghai Composite Index 1.17% lower at 2,802.24 and Singapore's Straits Times Index ended the morning session down 1.47% at 2,858.44.
Maybank Investment Research said in its pre-market technical outlook that the FBM KLCI's resistance areas at 1,342 and 1,355 will cap market gains, whilst the weaker support areas for the FBM KLCI are located at 1,325 and 1,340.
"Due to the Dow's major overnight plunge of 225.06 points, we expect the FBM KLCI to fall initially to be followed by
some local bargain hunting later today. We believe that the FBM KLCI is supported by local funds and might be resilient amidst global adversity," it said.
Maybank Research said the bearish divergent signals suggest that the FBM KLCI may be stalling as it rises. Short-term trading or scalping the market would be the best market strategy.
"For now, we believe that the market could be very volatile and wild. Therefore, trade with a very short-term horizon. In the longer term, we believe that the FBM KLCI may be peaking and a downside possibility may emerge if local funds start selling as well," it said.
Among the index-linked stocks, Sime fell 21 sen to RM8.55 on concerns over cost overruns at the Bakun dam project, dragging the index down by 3.03 points.
BAT fell the most, down 48 sen to RM44, KL Kepong 32 sen to RM16.38, LPI 28 sen to RM15.46, Tanjong 16 sen to RM17.72.
Cepco lost 25 sen to RM2.05, Tan Chong 17 sen to RM4.23 while glove makers Latexx-WA shed 15 sen to RM3.10 and Hartalega 14 sen to RM7.63.
KNM was the most active with 20 million shares done, unchanged at 51.5 sen.
Yee Lee rose the most, up 10 sen to RM2.58, Century seven sen to RM1.67 and Proton four sen higher at RM4.84.
In China, its benchmark index skidded to a fresh seven-month low and Hong Kong shares slid to a nine-week low while at Bursa Malaysia, the market was broadly lower with losers hammering gainers nearly six to one.
At midday, the FBM KLCI fell 10.5 points or 0.79% to 1,332.29. Turnover 404.35 million shares valued at RM671 million. There were 93 losers, 566 gainers and 202 stocks unchanged.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index lost 2.11% to 20,324.73, Shanghai Composite Index 1.17% lower at 2,802.24 and Singapore's Straits Times Index ended the morning session down 1.47% at 2,858.44.
Maybank Investment Research said in its pre-market technical outlook that the FBM KLCI's resistance areas at 1,342 and 1,355 will cap market gains, whilst the weaker support areas for the FBM KLCI are located at 1,325 and 1,340.
"Due to the Dow's major overnight plunge of 225.06 points, we expect the FBM KLCI to fall initially to be followed by
some local bargain hunting later today. We believe that the FBM KLCI is supported by local funds and might be resilient amidst global adversity," it said.
Maybank Research said the bearish divergent signals suggest that the FBM KLCI may be stalling as it rises. Short-term trading or scalping the market would be the best market strategy.
"For now, we believe that the market could be very volatile and wild. Therefore, trade with a very short-term horizon. In the longer term, we believe that the FBM KLCI may be peaking and a downside possibility may emerge if local funds start selling as well," it said.
Among the index-linked stocks, Sime fell 21 sen to RM8.55 on concerns over cost overruns at the Bakun dam project, dragging the index down by 3.03 points.
BAT fell the most, down 48 sen to RM44, KL Kepong 32 sen to RM16.38, LPI 28 sen to RM15.46, Tanjong 16 sen to RM17.72.
Cepco lost 25 sen to RM2.05, Tan Chong 17 sen to RM4.23 while glove makers Latexx-WA shed 15 sen to RM3.10 and Hartalega 14 sen to RM7.63.
KNM was the most active with 20 million shares done, unchanged at 51.5 sen.
Yee Lee rose the most, up 10 sen to RM2.58, Century seven sen to RM1.67 and Proton four sen higher at RM4.84.
FBM KLCI stays in red at mid-morning
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI recovered some lost ground at mid-morning Wednesday, May 5 after it tumbled more than 15 points when trading opened in the morning.
At 10am, the benchmark index was down 9.59 points to 1,333.30. Trading was thin with 186.88 million shares valued at RM243.13 million. Losers thumped gainers by 443 to 49, while 139 counters traded unchanged.
Asian markets also fell this morning after the overnight tumble on Wall Street, with Taiwan's TAIEX Index falling 2.66% to 7,719.73, the Shanghai Composite Index down 1.34% to 2,797.36, Australia's S&P/ASX 200 Index down 1.89% to 4,647.70 and the Singapore Straits Times Index down 1.16% to 2,867.60.
Investors dumped US stocks on Tuesday in Wall Street's worst session in three months on the fear that even with a bailout for Greece, Europe's debt crisis could spread to other weak euro zone countries, according to Reuters.
The sell-off echoed a wave of fear that gripped financial markets as investors fretted the crisis in Europe could derail the global economic recovery. A gauge of investor fear jumped more than 18%, it said.
The Dow Jones industrial average lost 225.06 points, or 2.02%, to 10,926.77. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 28.66 points, or 2.38% to 1,173.60, and the Nasdaq Composite Index dropped 74.49 points, or 2.98% to 2,424.25.
Maybank Investment Bank Research said FBM KLCI's resistance areas at 1,342 and 1,355 would cap market gains, whilst the weaker support areas are located at 1,325 and 1,340.
"Due to the Dow's major overnight plunge of 225.06 points, we expect the FBM KLCI to plunge initially to be followed by some local bargain hunting later today," it said in a note this morning.
Among the major losers on Bursa Malaysia Securities this morning were LPI Capital that fell 50 sen to RM15.24, BAT down 46 sen to RM44.02, KLK and Tan Chong down 22 sen each to RM16.48 and RM4.18, and Nestle down 18 sen to RM35.02.
Meanwhile, Genting fell 17 sen to RM6.37 while Hartalega lost 16 sen to RM7.16.
Gainers this morning included DFZ Capital that added 19 sen to RM4.29, Century up 10 sen to RM1.70, Tradewinds up 8 sen to RM3.16, Vitrox up 5 sen to 83 sen while Atis, Prestar and Taliworks added 3 sen each to RM1.29, 53 sen and RM1.99.
Talam was the most actively traded counter with 10.81 million shares done. The counter fell half a sen to 13.5 sen. Other actives this morning included KNM, Encorp, Scomi and Berjaya Corp.
At 10am, the benchmark index was down 9.59 points to 1,333.30. Trading was thin with 186.88 million shares valued at RM243.13 million. Losers thumped gainers by 443 to 49, while 139 counters traded unchanged.
Asian markets also fell this morning after the overnight tumble on Wall Street, with Taiwan's TAIEX Index falling 2.66% to 7,719.73, the Shanghai Composite Index down 1.34% to 2,797.36, Australia's S&P/ASX 200 Index down 1.89% to 4,647.70 and the Singapore Straits Times Index down 1.16% to 2,867.60.
Investors dumped US stocks on Tuesday in Wall Street's worst session in three months on the fear that even with a bailout for Greece, Europe's debt crisis could spread to other weak euro zone countries, according to Reuters.
The sell-off echoed a wave of fear that gripped financial markets as investors fretted the crisis in Europe could derail the global economic recovery. A gauge of investor fear jumped more than 18%, it said.
The Dow Jones industrial average lost 225.06 points, or 2.02%, to 10,926.77. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 28.66 points, or 2.38% to 1,173.60, and the Nasdaq Composite Index dropped 74.49 points, or 2.98% to 2,424.25.
Maybank Investment Bank Research said FBM KLCI's resistance areas at 1,342 and 1,355 would cap market gains, whilst the weaker support areas are located at 1,325 and 1,340.
"Due to the Dow's major overnight plunge of 225.06 points, we expect the FBM KLCI to plunge initially to be followed by some local bargain hunting later today," it said in a note this morning.
Among the major losers on Bursa Malaysia Securities this morning were LPI Capital that fell 50 sen to RM15.24, BAT down 46 sen to RM44.02, KLK and Tan Chong down 22 sen each to RM16.48 and RM4.18, and Nestle down 18 sen to RM35.02.
Meanwhile, Genting fell 17 sen to RM6.37 while Hartalega lost 16 sen to RM7.16.
Gainers this morning included DFZ Capital that added 19 sen to RM4.29, Century up 10 sen to RM1.70, Tradewinds up 8 sen to RM3.16, Vitrox up 5 sen to 83 sen while Atis, Prestar and Taliworks added 3 sen each to RM1.29, 53 sen and RM1.99.
Talam was the most actively traded counter with 10.81 million shares done. The counter fell half a sen to 13.5 sen. Other actives this morning included KNM, Encorp, Scomi and Berjaya Corp.
Tengku Ibrahim no longer PPB's rep
KUALA LUMPUR: In an announcement to Bursa Malaysia, PETRA PERDANA BHD [] (PPB) clarified that Tengku Datuk Ibrahim Petra has ceased to be a corporate representative of the company to attend general meetings in PETRA ENERGY BHD [] (PEB), an associate company of PPB.
PPB added that Tengku Ibrahim does not represent the company on the board of PEB.
The decision took effect from Feb 5, following the EGM that saw founder Tengku Ibrahim removed as the chairman and executive director of PPB. Tengku Ibrahim remains the chairman of PEB.
PPB added that Tengku Ibrahim does not represent the company on the board of PEB.
The decision took effect from Feb 5, following the EGM that saw founder Tengku Ibrahim removed as the chairman and executive director of PPB. Tengku Ibrahim remains the chairman of PEB.
May 4, 2010
Market drifts in cautious trading
KUALA LUMPUR: Market sentiment on the first trading day of May was weak. Bellwether indices in key regional markets were in negative territory throughout the trading day. Interest was also lackluster with markets in Japan and China closed for holidays. Investor confidence was, no doubt, shaken by the recent slew of negative developments.
For starters, the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended last week down 1.7%, snapping its record of eight straight weekly gains. News of possible criminal fraud charges against Goldman Sachs for its mortgage trading operations, on top of the earlier civil suit filed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, gave investors another excuse to take some money off the table. There are fears that the charges will spur more stringent financial reforms, currently under debate by lawmakers.
Elsewhere, investors remain skeptical of a resolution to Europe's sovereign debt crisis in the near term. Greece won an expanded aid package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund over the weekend, now totaling €110 billion (RM466.81 billion) over a three-year period. However, it remains to be seen if the country can sustain the painful austerity conditions attached to the bailout and if it can successfully pare borrowings under a negative gross domestic product growth outlook.
Last but not least, sentiment was further hurt after the People's Bank of China raised the reserve requirement ratio for banks by 50 basis points, for the third time this year. Recent measures by the Chinese government to mop up excess liquidity in the system and tamp runaway property prices are a harbinger of tighter monetary policy to come, including interest rate hikes.
Trading activities on the Bursa Malaysia was primarily focused on lower liner stocks while interest in blue chips was lackluster. The FBM KLCI closed marginally higher at 1,346.9 points, but market breadth was in the red throughout the trading day. Losing stocks outnumbered gaining ones by roughly nine to five at the close. Some 771 million shares changed hands.
Note: This report is brought to you by Asia Analytica Sdn Bhd, a licensed investment adviser. Please exercise your own judgment or seek professional advice for your specific investment needs. We are not responsible for your investment decisions. Our shareholders, directors and employees may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned.
For starters, the Dow Jones Industrial Average ended last week down 1.7%, snapping its record of eight straight weekly gains. News of possible criminal fraud charges against Goldman Sachs for its mortgage trading operations, on top of the earlier civil suit filed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, gave investors another excuse to take some money off the table. There are fears that the charges will spur more stringent financial reforms, currently under debate by lawmakers.
Elsewhere, investors remain skeptical of a resolution to Europe's sovereign debt crisis in the near term. Greece won an expanded aid package from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund over the weekend, now totaling €110 billion (RM466.81 billion) over a three-year period. However, it remains to be seen if the country can sustain the painful austerity conditions attached to the bailout and if it can successfully pare borrowings under a negative gross domestic product growth outlook.
Last but not least, sentiment was further hurt after the People's Bank of China raised the reserve requirement ratio for banks by 50 basis points, for the third time this year. Recent measures by the Chinese government to mop up excess liquidity in the system and tamp runaway property prices are a harbinger of tighter monetary policy to come, including interest rate hikes.
Trading activities on the Bursa Malaysia was primarily focused on lower liner stocks while interest in blue chips was lackluster. The FBM KLCI closed marginally higher at 1,346.9 points, but market breadth was in the red throughout the trading day. Losing stocks outnumbered gaining ones by roughly nine to five at the close. Some 771 million shares changed hands.
Note: This report is brought to you by Asia Analytica Sdn Bhd, a licensed investment adviser. Please exercise your own judgment or seek professional advice for your specific investment needs. We are not responsible for your investment decisions. Our shareholders, directors and employees may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned.
Asian markets down at midday
KUALA LUMPUR: Asian markets, including the FBM KLCI fell in morning trade on Monday, May 3 following China's order to its banks to raise their reserves as part of the country's plans to stem inflation and skyrocketing property prices.
The People's Bank of China said that the deposit reserve requirement ratio for most banks will be raised half a percentage point, starting May 10.
This is the third time this year that the central bank has raised the deposit reserve minimum.
The impact of the China's decision somewhat eclipsed the announcement by European governments and the International Monetary Fund on Sunday that they agreed on €110 billion (US$145 billion) in emergency loans for debt-ridden Greece on the condition Athens make painful budget cuts and tax increases.
At noon, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index fell 1.38% to 20,817.16, South Korea's Kospi lost 1.23% to 1,720.15, Taiwan's TAIEX Index fell 1.07% to 7,918.32 while Singapore's Straits Times Index shed 1.04% to 2,943.67.
The stock exchanges in Japan and China were closed for holidays, as were the markets in Thailand and the Philippines.
The FBM KLCI remained relatively resilient at midday, having declined only 0.26 of a point to 1,346.12. Trading was thin with 367.12 million shares valued at RM395.25 million. Losers led gainers by 377 to 180, while 236 counters traded unchanged.
Among the major losers at noon were Top Glove Corp and Lafarge Malayan Cement that fell 16 sen each to RM12.52 and RM6.59, respectively. Parkson lost 12 sen to RM5.68, while NV Multi, AFG and Perduren fell 8 sen each to 68 sen, RM3.05 and RM1.41, respectively.
LPI Capital was the top gainer, adding 46 sen to RM15.50 after Kenanga Research initiated coverage on the stock with a buy recommendation at RM15.04 and target price RM16.80.
The research house said it favoured LPI the most among general insurers in Malaysia due to its well-diversified business portfolio enabling the company to minimise its operating risks and generates the highest return on equity (RoE) to reward shareholders.
Kuala Lumpur Kepong added 30 sen to RM16.80, BAT up 28 sen to RM44.26, Tanjong up 26 sen to RM18.14, P&O gained 21 sen to RM1.47 while Proton added 18 sen to RM4.98.
Talam was the most actively traded counter with 44 million shares done. The stock gained half a sen to 14.5 sen. Other active counters this morning included Tejari, Damasara Realty Bhd, KNM and Olympia.
The People's Bank of China said that the deposit reserve requirement ratio for most banks will be raised half a percentage point, starting May 10.
This is the third time this year that the central bank has raised the deposit reserve minimum.
The impact of the China's decision somewhat eclipsed the announcement by European governments and the International Monetary Fund on Sunday that they agreed on €110 billion (US$145 billion) in emergency loans for debt-ridden Greece on the condition Athens make painful budget cuts and tax increases.
At noon, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index fell 1.38% to 20,817.16, South Korea's Kospi lost 1.23% to 1,720.15, Taiwan's TAIEX Index fell 1.07% to 7,918.32 while Singapore's Straits Times Index shed 1.04% to 2,943.67.
The stock exchanges in Japan and China were closed for holidays, as were the markets in Thailand and the Philippines.
The FBM KLCI remained relatively resilient at midday, having declined only 0.26 of a point to 1,346.12. Trading was thin with 367.12 million shares valued at RM395.25 million. Losers led gainers by 377 to 180, while 236 counters traded unchanged.
Among the major losers at noon were Top Glove Corp and Lafarge Malayan Cement that fell 16 sen each to RM12.52 and RM6.59, respectively. Parkson lost 12 sen to RM5.68, while NV Multi, AFG and Perduren fell 8 sen each to 68 sen, RM3.05 and RM1.41, respectively.
LPI Capital was the top gainer, adding 46 sen to RM15.50 after Kenanga Research initiated coverage on the stock with a buy recommendation at RM15.04 and target price RM16.80.
The research house said it favoured LPI the most among general insurers in Malaysia due to its well-diversified business portfolio enabling the company to minimise its operating risks and generates the highest return on equity (RoE) to reward shareholders.
Kuala Lumpur Kepong added 30 sen to RM16.80, BAT up 28 sen to RM44.26, Tanjong up 26 sen to RM18.14, P&O gained 21 sen to RM1.47 while Proton added 18 sen to RM4.98.
Talam was the most actively traded counter with 44 million shares done. The stock gained half a sen to 14.5 sen. Other active counters this morning included Tejari, Damasara Realty Bhd, KNM and Olympia.
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About Me
- Nuang
- Ibrahim bin Ramli@Nuang started his career with CIMB Wealth Advisors Berhad as Agency Manager in April, 2008.Previously he was an Internal Auditors and Accounts Executive with Perodua Sales Sdn Bhd since 17 August, 1994. His background:- 1.Certified of Achievement for Master Sales Leadership from Dr Lawrence Walter Ng of President of The Art Of Learning and International Of Learning Without Learning 2.Certified for eXtra Ordinary Performance of Lawrence Walter Award Certificate for One Million Ringgit Club 2007 3. Certified Life & General insurances 4. Conferred with Diploma in Business Studiess & Bachelor of Business Admin(Hons)Finance from UiTM, Terengganu Branch & Shah Alam respectively;
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